Cayuse424 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... proposal ready to submit 10 business days in advance due to bandwidth at and NIH ... Click the degrees button to continue setting up your profile ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Cayuse424

Welcome to
  • Auto-Populate, Calculate, Validate
  • UW-Madisons solution to

Revised 1/10/07
Key Dates
  • January 8 Earliest date for R01 submission
  • (R21 submitted successfully on Jan. 8!)
  • February 5 R01 submission deadline
  • RSP recommends you have the proposal ready to
    submit 10 business days in advance due to
    bandwidth at and NIH
  • Go to
  • http//
  • Check often for updates and help

Cayuse Making the Whole Job Easier
  • SF 424 Forms completion
  • Auto-Population
  • Information entered once
  • Form Filling simplified
  • Budgets
  • Automatic Calculation
  • Easy Escalation
  • Validation BEFORE submission

Cayuse Making the Whole Job Easier
  • Navigation
  • Assistance with Attachments
  • Templates to assist in Research Plan completion
  • Proposal Approval
  • Submission

Key Concepts Institutional Profiles
  • Reusable information about the UW
  • Reusable information about outside collaborating
    institutions, companies, etc.
  • Initial set-up must be done in RSP, but is
    available from then on

Key Concepts Professional Profile
  • Your profile is automatically started when you
    login to the system with your NetID
  • Reusable information about you
  • Reusable information about outside collaborators
  • Reusable information about PIs, administrators,

Key Concepts eRA Role
  • The eRA Role list includes only those titles that
    are acceptable to NIH
  • Principal Investigator
  • Assistant
  • Administrative Official
  • Signing Official/AOR

Key Concepts Proposals-Autofill
  • A pencil icon means you can fill the fields from
  • You can re-Autofill if the profile information
    changes or you change your mind
  • Autofill of certain sections fills other
    logically connected fields

Key Concepts Saving
  • By default, Cayuse saves your work automatically
    as you move from screen to screen in your
  • You may sometimes be prompted to save (e.g. when
    editing a profile) by clicking the blue disk
    icon at the top of your screen

Cayuse424 Before You Begin
  • See the info on the RSP Web site at
  • Use a recommended browser and enable pop-ups from
  • Know your UW-Madison NetID
  • Know your opportunity number
  • Make sure you have an NIH Commons ID
  • Contact RSP about collaborators/subawardees
  • Optional Download the research plan tools

Overview of What To Do in Cayuse424
  • Complete your professional profile once
  • Download your opportunity
  • Start a proposal
  • Fill in the fields on each page (with
    auto-calculation, and auto-fill assistance)
  • Attach the research plan and other materials
  • Check the error messages and fix things
  • Route the proposal for review and approval
  • Check the status of your proposal
  • During internal (UW) review/approval
  • After submission to

Cayuse424 Donts
  • Don't use the "back" button in the browser
  • Don't cut and paste into the application
  • Special characters cause problems
  • Dont leave the client running overnight
  • Browser times out after 4 hours of inactivity
  • You can lose the last page of work

Logging into Cayuse424
  • Go to
  • Click the Log In button
  • Enter your NetID and password

What you see once you have logged in
  • Use tabs to move between sections without losing
    your place in the proposal
  • Links underneath the tabs allow you to move back
    up one level
  • Note the drop down list (this is used elsewhere)

Professional Profiles
Setting Up Your Professional Profile
  • Information to complete a PIs profile
  • ? Contact information including address, phone,
    fax, and email
  • ? Degrees
  • ? Current Biosketch saved as a PDF
  • ? NIH Commons ID
  • ? Role in the commons
  • ? Department and Division
  • ? Position/Title
  • ? Appointment type
  • ? Fringe Benefit category

You only need to enter this one time!
Setting Up Your Professional Profile
  • Start by choosing the Profiles option on
    the Cayuse424 Overview page

Your profile was started when you logged in for
the first time The information comes from the
campus directory You can change the information
but it will not change the campus directory

