Session Number: 8 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Session Number: 8


TCP/IP Security Considerations. Firewalls & Other Security Considerations ... Internet Security Concerns (Y2K results continued) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Session Number: 8

Internet Supply Chain Management ECT 581
Winter 2003
Session Number 8
  • Session Date February 25, 2003
  • Session Outline
  • Administrative Items
  • Session Topics Extranet Security Considerations
  • Network Fundamentals
  • TCP/IP Security Considerations
  • Firewalls Other Security Considerations

Mission Critical Terminology
  • Network a system of interconnected computer
    systems and terminals connected by communications
  • Protocol a specification that describes the
    rules and procedures that products should follow
    to perform activities on a network, such as
    transmitting data.
  • Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
    (TCP/IP) a set of protocols developed by the
    Department of Defense to link dissimilar
    computers across large networks.
  • Security the combination of software, hardware,
    networks, and policies designed to protect
    sensitive business information and to prevent
  • Virtual Private Network (VPN) a wide-area
    network (WAN) created to link a company with
    external users (including mobile users, field
    representatives, or strategic allies). It uses
    the Internet for data transmission, but ensures
    confidentiality and security through the use of
    protocol tunneling.

Mission Critical Terminology (continued)
  • Firewall a security screen placed between an
    organizations internal network and the external
    Internet. According to the National Computer
    Security Association (NCSA), a firewall is a
    system or combination of systems that enforces a
    boundary between two or more networks.
  • De-militarized Zone (DMZ) a term used to refer
    to a screened subnet that resides between a LAN
    and the Internet. It is a network environment
    that is configured to provide an additional
    shield from undesirable or unauthorized
  • Repudiation A security feature that prevents a
    third party from proving that a communication
    between two other parties took place.
  • Non-repudiation the opposite of repudiation
    desirable if you want to be able to trace your
    communications and prove that they occurred.

Fundamental Technology Components Focus on
Networks Security Considerations
  • Network Components
  • Connectivity Equipment
  • Internet Server Hardware and Software
  • Application Server
  • Database System
  • E-mail Gateway
  • Firewall
  • Internet Server/Intranet Server
  • Authoring/Web Development Server

Network Fundamentals Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) Model
  • Network are defined by architecture or protocol
  • OSI reference model defines functional network
  • Application Layer
  • Presentation Layer
  • Session Layer
  • Transport Layer
  • Network Layer
  • Data Link Layer
  • Physical Layer
  • Each layer has its own protocol or set of

Network Fundamentals OSI Model (continued)
  • Think of OSI model as a layer cake.
  • At the bottom is the Physical Layer supporting
    and holding everything up.
  • At the top is the Application Layer describing
    and managing how each application programs will

Network Fundamentals Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) Model (continued)
  • Describes and manages how applications interact
    with the network operating system.
  • Protocols include the Network Filing System
    (NFS), Netware Core Protocol, and Appleshare.

Application Layer
Presentation Layer
Session Layer
Transport Layer
Network Layer
Data Link Layer
Physical Layer
Network Fundamentals Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) Model (continued)
  • Handles encryption and some special file
    formatting. Formats screens and files so that the
    final product looks like the programmer wanted it
  • This layer is the home to terminal emulators
    that can make a PC think that it is a DEC VT-100
    or an IBM 3270 terminal.
  • Protocols include Netware Core Protocol, Network
    Filing System (NFS), and AppleTalk File Protocol

Application Layer
Presentation Layer
Session Layer
Transport Layer
Network Layer
Data Link Layer
Physical Layer
Network Fundamentals Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) Model (continued)
  • Performs the function that enables two
    applications to communicate across the network,
    performing security, name recognition, logging,
    administration, and other similar functions.
  • Protocols include Simple Network Management
    Protocol (SNMP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP),
    Telnet, Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP),
    Netbios, LU 6.2 (from IBMs SNA) and Advanced
    Program-to-Program Communications (APPC).

Application Layer
Presentation Layer
Session Layer
Transport Layer
Network Layer
Data Link Layer
Physical Layer
Network Fundamentals Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) Model (continued)
Application Layer
  • Considered the railroad yard dispatcher who
    takes over if there is a wreck somewhere in the
  • Performs a similar function as the Network
    Layer, only its function is specific to local
  • Also handles quality control. Drivers in the
    networking software perform this layers tasks.
  • Protocols include Transmission Control Protocol
    (TCP) and Novells SPX.

