Holidays ED 41701 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Holidays ED 41701


... known as the Festival of Lights, Feast of Dedication, and Feast of the Maccabees. ... When only one piece of candy or no candy is left in the middle each ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Holidays ED 41701

HolidaysED 417-01
  • By Christy Calvert
  • Ashley Heitman
  • Erin Anderson

Lesson Plan
  • Unit Social Studies
  • Grade Level 3rd Grade
  • Lesson Holidays
  • Objectives The students will learn about a new
    holiday, and will learn new information about
    holidays they are already familiar with.
  • The students will gain appreciation for the
    reason that supports that holiday being

  • We will need access to a computer, the internet,
    a projection screen, time aloud in the cafeteria
    to make some of the food, corn husks, large bowl
    of water, twine or string, scissors,
    construction paper, watercolors or markers, glue,
    clean yogurt cups with lids, large popsicle
    sticks, low-temp hot glue gun and glue sticks,
    small dried beans, 1/8"-wide red and green
    ribbon, colored paper, masking tape, glue, paint
    or markers or crayons, and a Dreidel Game.

  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//

Christmas Continued
  • The real reason Christians celebrate this holiday
    is because December 25 is Jesus' Birthday.
  • We celebrate Christmas because it is a wonderful
    celebration, and a great opportunity to witness
    to others and to retell and celebrate the
    marvelous story of the birth of Jesus Christ.

How Do You Celebrate Christmas in the Classroom?
  • 1. Read aloud "The Mouse Before Christmas" by
    Michael Garland and then read aloud any version
    of "The Night Before Christmas."2. Hand out a
    Venn Diagram to each student. (two overlapping
    large circles.)3. Have the students write all
    of the similarities of the stories in the
    overlapping section of the Venn Diagram. Have the
    students then write the differences in the
    separate parts.

  • Hanukkah is the annual Jewish festival celebrated
    on eight successive days beginning on the 25th
    day of Kislev, the third month of the Jewish
    calendar, corresponding, approximately, to
    December in the Gregorian calendar. It is also
    known as the Festival of Lights, Feast of
    Dedication, and Feast of the Maccabees. Hanukkah
    commemorates the rededication of the Temple of
    Jerusalem by Judas Maccabee in 165 B.C. after the
    Temple had been profaned by Antiochus IV
    Epiphanes, king of Syria and overlord of

How to Celebrate Hanukah in the Classroom!
  • The Dreidel Game
  • The four letters which appear on the four corners
    of a dreidel alude to the miracle of Hanukkah.
    They spell out Nes (N-miracle), Gadol (G-great),
    Haya (H-happened) and Sham (S-there, meaning in
    Israel). To begin the game, each player should
    have about 20 Peppermint Candy Drops. Each person
    puts one piece of candy in the middle of the
    table. Then each person takes a turn at spinning
    the dreidel. When only one piece of candy or no
    candy is left in the middle each player adds
    another piece of candy. When a player has all the
    candy, that person wins!
  • For those of you who don't want to use candy for
    the game, we have also added "Points" to this
    game. You can grab a piece of paper and keep
    track of how many points you get! Who ever
    reaches 100 points first wins!

Hanukah Continued We would teach the children
about the star of David and let them color this
Fourth of July
  • Most people in the United States celebrate the
    4th of July, but do you know exactly why the
    holiday is so important to our country? Imagine
    how you would feel if someone older than you
    (maybe an older sister or brother) kept telling
    you what to do all of the time and kept taking
    more and more of your allowance. That is how the
    colonists felt in the years leading up to 1776.
    Great Britain kept trying to make the colonists
    follow more rules and pay higher taxes. People
    started getting mad and began making plans to be
    able to make their own rules. They no longer
    wanted Great Britain to be able to tell them what
    to do, so they decided to tell Great Britain that
    they were becoming an independent country. (To be
    independent means to take care of yourself,
    making your own rules and providing for your own