Setting Up Your Professional Profile
Select Professional Profiles All individuals
that you are going to include in your proposal as
key personnel or significant contributors must
create a professional profile Once they have
entered this information in Cayuse424 and granted
you access, you will be able to add the
information to your proposal budget

Setting Up Your Professional Profile
Begin by selecting your profile from the list

Setting Up Your Professional Profile
  • Confirm that the information in your profile is
    accurate and fill in any missing information
  • The New Investigator box does not auto-fill into
    your proposal
  • Click the degrees button to continue setting up
    your profile


Setting Up Your Professional Profile
Attach a current Biosketch to your Profile by
clicking on the Biosketch link and click on the
green cross. There should be no blank spaces in
the name of the Biosketch.

Upload your current Biosketch as directed You can
update your Biosketch at any time

Setting Up Your Professional Profile
  • Benefits to including your Biosketches in your
  • You can store PDFs source documents on the
    server for use in proposals and later edits
  • Multiple Biosketches are allowed
  • You can easily attach Biosketches to Senior/Key
    Persons page later on in the proposal
  • You can provide access to your Biosketch to other
    users so they can include you on their


Setting Up Your Professional Profile
Verify your contact information in this area and
update where necessary

Setting Up Your Professional Profile
Your eRA Role Check Principal Investigator if
youll be a PI on a proposal Check Assistant if
youll be helping someone create a proposal

Setting Up Your Professional Profile
Add in your department, division, and title
Setting up your Professional Profile
Appointment Type Enter a number of months for at
least one appointment type Enter salary info, if
you will be included in a proposal budget Fringe
Worksheet Delete all unneeded fringe rates from
the fringe worksheet
Permissions for the Professional Profile
  • Key concepts
  • You set the permissions on your profile
  • This controls
  • Who can see you in a pull-down list
  • Who can auto-fill your info into a proposal
  • and a few other things

Key Information for PIs
  • By default, who can see you?
  • Yourself and RSP
  • If you want someone else to be able to see your
  • Add the person to your permissions list
  • Give them list, read, and autofill rights
  • To be added to budget detail, you must complete
    the salary/fringe worksheet

More about Profile Permissions (2)
  • By default, who can you see?
  • Yourself
  • People that you can route your proposal to, for
    review and approval
  • Diane Barrett Assistant Director of Pre-Award
    Services, RSP (the AOR)
  • If you want to see someone elses info
  • Ask them to add you to their permissions list,
    and to give you list, read, and autofill rights

Downloading Your Opportunity
Know Your Opportunity Number!
  • From the Find an Opportunity screen

To Download an Opportunity
  • Go to the Admin tab
  • Click on Update Opportunity List
  • Enter your opportunity number
  • Click Retrieve Opportunities from
  • Find your opportunity in the list

Watch out for Expired Opportunities
  • The Opportunity List
  • You can show or hide expired opportunities
  • The title of an expired opportunity starts with
    (OBS) meaning obsolete
  • The Proposals List (coming up)
  • A yield sign indicates that the proposal uses an
    expired opportunity

Creating a Proposal
  • Refresh New buttons
  • Proposals you can see
  • The proposals you created
  • The proposals that someone gave you permission to
    see (more later)

Proposals Create
Step 1 Is this the main award or a sub?
Step 2 Choose the correct Funding Opportunity
Step 3 Add your working title
Step 4 Select the PI from the drop-down list
Step 5 Choose the correct number of budget
periods (usually years)
Step 6 Click on Create Proposal
Tips on Choosing your Proposal Name
  • Not the same as your projects descriptive title
  • For use within Cayuse424 only
  • The name should contain
  • The PIs last name plus a descriptor, if
  • The sponsor
  • Example BartlettPancreatic _ NIH

Proposals Navigating
  • The page numbers are links to form pages
  • The checkboxes control which forms are submitted
  • Mandatory forms cannot be unchecked
  • Optional forms can be unchecked

