Title: Consistency In Continuous Distributed Interactive Applications
1Consistency In Continuous Distributed
Interactive Applications
Dr. ZHOU Suiping School of Computer
Engineering Nanyang Technological University
3Why (do we address the consistency issue)?
- Distributed Interactive Applications (DIAs) have
been - widely used and studied in recently years.
- DIS, Multi-user games, cooperative editing
- Two defining properties of DIAs
- Various inconsistency may occur which may
greatly - degrade the performance of the application.
4How (do we address the consistency issue)?
- Classification of applications
We focus on continuous applications.
Provide a framework for analysis and maintenance
5A Consistency Model
Simulated world
site A
site B
Physical world
Transmission delay
Time-stamped message
Transmission delay
Various kinds of inconsistency
6A Consistency Model
- Inconsistency is ubiquitous
- Different phenomena
7A consistency Model
8A Consistency Model
Definition 1
Suppose E is a moving entity in an application,
and is its simulated position at site
at wall-clock time t, where n is the number
of sites in the application. If
, the application is called absolutely
9A Consistency Model
How big an inconsistency is considered
as an inconsistency ?
10A Consistency Model
In order to evaluate the time-space inconsistency
property of an application, we define
Relative time-space inconsistency
Not discernible
Not Obvious
11A Consistency Model
12The Computation of
It is important to estimate the relative
time-space inconsistency!
For applications have quasi-periodical behaviors,
it is possible to estimate
13The Computation of
14Consistency Maintenance
Global issue - Relationship among different
local views
Local issue -
15Consistency Maintenance
16Consistency Maintenance
The short period after an action is taken on an
Critical Situation
Why critical?
17Future Work
- A set of algorithms for consistency maintenance
- based on critical situation slow-down.
- Further relax our consistency model for specific
- application, such as turn-based applications.