Title: TS Framework 1.5 CMS L1
1TS Framework 1.5CMS L1 HLT Commissioning
Software11th April 2008
Marc Magrans de Abril Ildefons Magrans de Abril
1 Release Notes 2 Installation 3 C API
changes 4 Setup Changes 5 SOAP API Changes ?
NO CHANGES Appendix I. Debugging Appendix II. FAQ
1 Release Notes 2 Installation 3 C API
changes 4 Setup Changes Appendix I.
Debugging Appendix II. FAQ
41 Release Notes (1/2)
- 1.1 New Features
- Added namespaces (tsframework, tstoolbox,
tsexception) - SOAP API Automatic tests (fault-free, fault and
stress correctness) - Optimized AjaXell library
- Added exception hierarchy
- CellMonitorWidget displays the whole
xdatatable - SOAP Fault is send back if an exception is
thrown inside a command - CellXhannelCell throws an exception if a SOAP
Fault is received - Use /tmp for temporal files
51 Release Notes (2/2)
- 1.3 Solved Bugs
- Memory leakages in CellCommand and CellOperation
- Deadlock in CellCommand and CellOperation
- TS GUI tree does not scroll down
- DataSource refreshes flashlist as a whole
(needed refresh per element) - CellCommandsetParameterFromString does not
parse correctly the xdataBoolean - Not Existing ROOT dependencies (ASPluginGS)
- 1.3 Other
- Upgrade to XDAQ build 6
- Upgrade multicell and unicell test setups
- Clean CellXhannel and descendants
- Removed deprecated methods in tstoolbox
getValue, getCookieValue - Removed CellXhannelAccess
- Remove ajaxStylable
1 Release Notes 2 Installation 3 C API
changes 4 Setup Changes Appendix I.
Debugging Appendix II. FAQ
72 Installation (1/5)
- 2.0 Prerequisites
- 2.0.1 System Requirements
- SLC4
- XDAQ build 6
- ROOT v5.14 or higher
- Firefox 1.5 or higher
- 2.0.2 Remove XDAQ build 4
- a) .cern (reverse order!)
- sudo yum groupremove database_worksuite
- sudo yum groupremove powerpack
- sudo yum groupremove extern_powerpack
- sudo yum groupremove coretools
- sudo yum groupremove extern_coretools
- b) .cms
- Contact TS team through Savannah
82 Installation (2/5)
- 2.1 XDAQ Build 6 Installation
- 2.1.1 .cern
- Modify xdaq.repo
- xdaq
- nameXDAQ Software Base
- baseurlhttp//xdaq.web.cern.ch/xdaq/repo/6/slc4X
/i386/base/RPMS/ - enabled1
- xdaq-updates
- nameXDAQ Software Updates
- baseurlhttp//xdaq.web.cern.ch/xdaq/repo/6/slc4X
/i386/updates/RPMS/ - enabled1
- xdaq-extras
- nameXDAQ Software Extras
- baseurlhttp//xdaq.web.cern.ch/xdaq/repo/6/slc4X
/i386/extras/RPMS/ - enabled1
- b) Execute yum
- sudo yum groupinstall extern_coretools
- sudo yum groupinstall coretools
- sudo yum groupinstall extern_powerpack
92 Installation (3/5)
2.1.2 .cms Contact TS team through Savannah
102 Installation (4/5)
2.2 ROOT installation 2.2.1 .cern Download
binaries from http//root.cern.ch/ 2.2.1
.cms Use ROOTSYS/opt/cmssw/root (Quattor
lcgroot rpm)
112 Installation (5/5)
2.2 TS 1.5 Installation 2.2.1 .cern .cms a)
Download TS (CVS access required) bash wget -O
bootstrap.pl "http//isscvs.cern.ch/cgi-bin/viewcv
bash perl bootstrap.pl l1ts-20080408 b) Modify
BUILD_HOME at TriDAS/trigger/ts/toolbox/scripts/e
nvironment.sh c) Compile bash source
TriDAS/trigger/ts/toolbox/scripts/environment.sh b
ash perl TriDAS/trigger/ts/toolbox/scripts/instal
l.pl 2.2.2 Test the framework Install
multicell or unicell setups. Follow Users Guide
1.4 (http//triggersupervisor/index.php?optioncom
1 Release Notes 2 Installation 3 C API
changes 4 Setup Changes Appendix I.
Debugging Appendix II. FAQ
133 C API Changes (1/2)
- Introduced namespaces tstoolbox, tsexception,
tsframework - include CellToolbox.h
- CellToolbox
- include ts/toolbox/CellToolbox.h
- tstoolbox
- include CellException.h
- CellException
- include ts/exception/CellException.h
- tsexceptionCellException
- include CellXhannelTB.h
- CellXhannelTB
143 C API Changes (2/2)
b) tsframeworkCellXhannelTB connect(view,
password) connect(view,username, password) c)
ajaxResultBox ajaxResultBoxsetIsREsizable(
1 Release Notes 2 Installation 3 C API
changes 4 Setup Changes Appendix I.
