Lecture 11: Access control mechanisms and user authentication - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 11: Access control mechanisms and user authentication


protection mechanisms attempt to enforce respect of file owners usage permissions ... sexual content, place names (favourite holiday spots) and common office objects ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Lecture 11: Access control mechanisms and user authentication

Lecture 11 Access control mechanisms and user
  • We will cover
  • Access control mechanisms
  • User authentication
  • Reading - Pfleeger, chapter 4

Logical item protection
  • logical item software data
  • files are the logical items that contain sw or
    data, so file protection is the key
  • protection mechanisms attempt to enforce respect
    of file owners usage permissions
  • this is achieved through some form of access
    control mechanism
  • Access Control mechanism used to certify that
    user process is only granted usage of a given
    object in accordance with the usage permissions
    specified by the owner of the object

types of Access Control
  • 2 types of access control
  • 1. Discretionary Access Control (DAC) - user can
    specify usage permissions of objects owned by
    user on the system
  • 2. Mandatory Access Control (MAC) - user has no
    control over usage permissions of objects in the
    system - the usage permissions are determined
    centrally and enforced - usually in a system in
    which the user is not seen as the owner of the
    programs and files in the system e.g. The company
    or organisation owns all the objects in the
    computer system even if a particular set of users
    have regular access

Access Control Matrix
  • general model for access control is the Access
    Control Matrix (ACM)
  • matrix (table) in which each column represents an
    item (file) to be protected and each row
    represents a user
  • the ith, jth entry in the matrix represents the
    permissions that user i has on object/file j
  • includes mode of access - read, write, execute,
    etc to file

  • Access Control Matrix

  • ACM - captures complete picture of usage
    permissions in a system
  • but problem with Access control Matrices is that
    they are very cumbersome and could grow very
    large - with millions of items and thousands of
  • also highly redundant as most of the entries for
    most files will be blank (no access rights)
  • thus never implemented as such

Access Control Lists
  • Access Control Lists (ACL) - this is equivalent
    to a column of the ACM i.e. it associates with
    each file or resource to be protected a list of
    users who have access to that file and the mode
    of access permitted
  • it only has to contain in the list those users
    who have some access permissions on the file - it
    does not need all the null entries that occur in
    the ACM

  • Access Control List

  • although in general ACLs can contain a simple
    list of users and their permissions this can
    still be a long list - not only is there problem
    with space it uses, but more importantly is the
    overhead of the system administrators and
    ordinary users who have to try to specify who has
    access to what, if they have to list each
    individual user who should have access to a given

ACLs using security groups
  • In a practical implementation of ACLs e.g.
    Windows, it is more common for the list to list a
    series of security groups and associate
    permissions with those groups
  • Users are then a member of one or more groups and
    it is their group membership that defines their
    access rights

  • the idea behind ACLs and ACMs is that these
    provide the information that the OS should check
    before granting access to a given process in a
    given access mode to a given file
  • obviously the ACL/ACM are very sensitive
    structures which need to be secured from
    unauthorised access

  • UNIX has a very restricted notion of 3 security
    groups - owner, group, world - and defines access
    of only 3 modes for each of the 3 groups - while
    it is true that a user can change their group id.
    it is still very permissive and does not allow
    for much fine grained control in defining access
    rights to objects in a system - it is quite
    efficient however as the permissions are
    represented by a set of only 12 bits (9 normal
    bits and 3 special)

  • A capability essentially associates with a user a
    set of permissions of use on a specific file or
    resource in the system - one per item
  • but unlike ACLs the access rights are associated
    with the user not the file or resource
  • a capability list - is a set of such capabilities
    all associated with a user
  • capability list is equivalent to a row in the ACM
  • the idea is that then the user has to tend the
    capability to the OS for it to check to see if it
    will grant access to a given file

  • advantage is that it makes it easy to have an
    overview and control of the set of permissions
    given to a specific user, disadvantage is that it
    is difficult to see all permissions associated
    with a given file - ACLs - have opposite advs and
    disadvs - easy to see overview of permissions on
    a given file, but not for a given user.
  • As ever with any such structures protection of
    the information in the structure is vital

  • A capability

User authentication
  • Authentication is the binding of an identity with
    a user
  • 3 classic mechanisms used to authenticate the
    identity of a user - by something the user
  • 1. Knows - known only to user and system -
    passwords, etc.
  • 2. Has - physical item in users possession
  • 3. Is - biometric measurements that are
    relatively unique to the user - not going to say
    anything about this today

