Title: Nottingham Children and Young Peoples Council
1Nottingham Children and Young Peoples Council
Children's Trust Strategic Partnership Shadow
Meets monthly - 12 members made up of NYC and NCC
Meets annually all members of Youth Council and
Childrens Council
Childrens Council
Meets five times a year representatives from
secondary schools, youth provisions and citywide
Meets three times a year representatives from
primary schools and play centres
Governance groups
Citywide groups
Youth Bank (Choice and Opportunity Group) meets
Looked After CYP meets fortnightly CYP from
residential, foster and leaving care
Connexions LMC Board meets fortnightly, LMC
meetings every six weeks, Board bi-annually
SENSE and Disability meets fortnightly CYP from
SEN and disability provisions
Neighbourhood and Citywide Events
Including National Play Day, annual youth
celebration events, Parklife events consultations