Chapter 2: Motion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 2: Motion


the time (t) something takes to travel a given distance (d) going a given speed (v) ... pulling a piece of iron, a person lifting a box, a car pulling a trailer, etc. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 2: Motion

Chapter 2 Motion
  • Alyssa Jean-Mary

  • The speed of something is the rate at which it
    covers distance
  • If the speed is high, it travels faster and it
    covers more distance in a given period of time
  • Speed (v) distance (d) / time (t)
  • Common units to express speed are meters/second
  • When we dont know how something moved, its speed
    is referred to as the average speed i.e. it
    might have moved faster at some times and slower
    at other times
  • For example, if a car has an average speed of 50
    mi/h, it doesnt mean that it was moving at a
    constant speed of 50 mi/h during the entire time
    when it slowed down for traffic or stopped at a
    stop sign, it was obviously moving slower than 50
  • The instantaneous speed is how fast something is
    going at any given moment
  • In a car, what the speedometer reads is the
    instantaneous speed of the car

Steps to Solving a Problem
  • Step 1 Identify the information that is given in
    the problem.
  • Step 2 Identify what information the problem is
    looking for.
  • Step 3 Identify the equation that is needed to
    obtain the information you are looking for, while
    using the information you were given.
  • Step 4 Put the given information into the
    equation found in Step 3 and solve for the
    information you are looking for.

Example Calculation of Speed
  • Example What is the speed of an object that
    traveled 34 meters in 65 seconds?
  • Answer
  • 1. Given 34 meters, 65 seconds
  • 2. Looking for speed
  • 3. Equation v d/t
  • 4. Solution v d/t 34 meters/65 seconds
    0.52 m/s

Distance and Time
  • The equation for speed can be rewritten in order
    to calculate
  • the distance (d) something travels at a given
    speed (v) in a given period of time (t)
  • distance (d) speed (v) x time (t)
  • the time (t) something takes to travel a given
    distance (d) going a given speed (v)
  • time (t) distance (d) / speed (v)
  • Distance is commonly expressed in meters (m) and
    time is commonly expressed in seconds (s)

Distance Solving the Equation and Example
  • Solving the Equation
  • 1. Start with the equation for speed v d/t
  • 2. Get d on a side by itself by multiplying both
    sides by t, thus obtaining the equation for
    distance d vt
  • Example How far did an object move in 76 seconds
    if it was traveling at a speed of 2.5 m/s?
  • Answer
  • 1. Given 76 seconds, 2.5m/s
  • 2. Looking for how far distance
  • 3. Equation d vt
  • 4. Solution d vt 2.5 m/s x 76 s 190 m

Time Solving the Equation and Example Calculation
  • Solving the Equation
  • 1. Start with the equation for speed v d/t
  • 2. Get t on top (it is now on the bottom) by
    multiplying both sides by t, thus the equation
    is vt d
  • 3. Get t on a side by itself by dividing both
    sides by v, thus obtaining the equation for time
    t d/v
  • Example How long did it take for an object move
    230 meters if it was traveling at a speed of 14.7
  • Answer
  • 1. Given 230 meters, 14.7m/s
  • 2. Looking for how long time
  • 3. Equation t d/v
  • 4. Solution t d/v 230 m / 14.7 m/s 15.6 s

Scalar Quantities and Vector Quantities
  • Scalar quantities are quantities that contain a
    number and a unit. Scalar quantities give only
    the magnitude (how large it is), not the
  • Examples of scalar quantities
  • Speed
  • Vector quantities, on the other hand, are
    quantities that contain both a magnitude and a
  • Examples of vector quantities
  • Displacement, which is change in position
  • Force
  • Velocity, which is the speed of something and the
    direction of this speed

Representing Vector Quantities
  • Vector quantities are represented by a vector, a
    straight line that has an arrowhead at one end to
    show the direction of the quantity
  • The length of the line is scaled for the
    magnitude of the quantity
  • Vector quantities are usually printed in bold
    (i.e. Force F), while scalar quantities are
    usually printed in italics (i.e. Speed v). To
    represent the magnitude of a vector quantity,
    italics is also used (i.e. the magnitude of a
    Force, F, is F). When a vector quantity is
    handwritten, an arrow over the symbol is used to
    indicate that it is a vector quantity.