Presentation Layer
Session Layer
Transport Layer
Network Layer
Data Link Layer
Physical Layer
Network Fundamentals Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) Model (continued)
Application Layer
Presentation Layer
Session Layer
  • Functions as the network traffic cop deciding
    which physical pathway the data should take based
    on network conditions, priorities of service, and
    other factors.
  • Protocols include Internet Protocol (IP),
    Novells IPX, and Apples Datagram Delivery
    Protocol (DDP).

Transport Layer
Network Layer
Data Link Layer
Physical Layer
Network Fundamentals Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) Model (continued)
Application Layer
Presentation Layer
Session Layer
Transport Layer
  • Controls the data stream between the
    communicating systems. Works like the foreman of
    a railroad yard putting cars together to make a
  • Governing protocols include high-level data link
    control (HDLC), bi-synch, and Advanced Data
    Communications Control Procedures (ADCCP).

Network Layer
Data Link Layer
Physical Layer
Network Fundamentals Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) Model (continued)
Application Layer
Presentation Layer
Session Layer
Transport Layer
Network Layer
Data Link Layer
  • Furnishes electrical connections and signals and
    carries them to higher layers.
  • Governing protocols include RS-232C, RS-449,
    X.21 (primarily in Europe).

Physical Layer
TCP/IP Overview
  • A set or family of protocols.
  • Developed to allow cooperating computers to share
    resources across a network.
  • Initially included Arpanet, NSFnet, regional
    networks such as local university networks,
    research institutions, and military networks.
  • All networks are connected and the Internet
    protocols standardized the order and structure of
    computer communication within the inter-connected

TCP/IP Overview (continued)
  • A connection-less protocol.
  • Info transferred in packets.
  • Built to ensure establishment of connections
    between end systems.
  • TCP/IP has limited to no inherent security
  • TCP/IP provides no systematic way to perform
    encryption (due to unavailability of
    data-encoding layer).
  • IP was built for speed and efficiency just
    delivers goods.
  • IP host address is part of address that
    identifies networked processors.

Contrasting OSI TCP/IP
  • TCP/IP is the de facto global interoperability
    standard OSI has more of a presence in Europe.
  • TCP/IP does not formally have an application
  • TCP is equivalent of OSI layer 4 protocol.
  • IP is OSI layer 3 protocol.

TCP/IP Overview (continued)
  • TCP/IP protocols of primary importance include
  • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) provides
    reliable data transport from one node to another
    using connection-oriented techniques.
  • User Datagram Protocol (UDP) provides datagram
    services for applications. Primary role is to add
    the port address of an application process to an
    IP packet to move packets through the network
    (used by DNS).
  • Internet Protocol (IP) a connectionless,
    unacknowledged network service does not care
    about the order of transmitted packets.

TCP/IP Overview (continued)
  • Additional services or applications built on
    top of TCP/IP include
  • Network File System (NFS) filing system for
    Unix hosts.
  • Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
    collects info about the network and reports back
    to network administrators.
  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP) enables file
    transfers between workstations and a Unix host or
    Novell Netware NFS.
  • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) enables
    electronic messaging.
  • Network News Transport Protocol (NNTP)
    distributes and manages Usenet articles and
  • Post Office Protocol (POP) stores incoming mail
    until users access it.
  • Telnet DECVT100 and VT330 terminal emulation.
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) defines
    means of addressing and locating resources stored
    on other systems (by means of uniform resource
    locators URLs) and defines request and
    transmission formats for the World Wide Web.

IP Addressing
  • Addresses used to provide hierarchical address
    space for the Internet.
  • Provides for computers on diverse types of
    networks to exchange data.
  • IP address is 4 bytes (32 bits) long usually
    expressed in dotted decimal notation.
  • Addresses are divided into three major classes
    A, B, and C.
  • Classes D E are reserved for special use.
  • Each class can be identified through examination
    of the first four bits of the address.

