Sermon On The Mount - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Sermon On The Mount


... Law with its ordinances, sacrifices, feast days, tithing, etc. ... The ordinances, sacrifices, feast days, circumcision, etc., are no longer in effect. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Sermon On The Mount

Sermon On The Mount
  • Lesson 5 Christ Fulfills The Law
  • (Matthew 517-20)

  • Josephus said, The Pharisees appear more
    religious than others, and seem to interpret the
    laws more accurately.
  • Pharisee means separated one.
  • Pharisees were known for punctual observance of
    laws concerning ceremonial purity.
  • Food or drink items could not be purchased from a
    sinner for fear of ceremonial defilement.
  • A Pharisee could not eat in the house of a
    sinner, but could entertain a sinner in his
    home. Clothes would be provided to the sinner
    since his clothes would be impure.
  • Washing of hands before eating bread was required
    (Mt. 153).
  • Living in a changing culture of the Greco-Roman
    era required these laws to become workable.
  • The world worshipped idols which were associated
    with sexual sins.
  • A system of traditions was established to be
    applied to various circumstances.

  • The Talmud preserves 316 controversies between
    the schools of Hillel and Shammai.
  • Liberal and conservative views are presented.
  • These traditions began as commentary on the Law,
    but ultimately raised to the level of Law itself
    (Mt. 151-9).
  • Justification of the Talmud was that the oral
    law was given by God to Moses along with the
    written law also known as Torah.
  • Pharisaisim began well, but is a reminder of that
    self-complacency and spiritual pride are
    temptations which the pious are particularly
  • The Pharisees neglected the real intent of the
    Law (Mt. 153 2323). They were more concerned
    about the minutia of the Law.

  • Appearing to be righteous and being righteous are
    two different things
  • Do not judge according to appearance, but judge
    with righteous judgment. (Jh. 724)
  • For the Lord does not see as man sees for man
    looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord
    looks at the heart. (I Sm. 167)
  • Right or wrong is not based on our biases,
    opinions, traditions or predispositions, but on
    Gods standard.
  • Compromise is the first step to drifting away.
    (Hb. 21)
  • Traditions are not law, but can be viewed as law.
    Traditions can be right or wrong, based on Gods
    word (Mt. 153).
  • hold the traditions which you were taught,
    whether by word or our epistle. (II Th. 215)
  • Religious and pious people need to watch out for
    danger. We must worship God in spirit and in
    truth. (Jh. 424)
  • Jesus explains the real purpose of the Law and a
    righteous life.

Fulfilling The Law
  • Jesus mission was to fulfill the Law.
  • Fulfill means to complete its purpose.
  • Destroy means to abrogate statues.
  • The Law was not to be perpetuated.
  • Types and Antitypes needed to be fulfilled
  • who serve the copy and shadow of heavenly
    things (Hb. 85)
  • For the law having a shadow of good things to
    come, and not the very image of things (Hb.
  • Type form and shadow (I.e. tabernacle, earthly
    High Priest, temple items, blood sacrifices,
    atonement, etc.).
  • Antitype substance, image (I.e. church,
    heavenly High Priest, heavenly sanctuary, blood
    sacrifice, atonement, etc.).
  • Over 300 prophecies needed to be fulfilled (Isa.
    21-6, Dan. 244 Mt. 1618 Ac. 227 Jer.
  • Once the Old Testament Law was fulfilled, it was
    no longer in effect. After it was fulfilled, it
    served its useful purpose.

Purpose Status Of The Law
  • The purpose of the Old Testament Law was to lead
    us to Christ and is to provide hope
  • But the Scripture has confined all under sin,
    that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might
    be given to those who believetherefore the law
    was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we
    might be justified by faith. But after faith has
    come, we are no longer under a tutor. (Ga.
  • For whatever things were written before were
    written for our learning, that we through
    patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have
    hope. (Ro. 154)
  • We are under the New Testament Law today, the Old
    Testament Law is no longer in effect (I.e.
    sacrifices, feast days, ordinances, tithing,
  • The Old Testament Law has been annulled, weak and
    unprofitable, with fault, obsolete, vanished
    away, grown old, nailed to the cross, abolished,
    and FULFILLED (Hb. 718 87, 13 Col. 214Ep.
    215 Mt. 517)
  • The Old Testament Law was for the Hebrew nation.
    The New Testament Law is for all people as God
    promise Abraham.
  • And if you are Christs, then you are Abrahams
    seed, and heirs according to the promise. (Ga.
    329 Ro. 416)

