Title: LHC New era Large Hadron Collider protons protons
1LHC New era ?Large Hadron Collider (protons
- What is LHC?
- CERN Accelerator
- Recent News of LHC
- History of Particle Physics
- What Comes from LHC
- Summary
3Budget/Size/Man Power/Fact
- The largest machine in the world...
- Circumference 26659 m
- Cost 3 billion Euro (machine only)/6.0 billion
(15 detector) - The fastest racetrack on the planet...
- v 99.9999991c ? 7 TeV per proton
- The emptiest space in the Solar System...
- The internal pressure of the LHC is 10-13 atm,
ten times less than the pressure on the Moon!
4- The hottest spots in the galaxy, but even colder
than outer space... - When two beams of protons collide, they will
generate temperatures more than 100 000 times
hotter than the heart of the Sun. - The 'cryogenic distribution system', which
circulates superfluid helium around the
accelerator ring, keeps the LHC at a super cool
temperature of -271.3C (1.9 K) even colder
than outer space!
5- The biggest and most sophisticated detectors ever
built... - Detector (scientists)
- CMS (2000), ATLAS(2000), ALICE(1000),
LHCb(700) - 600 million collisions per second
- The most powerful supercomputer system in the
world... - The data recorded by each of the big experiments
at the LHC will fill around 100 000 dual layer
DVDs every year. - ? GRID
6(No Transcript)
7First Week of LHChttp//public.web.cern.ch/public
- LHC started the beams on 10 September.
- On 18 September 2008, LHC successfully got beams
around the ring in both directions on the first
day with several hundred orbits being achieved. - The next step in the commissioning process is to
bring in the radio-frequency (RF) system that
keeps the beams bunched, rather than spreading
out around the ring, and will eventually
accelerate them to 7 TeV. - Next To collide the beams !
8Last Week of LHC
- Geneva, 23 September 2008. Investigations at
CERN1 following a large helium leak into sector
3-4 of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) tunnel
have indicated that the most likely cause of the
incident was a faulty electrical connection
between two of the accelerators magnets. - Before a full understanding of the incident can
be established, however, the sector has to be
brought to room temperature and the magnets
involved opened up for inspection. This will take
three to four weeks. - Restart the accelerator complex to early spring
2009. LHC beams will then follow.
9History of Particle Physics
- What are the Elementary Constituents of Matter?
- What are the forces that control their behaviour
at - the most basic level?
101930 - 1950
- electron/proton/neutron/neutrino/photon..
- anti-matter
- Proposed in 1928 and discovered in 1932
- positrons (balloon flight) Carl Anderson ,
PR43, 491 (1933)
11- Neutron discovered by James Chadwick /1932
- Fermi theory of beta decay n -gt p e- ?e
/1933 - (Weak Interaction)
- Yukawas meson hypothesis on nuclear force /1935
- m(muon) lepton discovered by Carl Anderson /1937
(Yukawa?) - Charged p meson discovered p -gt m nm /1946
- Neutral p meson discovered po -gt g g /1950
12- By 1950
- QED (Quantum Electrodynamics) -- quantum theory
of electrodynamics. Charged particles interact
via exchange of photons. - Richard Feymann/ Julian Schwinger/ Tomonaga
13- In 1947 kaons were discovered in the cosmic rays.
At first, people thought kaons should have
decayed to pions relatively rapidly. But this was
not the case. And scientists did think this
strange. And so the kaon was assigned a property
called "strange." - Discovery of
- anti-proton in 1955.
- In 1956, neutrino was detected directly.
??e ? p ? e n
W h a t a j u n g l e !
15- From Fermi Lab
- http//www-donut.fnal.gov/web_pages/standardmodel
pg/TheStandardModel.html - -1956-57 Tsung-Dao Lee and Chen Ning Yang propose
parity non-conservation in certain sub-atomic
processes, which is confirmed by experimentalist
Chien-Shiung Wu
16- -1962 The first experimental observation of the
muon neutrino - -1964 Quarks are proposed by Murray Gell-Mann and
George Zweig - -1964 W- was discovered.
- -1967 Steven Weinberg, Sheldon Glashow
(collaboration) and Abdus Salam (independent)
create the electro-weak theory, unifying the
electromagnetic and weak nuclear force (they win
Nobel prizes in 1979) - -1970-73 Standard model of particle physics is
developed (QCD) - -1974 The charmed quark is observed
- -1975 Evidence of the tau lepton is found
- -1977 Experimenters find proof of the bottom quark
17Belle Detector
Aerogel Cherenkov cnt.
SC solenoid 1.5T
3.5 GeV e
CsI(Tl) 16X0
TOF conter
8 GeV e-
Central Drift Chamber small cell He/C2H6
Si vtx. det. 3/4 lyr. DSSD
m / KL detection 14/15 lyr. RPCFe
18(No Transcript)
19- -1983 Carlo Rubbia discovers the W and Z bosons,
mediators of the weak-force - -1994 Planning for LHC (Large Hadron Collider) at
CERN begins - -1995 Evidence for the top quark, the final
undiscovered quark, is found at Fermilab - -2000 The tau neutrino, the last piece to the
standard model, (with the exceptopm of the higgs
particle) is observed at Fermilab
20Size 46 m long, 25 m high and 25 m wide. The
ATLAS detector is the largest volume particle
detector ever constructed. Weight 7000 tonnes
Size 21 m long, 15 m wide and 15 m high.
Weight 12 500 tonnes
21The Standard Model of Particle Physics
(Electroweak Strong)
- Fundamental Particles quarks leptons
- In weak decays, quarks will change flavors.
(quark mixing) - Source of the mass Higgs Boson
22Proton-Proton Collision (LHC)
- What is our plan?
- Search for Higgs!
- H -gt Z0 Z0 / Z0 -gt ll-
- What is our dream?
- New Particles!
- Clues for new physics!
- LHC successfully ejects and maintain the beams
inside the beam pipe. - Maintenance is a challenge issue.
- Plan to collide beams middle next year.
- Hope for the unexpected results!