Measuring Migration: Best Practices in Censuses and Household Surveys - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Measuring Migration: Best Practices in Censuses and Household Surveys


normally spends daily period of rest' Usual legal. Boarding ... Arbitrary reference period. Still misses entire HHs. Identifying a migrant in HH (cont'd) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Measuring Migration: Best Practices in Censuses and Household Surveys

Measuring Migration Best Practices in Censuses
and Household Surveys
  • Gero Carletto
  • Carlo Azzarri

  • Migration policy research hampered by
    availability of data
  • Definitions and measurements of migration varies
    across and within countries (from ? sources), and
  • Best practices?
  • Lack of consensus
  • Who is an international migrant?
  • What type of migration?

What type of migration?
  • Flow vs. Stock
  • Immigrant vs emigrant (net migration)
  • Permanent/L-T vs. temporary/S-T
  • Circular, returnees
  • Internal
  • Undocumented/irregular
  • International migrants vs. international
    migration (multiple moves)
  • ? Different definitions/dimensions, different

  • Concepts and definitions
  • Data sources
  • Sampling and survey options
  • Questionnaire contents/design
  • Conclusions and next steps

  • (Change in) Place of usual residence
  • Time/duration of stay
  • Purpose of stay
  • Citizenship
  • Place of birth
  • Alone or in combinations
  • in which order?
  • for which purpose?
  • ? Used differently by different sources and
    depending on objective

Definition of Intl Mig (FLOW)
  • An international migrant is a person who changes
    his/her own country of usual residence (UN RSIM,
    Rev. 1)
  • Place of usual residence?
  • normally spends daily period of rest
  • Usual ? legal
  • Boarding students? Weekly commuters?
  • No provision for
  • Duration of stay
  • Purpose of move

Long- vs. Short-term migrants (UN RSIM Rev 1.)
  • A long-term migrant is a person who moves to a
    country other than that of his/her usual
    residence for a period of at least a year (12
  • A short-term migrant is a person who moves to a
    country other than that of his/her usual
    residence for a period of at least 3 months but
    less than a year (12 months) (except for
    recreation, holiday, business, medical treatment,

Definition of Intl mig.(STOCK)
  • Persons who have ever changed their country of
    usual residence i.e. spent at least 1 year in a
    country other than the one in which they live at
    the time data gathered (UN RSIM Rev. 1)
  • Relevant population groups
  • foreigners (non-citizens of country of usual
  • foreign-born (born in country other than one in
    which they are being enumerated)
  • provisions for 14 special groups

Alternative definition (Bilsborrow et al, 1997)
  • An international migrant is a person who have
    lived for at least 6 months in a country other
    than that in which they are being interviewed and
    whose move into the country of interview occurred
    during the 5 years preceding the interview
  • but definition assumes presence!

Complementary definition (Bilsborrow et al.,
  • An international migrant is a person who used to
    live in the country in which the interview is
    being conducted and was a member of the household
    of the person being interviewed but who left at
    some point in time during the 5 years preceding
    the interview to live abroad for at least 6

Operationalizing definitions
  • Usual Place of residence
  • Some countries do not use concept of migrant
  • Why 3-6-12 months?
  • Intended vs. actual duration of stay?
  • at time of arrival based on intention
  • upon completion of 12-month period
  • Lots of provisions!

Data sources
  • Population registers
  • Other administrative records
  • Population censuses
  • Surveys

Data sources Pop Registers
  • PROS
  • Continuous
  • Measure of FLOWS (consistent with STOCKS)
  • De facto duration of stay/absence (if
  • CONS
  • Not run by NSO coordination
  • Only limited information
  • Often not public access
  • Often only nationals only documented
  • (dis)Incentive to register/deregister
  • Intended vs. actual duration of stay
  • Quality variability (if decentralized)
  • Feasible for LDCs? (EU from PopCensus to
  • Only 15 countries reporting flows figures (mostly
    from pop registers UK, NZ from border statistics)