Adding Scalar Quantities and Vector Quantities
  • To add scalar quantities, ordinary arithmetic is
  • To add vector quantities,
  • if they are going in the same direction, ordinary
    arithmetic is used
  • if they are not going in the same direction, the
    following steps need to be followed
  • 1. Draw the vectors that are to be added together
    tail to head.
  • In this example, to add vector B to vector A,
    draw vector B with its tail at the head of vector
  • 2. Draw a vector from the tail of the first
    vector to the head of the last vector to be added
    this vector is the addition of all the vectors
  • 2. Draw a vector C from the tail of vector A to
    the head of vector B vector C is the addition
    of vector B to vector A

Pythagorean Theorem
  • A right triangle is a triangle in which two of
    its sides are perpendicular to each other in
    other words, its when the two sides meet at a
    90 angle
  • The Pythagorean Theorem states that, in a right
    triangle, the square of each of the short sides
    added together is equal to the square of the
    longest side (i.e. the hypotenuse)
  • If the short sides are A and B and the long side
    is C, the Pythagorean Theorem can be shown as the
    following equation
  • A2 B2 C2
  • When the Pythagorean Theorem is applied to adding
    vectors, A, B, and C are the magnitudes of the
    vectors A, B, and C
  • The following equations can be used to find one
    of the sides if the length of the other two sides
    are known
  • A v(C2 B2)
  • B v(C2 A2)
  • C v(A2 B2)

Example Calculations Using the Pythagorean Theorem
  • Example 1 What is the length of side A if side B
    is 2.3 m and side C is 7.6 m?
  • Answer
  • 1. Given side B 2.3m, side C 7.6m
  • 2. Looking for length of side A
  • 3. Equation A v(C2 B2)
  • 4. Solution A v(C2 B2) v(7.6m2 2.3m2)
  • Example 2 What is the length of side B if side A
    is 4.3 m and side C is 10.5 m?
  • Answer
  • 1. Given side A 4.3m, side C 10.5m
  • 2. Looking for length of side B
  • 3. Equation B v(C2 A2)
  • 4. Solution B v(C2 A2) v(10.5m2 4.3m2)
  • Example 3 What is the length of side C if side A
    is 8.7 m and side B is 3.1 m?
  • Answer
  • 1. Given side A 8.7m, side B 3.1m
  • 2. Looking for length of side C
  • 3. Equation C v(A2 B2)
  • 4. Solution C v(A2 B2) v(8.7m2 3.1m2)

  • An object that has an acceleration is one whose
    velocity is changing
  • The change in velocity can be one of three
  • An increase in speed (i.e. going faster)
  • A decrease in speed (i.e. going slower)
  • A change in direction of the speed (i.e. turning)
  • Acceleration is a vector quantity
  • When acceleration is in a straight line
  • Acceleration change in speed / time interval
  • OR
  • a (v2 - v1) / t, where a is the acceleration,
    v2 is the final speed, v1 is the initial speed,
    and t is the time interval
  • Common units to express acceleration are m/s2
  • When acceleration is from a decrease in speed, it
    is called negative acceleration or deceleration
  • We will assume that acceleration is constant,
    although that is not always the case

Example Calculations With Acceleration
  • Example If an objects initial speed is 30m/s
    and its final speed is 55m/s, what is its
    acceleration over 571 seconds?
  • Answer
  • 1. Given initial speed 30m/s, final speed
    55m/s, 571 seconds
  • 2. Looking for acceleration
  • 3. Equation a (v2 - v1) / t
  • 4. Solution a (v2 - v1) / t (55m/s 30m/s)
    / 571 s 0.0438 m/s2

