Title: Dear Members,
1The Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management
Limited c/o 16/F, 1063 Kings Rd, Quarry Bay,
Hong Kong Tel 25370456 Fax 25374426
Dear Members, I understand that communication
is of vital importance to keep the Institute
growing and to fulfill our vision and missions.
That is the reason why I am writing to you. In
order to enhance and keep communicating with you,
we are planning to send the HKIFM Newsletter to
all members on a quarterly basis initially. The
Newsletter will contain the latest activities of
the Institute and a schedule of forthcoming
events. I hope to report to all members on what
the Institute is doing and what we hope to
achieve in the future. Your suggestions and
feedback are therefore imperative for a
successful Newsletter, so please contribute to
it. As a brief interim report, I am glad to
report that the 2002 Executive Seminar was held
during 22-23 November. A 2-day seminar was also
successfully organised for staff of the EMSD of
the HKSAR Government on 9 and 16 December 2002.
Council members and I have attended a number of
annual dinners/luncheons/graduation ceremonies of
professional/educational bodies since the new
Council year began. We have also started
exchanging views with representatives of the IFMA
on issues of reciprocity, FM developments in
China, and FM education. You are kindly
requested to forward your views and suggestions
to the HKIFM by e-mail to info_at_hkifm.org.hk, by
telephone at 2537 0456, or by fax at 2537 4426.
Ms. Annie Luk, Administrative Officer of the
HKIFM, or I will take up the issue or pass your
message to the relevant Council member for
action. Please also notify the Institute as soon
as you have changed jobs/companies in order to
keep in contact with the Institute. I wish to
take this opportunity to greet all members and
their families in this festive season and hope
for prosperity in the coming years! Dr.
Daniel HO President HKIFM