Debugging Appendix II. FAQ
164 Setup Changes (slp.conf 1/4)
Change slp.conf a) .cern BUILD_HOME/trigger/ts/t
oolbox/scripts/slp.cern.conf b)
.cms BUILD_HOME/trigger/ts/toolbox/scripts/slp.cm
174 Setup Changes (.profile 2/4)
- Change logUrl tag to console
- ltlogUrl xsitype"xsdstring"gtfile//tmp/ltsubsyste
m-whatevergt.loglt/logUrlgt - ltlogUrl xsitype"xsdstring"gtconsolelt/logUrlgt
- b) ptAppWeb is mandatory (TS Cell profiles)
- ltxpApplication class"pthttpPeerTransportHTTP
" lt/xpApplicationgt - ltxpApplication class"ptappwebApplication"
id"1" group"startup" network"local"gt
ltproperties xmlns"urnxdaq-applicationPeerTransp
ortAPPWEB"xsitype"soapencStruct"gt ltthreads
xsitype"xsdunsignedInt"gt10lt/threadsgt - ltmaxBody xsitype"xsdunsignedInt"gt10000000lt/ma
xBodygt - ltdocumentRoot xsitype"xsdstring"gtXDAQ_ROOT
/htdocslt/documentRootgt - ltaliases xsitype"soapencArray"
soapencarrayType"xsdur-type2"gt - ltitem xsitype"soapencStruct"
soapencposition"0"gt - ltname xsitype"xsdstring"gt/triggerlt/namegt
- ltpath xsitype"xsdstring"gtBUILD_HOME/trig
gerlt/pathgt - lt/itemgt
- ltitem xsitype"soapencStruct"
184 Setup Changes (.profile 3/4)
c) Add attribute publishtrue to the following
application descriptors subsystemCell xmas
sensorApplication wsserviceEventing sentin
elApplication xmaslasApplication xmasdas
hboardApplication xmaspulserApplication Ex
ample ltxcApplication class"subsystemtscellCel
l" id"13" instance"2" network"local"
service"subsystem-supervisor" group"subsystem"
publish"true"gt d) xmaspulser and
xmassensor needs libwsutils ltxpApplication
lt/xpApplicationgt ltxpModulegtXDAQ_ROOT/lib/libw
saddressing.solt/xpModulegt ltxpModulegtXDAQ_ROOT
/lib/libwseventing.solt/xpModulegt ltxpModulegtXDA
Q_ROOT/lib/libxmasutils.solt/xpModulegt ltxpModule
gtXDAQ_ROOT/lib/libwsutils.solt/xpModulegt ltxpMo
ltxpApplication class"xmassensorApplicatio
n lt/xpApplicationgt lt/xpApplicationgt
Modulegt ltxpModulegtXDAQ_ROOT/lib/libwseventing
.solt/xpModulegt ltxpModulegtXDAQ_ROOT/lib/libwsu
tils.solt/xpModulegt ltxpModulegtXDAQ_ROOT/lib/li
bwsbrokerutils.solt/xpModulegt ltxpModulegtXDAQ_RO
OT/lib/libxmasutils.solt/xpModulegt ltxpModulegtX
194 Setup Changes (.las 4/4)
Yet Another Configuration File (YACF)
xmaslas a) Add settings property at
profile/whatever-las.profile ltxpApplication
class"xmaslasApplication" ltproperties
xsitype"soapencStruct"gt ltsettings
xsitype"xsdstring"gt XDAQ_SETUP_ROOT/XDA
Q_ZONE/sensor/general-las.las lt/settingsgt
ltuseDiscovery xsitype"xsdboolean"gttruelt/useD
iscoverygt ltsubscribeGroup xsitype"xsdstring"
gtgenerallt/subscribeGroupgt lt/propertiesgt
lt/xpApplicationgt b) Create sensor/whatever-las
.las lt?xml version'1.0'?gt ltxmaslas
xmas-10"gt ltxmasflash name"urnxdaq-flashlists
ubsystem-supervisor" tag"susystem"
hashkey"context"/gt ltxmasflash
tag"subsystem" hashkey"context"/gt lt/xmaslasgt
1 Release Notes 2 Installation 3 C API
changes 4 Setup Changes Appendix I.
Debugging Appendix II. FAQ
21Appendix I. Debugging
Why? In order to debug properly (i.e. get
stdcout, segmentation faults, etc.) a) Modify
logUrl tag to console on ltservicegt.profile b)
Execute gdb bash source environment.sh bash
gdb --args /opt/xdaq/bin/xdaq.exe -z ltzonegt -e
c /opt/xdaq/share/ltzonegt/profile/ltzonegt.configure
p ltportgt -h lthostgt c) Before (run)ning gdb
avoid SIG33 stop (gdb) handle SIG33 nostop
noprint noignore pass
1 Release Notes 2 Installation 3 C API
changes 4 Setup Changes Appendix I.
Debugging Appendix II. FAQ
23Appendix II. FAQ
e.g. What problems related to the setup appeared
on 2008? GOOGLE setup 2008 trigger