6th Plan Conservation Resource CostEffectiveness

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6th Plan Conservation Resource CostEffectiveness


The Plan's Definition of Resource Cost-Effectiveness Comes From the Regional Act ' ... Weekend and Holiday 'Very-Low' 41. 41. Northwest. Power and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 6th Plan Conservation Resource CostEffectiveness

6th Plan Conservation Resource Cost-Effectiveness
  • Conservation Resource Advisory Committee
  • March 12, 2009

How the Plans Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Impacts Regional Conservation Programs
  • Council Plan
  • Establishes regional conservation targets based
    its interpretation of the Acts requirements
  • Contains methodology and assumptions (e.g.,
    future market prices, measure cost savings) for
    determining cost-effectiveness
  • Contains specific measure level (e.g. high
    efficiency electric water heaters) determinations
    of cost-effectiveness
  • Bonnevilles resource acquisitions are to be
    consistent with the Councils Plan
  • Utilities covered by I-937 in Washington state
    must adhere to the Councils methodology

The Plans Definition of Resource
Cost-Effectiveness Comes From the Regional Act
  • "Cost-effective, means that a measure or
    resource must be forecast
  • to be reliable and available within the time it
    is needed
  • to meet or reduce the electric power demand of
    the consumers at an estimated incremental system
    cost no greater than that of the least-cost
    similarly reliable and available alternative
    measure or resource, or any combination thereof.

Under the Act the term "system cost" means
  • An estimate of all direct costs of a measure or
    resource over its effective life, including
  • the cost of distribution and transmission to the
  • waste disposal costs
  • end-of-cycle costs
  • fuel costs (including projected increases)
  • and such quantifiable environmental costs and
    benefits as are directly attributable to such
    measure or resource

The Acts Definition of Cost-Effectiveness
  • Seeks to minimize the total cost of meeting the
    regions need for the services provided by
    electricity, i.e., its goal is economic
  • Does not address the distribution of these costs
    among parties in the region

The Council Does Not Use A Single Regional
Avoided Cost To Determine Conservations
  • We Use What We Learn from the Portfolio Model
  • Pick any forecast of future market prices
  • Add Risk Premiums for conservations hedge
    value to that forecast (different ones for
    lost-opportunity dispatchable)
  • Use this risk adjusted price to determine the
    value of the energy savings

IRP Methodology
  • 6th Plan is testing thousands of plans against
    750 futures
  • Model identifies plans with the lowest cost for
    a given level of risk
  • Model tests alternative conservation deployment
    schedules (amount and timing) as well as risk
    mitigation benefits of buying conservation above
    forecast avoided cost
  • Regional Conservation Targets are derived from
    Plans on lowest-cost lowest-risk frontier

Council Process for Estimating Cost-Effective
Conservation Resource Potential Setting
Acquisition Targets
Measure Cost
Measure Lifetime
Measure Savings and Load Shape
  • Program Data
  • Contractor Bids
  • Retail Price Surveys
  • Evaluations
  • Census Data
  • Manufacturers Data
  • Engineering Estimates
  • End Use Load Research
  • Engineering Models
  • Billing History Analysis
  • Independent Testing Labs

Portfolio Model
Market Model
Cost-Effectiveness Model
  • Determines measure and program level
    cost-effectiveness using
  • Measure costs, savings load shape
  • Aurora Market prices
  • TD savings (losses deferred )
  • 10 Act Credit
  • Quantifiable non-energy costs benefits
  • Financial Assumptions (e.g. Discount Rate)
  • Risk Premium from Porfolio Model

Provides 20-year Forecast of Hourly Wholesale
Market Prices CO2 Emission/kWh Under Average
Water Conditions, Medium Gas Price Forecast for
Medium Load Growth Scenario
Determines NPV of Portfolios with Alternative
Levels of Conservation vs Other Resources Under
Wide Range for Future Conditions
Plans Conservation Target
Portfolio Analysis Determines How Much Energy
Efficiency to Develop in the Face of Uncertainty
Frequency Chart
1,000 Trials
1,000 Displayed
Portfolio Analysis Model
Mean 689
NPV System Cost
Efficient Frontier
Plans Along the Efficient Frontier Permit
Trade-Offs of Costs Against Risk
Least Cost
Least Risk
Alternative Cost-Effectiveness Tests
  • Participant Cost Test (PTC)
  • Costs and benefits to the program participant
  • Total Resource Cost (TRC)
  • All Quantifiable costs benefits regardless of
    who accrues them. Includes participant and
    others costs
  • Utility Cost Test (UTC)
  • Quantifiable costs benefits that accrue only to
    the utility system. Specifically excludes
    participant costs
  • Rate Impact Measure (RIM)
  • Net change in electricity utility revenue
  • Attempts to measure rate impact on all utility
    customers especially those that do not directly
    participate in the conservation program
  • Treats lost revenues (lower participant bills)
    as a cost

