Christians Under ConstructionCUC - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Christians Under ConstructionCUC


All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments' Matthew 22:37-40 NIV ... Rejoice Puppets Living Christmas Tree. Women's Prison Ministry. Firehouse ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Christians Under ConstructionCUC

Christians Under Construction-CUC A newly created
class for young adults by young adults _at_ Cherokee
Baptist Church Applying Biblical truths for
young adults in a modern culture We are starting
with a fresh approach and a new focus on what it
means to be a young adult Christian in todays
modern society of me first and anything goes
morality. As Christians we never finish growing
maturing in our faith. That is why we named
our group Christians Under Construction or CUC
for short. Lets face it, its hard being a
Christian today. Christians are regularly
attacked for our beliefs and values that are
often contrary to what the mainstream media,
Hollywood, and the worlds pop culture, portray
as acceptable moral behavior in America. So what
does the Bible say about the moral issues that
face young adults and young families today? Well
that is part of what we will explore as we look
to Gods word to guide us to His truths, truths
that are tested time and again. Believe it or
not, the same issues that we face today,
Christians have faced since the first century and
well before. SoJoin us each Sunday at 915
AM and watch your bulletin for fellowship
activities. (where do we meet? look for the
sign on the door close to the gym) Also see what
we do for fun on the flipside.
Missing something? Searching for something?
Cant quite figure out what that something is?
Do your Sunday mornings go something like
this Honey should we wake up the kids and go to
Sunday school this morning? Yeah I am tired too,
lets plan to go next week Stuck in the same
routine week after week? Your not alone. The
world has become a busy place. Work, school,
ballgames, ball practice, recitals, errands, etc.
take up all our time in todays society, and
sometimes Sunday feels like it is the only time
we can rest.(except shopping, golfing, and eating
out!) But guess what, we are subjects of a
king, the King of Kings Jesus Christ, and as
Christians we are commanded to be a part of the
Body of Christ. Now you are the body of Christ,
and each one of you is a part of it.
1Corinthians 1227 What your missing is being a
part of a family of God, an active member of a
body of believers that believe that Christ is
king and the head of the church. Todays world
will run you in circles trying to keep up with
the Jones, but Jesus has promised you everything
you need For the pagans run after all these
things, and your heavenly Father knows that you
need them. But seek first his kingdom and his
righteousness, and all these things will be given
to you as well. Therefore do not worry about
tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew
632-34 Isnt that the truth. At Cherokee
Baptist Church you will find people just like
you, who sometimes get stuck in worldly routines.
But because we are a body we are able to help
our other members that might be going through a
time of weakness. (Hey I am Bible study teacher
and deacon and I often have times of weakness!)
See what the Bibles says about the church body

As it is, there are many parts, but one body.
The eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need
you!" And the head cannot say to the feet, "I
don't need you!" On the contrary, those parts of
the body that seem to be weaker are
indispensable, and the parts that we think are
less honorable we treat with special honor
But God has combined the members of the body and
has given greater honor to the parts that lacked
it, so that there should be no division in the
body, but that its parts should have equal
concern for each other. If one part suffers,
every part suffers with it if one part is
honored, every part rejoices with it. 1
Corinthians 12 20..26 Paul is not talking about
our physical body, but a body of
believers-todays church, and the head being
Jesus himself!! By all means Cherokee is not a
perfect church, matter of fact we are full of
sinners, but we love the Lord and our pastor
preaches the Word of God and the Good News that
salvation was bought and paid for through the
blood of Jesus Christ on cruel rugged cross. So
at 915 AM this Sunday why not stop in and visit
us at the Cherokee Baptist Church, corner of
Quince and Estate in East Memphis, God will bless
you and you will make some new friends in
Christ! Contact Tom Liddy 901-277-3684 or Matt
Alford 901-299-2789 for more information.
  • Hey! Who says because you go to church you cant
    have some fun?
  • Well we ignore that type of mentality at
    Cherokee because we are all about some fun. God
    is the creator of everything including fun! Not
    only do we worship as a family of God but we can
    have some fun together as a family of God.
  • We team up with the other older young adult class
    (careful wording here least they get offensive)
    and get our fun on!
  • Whether its having white-knuckle gripping fear, I
    mean fun, while rafting class 5 rapids on the
    Ocoee River,
  • a slow paddle down the Spring River in a canoe
  • hanging our at someones house or down in the
    fellowship hall watching the Tigers rip through
    the competition on the way to the Final Four
  • tailgating at the Liberty Bowl before a Tigers
    game, and even road-tripping to a bowl game (we
    have some True-Blue Tiger fans among us)
  • midnight bowling, oh yea! My wife even bowled a
    Turkey last time out.
  • Guys if you are into world domination the old
    school way(without video games) how about an all
    night game of RISK!! It has been done (OK,until
    my wife made me come home, just prior to my
    invasion of Asia.)
  • We also do weekend get away of golf if your into
    playing. Dont play, no problem. Some of the
    guys that went this last time didnt know if they
    were right handed or left!! (I lost 12 balls in
    one day!) Now that was fun. (OK found out Im
  • Ministry Mission Minded
  • Jesus gave us two commandments in Matthew,
  • 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and
    with all your soul and with all your mind.'  This
    is the first and greatest commandment.  And the
    second is like it 'Love your neighbor as
    yourself.'  All the Law and the Prophets hang on
    these two commandments" Matthew 2237-40 NIV
  • Another area we are focusing on this year is
    being ministry mission minded within our church
    and our community. There are a lot of
    ministries and missions you can plug into at
    Cherokee, so many I cant list them all, but here
    are a few
  • Childrens Church
  • Rejoice Puppets Living Christmas Tree
  • Womens Prison Ministry
  • Firehouse Ministry
  • Sports Ministry
  • Youth
  • Children
  • Our group is currently sponsoring The Wish List
    at Ronald McDonald House here in Memphis. Visit
    this website for the list. http//www.rmhmemphis.
  • Items can be placed outside the Sunday School
    office for collection through Feb. 1, 2009.
  • Visit our website for more ministry

CHEROKEE BAPTIST CHURCH 5340 Quince Rd, Memphis,
TN 38119 901-683-7344
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