Title: Welcome to L.C.E.S.
1Welcome to L.C.E.S.
Parent Information Night
2Our School Mission
Our mission at Langston Chapel Elementary School
is to promote a lifetime of LEARNING, CARING,
3Join PTO at L.C.E.S.
Membership - 5.00 L.C.E.S. Car Magnets - 2.00
Report Cards go out every 9 weeks in
kindergarten. Kindergarten students do not
receive progress reports.
Evaluation Key 3 Meets Standard
Independently 2 Meets Standard with
Assistance 1 Does Not Meet Standard
5Report Card Dates
First 9 weeks October 16, 2006 Second 9 weeks
January 9, 2007 Third 9 weeks March 26,
2007 Fourth 9 weeks May 25, 2007
The Kindergarten report card reflects the Georgia
Performance Standards (GPS), which replaces the
Quality Core Curriculum (QCC).
6 How does your child get to 1st grade?
Promotion Policy
- Kindergarten Readiness Skills
- Identifies nine basic colors
- Can state personal information
- (first and last name, address, city, state, age,
birthdate, and telephone number) - Controls tools crayons, pencils, and scissors
7- Language Arts Georgia Performance Standards
- Concepts of Print
- Chooses books and print materials for a variety
of purposes - Tracks text read from left-to-right and
top-to-bottom - Distinguishes between letters, words, and
sentences - Recognizes sentences in print are made of
separate words - Shows an understanding that punctuation and
capitalization are used in all sentences - Phonological Awareness
- Recognizes and produces rhyming words
- Identifies component sounds in spoken words
(beginning, middle, and end) - Blends syllables in spoken words
- Tells how many syllables are in spoken words
- Tells each sound heard in given words
- Blends spoken sounds to make words
8- Phonics
- Identifies the capital and lowercase letters of
the alphabet - Produces the letter sounds
- Blends sounds to read one-syllable decodable
words - Can read a simple decodable book
- Fluency
- Reads 30 words per minute
- Fluently reads grade level text
- Vocabulary
- Communicates effectively by using new vocabulary,
discussing - meaning of words, understanding that some words
have - multiple meanings
- Comprehension
- Sequences pictures to tell a story and makes
predictions - Responds to comprehension questions
- Retells important facts from stories or
experiences in own words
9- Listening/Speaking/Viewing
- 1. Communicates effectively by
- Using appropriate, complete sentences
- Relating experiences
- Describing details
- 2. Repeats auditory sequences such as
- letters and words
- 3. Recites short poems, rhymes, and other
- repeated patterns
- Writing
- Writes first name with correct letter formation
- Writes last name with correct letter formation
- Prints and copies letters
10Kindergarten Writing
- The writing process is developmental progresses
in stages. By the end of the year, kindergarten
students are expected to write with at least 4 of
the following criteria - Draws pictures to create meaning
- Shows left to right pattern of writing
- Uses phonetically spelled words
- Uses capitalization at the beginning of sentences
- Uses punctuation at the end of sentences
- Places appropriate spacing between words
- Uses detail and voice to describe experiences
- to an audience
11- Math Georgia Performance Standards
- Numbers and Operations
- MKN1 Students will connect numerals to the
quantities - they represent.
- Count a number of objects up to 30.
- Produce models for number words through ten.
- Write numerals through 20 to label sets.
- Sequence and identify using ordinal numbers
(1st-10th). - Compare two or more sets of objects (1-10) and
identify which set is equal to, more than, or
less than the other. - Estimate quantities using five and ten as
benchmarks (e.g., 9 is one five and four more.
It is closer to two fives or one 10 than it is to
one five.). - Use informal strategies to share objects equally
(divide) between two to three people or sets. - Identify coins by name and value (penny, nickel,
dime, and quarter). - Count out pennies to buy items that together cost
less than 30 cents. - Make fair trades involving combinations of
pennies and nickels or pennies and dimes.
12- MKN2 Students will use representations to model
- addition and subtraction.
- Use counting strategies to find out how many
items are in two - sets when they are combined.
- Build number combinations up to 10 (e.g., 4 and
1, 2 and 3, 3 - and 2, 4 and 1 for five) and for doubles to
10 (3 and 3 for six). - Use objects, pictures, numbers, or words to
create, solve, and - explain story problems for two numbers that
are each less than - 10.
- Measurement
- MKM1 Students will group objects according to
common - properties such as color, shape,
texture, or - number.
- Compare and order objects on the basis of length.
