Is Religion A Way of Life - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Is Religion A Way of Life


... purpose of one's life and the duties and obligations toward ... greeting (the believers) on the day of judgment is Salaam.' ( 33:44) ... Holy Quran ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Is Religion A Way of Life

Is Religion A Way of Life ?
Muhammad Nicholas Sylvester JK Dakwah JIM
What is Islam?
  • The word Islam means peace, submission, and

  • Truly, the religion with Allah is Islam
    (Submission to His will)..
  • Ali-Imraan 319

What is Islam?
  • The religion of Islam consists of the complete
    acceptance of the teachings and guidance of God
    as revealed to His prophet Mohammed

What is Islam?
  • A Muslim believes in God and strives for the
    total reorganization of ones life according to
    the guidance revealed by God and sayings of the

Continuity of Message
Islam is not a new religion, but a
re-presentation of the same message and guidance
that God revealed to all of His prophets.
Evidence of Continuity
God says Say, we believe in Allah and that
which has been revealed to us, and that which was
revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and
the tribes and that which was given to Moses and
Jesus and to other Prophets, from their Lord. We
make no distinction between any of them, and to
Him we submit (2136)    
Central to Islam
To understand Islam as a way of life, one need to
understand what is central to Islam Allah Mohamme
d Quran Hadith
Allah is Arabic for The God Allah is a
unique term and it has no plural or feminine
forms Muslims believe in one and only one God,
the same God that Jews and Christians believe in
Christian Arabs use Allah to refer to God
Born 570AD to the tribe of Quraish Labeled
Al-Ameen (the honest and trustworthy) even
before the revelation The last messenger from
Allah Role model that all Muslims should
follow Allah says We have not sent you except
as a mercy to all creation (21107)
The Quran
The main scripture and one of the basic sources
of Islamic teachings and laws It is considered
the literal word of Allah that was revealed to
Mohammed by the angel Gabriel over a period of 23
years The original and complete text of the
Quran is available to everybody in Arabic, the
language in which it was revealed Translations
of the meaning into many other languages are
widely used
The Quran
Deals with the foundations of creeds, morality,
the history of humanity,worship, knowledge,
wisdom, the relationship of man to Allah and
Allah to man, and all aspects of interpersonal
relationships Teaches mankind the purpose of
ones life and the duties and obligations toward
oneself, family, relatives, community, fellow
human beings, and The Creator
The Quran
  • A linguistic miracle
  • Allah says, say if the whole of mankind and
    jins were to gather together to produce the like
    of this quran, they could not produce the like
    thereof, even if they backed up each other with
    help and support(1788)
  • Accurate scientific facts
  • Allah says, the heaven, We have built it with
    power, Verily we are expanding it (5147)

Covers the literature dealing with the Prophets
teachings, sayings, and actions (Sunnah), was
reported and collected with great care by his
devoted companions Main function is to explain
and corroborate the Quranic verses Quran and
Hadith are the basis for the Islamic law
(Shariah). They are meant to be used to construct
sound systems of social justice, economics,
politics, legislation, jurisprudence, law, and
international relations
Is Islam really a way of life?
  • To understand why Islam is a way of life is
  • One need to just understand the 5 basic pillars
    of Islam to appreciate this fact

The first pillar Declaration of faith
To bear witness that there is none worthy of
worship except Allah and that Muhammad is His
messenger to all humanity until the Day of
Judgment. The declaration is not just a
slogan, it has deep meanings and implications.
Meaning of declaration
The worship of Allah, is in all aspects of ones
life. Surrender to Allah in Islam means choosing
to follow and abide by all the guidance set by
Allah. The prophet hood of Muhammad obliges
Muslims to follow his exemplary life as a model.
The second pillar Prayers
Daily prayers are offered five times a day as a
duty towards Allah. They strengthen and
enliven one's belief in Allah and inspire
individuals to develop a higher morality. They
purify the heart and resist giving into
The second pillar Prayers
A person is to live a fully functional
productive life, but he is to check his compass
at 5 strategic time during the day In less than
5 minutes each, one will connect with the
Creator, to thank Him, renew his promise and seek
His guidance and favors Prayers will keep him
spiritually nourished and focused on doing the
right things in life every day of his life
The third pillar Fasting month of Ramadhan
  • Abstaining from dawn to sunset food, drink, all
    intimate relationships and striving to abstain
    from evil intentions, desires, and deeds
  • This seek to
  • Instill awareness and love of Allah
  • Instill within the individual feelings of love,
    sincerity, devotion, patience, unselfishness, and
  • Develop a sound social conscience

