Title: Automatic Concept Indexing and Classification
1Automatic Concept Indexing and Classification
- for Improved Retrieval in the
- Hazardous Substances Data Bank
- Doszkocs, Tamas Chang, Hua Florence Aronson,
Alan Thomas, Phillip, - National Library of Medicine
- Wilder, Dean, MSD, Inc.
- Zamora, Antonio, Consultant
2Hazardous Substances Data Bank Search
3 4HSDB radon record for query small-cell
5HSDB Automatic MeSH Indexing
6HSDB MeSH Indexing and Search Prototype
7small-cell carcinomas query result
8Focus Results by MeSH Headings
9View Results by MeSH headings
10Narrow Search by air pollutants, radioactive
11View Results by Semantic Types (MeSH)
12Radon and Air pollution, indoor
13Radon HSDB Record
14Future Plans
- Scale HSDB Automatic UMLS/MeSH Indexing
Experiment - Refine MetaMap Selection Algorithm
- Utilize Noun Phrase Parser(s) for non-UMLS/MeSH
Concepts - Incorporate AI Algorithms
- Test/Evaluate
- Integrate into TOXNET Production System
15Automatic Concept Indexing and Classification
- for Improved Retrieval in the
- Hazardous Substances Data Bank
- Doszkocs, Tamas Chang, Hua Florence Aronson,
Alan Thomas, Phillip, - National Library of Medicine
- Wilder, Dean, MSD, Inc.
- Zamora, Antonio, Consultant