Using Acceleration to Calculate Final Speed
  • To calculate the final speed of something, the
    equation for acceleration (a (v2 - v1) / t )
    needs to be rewritten
  • 1. First bring t over to the other side of the
    equation by multiplying it on both sides
  • 2. Then, separate v2 from v1 by adding v1 to both
  • The equation to calculate final speed is v2 v1
  • Example If an object has an initial speed of 60
    m/s with an acceleration of 3.2m/s2, what is its
    final speed after 43 seconds?
  • Answer
  • 1. Given initial speed 60m/s, acceleration
    3.2m/s2, 43 seconds
  • 2. Looking for final speed
  • 3. Equation v2 v1 at
  • 4. Solution v2 v1 at 60m/s
    (3.2m/s2)(43s) 197.6m/s

How Far?
  • To calculate the average speed of an object
    during uniform acceleration
  • average speed (v1 v2) / 2
  • The equation to calculate the distance the object
    moves is d vt
  • If the speed, v, is an average speed, then the
    equation for distance is d (average speed)t
  • If we insert the equation for the average speed
    into this equation, then the equation for
    distance is d (v1 v2)/2t (v1t/2)
  • If we insert the equation for the final speed
    into this equation, then the equation for
    distance is d (v1t/2) ((v1 at)t/2)
    (v1t/2) (v1t/2) (at2/2) v1t (at2/2)
  • So, d v1t (at2/2)
  • If the object starts at rest, then v1 0, so d

Example Calculations for Average Speed and
  • Average Speed Example What is the average speed
    of an object that was moving at some times 45m/s
    and at other times 35m/s?
  • Answer
  • 1. Given speed 1 45m/s, speed 2 35m/s
  • 2. Looking for average speed
  • 3. Equation average speed (v1 v2) / 2
  • 4. Solution average speed (v1 v2) / 2
    (45m/s 35m/s)/2 40m/s
  • Distance Example 1 If an object has an initial
    speed of 10 m/s with an acceleration of 1.5m/s2,
    how far did it travel in 76 seconds?
  • Answer
  • 1. Given initial speed 10m/s, acceleration
    1.5m/s2, 76 seconds
  • 2. Looking for how far distance
  • 3. Equation d v1t (at2/2)
  • 4. Solution d v1t (at2/2) (10m/s)(76s)
    (1.5m/s2)(76s)2/2 5092m
  • Distance Example 2 If an object starts from rest
    with an acceleration of 0.45m/s2, how far did it
    travel in 5.6 seconds?
  • Answer
  • 1. Given acceleration 0.45m/s2, 5.6 seconds,
    initial speed 0 m/s (at rest)
  • 2. Looking for how far distance
  • 3. Equation d (at2/2)
  • 4. Solution d (at2/2) (0.45m/s2)(5.6s)2/2

Acceleration of Gravity
  • Before Galileo, philosophers tried to answer
    questions about the movement of objects due to
    gravity by creating concepts that were so obvious
    that there was no need to test them
  • Aristotle, an ancient Greek thinker, was one of
    these famous philosophers
  • He thought that all falling bodies followed this
    basic concept every material has a natural
    place where it belonged and toward where it tried
    to move
  • For example, stones are from the earth, so they
    naturally fell downward, toward the earth

Free Fall
  • Galileo, an Italian physicist, experimented with
    falling bodies 2000 years after Aristotle
  • He performed his experiments using objects
    rolling down an inclined plane instead of falling
    in free fall, but his results apply to objects in
    free fall as well
  • He found that the higher an object is dropped,
    the greater its speed when it reaches the ground,
    meaning that the object has an acceleration
  • He also found that no matter the size of the
    object, whether it is big or small, the
    acceleration is the same
  • Galileo found that if an object that is falling
    near the earths surface doesnt have to push its
    way through any air, it has an acceleration of
    9.8 m/s2 this acceleration is known as the
    acceleration of gravity, and is represented by g
  • When an object is falling from rest, its downward
    speed can be calculated by the following
    equation vdownward gt, where g is 9.8 m/s2 and
    t is the time

