COSC 316 COMPUTER HOSTS SECURITY - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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We will talk about. Computer worms, viruses, Trojan horses, and other programmed threats ... Click here to accept this worm:-- greeting cards ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • INDIANA, PA 15705

Part IV Handling Security Incidents Chapter 23
Protecting Against Programmed Threats
  • We will talk about
  • Computer worms, viruses, Trojan horses, and other
    programmed threats
  • Programmed threats definition
  • Damage
  • Authors
  • Entry
  • Protecting yourself
  • Preventing attacks

Chapter 22 Protecting Against programmed Threats
  • Story
  • 4 am August 14, Hillary Nobels pager is ringing
    she turn the pager off went to bed phone
    ringing A major NY city law firm counterpart in
    London none of the computer works they work
    stand alone but not as network she turns on her
    laptop instead of login window she got a
  • Dear Ms. Nobel The virus report. Slow
    stealthy worm (SSW)copy righted game software
    copies by one of your employee. 75 K .
  • She try to reach FBI and changed her mind and
    started to transfer 5000 in order to bring the
    network back before sunrise.

Programmed Threats Definitions
  • Computer execute the instruction sequentially
    one after another
  • Instructions some time damaging or malicious
    these are called malicious code/ programmed
  • Bugs- the most common cause of unexpected
    program behavior
  • There are many kinds malicious codes/software
    sometimes called viruses and worms
  • It is classified according the way they behave,
    how they triggered and how they spread
  • there is no single definitions for these
    malicious software

  • Security tools and toolkits- usually designed
    to be used by security professional to protect
    their sites
  • Back doors- also called trap doors, these allow
    unauthorized access to your system
  • Logic bomb- hidden feature in program that of
    off after certain condition met
  • Trojan horses- program that appear to have one
    function but actually perform another functions
  • Viruses- program that modifies other program on
    a computer, inserting copies of themselves
  • Worms program that propagate from computer to
    computer on a network, without necessarily
    modifying other programs on the target machine
  • Bacteria or rabbit program- program that make
    copies of themselves to overwhelm a computer
    systems resource

Security Scanners and other tools
  • Many programs are written that can automatically
    scan for computer security weakness these
    programs are called security scanners or security
  • It has double purpose tell the weakness and help
    perpetrators to scan the system
  • Some sold some are free on the internet
  • Example nmap network mapping developed by
    the computer underground and it is now widely
    used by professionals

Back doors and trap doors
  • It is a code written into applications or OS to
    grant programmers access to program without
    requiring them to go through normal method of
    access authentication
  • Around for many years
  • Attacker insert a back door in a system after a
    successfully penetrates that system it gives the
    attacker a way to get back into the system or
    become root at a later time
  • An attacker might
  • Install an altered version of login other
  • Plant an entry in the rhost, shots, or
    ssh/authorized files
  • Change the file system
  • Add an alias to the mail system
  • Change the owner of a directory
  • Change file permission
  • Change shared library
  • Change or add network service to remote user
  • Add a back door to sshd so that login with
    specific username and password

  • Protecting against back doors are complicated
  • Check new software
  • Test the software in a non-critical machine
  • Free software are not safe
  • Logic Bombs
  • Logic bombs are programmed threats that lie
    dormant in commonly used software for an extended
    period of time until they are triggered.
  • It can destroy or change data cause damage to
    the system
  • Famous example- employ ID triggered if a
    particular employ ID did not appear in payroll in
    2 consecutive month ( if they left or fired)
  • Protect similar to Back door programs

Trojan Horses
  • It is named after Trojan Horses of myth
  • Modern Trojan horses looks like a program that
    the user wishes to run say game, spreadsheet
  • While the program appears to be doing what the
    user wants, it actually is doing something else
    unrelated to its advertised purpose, and without
    the users knowledge.
  • Trojan horses in mobile code- attacker embed
    command in places other than compiled program
    such as scipt, Tex file, ps
  • Terminal based Trojan horses make use of
    block/send commands
  • Avoiding Trojan Horses- never execute anything

  • A true virus is a sequence of code that is
    inserted into other executable code so that when
    the regular program is run, the viral code is
    also executed.
  • The viral code causes a copy of itself to be
    inserted in one or more other programs. They
    cannot run on their own, and some host program,
    of which they are a part, must be executed to
    activate them
  • Found on pcs running on most popular OS

  • It can be hidden in the source code
  • Hidden in precompiled program
  • Network based viruses
  • Environments that let Window based software
  • Webpages with applets
  • ps files
  • MIME encoded mail
  • Protection
  • Same as back door and attackers

  • Worms are programs that can run independently and
    travel from machine to machine across network
    connections worms may have portions of
    themselves running on many different machines.
  • They do not change other programs, although they
    may carry other code that does
  • Click here to accept this worm-- greeting cards
  • If you suspect call the response team isolate
    that system from the network

Bacteria and Rabbits
  • Bacteria, also known as rabbits, are programs
    that do not explicitly damage any files
  • Their sole purpose is to replicate themselves
  • May do nothing more than execute two copies of
    itself simultaneously or perhaps create two new
    files, each of which is a copy of the original
    source files of the bacteria program
  • Both of those programs then may copy themselves
    twice and so on.. eventually taking up processor,
    memory, disk space.

  • Damage-
  • Complete destruction of data
  • low level disk format
  • Corruption of files
  • Other damages
  • Authors
  • students
  • Publicity hounds
  • Experimenters and hobbyists
  • Common criminals
  • Activists
  • Information warfare researchers
  • Who will plant the programs
  • Program authors
  • Employees
  • Thieves
  • Spies
  • Extortionists
  • Political activists

  • Entry
  • How do these threats find their way into your
    computer system and how do they reproduce?
  • Internet
  • E-mail
  • Network
  • Protecting yourself
  • Shell features- the shells provide users with a
    number of shortcuts and conveniences. Among these
    features is a complete programming language with
    variables. Some of these variables govern the
    behavior of the shell itself. If an attacker is
    able to subvert the ay the shell of a privileged
    user works, the attacker can often get the user
    to execute a task for him

  • Startup file Attack- various programs have
    methods of automatic initialization to set
    options and variable for the user. Once these
    options and variable are set, the user normally
    never looks at them again. As a result, they are
    a great spot for an attacker to make a hidden
    changes to be executed automatically on her
  • Abusing automatic mechanisms- Unix has program
    and systems that run automatically. Many of these
    system require special privileges. If an
    attacker can compromise these systems, he may be
    able to gain direct unauthorized access to other
    parts of the OS or plant a back door to gain
    access at a later time.

Preventing Attacks
  • No matter what the threat is called, how it
    enters your system, or what the motives of the
    person who wrote it may be, the potential for
    damage is your main concern.
  • Any of these problems can result in downtime and
    lost or damaged resources.
  • File protection- files and directories and
    devices that are writable by any user on the
    system can be dangerous security holes.
    Maintain vigilant
  • Shared libraries- programs that depend on shared
    libraries are vulnerable to a variety of attacks
    that involve switching the shared library that
    the program is running. If your system has
    dynamic libraries, they need to be protected.

  • Programmed threats are among the most serious
    threats facing users and administrators in
    today's networked computing environments.
  • There are many kinds of threats
  • There are many steps that you can take to protect
    yourself against programmed threats, including
    anti-virus software, applying patches, and
    providing users education. You must employ them
    all to protect your system. Otherwise, you will
    be a victim. There are simply too many of these
    attack programs on the loose
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