IP Addressing (continued)
Reserved for special use
Internet Security Concerns
  • Findings from 2000 Computer Crime and Security
    Survey conducted by
  • the Computer Security Institute (CSI) the FBI
    with responses from 538
  • computer security professionals.
  • 97 have WWW sites.
  • 47 conduct electronic commerce on their sites.
  • 85 of respondents detected security breaches
    within last 12 months.
  • 64 of respondents reported financial losses due
    to computer security breaches
  • 70 of respondents cited their Internet
    connection as a frequent point of attack.
  • 23 suffered unauthorized Internet access or
    misuse in last 12 months.
  • 27 said they did not know if there had been
    unauthorized access or misuse.

Internet Security Concerns (Y2K results continued)
  • 35 of respondents reported detected financial
    losses totaling 377,828,700.
  • 16 reported losses due to unauthorized access.
  • 40 of respondents detected unauthorized
    external system penetration.
  • 38 detected denial of service attacks.
  • 91 detected employee abuse (including
    downloading of unsavory content or pirated
    software, or inappropriate use of e-mail
  • 94 detected computer viruses.

Internet Security Concerns 2002 CSI Report
  • Ninety percent of respondents (primarily large
    corporations and government agencies) detected
    computer security breaches within the last twelve
  • Eighty percent acknowledged financial losses due
    to computer breaches.
  • Forty-four percent (223 respondents) were
    willing and/or able to quantify their financial
    losses. These 223 respondents reported
    455,848,000 in financial losses.
  • As in previous years, the most serious financial
    losses occurred through theft of proprietary
    information (26 respondents reported
    170,827,000) and financial fraud (25 respondents
    reported 115,753,000).
  • For the fifth year in a row, more respondents
    (74) cited their Internet connection as a
    frequent point of attack than cited their
    internal systems as a frequent point of attack
  • Thirty-four percent reported the intrusions to
    law enforcement. (In 1996, only 16 acknowledged
    reporting intrusions to law enforcement.)
  • Forty percent detected system penetration from
    the outside.
  • Forty percent detected denial of service attacks.
  • Seventy-eight percent detected employee abuse of
    Internet access privileges (for example,
    downloading pornography or pirated software, or
    inappropriate use of e-mail systems)
  • Eighty-five percent detected computer viruses.

Classifying Potential Security Threats (From
Most to Least Prevalent)
  • Ignorance and Accidents
  • Company Employees and Partners
  • Casual Doorknob Twisters
  • Concerted Individual Efforts
  • Coordinated Group Efforts

Potential Security Gaps
  • Lack of safeguards (no firewalls).
  • Poorly configured and administered systems.
  • Basic security problems with communication
    protocols (TCP, IP, UDP).
  • Faulty service programs.
  • Basic security problems with service programs
    (WWW. FTP, Telnet, etc.).

Madness in the Method Tactics and Techniques to
Bring the System Down
  • Programmed attacks including denial-of-service
  • E-mail bombing, spamming, and spoofing
  • Viruses

Most Successful Break-in Methods
  • Sniffer attacks (sniffer-kits Trojan Horses
    included as programs smuggled in to monitor data
    flows and to retrieve passwords and IDs).
  • IP-spoofing (attacker gives data packets
    addresses in the address range of the target)
  • Sendmail attacks (exploits security gaps in the
    sendmail daemon that supports SMTP).
  • NFS (Network File System) attacks (exploits gaps
    in two primary NFS daemons nfsd rpc.mountd).
  • NIS (Suns Network Information Service) attacks
    (exploits gap in NIS

Unique Security Challenges of Extranets
  • Shared endpoint security with an extranet,
    security becomes a joint responsibility of the
    organizations at the endpoints that link a group
    of intranets or users.
  • Unmanaged heterogeneity- an extranet involves a
    population of local and remote users where it is
    virtually impossible to manage the types of
    technical heterogeneity used to access the
  • Politics extranet administrators and uses must
    deal with the political wrangling and sensitivity
    of their electronic business partners.
  • Added costs added layers of access for multiple
    business entities translate to added costs of
    protecting internal systems of unwanted visitors.
  • Cross-pollination electronic joining of
    organizations increases the risk of
    cross-pollination and unwanted transfer of
    competitive information.
  • User anxiety extranet security must be more
    extreme and apparent administrators must always
    be convincing anxious users that a site is secure.