- Compare and order objects on the basis of
capacity. - Compare and order objects on the basis of height.
- Compare and order objects on the basis of weight.
13- MKM2 Students will understand the measurement
of calendar time. - Know the names of the days of the week.
- Know the months of the year.
- Know the four seasons.
- MKM3 Students will tell time as it relates to a
daily schedule. - Order daily events.
- Tell the time when daily events occur, such as
lunch, to the - nearest hour.
- Know the name of the day of the week when
weekly events occur - in class.
- Geometry
- MKG1 Students will correctly name simple two
and - three-dimensional figures, and
recognize them in - the environment.
14- Recognize and name the following basic
two-dimensional shapes - triangles, squares, rectangles, and circles.
- Recognize and name the following
three-dimensional shapes - spheres (balls) and cubes.
- Observe concrete objects in the environment and
represent - the objects using basic shapes, such as
drawing a - representation of a house using a square
together with a - triangle for the roof.
- Combine basic shapes into basic and more
complicated shapes, - and decompose basic shapes into combinations
of basic shapes. - Compare geometric shapes and identify
similarities and - differences of the following two and
three-dimensional - shapes triangles, rectangles, squares,
circles, spheres, and - cubes.
- MKG2 Students will understand basic positional
- relationships.
- Identify when an object is beside another
object, above another object, or - below another object.
15- MKG3 Students will identify, create, extend,
and transfer patterns from one representation to
another using actions, objects, and geometric
shapes. - Identify a missing shape within a given pattern
of geometric shapes. - Extend a given pattern, and recognize
similarities in different patterns. - Data Analysis and Probability
- MKD1 Students will pose questions, collect
data, organize, - and record results using objects,
pictures, and - picture graphs.
- Process Skills
- MKP1 Students will solve problems that arise in
- mathematics.
- a. Solve non-routine word problems using the
act it out strategy or use objects.
16- Use manipulatives to solve word problems.
- MKP2 Students will investigate, develop, and
evaluate math arguments. - MKP3 Students will use the language of math to
express ideas. - MKP4 Students will understand how math ideas
interconnect and build on one another and will
apply math in other content areas. - MKP5 Students will create and use pictures,
manipulatives, models, and symbols to organize,
record, and communicate math ideas. - MATH TERMS AND SYMBOLS
numbers through 30 longer shorter heavier lighter
morning afternoon evening yesterday today
beside above below in front of behind inside outsi
de more less equal
tomorrow days of the week months of the
year seasons triangle rectangle square circle sphe
re cube
17GKAP-R Test
Georgia Kindergarten Assessment Program - Revised
- Given 3 times per year (Fall, Winter, Spring)
- Graded with AC, IP, and NE
- Tests concepts in Language Arts, Math, and Social
Development - Parent receives report in the Fall and the Spring
(the Fall report will be sent home with the first
report card)
18Open Court Reading Program
Open Court Reading enhances students' reading
instruction and expands reading skills by
systematically and logically presenting concepts
and strategies. The program thoroughly teaches
comprehension skills and provides the practice
students need to become successful and efficient
readers. Built upon over 40 years of scientific
research and field-testing, Open Court Reading
ensures that each and every student receives
proven, time-tested instruction tailored to their
reading needs.
19Harcourt Math
Visit this website to access educational games
related to specific units of study http//www.ha
20Mountain Math
This is a program that was piloted last year and
will be implemented this year. This is a great
tool to review math concepts on a daily basis.
21"Cub Club"
All kindergarten classes meet each Friday to sing
songs, read books and review what we have learned
throughout the week! We meet in different
classrooms each week depending on who is teaching
that week! We will begin Cub Club soon!
22Field Trips Activities Planned for This Year
- Georgia Southern University Wildlife
- Raptor Center
- Fire Department, Police, EMS, and
- El Sombrero
- Magnolia Springs State Park
- RIF Regional Library (3 RIF distributions per
year) - Water Play Day Last Week of School
23Literacy Centers
- Computers - Listening Center - Poem Center
- Alphabet Center - Writing Center
We have had a great start here at L.C.E.S. Thanks
for all that you do to support us! The
Kindergarten Teachers ?
25Parent Questions
26Don't Forget...
Be sure to pick up the information packet that
is provided tonight. It has all the Georgia
Performance Standards (GPS) information that was
reviewed. Also included are the dates for report
cards. Please let us know if you have any
questions about what was presented!
27Thank you for coming! THE KINDERGARTEN TEACHERS