Plan Uses Total Resource Cost ( Benefits)
  • Best meets the requirements of the Regional Act
  • Considers all quantifiable costs benefits
    regardless of who accrues them
  • Ensures that conservation expenditures are good
    for the power system, the customer and society
  • Allows conservation to be compared to other
    resources considered for development by including
    all quantifiable costs benefits
  • Was strongly recommended by utilities in first
    Council Plan
  • Plan targets would be significantly higher if
    Plan had considered only Utility Cost

Some Utilities Now Recommend Use of Utility Cost
Test Perspective
  • Considers only those costs benefits that accrue
    to electric utility system
  • Energy kWh at avoided wholesale cost at time
  • Transmission distribution kW benefits if
    coincident with system peak and at value of
    deferred expansion cost
  • Utility cost for incentives program
  • Does not count customer costs or benefits
  • Ensure that conservation is good for the utility
  • Acts as the upper limit on utility incentives for
    measures with large non-electricity benefits
  • Used as a measure of utility cost efficiency
  • Striving for low utility cost share keeps revenue
    requirements lower

NEET Process Raised Additional Issues
  • Review method of calculating cost-effectiveness
  • Is the Councils existing interpretation of the
    Acts definition too conservative?
  • At what level of aggregation should the
    calculation of costs and benefits be performed?
  • Measure
  • System
  • Building
  • Program
  • Portfolio

Why Council Uses TRCAvoids Potential Double
Counting of the Savings
  • Utility invest 2500 in efficient motor to
    acquire 5000 kWh/yr savings
  • Levelized Cost 3.4 cents/kWh
  • B/C 1.32
  • Customer matches 2500 utility investment to save
    the same 5000 kWh/yr
  • Simple payback 10 years, motor last 20 years
  • Total of all direct cost is 5000 for 5000 kWh/yr
    of savings
  • Levelized cost 6.8 cents/kWh
  • B/C ratio 0.66

Why Council Uses TRCDirects Funds Toward
Measures That Optimize Total Utility and Customer
  • Utility invest 600 toward cost of 6000 solar PV
    system that saves 1200 kWh/yr
  • Alternatively utility and consumer could
  • Invest 160 in 40 CFLs to save 1200 kWh, reducing
    cost 440
  • Invest 600 to buy 150 CFLs, saving 5000 kWh,
    quadrupling savings
  • Especially important when budgets are limited

Why Council Uses TRCAvoids promoting measures
that may impose non-energy costs on others
  • Act directs the Council give second priority to
    the use of renewable resources
  • Analysis in 1st Plan concluded that cost of using
    wood stoves to offset use of electric heat was
    below cost of electricity from new generating
  • 1st Plan excluded use of wood heat due to
    non-energy cost (air pollution) imposed on the

Why Council Uses TRCExpands list of conservation
options by allowing consideration of quantifiable
non-energy benefits
  • Energy Star Clothes Washer in Homes with Gas
    Water Heater and Dryer
  • Present Value Capital Cost
  • 58/MWh
  • Present Value to Power System 17/MWh (B/C
  • Value to Region/Society (includes natural gas,
    detergent water savings) 110/MWh (B/C
  • Power systems willingness-to-pay for these
    savings should be limited to its present value
  • Electric Utility could provide incentive up to
    17/MWh for washer in a home with gas water and
    dryer heat

Consideration of Non-Energy Benefits Expands the
Conservation Supply Curve
Conservation Resources in Plan Created by
Consideration of Non-Energy Benefits
Care Must Be Used in Applying The Plans
Cost-Effectiveness Results Prescriptively
  • Not all measures are in the draft 6th Plan
  • Plan contains over 1000 applications of specific
    EE technologies
  • NOT an exhaustive list of all possible measures
    applications (e.g. custom measures)
  • Plan assumes administrative costs 20 of
  • Administrative cost vary widely by measure by
    program design
  • Measure cost-effectiveness in Plan is an estimate
  • Measure costs and savings are a single point
    estimate, but vary widely in practice
  • Plan targets are based on full portfolio model
    analysis, 750 forecasts of avoided costs
  • Measure/Program/Portfolio cost-effectiveness
    generally determined on a single forecast of
    avoided costs for the next 20 years (with
    adders for hedge risk)

Granularity/Bundling So Whats A Measure?
  • "Resource" means-- electric power, including the
    actual or planned electric power capability of
    generating facilities, or actual or planned load
    reduction resulting from direct application of a
    renewable energy resource by a consumer, or from
    a conservation measure.