  • passwords can ideally provide high levels of
    security provided user does not disclose password
  • if the alphabet of basic symbols that can be used
    in password is B, then the number of different
    passwords of length N is BN
  • thus even with upper and lowercase letters and
    digits you have 62N - a huge search space for N
    even of length 8 628 approx. 180 trillion
  • Thus theoretical average time to crack a password
    (BN I) / (2 MIPS)
  • where I is number of instructions in cracking
    program and MIPS is speed of processor it is
    running on

  • Problem is formula is only applicable
  • a) if passwords are random sequences of the set
    of basic symbols - non-random passwords greatly
    reduce the size of the search space
  • b) if we are considering finding just 1
    particular password, but password cracker is
    interested in finding any password to allow them
    onto a system, so the number of user accounts is
    important - for a large networked organisation
    this can be very large - tens or hundreds of
  • the real metric of interest is the probability of
    cracking any password on a system, with a given
    number of users, during the lifetime of the
    system (which could be 10 years or more)

password selection
  • most users choose passwords that are non-random
  • a number of different studies have shown that
    users choose passwords that are meaningful e.g.
  • 50 of passwords used by Egg on-line banking
    users were names of a member of their family
  • 82 of passwords used by users in City of London
    financial institutions were easily guessed being
    people's names, swear words and words of vulgar
    sexual content, place names (favourite holiday
    spots) and common office objects

  • passwords are held securely on the system by use
    of a one-way or hash function (see lecture 4 for
    hash functions) - hash function is applied to
    password user submits and if it matches the
    stored hash value for user then user is
    authenticated. Remember with a hash function it
    is very difficult to invert the function to get
    the password from the hash value - so on original
    Unix systems the file of password hash values was
    openly accessible - it was seen as safe
  • hash functions that are used are standard - SHA,
    MD5, Blowfish

  • to prevent collisions in the set of hash values
    i.e. to prevent 2 users who have the same
    password from recognising that they have the same
    password because they have the same password hash
    value, then a 12 bit salt (random number) is
    assigned to user - this is kept in password file
    and is prepended or appended to password before
    hash value is computed

Password attacks
  • 1. brute-force search - mentioned in previous
    lecture - should be infeasible with random
    passwords - but the quality of the hash function
    used can undermine the system even if random
    passwords are used e.g.
  • Original Windows NT allowed users to specify up
    to 14 character passwords giving a theoretically
    huge search space.
  • Hash function used by NT - ignored the case of
    letters and the 14 character password was treated
    by the hash function as 2 7 character passwords
    each of which was separately hashed - thus the
    security was no better than that provided by a 7
    character password (and remember one that ignores
    letter case) - that is one of the reasons why it
    is better to use industry standard hash (and
    encryption) functions rather than proprietary
    ones - because the weakness was not understood by

  • 2. dictionary attack - try common words, etc - we
    have mentioned this before - 2 typical methods by
    which the attack works
  • i) if attacker can get a copy of the password
    file with the set of hash values, then can apply
    hash function used to dictionary words, etc, and
    compare hashed result against entries in password
    file of hash values
  • as a result of this, file of password hash values
    are normally now kept in files called shadow
    password files - they are only accessible to
    someone with administrative access rights, have
    formats that are private and are often encrypted

  • ii) If there is no upper limit on login attempts
    with incorrect passwords, then can keep on trying
    login attempts
  • Note - military systems tend not to have upper
    limits on login attempts - because if they
    suspended an account whenever an upper limit of
    attempts was reached, this would leave the
    military system open to denial of service attacks
    from enemies who would simply need to make a
    number of incorrect login attempts to suspend
    every account on the system

  • 3. Pre-computed hash lookup table - the time
    taken to search for a password can be reduced by
    trading off storage space against time
  • given that a standard hash algorithm will be
    used, then the hash values for a large number of
    passwords can be pre-computed and stored in a
    lookup table
  • thus password hash values can then be rapidly
    compared to entries in table rather than having
    to be re-computed everytime you want to crack a
    password on a new system

  • of course the storage required to hold all
    possible passwords would be infeasible just as
    the time required to search for a random password
    might be infeasible, but common passwords could
    be stored and it speeds up the cracking process
  • Also you can combine the use of a lookup table
    seeded with appropriate pre-computed entries with
    searching to significantly reduce time required
    to complete an exhaustive search - this is known
    as a password probability matrix approach
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