Title: Applying for a Technician Job
1Applying for a Technician Job
- Part 2 of 3
- Creating a Resume
- in USA Jobs
2USA Jobs
- Place to find Jobs
- Get requirements, location, pay, etc.
- Build resumes
- http//www.usajobs.gov/
3Go to http//www.usajobs.gov/ and youll see this
screen. Click My USAJOBS to go to the sign-in
4This page will allow you to log in or register to
USA Jobs. Join if you want to build and send a
resume from USA Jobs. For the first time user,
you will click on Create your account now!.
5You will need to complete the information on this
page. Make sure to remember your USA Jobs
6If you are already registered, you will see your
resume(s). You can also edit your resume or
create a new resume.
7Here you can edit your resume or create a new one.
8When using the Resume Builder, you will fill out
four sections. In the Confidentiality box,
select Non-Confidential so that we can see your
name along with your resume.
9You can save your progress for later or move onto
the next step.
10Here you will enter your experience. Make sure
to include all your duties, also include all the
months of experience that you have to qualify for
the job.
11In Related Information, you can fill in your
job references and preferences.
12In the last step you can spell check your resume
and save it.
13Now find the job you would like to apply for and
click its link.
14Read over the job announcement and make sure your
resume complies with the requirements.
15Click Apply Online.
16Select your resume created for this job and click
Apply for this position now!
17If you see this screen, click on the link to be
taken to Application Manager. You must proceed
to Application Manager to fill out the
Questionnaire or none of your information will be
seen in our systems. You can also upload other
documents in Application Manager, (i.e. OF 612,
Military Service Record, Transcripts, other forms
of resumes, etc.)