Title: Beyond Annotations: A Proposal for Extensible Java XJ
1Beyond AnnotationsA Proposal for Extensible
- Tony Clark, Thames Valley University
- Paul Sammut, HSBC
- James Willans, Ceteva
- tony.clark_at_tvu.ac.uk
- www.ceteva.com/home/tony.html
2Domain Specific Languages
- Aims to provide a tailored language to support
mixed languages language evolution. - Pros declarative maintenance reuse
verification - Cons specialist skills no standard technology
lack of integration. - Technologies macros pre-processing
roll-your-own chained calls.
3DSLs Technology Problems
- Communication distributing new languages.
- Integration IDEs Analysis Tools.
- Modularity clear definition of syntax and
semantics. - DSL Types Internal and External.
- Syntax (concrete and abstract) standard
extension mechanisms.
4DSLs An OO Proposal
- Syntax Classes
- Modular class-based language constructs.
- Conservative extends base language.
- Fully Integrated static dynamic IDE.
- Standardized syntax extension AST manipulation
static processing execution.
5Syntax Classes DSL Architecture
package p.q import language java.syntax.grammar
class mylang implements java.syntax.AST ...
_at_grammar // language definition
import language p.q.mylang class C void
m(...) ... _at_mylang //
Syntax and semantics defined // by class
- modular.
- nesting.
- conservative.
- standard.
6Example DSL Constructs
public VectorltIntegergt add1(VectorltIntegergt nums)
return _at_Cmp(x 1) int x lt- nums
_at_Reader CallReader map(SVCL,ServiceCall)
4-18CustomerName 19-23CustomerID
24-27CallTypeCode 28-35DataOfCallString
end map(USGE,Usage) 4-8CustomerID
9-22CustomerName 30-30Cycle
31-36ReadDate end do ServiceCall Usage
_at_EntityBean Order persistAs "ORDER_TABLE"
private int id persistAs "ORDER_ID" (get,set)
private int address persistAs "SHIPPING_ADDRESS"
7Syntax Classes Technologies
- Grammars basic library synthesizes abstract
syntax various languages possible. - AST interface factories types eval compile
- Quasi-quotes working with concrete/abstract
syntax ltogt.m(ltagt,1) - Language import _at_ grammar .
- Implemented in XMF commercial tool open-source
(www.ceteva.com) - Superlanguages book (www.ceteva.com/docs/Superlan
guages.pdf) - DSLs require standard technology.
- Open up Java to define new languages.
- Issues language interaction IDE support
analysis tool requirements.
- New languages and constructs can/should implement
a standard interface to facilitate program