Fourth of July Continued
  • The Congress met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    and they appointed a committee (a group of people
    working together to do a specific job) to write a
    formal document that would tell Great Britain
    that the Americans had decided to govern
    themselves. The committee asked Thomas Jefferson
    to write a draft (first try) of the document, so
    he worked for days, in absolute secret, until he
    had written a document that he thought said
    everything important that the committee had
    discussed. On June 28, 1776, the committee met to
    read Jefferson's "fair" copy (he put his best
    ideas together and wrote them neatly.) They
    revised (made some changes) the document and
    declared their independence on July 2, 1776. They
    officially adopted it (made it theirs) on July 4,
    1776. That is why we call it "Independence Day."
    Congress ordered that all members must sign the
    Declaration of Independence and they all began
    signing the "official" copy on August 2, 1776. In
    January of the next year, Congress sent signed
    copies to all of the states.

Fourth of July Continued
  • The Declaration of Independence is more than just
    a piece of paper. It is a symbol of our country's
    independence and commitment to certain ideas. A
    symbol is something that stands for something
    else. Most people can look at a certain little
    "swoosh" and know that it stands for "Nike."
    Well, the signers of the Declaration of
    Independence wanted the citizens of the United
    States to have a document that spelled out what
    was important to our leaders and citizens. They
    wanted us to be able to look at the Declaration
    of Independence and immediately think of the
    goals we should always be working for, and about
    the people who have fought so hard to make these
    ideas possible. The people who signed the
    Declaration risked being hanged for treason by
    the leaders in Great Britain. They had to be very
    brave to sign something that would be considered
    a crime! So every time we look at the Declaration
    of Independence, we should think about all of the
    effort and ideas that went into the document, and
    about the courage it took for these people to
    stand up for what they knew was right --

How to Celebrate The Fourth of July in the
ClassroomHave the students color this page and
write why they are proud to be an American!
Why we Celebrate Thanksgiving
  • We can trace this historic American Christian
    tradition to the year 1623. After the harvest
    crops were gathered in November 1623, Governor
    William Bradford of the 1620 Pilgrim Colony,
    "Plymouth Plantation" in Plymouth, Massachusetts
  • "All ye Pilgrims with your wives and little ones,
    do gather at the Meeting House, on the hill...
    there to listen to the pastor, and render
    Thanksgiving to the Almighty God for all His
  • This is the origin of our annual Thanksgiving Day
    celebration. Congress of the United States has
    proclaimed National Days of Thanksgiving to
    Almighty God many times throughout the following
    years. On November 1, 1777, by order of Congress,
    the first National Thanksgiving Proclamation was
    proclaimed, and signed by Henry Laurens,
    President of Continental Congress. The third
    Thursday of December, 1777 was thus officially
    set aside

Thanksgiving in the ClassroomThis are activity
will allow the students to express themselves as
pilgrims and what they might have been like as a
child in the pilgrim days!
  • 1. Soak the corn husks in warm water for about an
    hour until they become pliable. Then gather
    several damp husks and tie them together tightly
    with twine, about 1/2 inch from one end. 2. To
    make the head, hold the knotted end in one fist,
    then fold the husks down (as though peeling a
    banana) so that they cover the knotted end.
    Smooth out the husks to make a face, then secure
    them with a piece of twine around the doll's
    neck. 3. To make the arms, roll up a single
    husk and tie it off at both ends. Position the
    arms up between the husks, under the doll's neck.
    Smooth the husks over the arms to form the chest
    and back, then cinch in the waist with twine.
    4. For a skirt or legs, arrange several husks,
    inverted (like a skirt that has blown up over the
    doll's head) around the waist. Secure with twine,
    then fold the skirt down. For legs, divide the
    husks into two parts, tying each bunch at the
    knees and ankles. 5. Use construction paper to
    fashion outfits or use markers and watercolors to
    give the illusion of clothes or to add on facial
    features. To make hair, hats or headdresses, glue
    on little strips of construction paper. 6.
    Attach sticks to the backs of the dolls for
    mobility. For additional fun, build a doll stage
    and put on a special Thanksgiving puppet