Data sources Other admin records
  • Border crossings (flows)
  • Registry of foreign workers
  • Embassy/consular data
  • Resident permit holders/applicants
  • Diaspora organizations/NGOs in D country
  • Emigration clearance certificates
  • Destination country sources
  • often incomplete both in coverage and content

Data sources PopCensus
  • Most reliable source of internationally
    comparable IMMIGRANT stocks.
  • PROS
  • Universal coverage
  • Some characterization possible, based on basic
    demographics and socio-economic, e.g.
  • Gender (feminization of migration)
  • Age (SSS fertility)
  • Occupation (workforce)
  • Educational level (brain drain/gain)

Data sources PopCensus (contd)
  • CONS
  • Every 10 years
  • Limited information (policy analysis?)
  • Poor/delayed tabulation
  • Low training of enumerators/data quality
  • Different approaches/definition
  • De facto (present population) vs. de jure (usual
  • 14 sub-groups for special treatment
  • Under-coverage
  • Entire families that moved
  • Seasonal/temporary, circular (night prior to
    census date)
  • Marginal groups (undocumented migrants?)
  • Housing arrangements, language, distrust,

Data sources PopCensus (contd)
(Chen, 2006)
Data sources PopCensus (contd)
  • Only 1 country in 89 compliant with UN RSIM Rev.1
    (of 153 of 196)!
  • 11 countries close to definition
  • citizenship (93 countries)
  • stateless
  • place of birth (112 countries)
  • new countries
  • PoR at some point in time in the past (88
  • (Chen, 2006)

Data sources PopCensus emigrants?
  • Self-reporting about absentees based on
    socio-econ status (hh membership)
  • Two (indirect) methods based on demographics
  • Place of Residence (PoR) of siblings
  • PoR of children (complementing existing sources
    split surviving children by PoR)
  • Even more limited information on emigrants
  • Less flexibility
  • No sensitive info (affect coverage)
  • Feasible at all?
  • Quality of information
  • Proxy respondent
  • Enumerators training
  • Balance equation/residual (Albania)
  • Using data from PopCensus in D countries?

Data sources Surveys
  • Despite hype, haphazard efforts
  • Little attention in
  • UN RSIM Rev 1.
  • EGM recommendations
  • Countries should explore the possibility of
    using sample surveys to collect data on
    international migration, especially for those
    aspects for which no other sources are available
  • PROS
  • In-depth analysis
  • determinants, distributional analysis, impact
  • More flexibility
  • Emigration (last resort?)
  • CONS
  • Rare event, clustered
  • Sampling error
  • Sampling frame (emigrants)
  • Richer info but still limitations through proxy

Survey options prob vs. non-prob
  • Probability finding rare events
  • Huge sample?
  • 8 procedures (Kish, 1965)
  • Disproportionate
  • Two-phase
  • Non-probability
  • Case studies
  • Purposive geo selection (NIDI/Eurostat)
  • Snowball
  • Aggregation point intercept (Brazil-Nikkei)

Survey options HH vs. non-HH
  • Passenger surveys
  • UK IPS (flows)
  • Low incidence
  • Short questionnaire
  • HH surveys
  • Specialized
  • Preferred option but
  • Too costly/unfeasible
  • Limited thematic coverage
  • Piggy-backing
  • Richer info (welfare?) but shorter migration
  • Marginal costs
  • Sampling issues
  • LSMS/IHS (small sample Albania), HBS/IES (high
    non-response resistance) LFS (larger sample
    frequency no welfare Philippines)

Survey on Overseas Filipinos (SOF)
  • Long tradition now integral part of LFS.
  • 1982 1-page rider to ISH
  • 1987 part of LFS (OFW only)
  • 1993 expanded module, renamed (OF)
  • 2003 Master sample (51,000 HHs)
  • Estimates and characterize stock of overseas
    Filipinos, including OFW (presently AND
    temporarily working overseas in last 5 year
    period) 1.2M in 2004

  • Questionnaire
  • Contents / Design

Identifying a migrant in HH
  • Approach 1 Typical LSMS/IHS
  • Self-reported hh membership (usually eat and
    live together)
  • No. months absent in past 12 months
  • Provisions, for HH head, new-comers
  • Several drawback
  • Permanent migrants?
  • Exclusion based on arbitrary cut-off
  • Ambiguous
  • Misses entire HHs