Why Bundle
  • Measures are interactive, so total savings are
    not the sum of their parts
  • Example Heat pumps, duct sealing and
  • Deeper savings are lower cost
  • Example Conversions and/upgrades to HSPF 9.0
    have a higher TRC B/C ratio than to HSPF 8.5
  • Adding a non-cost effective measure reduces
    cost per unit of savings by increasing market
  • Example Adding prime window replacements
    increases participation in weatherization
    program, spreading fixed cost over more savings

Risks of Bundling
  • Reduces in economic benefits of conservation
  • If the average cost of all conservation equals
    the avoided cost, theres no room for a mistakes
  • If non-cost effective measure dominates
    program/portfolio, it places all savings at risk
    (i.e., not recoverable, not counted toward
  • Slippery slope Can bundling of any measures
    (e.g. PVs w/CFLs) be justified?
  • Is there a need for consistent application across
    the region?

Care Must Be Used in Applying The Plans
Cost-Effectiveness Results Prescriptively
  • Plans cost savings estimates are averages
  • Site-specific applications may be more or less
    cost-effective than in Plan
  • The Plan average may not accurately reflect
    specific program conditions
  • Programs should be tailored to reflect specific
    program designs, delivery mechanisms, measure
    applications, location and other key cost or
    savings factors
  • Program estimates need to be more or less
    granular than Plan estimates
  • Individual measures evaluated in Plan are
    aggregated into programs/portfolios (e.g., Plan
    doesnt have Energy Star New Homes as a measure)

Avoided Costs Are Forecast to Be Significantly
Energy Efficiency is Still the Cheapest Option
Assumptions Efficiency Cost Average Cost of
All Conservation Targeted in 5th Power
Plan Transmission cost losses to point of LSE
wholesale delivery No federal investment or
production tax credits Baseload operation (CC -
85CF, Nuclear 87.5 CF, SCPC 85, Wind 32
CF) Medium NG and coal price forecast (Proposed
6th Plan) Bingaman/Specter safety valve CO2 cost
Draft 6th MWa of Technically Achievable
Conservation Potential
Draft 6th MWa of Technically Achievable
Conservation Potential
5th Plan Estimate
Backup Slides
Customer Perspective
  • Considers only those costs benefits that accrue
    to end use consumer
  • Electric bill savings
  • Quantifiable non-energy benefits
  • Customer share of capital labor cost
  • Customer share of periodic replacement cost
  • Customer operation and maintenance cost/savings
  • Ensure that conservation is good for the customer
  • Common metrics B/C ratio, by simple payback,
    return on investment, years to positive cash flow

Common Expressions of Cost-Effectiveness
  • Payback
  • Expressed as time to recoup investment
  • Benefit/Cost ratio
  • Expressed as a ratio
  • Net Present Value
  • Expressed as dollar value
  • Levelized Cost
  • Expressed as cost per kWh or /MWh

Common Metrics for TRC Cost-Effectiveness
Benefit/Cost Ratio
Discounted Present Value of Benefits ()

Discounted Present Value of Costs ()
Net Present Value

Discounted PV of Benefits Discounted PV of
Costs ()
Levelized Cost (for comparison to other resources)
Discounted Present Value Costs Annualized over
Life ()

Annual kWh Saved at Bus Bar (kWh)
Conservation Measure Cost-EffectivenessInputs
and Outputs
Bulk Power System Value
ECM Costs, Savings, Load Shapes Coincidence
Bulk Transmission System Benefits
Local Distribution System Value
PNW Avoided Cost by Transmission Control Area
Local Distribution System TD Benefits
Aurora West Coast Market Price Forecast
Total Societal Value
Non-Energy Benefits
Carbon Emissions Benefits
Council 5th Plan Forecast of Future Average
Monthly Market Prices(Mid C-Trading Hub)
Typical On-Peak Load Profiles
Forecast On-Peak Market Power Prices by Month and
Typical Off-Peak Load Profiles
Forecast Off-Peak Market Power Prices by Month
and Year
The Councils Conservations Cost-Effectiveness
Analysis Compares Savings with Forecast Market
Prices at the time the savings occur
  • Four Load Segments are used to compute the
    value of savings
  • Weekday Peak Load Hours
  • Weekday Ramp Up/Ramp Down hours and Weekend
    Peak Load Hours
  • Weekday and Weekend Off-Peak hours
  • Weekend and Holiday Very-Low