How Far Does a Falling Object Fall?
  • To determine how far (h) a falling object falls
    from rest in a given time
  • 1. Start with d at2/2
  • 2. If you replace d, distance, with h, height,
    the equation is h at2/2
  • 3. If you replace a, acceleration, with g, the
    acceleration of gravity, the equation is h

A Falling Object Speed vs. Height
  • The downward speed is calculated by the following
    equation vdownward gt
  • This equation shows that the speed is directly
    proportional to the time i.e., the speed at 5
    seconds is 5 times the speed at 1 second
  • The height is calculated by the following
    equation h gt2/2
  • This equation shows that the height is directly
    proportional to the time squared (t2) - i.e., the
    speed at 5 seconds is 25 times the speed at 1
  • The height thus increases faster with increasing
    time than the downward speed

Example Calculations of Downward Speed and Height
  • Downward Speed Example What is the speed of an
    object that is falling for 34 seconds?
  • Answer
  • 1. Given 34 seconds, a g
  • 2. Looking for speed
  • 3. Equation vdownward gt
  • 4. Solution vdownward gt (9.8m/s2)(34s)
  • Height Example How far does an object fall after
    4.9 seconds?
  • Answer
  • 1. Given 4.9 seconds, a g
  • 2. Looking for how far height
  • 3. Equation h gt2/2
  • 4. Solution h gt2/2 (9.8m/s2)(4.9s)2/2

Thrown Objects
  • The acceleration of gravity, g, is the same
    whether an object is
  • just dropped
  • thrown downward
  • thrown upward
  • thrown sideways
  • If a ball is just dropped, it goes faster and
    faster as it drops until it hits the ground
  • If a ball is thrown sideways, it has a curved
    path that becomes steeper and steeper as it drops
  • If a ball is thrown upward, gravity first reduces
    the upward speed of the ball until its upward
    speed is zero. When its upward speed is zero, the
    ball is at the top of its path and is momentarily
    at rest. Then the ball starts falling toward the
    ground, faster and faster, until it hits the
  • If a ball is thrown downward, the original speed
    of the ball is steadily increased by the downward
    acceleration (g)

  • A parabola is a curved path
  • When a ball is thrown upward at an angle to the
    ground, a parabola occurs
  • If there is no air resistance, the maximum
    distance a ball can travel horizontally occurs
    when the ball is thrown upward at an angle of 45
    to the ground
  • If the angle is greater than 45 or less than
    45, then the ball travels less than it would
    have if it had be thrown at an angle of 45
  • There is one angle above 45 and one angle below
    45 that if the ball is thrown, it will land in
    the same place

Air Resistance
  • Air resistance keeps things from developing the
    full acceleration of gravity without air
    resistance, anything, including a light shower,
    would be dangerous
  • The faster something moves, the more air
    resistance it encounters - i.e. the more the air
    slows down its motion
  • For a falling object, the air resistance
    increases with speed until the air resistance
    equals the force of gravity on the object. Once
    this occurs, the object falls at a constant
    terminal speed. The terminal speed of an object
    depends on its size, its shape, and how heavy it

Air Resistance for Objects Thrown Upward at an
  • If there is no air resistance (i.e., in a
    vacuum), the maximum distance a ball can travel
    horizontally occurs when the ball is thrown
    upward at an angle of 45 to the ground
  • However, if there is air resistance, the maximum
    distance a ball can travel horizontally doesnt
    occur when the ball is thrown upward at an angle
    of 45 to the ground it occurs when the ball is
    thrown upward at an angle less than 45 to the