Basic Security Tenets
  • Authentication validation of claimed identity.
  • Authorization determining access privileges.
  • Integrity assuring that the extranet
    information is accurate and that it cannot be
    altered accidentally or deliberately.
  • Availability ensure immediate and continuous
    access to the extranet information, 24 hours per
    day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year.
  • Confidentiality assuring that the data is seen
    only by authorized viewers.
  • Auditing logging of all events.
  • Non-repudiation preventing participants from
    denying roles in a transaction once it is

Building a Security Program
  • Three Major Steps
  • Threat assessment
  • Vulnerability analysis
  • Design and implementation of security measures

Building a Security Program Detailed Process
  • Identify assets including processors, data, and
    network components.
  • Analyze security risks.
  • Analyze security requirements and tradeoffs.
  • Develop a security plan identifying measures to
    be deployed.
  • Define a security policy.
  • Develop procedures for applying security
  • Develop a technical implementation strategy.
  • Achieve buy-in from users, managers, and
    technical staff.
  • Train users, managers, and technical staff.
  • Implement the technical strategy and security
  • Test the security program and update it if any
    problems are found.
  • Maintain security by scheduling periodic
    independent audits, reading of audit logs,
    responding to incidents, continuing to train and
    test, etc.

Security Measure or Protection Mechanisms
  • Authentication
  • Authorization or Access Control
  • Accounting (Auditing)
  • Data Integrity
  • Data Confidentiality
  • Policies
  • Education
  • Security through Obscurity (If They Dont Ask,
    Dont Tell)

Widely Used Security Techniques
  • Certificates Cryptography for ensuring data
    integrity and for authentication
  • Firewalls for controlling access to vital and
    sensitive resources.
  • Non-repudiation

Data Encryption
  • Process that scrambles data to protect it from
    being read by anyone but the intended receiver.
  • Useful for providing data confidentiality.
  • Has two parts
  • encryption algorithm a set of instructions to
    scramble and unscramble data
  • encryption key a code used by an algorithm to
    scramble and unscramble data
  • Best known symmetric system is DES
  • Best known asymmetric system is Public/Private
    Key encryption

  • A set of components that function as a choke
    point, restricting access between a protected
    network and the Internet.
  • Provides
  • Authorization or Access Control
  • Authentication
  • Logging
  • Notification

Firewall Architectures
  • First consideration in designing a firewall is
    to meet the requirements set out in the security
  • May include port filtering, application
    filtering, and user-based restrictions.
  • Firewalls also need to provide a system for
    logging that can be used to monitor the activity
    of internal and external users and intruders.
  • A good security rule of thumb is to minimize the
    number of access to points to the private

Firewall Architectures
  • A good firewall architecture consists of an
    access router, a perimeter network, a dual-homed
    proxy server and an interior router.
  • The access router would be the first opportunity
    to prevent intruders from accessing the
    restricted systems.
  • Packet filters should be used to restrict the
    use of unnecessary protocols on the perimeter
  • This may include filtering for specific services
    such as source routing, SNMP, X windows, Telnet,
    RPC, and FTP.
  • Packet filters should also be used to allow
    access only to specific servers such as the proxy
    server and other bastion hosts.

Firewall Architectures
  • The perimeter network is between the access
    router and the interior router.
  • By creating a separate network for externally
    accessed hosts you can minimize the probability
    of an intruder listening for passwords or
    confidential data.
  • Servers that provide access to external users are
    usually placed here.
  • All servers placed here should be bastion hosts
    with only a limited amount of services enabled.
  • A perimeter network is also referred to as a
    De-Militarized Zone (DMZ).

Firewall Essential Features
  • Proxies - Each application that runs through the
    firewall needs its own proxy.
  • Customized kernel - Customization consists of
    disabling non-required services and modifying the
    insecure ones.
  • Logging -The logging feature is vital not only
    for analyzing attacks but also for providing
    legal evidence that an effort has been made to
    secure the network.
  • Authentication - The firewall should support some
    authentication based on the security policy.

Firewall Essential Features (continued)
  • Administration - The administration utilities
    for the system should be straight forward and
    provide a quick method of viewing the current
    configuration to reduce configuration errors.
  • User Transparency - Depending on the product and
    services supported, proxy servers may require
    modifications to clients and procedures.
  • Platform - The firewall should run on a platform
    the organization has experience in using.
  • Network Interface - With Internet traffic
    growing, the ability for firewalls to integrate
    into high speed backbones will become more
  • Throughput - Demand for faster firewalls is
    being driven by faster WAN links and backbones.