What Is A Jot And A Tittle?
  • A jot is the smallest letter of the Hebrew
    alphabet i (smallest mark or part)
  • A tittle is a simple turn in which one letter
    is distinguished from another e
  • All must be fulfilled by Jesus life before the
    kingdom can be established.
  • Now when they had fulfilled all that was written
    concerning Him, they took Him down from the tree
    and laid Him in a tomb. But God raised Him from
    the dead. (Ac. 1329-30)
  • And behold, the veil of the temple was torn in
    two from top to bottom and the earth quaked and
    the rocks were split open. (Mt. 2751)
  • The material earth will pass away, but not until
    it served Gods purpose.
  • Before the Old Testament Law was abolished, ALL
    of the Old Testament prophecies had to be

Lesson To Learn
  • We are no longer under the Old Testament Law with
    its ordinances, sacrifices, feast days, tithing,
  • This issue confronted the early New Testament
    church and continues today (Ac. 15, Galatians,
    Hebrews, etc.).
  • The Old Testament Law has been abolished, made of
    no effect, nailed to the cross and FULFILLED!
  • The new kingdom and law was promised and
  • Old Testament prophesied of a new kingdom the
    God of heaven will set up a new kingdom which
    shall never be destroyedit shall stand forever.
    (Da. 244)
  • Jesus said, Repent for the kingdom of heaven is
    at hand. (Mt. 417)
  • Jesus said, I will build my church. (Mt.
  • It came to pass, And the Lord added to the
    church daily those who were being saved. (Ac.
    247 Col. 113)
  • Many acknowledged Jesus message, for we heard
    Him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy
    this place and change the customs which Moses
    delivered to us. (Ac. 614 749, 53).
  • We can not be justified by the Old Testament Law,
    if we do, then you have fallen from grace. (Ga.

Righteous Pharisees
  • The Pharisees had established their own system of
  • For they being ignorant of Gods righteousness,
    and seeking to establish their own righteousness,
    have not submitted to the righteousness of God.
    For Christ is the end of the law for
    righteousness to everyone who believes. (Ro.
  • Jesus pronounced Woes on the Pharisees in Mt
  • They do works to be seen of men. (v. 5)
  • They love the best seats. (v.6)
  • For you devour widows houses. (v. 14)
  • For whoever swears by the temple, it is
    nothing. (v. 16)
  • You have neglected the weightier matters of the
    law. (v.23)
  • For you are like whitewashed tombs. (v. 27)
  • Jesus called them fools, hypocrites, lawless and
  • Jesus rebuke their traditions And in vain they
    worship Me, teaching as doctrines the
    commandments of men. (Mt. 159)
  • They had proud, self-righteous and complacent
    attitudes (Lk. 189-14).

Lessons To Learn
  • There are two kinds of righteousness Mans and
  • We can establish our own system of righteousness.
  • We can be zealous for the wrong cause (I.e. Paul
    Ph. 31-6)
  • We can know if we truly know God by passing the
    tests given to us by John (I John).
  • Being religious does not mean we are
  • The creeds and traditions of man are opposed to
  • And in vain they worship Me, teaching as
    doctrines the commandments of men. (Mt. 159)
  • What kind of creeds? Westminister Confession of
    Faith, Book of Mormon, etc.
  • What kind of traditions? Family religion,
    changing worship service arrangements, etc.
  • Acceptable worship to God is, in spirit and
    truth. (Jh. 424)
  • BEWARE of the the Pharisee in You!

Lessons To Learn
  • Our interpretation of the law and establishment
    of traditions can result in the creation of our
    own system of righteousness.
  • Pharisees used their traditions to challenge
    Jesus and His disciples Plucking grain on the
    Sabbath, Healing on the Sabbath, Washing hands,
    Corban, etc. (Mt. 121-8 151-20 Mk. 73-9 Lk.
  • Watch Out! Beware lest anyone cheat you
    through philosophy and empty deceit, according to
    the tradition of men, according to the basic
    principles of the world, and not according to
    Christ. (Col. 28)
  • We are redeemed from, aimless conduct received
    by the traditions from your fathers. (I Pt.
  • We are not to heed fables, endless genealogies,
    profane and old wives fables (I Tm. 14 47).
  • We must abide in the doctrine of Christ. (III
    Jh. 9)
  • Traditions can be good or bad in reference to
    Gods word.
  • Now I praise you, brethren, that you remember me
    in all things and keep the traditions as I
    delivered them. (I Co. 112)
  • hold the traditions which you were taught,
    whether by word or our epistle. (II Th. 215)