Falling Air vs. Vacuum
  • In air, a stone falls faster than a feather
    because the air resistance affects the feather
    more than the stone
  • In a vacuum, since there is no air resistance,
    both a stone and a feather fall with the same
    acceleration, g (9.8 m/s2)

The First Law of Motion
  • If a ball is left alone on the floor, it will not
    move unless someone pushes it
  • If there is a perfectly round ball and a
    perfectly smooth floor, a ball that is pushed
    will continue to roll forever in the same
    direction with the same speed until someone
    pushes to make it roll slower, to make it roll
    faster, or to change its direction of motion
  • The First Law of Motion If no net force acts on
    it, an object at rest remains at rest and an
    object in motion remains in motion at constant
    velocity (that is, at constant speed in a
    straight line).

  • A force is any influence that can change the
    speed or direction of motion of an object.
  • Examples of forces the force of gravity (pulling
    us downward), a magnet pulling a piece of iron, a
    person lifting a box, a car pulling a trailer,
  • Just because a force is applied to an object,
    doesnt mean that the object will move - a force
    has to be of a certain amount to be able to move
    an object
  • For example, if you push on a building, you will
    not be able to move it because you dont have
    enough force
  • Thus, every force does not result in accelerating
    an object but every acceleration does result from
    a force
  • An object continues to accelerate from the
    application of a force only as long as the force
    is not balanced out by any other forces i.e. it
    continues to accelerate as long as there is a net

Inertia and Mass
  • Inertia is the reluctance of an object to change
    its state of rest or of uniform motion in a
    straight line i.e. inertia is what keeps an
    object at rest or an object at constant speed in
    a straight line
  • For example, when a car starts, you feel like you
    are being pushed back in your seat because your
    body wants to remain at rest, and, when a car
    stops, you feel like you are being pushed forward
    because your body wants to remain in motion
  • The mass of an object is the amount of matter it
    contains. Mass is the property of matter that
    shows itself as inertia if something has more
    mass, it has more inertia (i.e., a bowling ball
    has more inertia than a baseball because it has
    more mass than a baseball). In the SI System, the
    unit for mass is the kilogram (kg).

The Second Law of Motion
  • The greater the force applied to an object, the
    greater the acceleration of that object from that
    force AND the smaller the force applied to an
    object, the smaller the acceleration of that
    object from that force
  • Thus, the acceleration is directly proportional
    to the force that is, if the force is doubled,
    the acceleration is also doubled
  • If the same force is applied to two objects with
    different masses, the object with the smaller
    mass will have a greater acceleration than the
    object with the larger mass
  • Thus, the acceleration is inversely proportional
    to the mass that is, if the mass is doubled,
    the acceleration is halved
  • These two statements give the following equation
  • acceleration (a) Force (F) / mass (m) --- a
  • This equation can also be expressed in terms of
    the force
  • Force (F) mass (m) x acceleration (a) --- F
  • The direction of the acceleration is always in
    the direction of the force applied to it i.e.,
    so if the force is applied to the east, the
    object the force is applied to will accelerate to
    the east
  • The Second Law of Motion The net force on an
    object equals the product of the mass and the
    acceleration of the object. The direction of the
    force is the same as that of the acceleration.

The Newton
  • The Force is equal to the mass times the
    acceleration F ma
  • The units for force are therefore the units of
    mass times the units of acceleration (kg) x
  • The Newton (N) is the unit for force and it is
    therefore equal to (kg) x (m/s2)
  • In the British System, the unit of force is the
  • 1 N 0.225 lb OR 1 lb 4.45 N

