Title: Opportunities and Challenges in the Internet Age
1Opportunities and Challenges in the Internet Age
- Strategy, Choice and Conflict
- New Intermediaries, Why Go Online?
- Key to Customer Relationships
- Target Market
- Mistakes to Avoid, Success Factors
- Competitive Response
2Strategy in the Internet Age
- The conventional business model.
- The Internet business model.
- Is the Internet an add-on to the existing
marketing strategy (e.g, BarnesandNoble.com)or is
it the differentiating aspect of a companys
marketing strategy (e.g., Amazon.com)?
3Choice and Conflict
- Channel Choice
- Traditional vs. Online
- Channel Conflict
- Goal Divergence, Responsibility Disputes,
Differing Perceptions of Reality
- Exclusive Distribution (e.g., levi.com)
4New Intermediaries
- Disintermediation (e.g., travelocity.com)
- Reintermediation (e.g., mysimon.com)
- Build to Order (e.g., dell.com)
- Real Time Marketing (e.g., landsend.com)
- Channel Contacts and Learning
- Future
- Selling Agents, Buying Agents
5Why Go Online?
- Improving Corporate Image
- Customer Service
- Finding new prospects
- Completing transactions
- Expanding market
- Reducing costs
6Promises Key to Customer Relationships
Keep the Promise Order Fulfillment
Make the Promise Advertising, Marketing,
Accept the Promise Electronic Servicescape
7Target Market
- Strike a balance between what you want them to
see, hear, learn, and do, and what they want to
see, hear, read, learn, and do.
- Site Design
- Intuitive Navigation
- Interaction in the online experience
- Incorporating feedback from the user.
- Something people do, not read.
8Site Design Mistakes to Avoid
- Poor Navigation
- No Contact Phone Number or Address
- Lack of Product or cant find product
- Dead-ends
- Slow Server Response
- Lack of Customer Service
- Wont Let You Pay for Items
9Success Factors for Online Selling
- Having a well-designed, easy-to-use site
- Having a strong well-known brand
- Aggressively advertising/promoting the site
- Being a first-mover (or fast follower)
- Offering more competitive prices online
10Competitive Response From Traditional Retailers
- Selective Discounts
- Late Adopter Segment
- Selling Experiences
- Transitioning to Virtual
11Top Items Purchased Online in the Past Twelve
- Software 38.9
- Books 19.4
- Computers 15.1
- Travel 11.2
- Music 10.2
- Food/Gifts 9.7
- Clothing 9.2
- Investments 6.3
- Electronics 4.5
- Auto/Accessories 3.5
12Online Taxes (no charge)
- The product sold is delivered electronically to
the consumer (it is a purely digital product)
- The merchant does not have a physical presence in
the state where the product will be delivered (if
the product is a tangible item)