The Present Era And Our Daily Life - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Present Era And Our Daily Life


Life is more complex, more stressful, more demanding. ... I want a nice big house, a nice car, the biggest and best entertainment center. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Present Era And Our Daily Life

The Present Era And Our Daily Life
  • The World has changed dramatically around us.
  • Life is more complex, more stressful, more
  • We have transitioned from the Industrial Age into
    the Information/Knowledge Worker Age with all its
    profound consequences.
  • We face challenges and problems in our personal
    lives, our families, and our services unimagined
    even one and two decades ago.

  • These challenges are not only of a new order of
    magnitude, they are altogether different in kind.
  • Let us try to illustrate a few of the most common
    human challenges we face in our life and let us
    see what does the Holy Bible teach about these

The Abundance Of Sin
  • Sin become more available and more desirable
    because of
  • The contemporary ideologies and philosophies
  • The communication and technology
  • Media
  • Consequences of sin
  • Fear and insecurity
  • Guilt
  • Shame

The Abundance Of Sin
  • Then many false prophets will rise up and
    deceive many. And because lawlessness will
    abound, the love of many will grow cold (Mt
    2411, 12)
  • The result is the church is full of non repentant
    servants and believers with no love or cold love.
  • Lets see how does God feel about that! (Jeremiah

  • Life in our cell phone society is increasingly
    complex, demanding, stressful, and absolutely
  • For all our efforts to manage our time, do more,
    be more, and achieve greater efficiency through
    the wonders of modern technology, why is it we
    increasingly find ourselves in the thick of thin
    things subordinating spirituality, service,
    health, family, integrity, and many of the things
    that matter most to our busy life?

  • The problem is that our modern culture says, go
    in earlier, stay later, be more efficient, live
    with the sacrifice for nowetc
  • But the truth is that balance and peace of mind
    are not produced by these they follow the person
    who develops a clear sense of his highest
    priorites and who lives with focus and integrity
    toward them.

  • The Lord warned us from the busyness of life
  • The story of Martha and Mary (Luke 1038-42).
  • The parable of the great supper (Luke 1416-24).
  • Days of Noah and Lot (Luke 1726-29).

  • Luke 814 "Now the ones that fell among thorns
    are those who, when they have heard, go out and
    are choked with cares, riches, and pleasures of
    life, and bring no fruit to maturity
  • The seed (the word of God) will be chocked also
    Now he who received seed among the thorns is he
    who hears the word, and the cares of this world
    and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word,
    and he becomes unfruitful (Matthew 1322).

  • Fear and insecurity So many people today are
    gripped with a sense of fear. They fear for the
    future. They feel vulnerable in the workplace.
    They are afraid of losing their jobs and their
    ability to provide for their families.
  • I want it now people want things and want them
    now. I want money. I want a nice big house, a
    nice car, the biggest and best entertainment
    center. I want it all and I deserve it.

  • Though todays credit card society makes it
    easy to get now and pay later, economic
    realities eventually set in, and we are reminded
    , sometimes painfully, that our purchases cannot
    outstrip our ongoing ability to produce.
  • Pretending otherwise is unsustainable.
  • The demands of interest are unrelenting and
    unforgiving. Even working hard is not enough.

  • Competition With the dizzying rate of change in
    technology and increasing competition driven by
    the globalization of markets and technology, we
    must not only be educated, we must constantly
    re-educate and reinvent ourselves.
  • We must develop our minds and continually sharpen
    and invest in the development of our competencies
    to avoid becoming obsolete.

  • The need to produce today is todays reality and
    represents the demands of capital BUT the real
    mantra of success is sustainability and growth.
  • The real question is, are you making the
    necessary investment that will sustain and
    increase that success one, five, and ten years
    from now.

  • And He said to them, "Come aside by yourselves to
    a deserted place and rest a while." For there
    were many coming and going, and they did not even
    have time to eat (Mark 631).
  • Now in the morning, having risen a long while
    before daylight, He went out and departed to a
    solitary place and there He prayed. And Simon
    and those who were with Him searched for Him.
    When they found Him, they said to Him, "Everyone
    is looking for You. But He said to them, "Let us
    go into the next towns, that I may preach there
    also, because for this purpose I have come
    forth." (Mark 135-38).