Example Calculations using the Second Law of
  • Acceleration Example If a 430N force is applied
    to an object, what is its acceleration if it has
    a mass of 71kg?
  • Answer
  • 1. Given 340N, 71kg
  • 2. Looking for acceleration
  • 3. Equation a F/m
  • 4. Solution a F/m 340N/71kg 4.8m/s2
  • Force Example What is the force on an object
    that has an acceleration of 1.4m/s2 and a mass of
  • Answer
  • 1. Given 1.4 m/s2, 29kg
  • 2. Looking for force
  • 3. Equation F ma
  • 4. Solution F ma 29kg x 1.4 m/s2 41N

Weight and Mass
  • The weight of an object is the force with which
    it is attracted by the earths gravitational pull
  • For example, if you weigh 140 pounds, the earth
    (i.e. gravity) is pulling you down with a force
    of 140 pounds
  • Thus, weight is different than mass, which is the
    amount of matter it contains i.e., the weight
    of an object depends on the gravity, while the
    mass doesnt thus, your mass is the same on
    every planet, but your weight is different on
    every planet because the gravity on every planet
    is different
  • When an object is at the earths surface, an
    objects weight (w) is the force that is exerted
    on it. This force of gravity causes an object to
    fall with constant acceleration due to gravity or
    g 9.8 m/s2, as long as no other force acts on
    the object. Thus, if we start with F ma and
    substitute w for F and g for a, we obtain the
    equation for weight
  • weight (w) mass (m) x acceleration of gravity
  • This equation shows weight is directly
    proportional to mass i.e., if the mass is
    greater, the weight is greater AND if the mass is
    less, the weight is less
  • The weight of an object depends on where the
    object is located i.e. the pull of gravity is
    not the same everywhere on the earth
  • The pull of gravity is greater at sea level than
    on a mountaintop AND the pull of gravity is
    greater near the north and south pole than at the

Example Calculations using Weight
  • Example What is the weight of an object that has
    a mass of 54kg?
  • Answer
  • 1. Given 54kg
  • 2. Looking for weight
  • 3. Equation w mg
  • 4. Solution w mg 54kg x 9.8 m/s2 529N

The Third Law of Motion
  • If you push on a heavy object and it doesnt
    move, it is because it is pushing back on you
    with an equal force. The object stays in place
    because there is an opposing force of friction
    between the object and the floor it is on. You
    stay in place because, just like on the object,
    there is an opposing force of friction between
    you and the floor you are on.
  • If you push on a heavy object that is on a
    surface without friction, the object moves in the
    direction that you push it. Since the object also
    pushes back on you, you will move in the opposite
    direction that you pushed the object in i.e. in
    the direction that the object pushed on you.
  • The Third Law of Motion When one object exerts
    a force on a second object, the second object
    exerts an equal force in the opposite direction
    on the second object.
  • In other words, the Third Law of Motion states
    that NO force occurs singly i.e. all forces
    occur in pairs
  • For example, you push downward on the earth with
    the same force that the earth is pushing up on
    you with. Also, a fruit that falls from a tree
    due to the pull that the earth has on it has an
    equal pull on the earth, even though it doesnt
    appear so since the mass of the fruit is so small
    when compared to the mass of the earth.
  • The Third Law of Motion applies to TWO forces
    that are on TWO different objects
  • On one of the objects, there is the action force.
    This is the force that the first object exerts on
    the second object.
  • The force that the second object exerts on the
    first object is called the reaction force, which
    is opposite in direction to the action force.
  • This law allows us to walk walking is not due
    to you pushing on the earth, but instead on the
    earth pushing back on you i.e. as you move
    forward, the earth is actually moving backward,
    even though the amount is so small when you
    compare it to its mass

Circular Motion
  • The moon circles around the earth and the planets
    circle round the sun because of a force being
    applied to them
  • An inward force must be applied to keep an object
    moving in a curved path this force is called
    centripetal force
  • The centripetal force points towards the center
    of the objects curved path thus, the force is
    perpendicular (at a right angle to) the direction
    in which the object is moving