Identifying a migrant in HH (contd)
  • Approach 2
  • in the last 5 years, did anyone who lives or
    lived with you go to live in another country?
  • Captures recent migrants but
  • Still ambiguous
  • Arbitrary reference period
  • Still misses entire HHs

Identifying a migrant in HH (contd)
  • Approach 3 Extended roster (with flap)
  • List all present and former hh members
    irrespective of PoR
  • Captures all members but
  • Still ambiguous
  • Incentive to underreport?
  • Misses entire HHs

Identifying a migrant in HH (contd)
  • Approach 4 Expanded fertility module (Albania
    LSMS 2002)
  • From 15-49 to above 15
  • List all women in age group
  • List all children ever born from woman
  • PoR for still alive
  • However
  • Still possible undercount
  • mother absent
  • Misses entire HHs

Once identify (e)migrant
  • How much information can you elicit through proxy
    respondent? Whats the min-MAX amount of info?
  • Age, gender, occupation (before and during)
  • Length stay abroad/year of departure
  • Country of destination
  • Living with spouse/children
  • Legal status?
  • Multiple episodes?
  • Recall methods
  • Less accurate through proxy
  • Recall bias (Smith and Thomas, 2003 Som, 1973)

Albania LSMS 2005
  • Expanded module on (permanent) migrants (non-hh
    members) plus contact information for tracking in
    D country
  • Full histories and characterization of migration
    of current household members (15 years)
  • Bound grid
  • Clear time-marks

Migration histories of HH members
What if entire HH moves?
  • If dwelling occupied
  • Ask new occupant
  • About location
  • About relatives still in communities
  • If dwelling vacant/destroyed
  • Ask neighbor
  • Ask neighbor about relative still in community
  • If dwelling moved?
  • Internal migrants
  • Restricted universe of analysis
  • Track them? Feasible?

Tracking migrants
  • Replace proxy respondent
  • Issues
  • Info needs
  • Attrition
  • Costs
  • Albania (forward tracking)
  • Tonga (backward tracking)

Tracking Albanian migrants in Greece
  • Contact info
  • Process
  • Greece only list of migrants with contacts
  • 1st contact in Greece
  • Return visit in Fall (phone cards)
  • 2nd contact in Greece
  • Interview
  • High attrition
  • No contact info
  • Unable to locate
  • Islands (high costs)
  • Refusal (not high)
  • Returnees/high mobility
  • Selection bias(es)? (undocumented aliens)

  • Standards not uniformly adopted across and within
    countries (depending on source), and changing
  • Definition to be adopted depends on objective at
    hand and sub-populations of interest
  • Census stock, but
  • Registers flows, but
  • Survey Surprisingly, still little attention
  • Weakest link emigration!
  • Better estimations
  • Better characterization
  • Better sampling frames

Next steps WBs role?
  • 2010 Round of PopCensus
  • Influence Qx design
  • Min set of questions on immigrant stock
  • Question on Emigrant?
  • Approximation for stratification in sampling
  • Improve admin records
  • Register (if available) and/or border crossing
  • Inter-institutional collaboration
  • Data access

Next steps WBs role? (contd)
  • HH surveys
  • Support proper sample designs
  • Sampling frames of emigrants
  • enhanced PSU listing for 2-stage
  • Oversampling in planned surveys
  • Reduce undercount/misreporting
  • Fielding and validation of ? approaches (LSMSIV)
  • Adjust for entire migrant households
  • Specialized vs. multi-purpose
  • Better income-based measures

Next steps WBs role?(contd)
  • HH surveys (contd)
  • Improve content
  • Much more flexibility allowed
  • Emigrants, Returnees,
  • If migrant present
  • Histories of migration
  • Retrospective data, determinants
  • Through proxy
  • Minimal set of questions?
  • Contact info for tracking (sub-sample?)
  • Tracking surveys
  • Panel surveys
  • Make provision in baseline
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