(No Transcript)
Each Conservation Measure Has a Different
Cost-Effectiveness Limit Based on When Its
Savings Occur
Weighted Average Value of Space Heating Savings
Weighted Average Value of Space CoolingSavings
Impact Load Shape on Regional Bulk Power System
  • Impact on Present Value Benefit (20-year measure
  • Low End
  • Street Lighting - 41/MWh
  • Residential Space Heating - 41/MWh
  • High End
  • Central AC - 78/MWh
  • Solar Water Heating - 74/MWh

Impact of Bulk Transmission System TD on Power
System Value
  • Assumed Bulk Transmission System Avoided Cost
    of 3.00/kW-year
  • Impact on Present Value Benefit (20 year measure
  • Low end
  • Irrigated Agriculture - 0.00/MWh
  • Residential AC - 0.00/MWh
  • High end
  • Residential Space Heating - 1.05/MWh
  • Residential Water Heating - 0.52/MWh

Local Transmission and Distribution Benefits
  • There is value in delaying utility investments in
    local distribution networks (and sub-High Voltage
    Transmission) that is caused by load growth
  • Not all load growth results in the immediate need
    to increase local distribution system network
  • Other Demand Side Management (e.g. load
    control) programs may be better suited to
    deferring network expansion
  • The value of reducing load growth defer
    distribution capacity expansions
  • Capital expansion cost/KW-yr Probability
    expansion will be deferred by conservation
    measures impact on distribution system peak

Illustrative Local Distribution System T D
Impact of Local TD on Power System Value
  • Assumed Local Distribution System Avoided Cost
    of 20/kW-year
  • Impact on Present Value Benefit (20-year measure
  • Low end
  • Solar PV - 0.14/MWh
  • Solar Water Heating - 0.30 MWh
  • High end
  • Residential Ovens - 26/MWh
  • Residential Air Source Heat Pumps - 19/MWh

Environmental Externalities Value
  • Based on Carbon Dioxide Emissions from West Coast
    Power System
  • Consensus that 0 is wrong
  • Used 5- 40/ton of CO2 emitted
  • Varied amount and future date of carbon control
  • Adds about 3/MWh to Present Value Benefit of
    Savings (also varies by shape of savings)

Expected Value of CO2 Control Cost by Year
CO2/MWh Trends for Conservation Savings by Load
Cost-Effectiveness of Conservation Varies by
  • Energy Star Clothes Washer (MEF 2.2)
  • with Electric Water Heating and Electric Dryer
  • Present Value Capital Cost 0.44/kWh
  • Value to Bulk Power System 53/MWh (B/C 1.17)
  • Value to Local Distribution System (includes bulk
    power system value) 66/MWh (B/C 1.47)
  • Value to Region/Society (includes detergent
    water savings, plus carbon credit) 123/MWh
    (B/C 2.8)

Northwest Energy Efficiency Implementation Web
Northwest Power and Conservation Council
Bonneville Power Administration
The Plan
Regional Technical Forum
Public Utilities
State Regulatory Commissions
Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
Investor Owned Utilities
Energy Trust of Oregon
Rate Revenues
Markets, Codes Standards
End Use Consumers
Policy Recommendations
Conservation Programs
Market Transformation Programs/Projects
Technical Recommendations
Program Funding
5th Plan Identified Nearly 4,600 MWa of
Technically Available Conservation Potential
Adjustments to 5th Plans Conservation Resource
  • Reductions in Available Potential
  • Program Accomplishments
  • Changes in Law
  • Federal Standards for general service lighting
  • State Building Codes
  • Changes in Markets
  • Improved Current Practice due to Energy Star,
    LEED, Programs, Market Transformation
  • Other Changes to Federal Standards (10 adopted,
    21 under revision, and 12 with effective dates by
  • Changes in Forecast
  • Less new commercial floor area
  • Lower industrial forecast

Adjustments to 5th Plans Conservation Resource
  • Increases in Available Potential
  • Changes in Scope
  • Distribution System Efficiency Improvements
  • Consumer electronics (TVs, set top boxes)
  • Irrigation Water Management and Dairy Farm
  • Changes in Data and Technology
  • Detailed Industrial Sector Potential
  • New Measures (e.g. ductless heat pumps, solid
    state lighting)

Avoided Costs Are Forecast to Be Significantly
Energy Efficiency is Still the Cheapest Option
Assumptions Efficiency Cost Average Cost of
All Conservation Targeted in 5th Power
Plan Transmission cost losses to point of LSE
wholesale delivery No federal investment or
production tax credits Baseload operation (CC -
85CF, Nuclear 87.5 CF, SCPC 85, Wind 32
CF) Medium NG and coal price forecast (Proposed
6th Plan) Bingaman/Specter safety valve CO2 cost
Draft 6th MWa of Technically Achievable
Conservation Potential
Draft 6th MWa of Technically Achievable
Conservation Potential
5th Plan Estimate
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