Title: Future Parks and Recreation System
1Future Parks and Recreation System
- Section 4
- Parks and Recreation Master Plan
2Parks and Recreation Master Plan
- A Plan for Maitlands future Park System
Focus is on how individual parks will function in
the system
3Parks RecreationNeeds Assessment Summary
Total of 8 Assessment Techniques
4Neighborhood Park (prototype)
5Neighborhood Park Improvements
6Community Park (prototype)
7Community Park
8Community Park Improvements
9Summary of Parks System Components
10Networking System
Signs Gateways
11Park Site Master Plan Process
(8) Step Process
- Step 1. Conceptual Park Plan
- Step 2. PRAB Public Workshop
- Step 3. Preliminary Park Plans
- Step 4. PRAB Public Hearing
- Step 5. Revisions to Park Plan Based on Public
Hearings - Step 6. PRAB Review and Recommendation
- Step 7. P Z Review and Recommendation
- Step 8. City Council Action
- Â
12Benefits of Parks and Recreation
13Economic Benefits of Parks and Recreation
- Attracts home buyers
- Attracts businesses
- Increases property values
15Exhibit 17
Summary of Future Park System by Acreage