Web Search - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Web Search


Simple queries involving relationships between terms and documents ... E.g.: Stemming 'ides' to 'IDE', 'SOCKS' to 'sock', 'gated' to 'gate', may be bad ! ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: ides | search | web


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Web Search

Web Search Information Retrieval
Boolean queries Examples
  • Simple queries involving relationships between
    terms and documents
  • Documents containing the word Java
  • Documents containing the word Java but not the
    word coffee
  • Proximity queries
  • Documents containing the phrase Java beans or the
    term API
  • Documents where Java and island occur in the same

Document preprocessing
  • Tokenization
  • Filtering away tags
  • Tokens regarded as nonempty sequence of
    characters excluding spaces and punctuations.
  • Token represented by a suitable integer, tid,
    typically 32 bits
  • Optional stemming/conflation of words
  • Result document (did) transformed into a
    sequence of integers (tid, pos)

Storing tokens
  • Straight-forward implementation using a
    relational database
  • Example figure
  • Space scales to almost 10 times
  • Accesses to table show common pattern
  • reduce the storage by mapping tids to a
    lexicographically sorted buffer of (did, pos)
  • Indexing transposing document-term matrix


Two variants of the inverted index data
structure, usually stored on disk. The
simpler version in the middle does not store term
offset information the version to the right
stores term offsets. The mapping from terms to
documents and positions (written as
document/position) may be implemented using a
B-tree or a hash-table.
  • Function words and connectives
  • Appear in large number of documents and little
    use in pinpointing documents
  • Indexing stopwords
  • Stopwords not indexed
  • For reducing index space and improving
  • Replace stopwords with a placeholder (to remember
    the offset)
  • Issues
  • Queries containing only stopwords ruled out
  • Polysemous words that are stopwords in one sense
    but not in others
  • E.g. can as a verb vs. can as a noun

  • Conflating words to help match a query term with
    a morphological variant in the corpus.
  • Remove inflections that convey parts of speech,
    tense and number
  • E.g. university and universal both stem to
  • Techniques
  • morphological analysis (e.g., Porter's algorithm)
  • dictionary lookup (e.g., WordNet).
  • Stemming may increase recall but at the price of
  • Abbreviations, polysemy and names coined in the
    technical and commercial sectors
  • E.g. Stemming ides to IDE, SOCKS to
    sock, gated to gate, may be bad !

Maintaining indices over dynamic collections.
Relevance ranking
  • Keyword queries
  • In natural language
  • Not precise, unlike SQL
  • Boolean decision for response unacceptable
  • Solution
  • Rate each document for how likely it is to
    satisfy the user's information need
  • Sort in decreasing order of the score
  • Present results in a ranked list.
  • No algorithmic way of ensuring that the ranking
    strategy always favors the information need
  • Query only a part of the user's information need

Responding to queries
  • Set-valued response
  • Response set may be very large
  • (E.g., by recent estimates, over 12 million Web
    pages contain the word java.)
  • Demanding selective query from user
  • Guessing user's information need and ranking
  • Evaluating rankings

Evaluating procedure
  • Given benchmark
  • Corpus of n documents D
  • A set of queries Q
  • For each query, an exhaustive set of
    relevant documents identified
  • Query submitted system
  • Ranked list of documents
  • compute a 0/1 relevance list
  • iff
  • otherwise.

Recall and precision
  • Recall at rank
  • Fraction of all relevant documents included in
  • .
  • Precision at rank
  • Fraction of the top k responses that are actually
  • .

Other measures
  • Average precision
  • Sum of precision at each relevant hit position in
    the response list, divided by the total number of
    relevant documents
  • .

  • avg.precision 1 iff engine retrieves all
    relevant documents and ranks them ahead of any
    irrelevant document
  • Interpolated precision
  • To combine precision values from multiple queries
  • Gives precision-vs.-recall curve for the
  • For each query, take the maximum precision
    obtained for the query for any recall greater
    than or equal to
  • average them together for all queries
  • Others like measures of authority, prestige etc

Precision-Recall tradeoff
  • Interpolated precision cannot increase with
  • Interpolated precision at recall level 0 may be
    less than 1
  • At level k 0
  • Precision (by convention) 1, Recall 0
  • Inspecting more documents
  • Can increase recall
  • Precision may decrease
  • we will start encountering more and more
    irrelevant documents
  • Search engine with a good ranking function will
    generally show a negative relation between recall
    and precision.
  • Higher the curve, better the engine

Precision and interpolated precision plotted
against recall for the given relevance
vector. Missing are zeroes.
The vector space model
  • Documents represented as vectors in a
    multi-dimensional Euclidean space
  • Each axis a term (token)
  • Coordinate of document d in direction of term t
    determined by
  • Term frequency TF(d,t)
  • number of times term t occurs in document d,
    scaled in a variety of ways to normalize document
  • Inverse document frequency IDF(t)
  • to scale down the coordinates of terms that occur
    in many documents

Term frequency
  • .
  • Cornell SMART system uses a smoothed version

Inverse document frequency
  • Given
  • D is the document collection and is the set
    of documents containing t
  • Formulae
  • mostly dampened functions of
  • .

Vector space model
  • Coordinate of document d in axis t
  • .
  • Transformed to in the TFIDF-space
  • Query q
  • Interpreted as a document
  • Transformed to in the same TFIDF-space as d

Measures of proximity
  • Distance measure
  • Magnitude of the vector difference
  • .
  • Document vectors must be normalized to unit (
    or ) length
  • Else shorter documents dominate (since queries
    are short)
  • Cosine similarity
  • cosine of the angle between and
  • Shorter documents are penalized

Relevance feedback
  • Users learning how to modify queries
  • Response list must have least some relevant
  • Relevance feedback
  • correcting' the ranks to the user's taste
  • automates the query refinement process
  • Rocchio's method
  • Folding-in user feedback
  • To query vector
  • Add a weighted sum of vectors for relevant
    documents D
  • Subtract a weighted sum of the irrelevant
    documents D-
  • .

Relevance feedback (contd.)
  • Pseudo-relevance feedback
  • D and D- generated automatically
  • E.g. Cornell SMART system
  • top 10 documents reported by the first round of
    query execution are included in D
  • typically set to 0 D- not used
  • Not a commonly available feature
  • Web users want instant gratification
  • System complexity
  • Executing the second round query slower and
    expensive for major search engines

Ranking by odds ratio
  • R Boolean random variable which represents the
    relevance of document d w.r.t. query q.
  • Ranking documents by their odds ratio for
  • .
  • Approximating probability of d by product of the
    probabilities of individual terms in d
  • .
  • Approximately

Meta-search systems
  • Take the search engine to the document
  • Forward queries to many geographically
    distributed repositories
  • Each has its own search service
  • Consolidate their responses.
  • Advantages
  • Perform non-trivial query rewriting
  • Suit a single user query to many search engines
    with different query syntax
  • Surprisingly small overlap between crawls
  • Consolidating responses
  • Function goes beyond just eliminating duplicates
  • Search services do not provide standard ranks
    which can be combined meaningfully

Similarity search
  • Cluster hypothesis
  • Documents similar to relevant documents are also
    likely to be relevant
  • Handling find similar queries
  • Replication or duplication of pages
  • Mirroring of sites

Document similarity
  • Jaccard coefficient of similarity between
    document and
  • T(d) set of tokens in document d
  • .
  • Symmetric, reflexive, not a metric
  • Forgives any number of occurrences and any
    permutations of the terms.
  • is a metric
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