Title: Real Estate Agent Crime Prevention Strategies
1Real Estate Agent Crime Prevention Strategies
2Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- The brutal murder of Sarah Ann Walker
in McKinney, Texas in July 2006
spotlighted the topic of violence
against real estate agents and the need
for real estate safety crime prevention
3Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Ms. Walker was presiding
- over an open house at a
- new housing development
- when she was stabbed 27
- times. A house hunting
- couple found her body
- on the kitchen floor.
4Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Not everyone who inquires about a property
intends on making a purchase. - Predators can pose as a potential buyer with the
intention of robbing, raping or murdering the
real estate agent, or stealing from the seller's
5Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Conducting a real estate practice almost by
definition puts agents in potentially hazardous
situations. An agent conducting an open house or
showing a property is often alone and knows
nothing about the person walking in the door.
6Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Real estate agents have
- daily, one-on-one contact
- with virtual strangers and
- make themselves relatively
- easy targets for criminals.
7Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Agents often meet customers for the
first time in front of a vacant house, or
drive or ride with them to an
8Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- It is not uncommon for an agent to be alone in
the office late at night, finalizing an offer or
catching up on paperwork.
9Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Agents make 71 of their sales by traveling
alone with strangers - to vacant properties,
- according to the trade
- magazine
- Realty Times.
10Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Referrals are the best case scenario,
however a vast majority of leads are cold calls.
11Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- The real estate industry relies heavily on
female - agents.
12Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Critics blame the contract labor nature of the
industry for the dangers. Realtors don't get paid
until something is sold. They work out of their
own pockets and are easily tempted by the
prospect of a quick sale, especially by an
anxious seller or buyer in a hurry.
13Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Scope of the Problem
- Recent National Association of Realtors Safety
- 561,991 Realtors responded to survey
- 67 have experienced safety concerns, incidents,
or other harassing situations. - 25 involved in incidents while working as a
Realtor. - 40 knew of other Realtors involved in some type
of incident - 18 had no safety concerns
14Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- 206 agents were murdered on the job between 1982
and 2000.
15Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Other criminal incident occurrences include
- Sexual assault
- Non-fatal shootings
- Physical assault
- Robbery
- Car jacking
16Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Mitigating the Risk General Safety Tips
- Know who you are dealing with
- Potential customers and clients should be met in
the agents office. They should be required to
complete a customer identification form before
going to a property.
17Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Verify their identity from references that are on
that form - Obtain car make and license number.
- The prospects should be introduced to another
person in the officer prior to showing property. - Most importantly photocopy or scan their drivers
18Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Live by the 3 W's
- Tell someone
- who you are with,
- where you are going
- when you will be back.
- If possible make sure your prospect knows
the agent has shared this information with
someone. An office itinerary form is a - good way to take care of this.
19Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Keep a Cell Phone by Your Side
- Keep your cell phone fully charged. Call
the office hourly to let people know where you
are. - Program emergency
- numbers, 911 in
- particular, into your
- speed dial.
20Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Car Safety
- Always have your keys with you. Park in a
well lit area. Don't get blocked in and beware
of dead-end streets. If possible consider using
separate cars. Always keep your car in good
running condition.
21Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Personal marketing
- Marketing materials should be polished and
professional. Limit the amount of personal
information that is shared. Always use your
office contact information and not your home
22Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- To a stalker, a photo
- on a sign or in print
- can be a personal
- provocationthe ad
- may have the 'look'
- he is seeking.
23Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Keep photos professional opposed to overly
attractive. Home phone numbers and addresses
give a predator everything he needs to stalk his
24Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Dress for Safety
- A real estate agents image is important,
however dress should be - Professional
- Appropriate
- Dress for safety as well
- Don't wear expensive jewelry
- Always wear your cell phone (it isn't very
accessible from inside your purse). - Wear shoes that you can move well in
25Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Be a Buddy
- Know in advance who you are going to call
when your instincts tell you to get help or when
you need help at an open house. Find a person
who will serve as your buddy in situations when
you have concerns.
26Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Vigilance is Key to Staying Safe
- Trust your instincts They will always be
your first line of defense. -
27Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Trust Your Intuition
- Pay attention to every bit of your intuition.
Dont be in such a hurry that you detach
emotionally from yourself. This initial time with
your client is critical to your safety.
28Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- When you feel apprehensive about a situation, or
have a gut feeling that something isn't right
trust your instincts. Remember these are signals
that something isn't right.
29Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Have a Prearranged Distress Signal
- An agent may be in a situation where you
think you might need help. Have a prearranged
signal to notify your office of a problem. For
example you might call your office and ask for
the "red file" to notify someone of your
30Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Let Them Lead the Way
- Before showing a house always have an
escape route planned. During the showing walk
behind the clients. Leave doors open after
entering the house and any room. Avoid showing
attics and basements unless it is really
31Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Mitigating Risks Open House Precautions
- Upon entering a house for the first time, check
all rooms and determine several "escape" routes. - Make sure all deadbolt locks are unlocked to
facilitate a faster exit.
32Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Ensure if you were to escape by the back door,
that you could escape from the backyard.
Frequently, high fences surround yards that
contain swimming pools or hot tubs.
33Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Place one of your business cards, with the date
and time on the back, in a kitchen cupboard.
Note on it if you were the first to arrive or if
clients were waiting.
34Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- When prospects begin to arrive, jot down their
car description, license number and physical
35Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- While showing the house, always walk behind the
prospect. Direct them, don't lead them. Say,
for example, "the kitchen is on your left," and
gesture for them to go ahead of you.
36Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Watch what the prospects
- are doing at all times.
- Do not become
- preoccupied with
- viewing the home.
37Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Notify someone in your office, your answering
service, a friend or a relative that you will be
calling in every hour on the hour. And if you
don't call, they are to notify the police
38Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Inform a neighbor that you will be showing the
house and ask if he would keep an ear open for
anything out of the ordinary.
39Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Have someone from your
- office, a relative or friend
- stay to accompany you.
40Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- After an open house, make sure all windows and
doors are locked. Thieves have been known to come
in as potential buyers and unlatch windows - while they were there so they
- can re-enter the house later.
41Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Mitigating Risks Discourage Predators By
Controlling The Meeting - The following tips and strategies can assist a
real estate agent in preparing to avoid and
remove themselves from potentially dangerous
situations. -
42Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- It all begins with controlling the first meeting.
43Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Control The Meeting
- When the agent receives a call or an Internet
inquiry, they should don't agree to meet the
prospective buyer at a location that isn't
public such as a vacant house. Arrange to meet
prospects at the office that will eliminate a
certain level of danger.
44Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- When they arrive, ask the prospects plenty of
questions about themselves, and note
contradictions or confusion in their statements.
45Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Make the prospects fill out a form
that includes their name, address, work,
license number, license plate number and
work and home phone.
46Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- To verify they are who they say, make them
produce their auto registration and call their
employer. - Photocopy their license and registration.
47Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- If the prospect balks, or tries to rush the
agent, or wants you to skip over steps that the
agent knows would insure their safety and that of
the seller's, thats a red flag.
48Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Introduce The Prospect
- Predators give off a certain energy. The more
exposed they are, the more nervous they will
become. But there is another type to worry about
- the ones who come off smoothly.
49Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- They might be complimentary, excited about a
property, and drop hints or make claims about
themselves, usually indicating power or wealth,
that will get you to believe "It's Okay" to take
them directly to properties.
50Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- If the agent decides to show properties based on
the information collected, make a show of copying
the properties the agent will be showing and the
time the agent will be gone and putting them on a
log-out sheet so other personnel see whom you are
leaving with.
51Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Physical Manifestations
- Notice if your client is sweating, pacing or
nervous. Thirst combined with restlessness and
impatience is a red flag because people who are
nervous get dry-mouth.
52Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- If the client seems to be in a hurry, don't
fall for excuses such as "I have to catch a plane
and only have a few minutes to see the home."
Call the prospect's bluff, and offer to
reschedule when he or she has more time.
53Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Pre-qualifying prospects in the office is
simply a good idea. - While the agent may
- not have a predator in
- your chair, at least
- the agent can
- determine if they
- have a real buyer.
54Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- If the agent decides to meet at the property,
the opportunity to engage or pre-qualify the
prospect will be lost. And if the agent
determines that the prospect has bad intentions,
it might be too late the agent could be cornered
and compromised.
55Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Mitigating Risks What To Do When A Predator Gets
In Your Car - Chauffeuring potential homebuyers around in
the agents car is a great opportunity for the
agent to get to know the client and move the sale
56Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- But being alone with in a car is also an
opportunity for a predator to strike. - Make certain that the
- agent has taken the
- necessary precautions
- ahead of time before
- being in an isolated situation.
57Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Prevent a predator's attention by demonstrating
a safety-consciousness. Get proper ID, check
references, get your client pre-qualified, and
let the office know where you will be and how
long you will be gone at all times.
58Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Don't fall for excuses from any client that you
should skip such procedures because he is from
"out of town and doesn't have much time."
59Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Another tactic that the agent can
do is never let clients in their car. -
60Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Choose to bring along a buddy, and have the
client follow the agent from the office in their
own car. Once the agent gets to the destination,
park on the street in a manner that the agents
car is not blocked in any way in case they need
to escape from the home.
61Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- The ultimately crime prevention precaution is
to avoid being isolated - thats when a predator
will strike.
62Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Mitigating Risk Stay Safely Connected With Your
Office - Because agents are often out and about showing
property, meeting clients at remote locations and
running errands, it is not uncommon that agents
are in and out of their offices. If something
were to happen to the agent, being missed might
take a day, or even a few days.
63Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- The best way to stay safe is to stay well
connected with your office. But to use the real
estate office as a safety net, everyone
associated with that operation has to be willing
to adopt safety habits.
64Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- The Real Estate Safety Council says it best.
Always Tell someone whom you are with, where you
are going, and when you will be back.
65Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Each real estate office can create their own
way of documenting where everyone is.. This can
be done in paper form-a clipboard on a desk or
hanging on a wall, a corkboard with a sign in-out
sheet with designated time and locations, a
designated e-mail address that everyone signs in
with, or even a voice-mail box that is
specifically used by agents to - check in.
66Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Agents cell phone number should be easily
accessible to everyone in the office.
67Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- What makes safety work is not only individual
ability to make it a habit, but making sure that
the prospect knows that the agents activities and
whereabouts are accounted for.
68Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- If the prospect knows the agents have shared
your itinerary with the office, they are less
likely to target you to rob or to hurt. They
should be aware that they have been identified
and documented as the person that the agent you
would be at this time.
69Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Mitigating Risk The First Time Meeting with an
E-mail Client - Recall the old adage, you only get one chance
to make that first impression. Now it's an email
that, more often than not, is the first form of
70Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Safety first
- Agents meeting an e-mail client should follow
the same precautions as they would if meeting any
prospective client. -
71Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Safety first
- Meet people in a public forum, a coffee shop at
an upscale hotel, or a donut shop, depending on
the price range or lifestyle of the client.
72Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- If, after you meet the e-mail client, they get
any bad vibes dont take any chances the
agent should just excuse themselves and walk
away. Instincts are worth a lot more than the
potential sale that may be left sitting at the
73Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Never meet a client after hours at your vacant
74Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- If the agent does decide to show property, let
someone know where they will be, and when they
are expect to return. Write it down on a piece of
paper and hand it to them. Don't rely on them
getting it down when they get around to it.
75Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- When climbing stairs, always let the client go
first, and walk a few stairs behind. Likewise
when going down a flight of stairs, let the
client precede the agent, and stay back a few
steps away.
76Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Proactive Strategies
- In addition to education and training outreach
programs, proactive crime prevention programs can
77Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Realtor Watch
- A partnership between local
police departments and real
estate offices.
78Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Why Realtor Watch?
- Because Realtors spend a great deal of time in
neighborhoods, they are in a perfect position to
notice suspicious or criminal activity in or
around the homes they visit. The Realtor Watch
program is designed to teach realtors crime
prevention and proper crime reporting techniques
to get them involved in protecting property,
possessions ... - and themselves.
79Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Studies have shown that crime prevention is
most effective when stakeholders other than law
enforcement are actively involved. Most
neighborhood crime is opportunistic and can be
effectively reduced through simple crime
prevention techniques.
80Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- How Realtor Watch Works The police department
or sheriffs offices provide focused instruction
to real estate agents in how to recognize and
report suspicious activity, how to identify
evidence of illegal drugs and meth labs, and how
to avoid dangerous - situations.
81Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Once trained, agents return to work, always
keeping an eye open for suspicious activity in
the neighborhoods where they work.
82Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Participants in Realtor Watch will receive
e-mails from the PD or Sheriff's Office with
crime prevention tips, personal safety tips,
crime trends and crime notifications.
83Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Who Benefits?
- The Realtor Watch
- program is a win-win
- situation for all.
84Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Realtors benefit in several ways. First, it
is much easier to sell a home, business or
property if the area has a low incidence of
85Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Further, agents will learn personal safety tips
and gain a better understanding of crime in
neighborhoods -- information that will help them
in the course of their work.
86Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Homeowners can gain peace of mind knowing that
trained eyes are keeping watch on their listed
home. Neighbors throughout the community will
also benefit. Because chances are, if crime is
occurring to your listed home, it may be
affecting surrounding homes as well.
87Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- Realtor Watch decals in listed homes' windows
and on yard signs will let the neighbors know
that a Realtor Watch agent is selling a home.
88Real Estate Crime Prevention Strategies
- The Police Department or Sheriff's Office
benefits through the added eyes and ears that
agents bring to our communities. Having a force
of trained observers in our neighborhoods will
help make the community safer.
89BONUSReal Estate Crime Prevention Tips For Sale
By Owners
- Common sense steps to take
- Pre-screen buyers. When buyers first call to
inquire about your home, obtain their name,
address and phone number, and ask whether or not
they've talked to a lender to be pre-qualified or
pre-approved for a loan.
90BONUSReal Estate Crime Prevention Tips For Sale
By Owners
- A buyer worthy of taking your time to tramp
through your home will gladly offer this
information. In fact, buyers who have spoken to
lenders are usually more than happy to volunteer
that they're financially approved.
91BONUSReal Estate Crime Prevention Tips For Sale
By Owners
- Show your home by appointment only
- Yes, you have a sign in the yard but that
doesn't mean that you have to open your door to
anyone just "dropping by," especially after dark.
92BONUSReal Estate Crime Prevention Tips For Sale
By Owners
- In addition, it's best if you don't show the
home alone. That way, if there's more than one
buyer in the prospective group, you won't be
spread too thin not being in all rooms at all
93BONUSReal Estate Crime Prevention Tips For Sale
By Owners
- Be well staffed at open houses
- Having too few tour guides during an open
house can invite trouble. One often reported scam
is for couples posing as buyers to head in
different directions. The female goes straight to
the kitchen, the male goes to check out if the
antique bed they have will fit in - the bedroom.
94BONUSReal Estate Crime Prevention Tips For Sale
By Owners
- Later, the seller discovers jewelry,
collectibles and heirlooms missing, often
appropriated from dresser drawers while talking
to the female accomplice in the kitchen.
95BONUSReal Estate Crime Prevention Tips For Sale
By Owners
- After an open house, check to make sure that
the house is secure. It's not uncommon for a
thief, posing as a buyer, to leave a window open
in the basement or garage or an outside door ajar
so they can obtain access later.