Proposals Navigating (2)
  • Permissions
  • Proposal Approval
  • Routing on campus
  • Submission
  • Status
  • History
  • Note to Diane this is a thunderbolt, not a
    zorro thingy
  • Print Proposal

The first three options are also available in the
left navigation pane.
What is automatically filled in if your
Professional Profile is completed
  • FOA Information
  • Applicant Information
  • EIN
  • Type of Applicant
  • Type of Application
  • PI Contact Information
  • Performance Site
  • Human Subjects and Animal Welfare Assurance
  • DUNS number
  • Key Person budget info
  • Authorized Representative

The 424 (RR) Cover Page
Navigation on left side
5. Applicant Information will auto-fill 6.
Person to be contacted You must autofill this
with Diane Barrett See next slide
Remember to click on the pencil for auto-fill
  • When you auto-fill the Person to Be Contacted,
    you will see this screen
  • More info coming.

Scroll down
Notice that tabs stay on top
9 Add National Institutes of Health here.
This is where you put the full title of your
Scrolling, scrolling
Use the calendars for the project dates
57 Errors/Warnings at this point Dont worry
about this until you are finished with the
proposal. Most will go away.
Key Personnel
  • When you auto-fill a Key Person, this screen will
    pop up
  • If you uncheck the box on the right next to the
    persons name, they will not show up as a Key
    Person on the Cover Page
  • If you uncheck the boxes on the right next to
    Budget periods, the Key Person will not show up
    in the budget for the years you have unchecked

Key Personnel
  • By selecting the Role of the Key Person and
    adding the budget information here, it will
    auto-populate the budget
  • This is one of the places you can attach the
    persons Biosketch

Key Personnel
You can also add the Biosketch here
Alphabetizing Key Personnel
  • Cayuse will alphabetize your Key Personnel
  • NIH has relaxed the rule about Other Significant
    Contributers being alphabetized under the others,
    but it is possible to do it anyway.

Other Significant Contributers
  • In the drop-down box for Project Role, choose
    Other (Specify)
  • In the Other Project Role Category, type OSC
  • This will cause all of the Key Personnel to be
    alphabetized except the Other Significant
    Contributers. They will be alphabetized
    underneath the other Key Persons

Performance Sites
Use the navigation on the left-hand side to go to
SF424 RR Performance Sites You can add sites
from the list of Collaborator Profiles by
clicking on the Add Site button, then click on
the pencil that appears. If you dont see your
collaborator, send an email to
and RSP staff will add it for you. You can
free-type into the fields instead, but you will
have to do it for each proposal
Upload Your Research Plan
Budgets Section AB
Use the Budget Period Editor to set your budget
Note that you see only one budget period at a time
Budgets Section AB
Use the auto-fill pencil to add the PI and any
Key Persons. Remember that each Key Person must
have granted you access to view his/her
Professional Profile. Fill out the other budget
categories as you normally would on this and the
next screen (sections C,D, E).
Budget Section F-K
The budget period is always at the top. The IDC
Type will be pre-filled for all standard
categories. If you add items (such as tuition
remission), you must choose whether or not that
expense is part of the indirect cost base or
not. You will choose the IDC base under section
Budget Escalation
  • Escalate the budget by category by clicking the
    stairs and typing in the percentage of escalation
    that you wish

You can also copy the budget from one period to
another without escalating any year You have
complete control over this
Cumulative Budget
Section 4 of the budget contains your cumulative
Two Ways to do a Subaward
  • Identify the institution and create a complete
    subaward budget
  • Create the subaward proposal
  • Link the subaward proposal to your main proposal
  • Just fill in the total direct and indirect costs
    for each budget period without spelling out any