Thanksgiving in the Classroom ContinuedI would
make the following recipe the night before and
serve it to the children after lunch. Pumpkin
Pie is a huge family tradition at my family
Thanksgivings and I would like to share it with
the children.Check students food allergies
before serving!
  • Traditional Pumpkin Pie
  • Ingredients
  • 3/4 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 TB unbleached flour
  • 1 TB molasses
  • 11/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp ginger
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 cups pumpkin, canned or freshly cooked
  • 3 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 1 3/4 cup half half
  • 1 unbaked 9-inch pie shell
  • Method
  • Mix sugars, flour, molasses, cinnamon, ginger,
    nutmeg, salt and pumpkin. Separately, mix eggs
    and half half. Fold into pumpkin mixture. Pour
    filling into unbaked pie shell and bake at 375F
    for 35 to 40 minutes.

Why do we Celebrate Cinco De Mayo
  • The holiday of Cinco De Mayo, The 5th Of May,
    commemorates the victory of the Mexican militia
    over the French army at The Battle Of Puebla in
    1862. It is primarily a regional holiday
    celebrated in the Mexican state capital city of
    Puebla and throughout the state of Puebla, with
    some recognition in other parts of the Mexico,
    and especially in U.S. cities with a significant
    Mexican population. It is not, as many people
    think, Mexico's Independence Day, which is
    actually September 16.
  • Celebrating Cinco de Mayo has become increasingly
    popular along the U.S.-Mexico border and in parts
    of the U.S. that have a high population of people
    with a Mexican heritage. In these areas the
    holiday is a celebration of Mexican culture, of
    food, music, beverage and customs unique to

How to Celebrate Cinco De Mayo in the ClassroomI
would make corn tortillas with the students!
  • Corn Tortillas1 cup corn meal1 Tbsp. baking
    powder3/4 cup water1/2 tsp. salt (or to
    taste)2 tsp. corn oilIn mixing bowl, combine
    corn meal, baking powder, and salt. Boil water.
    Mix boiling water and oil into corn meal. When
    mixture cools enough to handle, divide into eight
    equal balls. Flatten slightly. Place flattened
    ball on top of an 8-inch square of waxed paper.
    Cover with a second square. Roll into 6" circle.
    Remove from paper. Cook on ungreased griddle
    until lightly brown.

Cinco De Mayo Continued We are going to make
  • Before distributing cups to students, cut a
    1/2-3/4" gash in the bottom center of each cup.
    (Length of cut depends on width of popsicle
    sticks purchased. Gash should be about 1/8"
    longer than stick is wide.) Insert popsicle stick
    into opening of each cup until about 1/4" of
    stick is visible inside cup, and hot glue stick
    securely in place. Be sure to use a LOW TEMP glue
    gun. At higher temperatures, glue will melt the
    plastic cups. You may wish to glue the stick both
    inside and outside cup the cup for added
    strength. Allow glue to cool completely before
    distributing cups to students.With students,
    pour about 2 Tbsp. dried beans into a yogurt cup,
    replace lid, and tape shut. Cut a strip of paper
    about one-half inch wider than the cup's
    circumference at its widest point and about six
    inches longer than the cup's height. Wrap paper
    around cup, leaving three inches of extra paper
    at both the top and bottom of cup. Tape paper in
    place. Use red and green ribbon to gather paper
    around top and bottom of cup and tie closed.
     Popsicle stick handle should protude several
    inches from the paper covering around the bottom
    of the cup.
  • Let the FUN begin!!!

There are many more Holidays that a teacher can
teach. We tried to pick the Holidays that the
students could learn some history and heritage
while having fun!!
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