Respect For Gods Law
  • How do we show respect for Gods Law?
  • We must pay attention to details - whoever does
    and teaches them (Mt. 519)
  • We must hear and do what God says (Mt.
  • How do we show disrespect for Gods Law?
  • Thinking it is a trivial matter to break little
  • therefore whoever breaks one of the least of
    these commands, and teaches men so, shall be
    called least in the kingdom of heaven (Mt.
  • Youwho teach another, do you not teach
    yourself? (Ro. 221)
  • For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet
    stumble in one point, he is guilty of all. (Jm.
  • Condoning sin those who practice such things
    are worthy of death, not only do the same, but
    also approve of those who practice them. (Ro.
  • Twisting the Scriptures to our own destruction
    (II Pt. 316-18).
  • Establish traditions of men as law and habitual

Lessons To Learn
  • The person who is unfaithful in that which is
    little will be unfaithful in that which is
    great. Sin is sin. There are no degrees of sin
    in Gods sight.
  • sin is lawlessness. (I Jh. 34)
  • whatever is not from faith is sin. (Ro. 1423)
  • All unrighteousness is sin (I Jh. 517)
  • We can fall short of the grace of God. (Hb.
  • Sin is deceitful. (Hb. 313)
  • Whoever practices sin is the slave of sin. (Ro.
  • Satan is the Father of evil desires such as
    murder, lying, etc. (Jh. 844)
  • The process of practicing sin or righteousness
    starts with desire. (Jm. 114-15 Mt. 56)
  • A true spirit of obedience seeks to do all the
    commands of God.
  • For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet
    stumble in one point, he is guilty of all. For
    He who said, Do not commit adultery, also said,
    Do not murder. Now if you do not commit
    adultery, but you do murder, you have become a
    transgressor of the law. (Jm. 210-11)

The Intent Of The Old Law
  • Greatest commandment is LOVE.
  • You shall love the Lord your God with all your
    heart, with all your soul, and with all your
    mindon these two commandments hang all the Law
    and the Prophets. (Mt. 2235-40)
  • Review the 10 commandments and how they are
    restated in the New Testament. For example
  • Murder has been wrong through all dispensations
    of time (Ge. 95-6 Ex. 201-17 Mt. 521-22 Ga.
  • All the 10 commandments have been restated in the
    New Testament, except for remembering the Sabbath
  • The ordinances, sacrifices, feast days,
    circumcision, etc., are no longer in effect.
    (Col. 214 Hb. 87-13)
  • We have a Law written in our hearts, not tablets
    of stone.
  • I will put my laws in their mind and write them
    on their hearts (Hb. 810)
  • You are our written epistle of Christ, known and
    read by all menwritten not with ink, not on
    tablets of stone, but on tablets of flesh, that
    is, of the heart. (I Co. 32-3)

Lessons To Learn
  • Focus on the quality of being a Christian, not
    just the quantity of commands we keep.
  • Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees (Mt.
    166 Ro. 101-4)
  • Dont neglect the weighter matters of the law.
    (Mt. 2323)
  • We have one of four types of hearts (Lk.
  • The purity of our inward thoughts will be linked
    to our outward actions.
  • Deeds such as hospitality, producing fruit of
    teaching, praying for enemies, compassionate
    acts, enduring suffering, speech, etc.
  • Our actions are a reflection of what is in our
  • For out the heart proceed evil thoughts,
    murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false
    witness, blasphemies. These are the things that
    defile a man, but to eat with unwashed hands does
    not defile a man. (Mt. 1519-20)
  • A good man out of the good treasure of his heart
    brings forth good things, and an evil man out of
    the evil treasure brings forth evil things. (Mt.

  • We are no longer under the Old Testament Law
    because it has served its useful purpose. It has
    a new purpose.
  • For whatever things were written before were
    written for our learning, that we through
    patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have
    hope. (Ro. 154)
  • The New Testament is the new will of Jesus. It
    is in effect and we will be judged by His words.
  • He who rejects Me, and does not receive My
    words, has that which judges him the word I
    have spoken will judge him in the last day.
    (Jh. 1248)
  • We must have respect for Gods authority by
    hearing and doing what He says. Anything less is
  • Traditions can be good or bad. Dont elevate
    traditions of men to the status of law.
  • Beware of having a Pharisee living in you!
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