Title: Moveit.com.au
1Summary Rules
- Tight Slide Presentation (10 to 15) Dont read
the slides must be able to do it without the
slides, dont try and say it all with a slide - Show that you are passionate and committed about
the product and its future - Focus on the Why and not the What
- Be very clear about what you will do with the
money - Make sure you have an exit strategy in mind
- Know that investors always apply the GOLDEN RULE
2Opening (Transition)
Personal Water Systems Inc
3The Vision
Our new personal water dispenser will redefine
the way that individuals drink water and soft
4Key Issues
Product .. What and How
Market Drivers.. Why
Distribution Channels
Company/People.. Who and Where
Investment.. How much..Roi
5Product 10
- what does it do
- how does it work
- features and benefits
- Investors want to know a
- little bit about the product,
- but a lot about why it will sell so well and
therefore how much money they make. - dont rave on about your great idea
6What and How
- Hygienic
- Single or multi-user
- Differing products non-fizzy
- Long lasting
- Inevitable future direction of the personal water
Use appropriate pictures
7Market Drivers 35
- Why will customers buy
- What is the thorn that you remove
- Competition.. be truthful
- Market size.. No Chinese Glove stories
- Any customers
- Scalability for volume
8The Market
- By Main Customers eg
- Coca Cola 200,000 bottles per day
- Pepsi 150,000 bottles per day
- Others 35,000 per day
- Sport Bottles 10,000 per day
- Other 2,000 per day
- Total 392,000 per day
- Screw Top lids
- Screw on and off to access liquid
- Unhygienic
10Progress to Date
- Trials under way with Bickfords
- Manufacturer providing tooling for equity
- Coca Cola expressed interest in trial result
- Institute of Sport sees hygienic benefits
11Distribution Channels 10
- How will you get to market
- Direct Sales vs. resellers or agents
- Other alternatives
- Cost benefit to each
12Company 20
- People are the most important element that
investors want to see - Portray confidence, very very strong personal
stickability or dedication, professionalism,
great personal presentation and most of all
enthusiasm - Investors want to be excited
13The Company
The Directors/Team Initial Team Paul Fairborn
BE (Mech) CEO and Engineering design Peter
Maloney BA (Ind Des) Product Design Neil
Tanner Marketing and Sales, 2 yrs experience
within the soft drink industry
14Financials 25
- Know how you will charge for your product
- What you think the market will bear
- What your approximate costs will be
- Best, medium and worst case returns
- How much do you want
- Likely buyers exit strategy
- Stay at a high level initially and then provide
further details at a later stage and as required
- Cash Flow Projections(based on no equity
injection) - Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
- Inflows 500 50,000
50,000,000 - Outflows 800
55,000 30,000,000 - Net Inflow / (Outflow) (300)
(5,000) 20,000,000
16Use of Funds
- IP protection, world wide patents
- Tooling
- Trialing and Testing
17Exit Strategy
- Trade sale to a manufacturer
- Possibly IPO
- Depending upon Market Opportunities an exit is
planned within 3 to 5 years.
18Summary/Next Step
- Your thoughts
- Due diligence
- Time frame
Remember that you can only sell blue sky once..
After that it is all about results or a
frightening and very disappointing reduction in
your equity position.