Subawards With a Complete Budget
  • For each collaborating institution, there must be
    an Institutional Profile
  • Contact RSP to have them set this up for you, if
    you havent already done so
  • There must be a PI associated with the
    collaborating institution
  • This PI must have a Professional Profile
  • You can create the Professional Profile yourself,
    and associate it with the appropriate
    Institutional Profile
  • OR Your collaborator can log into Cayuse this
    is not recommended (unless you want to teach your
    collaborator how to use Cayuse) but contact RSP
    for details if you are interested

To get a Guest NetID
  • Have your collaborator go to
  • http//
  • Follow the instructions
  • A guest account can be good for up to 31 days

Subawards An Overview
  • Make sure the Institutional Profile exists
  • Create the PIs Professional Profile and link it
    to the Institutional Profile
  • Create your subaward proposal
  • Specify the correct PI (and institution)
  • Budget period dates must match those of from the
    main proposal
  • Complete the budget for your subaward
  • Link your subaward proposal to your main, or
    prime, proposal

  • A subaward is developed in the same way as any
    other proposal, by clicking the green sign on
    the Proposals tab
  • Click the Subaward button on the budget type
  • The number of budget periods must match the prime
    award periods

Note that the subaward navigation bar is limited
to the Budget and Permissions Remember that
Permissions must still be granted for others to
see the subaward, including the PI if the PI
wasnt the creator The budget period dates MUST
match the Prime proposals dates
  • Once the Subaward budget is complete, it is ready
    to be linked to the Primes budget
  • Return to the Prime (your proposal) and go to the
    Subaward Budget page

Subawards Add Budget
  • Cayuse 424 automates the direct integration of
    the budgets of one or more subawards
  • The green will take you to a list of available
    proposals that are eligible to be attached

Subawards Add Budget
  • Link to the correct Subaward
  • If the right one doesnt show up, you havent
    been given permission by the creator

Subawards Budget
  • When you link a Subaward, the Subawards total
    costs (direct indirect) for each of the budget
    years are added into Item F.5 (Subawards/
    Contractual Costs) in the RR budget

Subawards The Other Way
  • Forget the Institutional Profile, the PIs
    Professional Profile, and the subaward proposal
  • On the Subaward Budget page, click the Plus sign
    and create an unlinked subaward row

This allows you to simply insert the total
direct and indirect costs into your budget. There
is no budget-building template behind it.
Validations Proposal Completion
  • Errors cause proposal rejection at or
  • Warnings will not stop your proposal, but may
    delay it at NIH
  • The links are live - they take you to the field!
  • Follow a few links and fix a few errors when you
    are close to being done

Proposal Completion
  • Work your way through all of the necessary forms
  • Attach all appropriate documents
  • Correct the error messages by clicking on the
    links in the Errors/Warnings window
  • Some fields are shared and reflect changes made
    in other places

Proposal Print (PDF)
  • Server can generate a PDF of the entire proposal
  • Follows the NIH print order

Proposal Summary
  • The last form listed on the navigation bar
  • Information from the rest of your application
    appears here
  • Dont touch it except for the sponsor deadline,
    if you wish
  • RSP does not use the rest of this information
    right now

What do do when you want to get out!
  • If you log out while in the proposal, it will
    LOCK the proposal
  • Back up until you see your proposal titles before
    logging out, and the proposal will not lock
  • It works the same way with your Professional

Collaboration When several people want to work
on the same proposal
  • Key concepts
  • For every proposal there is a set of permissions
  • This controls who can see, edit, print, and/or
    delete your proposal (and a few other things)
  • If you create a proposal, you can do anything to
  • No one else can see, or work on, your proposal
    until you give them permission to do so
  • Exception People in the Routing Chain (more

Changing the Permissions
If you want someone else to be able to edit your
proposal 1. Go to the Permissions screen click
the green Plus Sign
2. Add the person to the proposals permissions
By default, theyll be able to see, edit, and
print the proposal
More about Permissions and Locks
  • If you need to edit someone elses proposal
  • Ask them to add you to the permissions list
  • Only one person at a time can save changes
  • The proposal will be locked while someone else
    is using it
  • Remember to always SIGN OUT!