  • Non-repudiation is a security measure that
    provides proof of participation in a transaction
    for legal purposes.
  • Digital signature services provide strong and
    substantial evidence of
  • the identity of the signer,
  • the time of the message,
  • the context of a message, and
  • the messages integrity.
  • Non-repudiation offers sufficient evidence to
    prevent a party from successfully denying the
    origin, submission or delivery of the message and
    the integrity of its contents.
  • For example, if you purchase a home furnishing
    via the WWW, you can be assured that no one else
    can easily make purchases in your name.
  • Non-repudiation provides evidence to prevent a
    false denial of message creation or message
    receipt, and renders an added level of
    confidence to buyers and sellers of products and
    services over the Internet

Emerging Standard IP Security Protocol (IPSec)
  • IPSec is a set of open standards providing data
    confidentiality, data integrity, and
    authentication between participating peers at the
    IP layer.
  • Relatively new standard.
  • Enables a system to select protocols and
    algorithms, and establishes cryptographic keys.
  • Uses the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocol to
    authenticate IPSec peers.

Emerging Standard IPSec (continued)
  • IKE uses the following technologies
  • DES encrypts packet data.
  • Diffie-Hellman establishes a shared, secret,
    session key.
  • Message Digest 5 (MD5) hash algorithm that
    authenticates packet data.
  • Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) hash algorithm
    that authenticates packet data.
  • RSA encrypted nonces provides repudiation.
  • RSA signatures provides non-repudiation.

Emerging Standard IPv6
  • IPv6, also known as IPng (IP new generation).
  • With the rapid growth of the Internet over the
    last few years, two major limitations have become
    evident the routing tables are growing too fast
    and the address space is insufficient.
  • IPv4 is based on a 32 bit address, allowing for
    addressing of up to about 4 billion computers.
    After debate address space increased from 32 to
    128 bits.
  • IPv6 is based on a 128 bit address scheme.
  • By using 128 bits for addressing, this not only
    allows for addressing billions of billions of
    hosts, but it also allows a more hierarchical
    network to be built.
  • IPv6 has been designed to solve these problems
    and also include support for security and
  • IPv6 requires IPSec. IPSec will be mandatory in
    IPv6 while it can be transparently implemented
    on the current IPv4 Internet.

Enabling Extranets through Virtual Private
Networks (VPNs)
  • Key extranet systems enabling tool.
  • VPNs enable a customer to use a public network,
    such as the Internet, to provide a secure
    connection between sites on the organizations
  • VPN connectivity must be secure, but still allow
    ease of access to key resources via the Internet.
  • Interconnection to service providers network
    enabled through variety of technologies including
    leased lines (T1/T3), frame relay, cable modems,
    satellite, digital subscriber line (DSL), etc.

VPN Architecture
  • Conceptually, constructing a virtual private
    network is straightforward.
  • Basic configuration consists of an
  • Internet connection,
  • a firewall architecture, and
  • a data security architecture.
  • The primary item that is needed by each LAN is an
    Internet connection.
  • The pipe should be large enough to service the
    potential traffic from VPN applications as well
    as regular Internet traffic.
  • Key Design Point Examine the prospective ISP for
    connectivity, and make sure the ISP has the
    bandwidth to transport the potential traffic
    between sites.

Typical VPN Configuration - LAN/WAN to Internet
Enabling Extranets through VPNs (continued)
  • Typically, firewall software is used to protect
    corporate LAN resources.
  • Also, a separate network (commonly referred to
    as the demilitarized zone or DMZ placed between
    Internet router and firewall.
  • Some firewall vendors enable integration of DMZ
    and firewall.

Enabling Extranets through VPNs (continued)
  • Protocol tunneling is one technique used to
    create secure VPN.
  • In tunneling, data packets are encrypted and
    encapsulated in a clear text packet.
  • Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) is an emerging
    standard for tunneling private data over public
  • Cisco, Microsoft, 3Com and Ascend Communications
    support standard setting efforts.
  • Microsoft has derived Point-to-Point Tunneling
    Protocol (PPTP) as built-in feature in NT 2000
    Server products.

Next Session Highlights
  • Firewalls, VPNs Other Security Considerations
  • Read required article Web Services Fundamentals
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