Title: TruthTables
Three ways of using truth-tables to answer if KB
Q a) by the definition of entailment KB
Q iff for every interpretation I, if I
satisfies KB then I satisfies Q. b) by
transforming into a unsatisfiability problem KB
Q iff KB U ? Q is unsatisfiable c) by
transforming into a validity problem w1, , wn
Q iff ((w1 ? ? wn) ? Q)
2Deductive System
- Language
- Inference Rules (R)
- Logical axioms (AX)
3Inference Rules
- Inference rules allow us to deduce new wffs from
- known ones
- Notation
- ltgiven wffs that match these patternsgt
- --------------------------------------------------
- - ltwe can deduce thisgt
4Modus Ponens
- If we believe a rule, and we believe that its
antecedent is true, we can believe that its
conclusion is true. - Let A, B be wffs.
- A , A ? B
- --------------------------------------------------
- - B
5Unit resolution
- If at least one of two wffs is true (A or B) we
know one is false, then the other must be true - Let A, B be wffs.
- ?A , A ? B
- --------------------------------------------------
- - B
- Really, just a variant of modus ponens
- Case analysis on the possible values of B
- Because B cannot be both true and false, one of
the other disjuncts must be true in one of the
premisses - ?B ? C , A ? B
- --------------------------------------------------
- - C ? A
- Alternatively (implication is transitive)
- Given ?A ? B, and also B ? C
- ?A ? C
7Logical Axioms
- Valid wffs
- Examples
- A ? A
- (A ? B) ? B
- (A ? B) ? A
- A ? (B ? A)
8Proof Systems
KB - Q iff there is a sequence of wffs D1,
..., Dn such that Dn is Q and for each Di in
the sequence a) either Di is in KB or b) Di can
be inferred from a wff (or wffs) earlier in the
sequence by using one of the rules of inference
in R, or c) Di is an instance of a logical axiom
in AX The sequence (if exists) D1, ..., Dn is
called a proof or a deduction of Q from KB. Q is
said to be a theorem of KB. KB - Q a) by the
definition of entailment