Centripetal Force
  • Centripetal force is calculated from the
    following equation
  • Fc mv2/r
  • where Fc is the centripetal force, m is the mass,
    v is the speed, and r is the radius of the circle
  • The equation for centripetal force shows that it
    is directly proportional to mass and speed and
    inversely proportional to the radius of the
  • The greater the mass of an object, the greater
    the force needed to keep it in circular motion
  • The greater the speed of an object, the greater
    the force needed to keep it in circular motion
  • The larger the radius of the circle (i.e., the
    larger the circle), less force is needed to keep
    it in circular motion

Example Calculations using Centripetal Force
  • Example What is the centripetal force on an
    object that is moving in a circle with a radius
    of 4.7m if its mass is 80kg and its velocity is
  • Answer
  • Given 4.7m, 80kg, 42m/s
  • Looking for centripetal force
  • Equation Fc mv2/r
  • Solution Fc mv2/r ((80kg)(42m/s)2)/4.7m

Newtons Path to the Law of Gravity
  • If the planets orbit is a circle, with the sun
    at the center of the circle, the centripetal
    force on the planet is from the sun. Thus, the
    force of gravity between the planet and the sun
    acts along a line between them. Keplers Second
    Law, which concludes that a planet travels faster
    when it is near the sun and slower when it is
    away from the sun, was used by Newton to verify
    that this conclusion works even though the
    planets are in elliptical orbits.
  • To find the force of gravity between the planet
    and the sun, Newton combined Keplers Third Law,
    which states the following (period of a
    planet)2/ (average orbit radius)3 is the same
    value for every planet, with the equation for
    centripetal force. He found that the force of
    gravity (F) varies inversely with the square of
    the distance (R) between the planet and the sun
    (i.e. F varies with 1/R2). Thus, if a planet is
    twice the distance from the sun, the force of
    gravity or the gravitational attraction of the
    planet is 1/22 or 1/4, AND if a planet is half
    the distance from the sun, the force of gravity
    or the gravitational attraction of the planet is
    1/(1/2)2 or 1/(1/4) or 4. These conclusions are
    supported by Keplers First Law, which states
    that the planets move in ellipses around the sun,
    with the sun at the center of the ellipse,
    because only a force like the one described here
    can keep the planets moving in a circular orbit
  • The final step was from Galileos work on falling
    bodies, which states that an object in free fall
    at the earths surface has the acceleration g.
    Because of this, the objects weight, which is
    the force of gravity on it, is proportional to
    its mass since w mg. In his Third Law of
    Motion, he states that every action force has a
    reaction force i.e. if the earth attracts an
    object, that means that the object is attracting
    the earth. Since the earths attraction for the
    object i.e. the objects weight depends on
    the objects mass (w mg), the objects
    attraction for the earth also depends on the
    earths mass. Thus, the gravitational force
    between two bodies is proportional to the masses
    of both of the bodies.
  • To summarize Every object in the universe
    attracts every other object with a force
    proportional to the square of the distance
    between them

The Equation of Newtons Law of Gravity
  • The Law of Gravity can be shown in the following
  • F (Gm1m2)/R2
  • where F is the gravitational force, G is a
    constant of nature (i.e. the same value
    everywhere), which equals 6.670 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2,
    m1 is the mass of one of the objects, m2 is the
    mass of the other object, and R is the distance
    between the two objects
  • R is measured from the objects center of mass.
    The location of the center of mass of an object
    depends on its shape and how its mass is
  • The equation from the Law of Gravity shows that
    the force is directly proportional to the masses
    of the objects and inversely proportional to the
    distance between the two objects (R)
  • Thus, if the mass of the one of the objects
    increases, then the force of gravity is larger
  • Also, if the distance between the two objects
    increases, the force of gravity is smaller
  • On the earth, an astronaut weighs 600N. When the
    astronaut is 100 times farther from the earth
    (i.e. 640,000km), the astronaut weights 1/10O2 or
    1/10,000 times as much as she did on earth, i.e.
    0.06N, which is the weight of a cigar on the
    earths surface