  • So that Jesus could no longer openly enter the
    city, but was outside in deserted places and
    they came to Him from every direction (Mark
  • Now when it was day, He departed and went into a
    deserted place. And the crowd sought Him and came
    to Him, and tried to keep Him from leaving them
    but He said to them, "I must preach the kingdom
    of God to the other cities also, because for this
    purpose I have been sent. (Luke 442-43).

  • However, the report went around concerning Him
    all the more and great multitudes came together
    to hear, and to be healed by Him of their
    infirmities. So He Himself often withdrew into
    the wilderness and prayed (Luke 5 15-16).
  • The principle of balancing the need to meet
    todays demands with the need to invest in the
    capabilities that will produce tomorrows success
    is unavoidable.
  • The same is true of your service, health,
    marriage, family, relationships, and community

  • The life is not a question of whether we suffer
    but how we deal with sufferings.
  • Whenever you find a problem, you will usually
    find the finger-pointing of blame (Adam and Eve).
  • Society is addicted to playing the victim if
    only my boss wasnt such a controlling personif
    only I lived in a better placeif only I hadnt
    inherited such a temper from my dadif only my
    kids werent so rebelliousif only my wife was
    more understandingif only our church was
    evangelisticif only God did not allow this to
    happenif onlyif only.

  • Blaming everyone and everything else including
    God for our problems and sufferings may be the
    norm and may provide temporary relief from the
    pain, but it also chains us to these very
  • The Holy Scriptures teach us to be humble enough
    to accept and take responsibility for our
    circumstances and courageous enough to take
    whatever initiative is necessary to creatively
    work our way through or around these sufferings.

  • My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into
    various trials, knowing that the testing of your
    faith produces patience. But let patience have
    its perfect work, that you may be perfect and
    complete, lacking nothing. Blessed is the man who
    endures temptation for when he has been
    approved, he will receive the crown of life which
    the Lord has promised to those who love Him
    (James 1 2-4, 12).

  • Hopelessness The children of blame are cynicism
    and hopelessness.
  • When we yield to believing that we are victims of
    our circumstances and yield to the dilemma of
    determinism, we lose hope, we lose drive, and we
    settle into resignation and stagnation.
  • Many bright and talented people feel this and
    suffer the broad range of discouragement and
    depression that follows.

  • The survival response of popular cultur is
    cynicism just lower your expectations of life to
    the point that you arent disappointed by anyone
    or anything.
  • The contrasting biblical principle of growth and
    hope is the discovery that And He said to me,
    "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength
    is made perfect in weakness. Therefore most
    gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities,
    that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
    Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in
    reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in
    distresses, for Christ's sake. For when I am
    weak, then I am strong (2Cor 12 9-10).

Rituality and Spirituality
  • With all the distractions, sufferings, and the
    abundance of lawlessness our spirituality has
    been gone and we reclined to rituality instead of
  • Rituality is the hypocritical worship that
    focuses only on the rituals neglecting completely
    the spirituality of worship.
  • Rituality without spirituality is idolatry.

Rituality and Spirituality
  • A servant asking about his student
  • Why didnt you attend Sunday School last week?
  • Did you attend the liturgy?
  • Did you take communion?
  • When was the last time you confessed?
  • Do you read the Bible?
  • The Great Fast will soon, I want you to fast.

Rituality and Spirituality
  • Compare this with the teaching of the Lord about
    fasting, prayers, and charity in the sermon on
    the mountain!
  • Even when we do visitations, there is no quality
    time (we need to finish it because I am busy).
  • Sunday morning I will check the internet to read
    my lesson in Sunday School today.
  • Do you see how our youth and children are so
    disconnected from God in their lives?

Rituality and Spirituality
  • Where is the relationship with God? Where is the
    relationship with the ones we serve?
  • Rituals are not the goals, they are the means to
    our goal (God).
  • Rituals only will lead to a church full of leaves
    with NO fruits.
  • The Lord rebuked the scribes and the Pharisees
    and cursed the fig tree for this reason.

  • The traits of the present era has impacted our
    daily life greatly through
  • Abundance of sin
  • Distractions
  • Sufferings and blame
  • Rituality only type of worship
  • Without returning to God, Scriptures, and Holy
    Fathers of the Church, it is impossible to cope.
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