The third pillar Fasting month of Ramadhan
Fasting can be done voluntarily at other times as
well, and a person is trained at least once a
year for a full month to be a perfect person full
of goodness Having undergone such training
correctly a person will keep the good habits as
his/her way of life for the next full year

The fourth pillar Zakat (Almsgiving)
  • An annual payment of 2.5 of one's net savings
    that has been in one's possession for one year
  • It must be given to those who are poor and in
  • Ensures delivery of the right of the poor and
    needy on the wealthy
  • Purifies (Zakat) one's money and promotes social

The fourth pillar Zakat (Almsgiving)
Zakat is a way of life It reminds of us of the
temporary nature of this life and that it is only
a test Our wealth are ours temporarily, if we
have more we should be thankful and dont forget
others who are less fortunate
The fifth pillar Pilgrimage to Makkah (Hajj)
This must be performed once during one's
lifetime, provided that one can afford it
financially and withstand it physically The
Kaaba was erected by Ibrahim (Abraham) and his
son Ismail (Ishmael) Promotes practical equality
The fifth pillar Pilgrimage to Makkah (Hajj)
About 3-4 million people perform hajj every year
from all parts of the world As a way of life, a
person is to love and respect all human beings no
matter from what ethnic, racial or cultural
Features of Islam way of life
The way of life enjoined by Islam is one that is
natural and fits the human needs There are
several features of the Islamic way of life
1. Comprehensive guidance
Islam provides specific guidelines for all people
to follow in their daily lives Its guidance is
comprehensive and includes the social, economic,
political, moral, and spiritual aspects of life
natural guidance
Everything that Islam forbids is for the good of
mankind and nature What is forbidden are because
they are not good for mankind The general rule
is everything is allowed except for what is
specifically forbidden
2. Integrated and holistic
A persons life is regarded as holistic and
integrated unity and not a collection of
fragmented and competitive parts. There are no
separate sacred and secular realms
3. Peace as a basis
Salaam (Peace) is one of the principle deep
rooted in Islam The words Islam and Salaam
originate from the same root word Salama (to be
peaceful) Salaam is one of the names of Allah
(some Muslims are named Abdel-Salaam) It is the
greeting between Muslims
As-salaamuAlaikum (Peace be upon you)

Peace in the Holy Quran
  • The word Salaam is repeated in numerous verses in
    the Quran
  • Allah says, their greeting (the believers)
    on the day of judgment is Salaam. (3344)
  • Allah says, And angels shall enter unto
    them (believers) from every gate (of the
    Paradise) saying Salaam Alikum (peace be upon
    you) (1323-24)
  • Allah says, Allah calls to the home of peace
    (i.e Paradise) (1025)

4. Human Rights
  • Human rights in Islam are a divine gift from
    Allah to all people
  • Allah says, We have honored the off springs of
    Adam (17 70)
  • Allah says, We have indeed created mankind in
    the best of moulds (95 4)
  • Allah says, O mankind! We created you from a
    single (pair) of male and female, and made you
    into nations and tribes, that you may know each
    other . Verily, the most honored of you in the
    sight of Allah is the one who is most righteous
    (49 13)

5. Justice
  • Allah says,  O you who believe, stand out firmly
    for Allah, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let
    not the hatred of others to you make you swerve
    to wrong and depart from justice. Be just that
    is closer to piety and fear Allah. For Allah is
    well-acquainted with all that you do (58)
  • Allah says, If anyone slew a person unless it
    be for murder or for spreading mischief in the
    land it would be as if he slew the whole people
    and anyone who saved the life of a person as if
    he saved the whole people (532)

Justice in the Holy Quran
  •  Allah says, O you who believe, establish
    justice, being witnesses to the truth, for the
    sake of Allah, even though it be against your own
    selves, or your parents and relatives whether
    the person is rich or poor, Allahs claim takes
    precedence over either and follow not your own
    desire, lest you swerve from justice. (4135)
  • Allah says, Take not life, which Allah Hath made
    sacred, except by way of justice and law. Thus
    doth He commands you That ye may learn wisdom
    (6 151)

6. Freedom of Religion
  • Allah says There is no compulsion in religion
  • Allah says Say, to you be your religion and to
    me my religion (1096)
  • Allah says Call to the way of your Lord with
    wisdom and kind advice

  • One message from God from Adam through Abraham,
    Moses, Jesus, to Mohammed (Peace be upon them)
  • Islam is a comprehensive way of life it provides
    guidance in the social, economic, political,
    moral, and spiritual aspects of life
  • Islam respect of human rights include the right
    of life, justice, equality, ownership, and
    freedom of religion and speech.

Thank you
  • Muhammad Nicholas Sylvester
  • Email
  • Contact 019-333-5549
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