Example Calculations using Newtons Law of Gravity
  • Example What is the gravitational force between
    an object that weighs 45kg and an object that
    weighs 329kg if the distance between the two
    objects is 43m?
  • Answer
  • Given 45kg, 329kg, 43m
  • Looking for gravitational force
  • Equation F (Gm1m2)/R2
  • Solution F (Gm1m2)/R2 ((6.670x10-11
    Nm2/kg2)(45kg)(329kg))/(43m)2 5.3 x 10-10N

Artificial Satellites
  • The first artificial satellite, Sputnik I, was
    launched in 1957 by the Soviet Union since
    then, many other artificial satellites were
    launched since then, mostly by the United States
    and the former Soviet Union
  • In 1961, the first person, a Soviet cosmonaut,
    circled the earth at a height of 240 km since
    then, many other people have been in orbit
  • The satellites that are circling the earth range
    from 130 km above the earth to 36,000 km above
    the earth
  • The satellites that are closer to the earth are
    called eyes in the sky. These satellites
    monitor the surface of the earth for military
    purposes and to provide information on weather
    and earth resources (i.e. mineral deposits,
    crops, water)
  • There are 24 satellites at 17,600 km above the
    earth that are used for the Global Positioning
    System (GPS) that was developed by the United
  • GPS allows a person to find their position,
    including their altitude, to within a few meters,
    anywhere in the world at any time
  • The satellites that are farthest from the earth
    circle the earth only once a day they remain in
    place indefinitely over a particular location on
    the earth. They are in what are called
    geostationary orbits. These satellites can see
    large areas of the earths surface. About 200 of
    these satellites are used to relay telephone,
    data, and television communications from one
    place to another

Why Satellites Dont Fall Down
  • Satellites are actually falling down, but they
    are falling down at such a rate that allows them
    to maintain a stable orbit around the earth, just
    like the moon, which is a natural satellite
  • The word stable for the orbit of a satellite is
    a relative word because the satellite will
    eventually fall down because there is friction
    due to the extremely thin atmosphere present
    where the satellite is located. The length of
    time a satellite spends circling the earth ranges
    from a matter of days to hundreds of years.
  • The gravitational force on a satellite is the
    same as the gravitational force on us i.e. its
    gravitational force is its weight, mg, where g is
    the acceleration of gravity at the satellites
    location above the earth. The value of g
    decreases with increasing distance from the earth
    i.e. a satellite that has an orbit father from
    the earth has a lower g than a satellite that has
    an orbit closer to the earth.

The Speed Needed to Orbit the Earth
  • For a satellite to circle the earth, it needs a
    centripetal force (Fc mv2/r) and since the
    force of gravity of the earth (w mg) provides
    the centripetal force, the following can be
  • Fc w, so (mv2)/r mg
  • If we solve this equation for v2, by multiplying
    by r and dividing by m, we obtain the equation
    v2 rg, so v v(rg), where, in this case, v is
    the speed of the satellite
  • The second equation shows that the mass of the
    satellite does not matter for the speed of the
  • For a satellite to circle the earth only a few
    kilometers above the earth, the satellite needs a
    speed of about 28,400 km/hour. If the speed of
    the satellite is less than this, the satellite
    would just fall back to earth. If the speed of
    the satellite is more than this, the satellite
    would orbit the earth in an elliptical orbit
    instead of a circular one. For a satellite that
    initially has an elliptical orbit to have a
    circular orbit, a small rocket motor gives it a
    push at the required distance from the earth.
  • If the speed of an object is greater than 40,000
    km/hour, it can escape entirely from the earth.
    This speed is the escape speed that an object
    needs to leave the earth. The escape speed is the
    speed that is required for something to leave the
    gravitational influence of an astronomical body
    permanently. The ratio between the escape speed
    and the minimum orbit speed is v2 or 1.41.
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