Routing and Approval
This is not PureEdge!
Proposals on Central UW Server
Deans office
You are not really routing you are allowing
Back to your Professional Profile The Routing
  • Select a Next Reviewer from the pick list in your
    Professional Profile
  • Routing works as it normally does for your T-form
  • You may also pick a delegate someone who is
    authorized to do your functions in the Routing
  • This is your delegate, not your reviewers

Routing and Delegates
  • If you are the delegate for a reviewer
  • You can see all the same proposals
  • You receive all the same email messages
  • You can take all the same actions, on behalf of
    the reviewer
  • Edit the proposal, approve, reject, alter the
    routing chain

Routing for Review/Approval
  • Key concepts
  • Everyone has a default Next Reviewer
  • Your proposals default Routing Chain is
    constructed from everyones defaults

Initiating the Review Process
  • Check the box next to your name
  • The next person in the chain gets an email
  • The proposal shows up as HOT in the next persons
    Warm/Hot list
  • Once you have initiated the review process
  • You (the PI) can still upload attachments for the
  • The rest of the proposal is locked as soon as you
    log out

Routing Reject and Recall
  • To reject at your level, send it back to a
    previous person by un-checking that persons box
  • Initiators can recall a proposal by un-checking
    their own box

Changing the Chain
  • To add someone, click the Plus sign
  • To delete someone, click the X sign
  • You can rebuild the chain, using peoples
    defaults, from any point forward when it is in
    your control

Routing Security
  • Reviewers take turns sequentially
  • Before its your turn, you can see everything
    that is on its way to you (but you cant edit it)
  • Once its your turn, you can edit the proposal
    while it is in your control
  • Once you approve it
  • The proposal goes to the next reviewer
  • You can no longer edit it
  • You can change your mind and remove your
    approval up to the moment that the next reviewer
    approves it

Routing History
  • User actions comments are logged and timestamped

For Reviewers Warm/Hot List
  • Each user has their own list
  • Proposals at 0 steps away and with a star are
    waiting for your action

Summary Permissions and Collaboration
  • Profile permissions Determine who can see your
    profile, see you in certain pull-down lists, and
    autofill your info into a proposal
  • Proposal permissions Determine who can see
    and/or edit a single proposal
  • A delegate can act on behalf of another user in
    the Routing Chain

What to send to RSP in hard copy
  • T-form
  • Cover page (first 2 screens)
  • Budget detail if non-modular
  • Modular budget if modular
  • Abstract

Select Submission and see
An AOR will Submit
  • The Grant Tracking number comes from
  • Use for corrected Applications (Federal

  • Successful submission results in a tracking
    number, which is a link to current grant status
  • Clicking on it brings up a window
  • RSP also receives emails from

  • Don't use the "back" button in the browser
  • Don't cut and paste into the application
  • Special characters cause problems
  • Dont leave the client running overnight
  • Browser times out after 4 hours of inactivity
  • You can lose the last page of work

  • Browser issues local tech support
  • Otherwise
  • Check with a local research administrator or tech
    support person
  • Check with your Dean's Office
  • Send email to ""
  • Call Diane Barrett in RSP at 262-0252
  • Report any crashes (copy and send error log from

Extra Credit
Download and Install Research Plan Tools
Go to and follow the link
at the top of the page
Senior/Key Persons
  • Add as many as you need by using the plus sign
    and pencil as before
  • If you have more than 8 (or 40), Cayuse
    automatically generates a PDF with the overflow
    and attaches it to your proposal
  • With the click of a button, you can sort the key
  • Remember that most Key Persons require a budget

SFS424 RR Other Project Information
This is where you add compliance and other
information, as well as upload single documents
if you wish 6. Project Summary/Abstract 7.
Project Narrative 8. Bibliography
References 9. Facilities Other Resources 10.
Equipment information 15. Other attachments
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