Title: Clustering with kmeans: faster, smarter, cheaper
1Clustering with k-means faster, smarter,
- Charles Elkan
- University of California, San Diego
- April 24, 2004
- Funding from Sun Microsystems, with sponsor Dr.
Kenny Gross. - Advice from colleagues and students, especially
- Sanjoy Dasgupta (UCSD),
- Greg Hamerly (Baylor University starting Fall
04), - Doug Turnbull.
3Clustering is difficult!
Source Patrick de Smet, University of Ghent
4The standard k-means algorithm
- Input n points, distance function d(),
number k of clusters to find. - STEP NAME
- Start with k centers
- Compute d(each point x, each center c)
- For each x, find closest center c(x)
ALLOCATE - If no point has changed owner c(x), stop
- Each c ? mean of points owned by it
LOCATE - Repeat from 2
5A typical k-means result
- Theorem If d() is Euclidean, then k-means
converges monotonically to a local minimum of
within-class squared distortion
?x d(c(x),x)2 - Many variants, complex history since 1956, over
100 papers per year currently - Iterative, related to expectation-maximization
(EM) - of iterations to converge grows slowly with n,
k, d - No accepted method exists to discover k.
7We want to
- make the algorithm faster.
- find lower-cost local minima. Â
- (Finding the global optimum is NP-hard.)
- choose the correct k intelligently.
- With success at (1), we can try more alternatives
for (2). - With success at (2), comparisons for different k
are less likely to be misleading.
8Is this clustering better?
9Or is this better?
10Standard initialization methods
- Forgy initialization choose k points at random
as starting center locations. - Random partitions divide the data points
randomly into k subsets. - Both these methods are bad.
- E. Forgy. Cluster analysis of multivariate data
Efficiency vs. interpretability of
classifications. Biometrics, 21(3)768, 1965.
11Forgy initialization
12k-means result
13Smarter initialization
- The furthest first" algorithm (FF)
- Pick first center randomly.
- Next is the point furthest from the first center.
- Third is the point furthest from both previous
centers. - In general next center is argmaxx minc d(x,c)
- D. Hochbaum, D. Shmoys. A best possible heuristic
for the k-center problem, Mathematics of
Operations Research, 10(2)180-184, 1985.
14Furthest-first initialization
Furthest-first initialization
15Subset furthest-first (SFF)
- FF finds outliers, by definition not good cluster
centers! - Can we choose points far apart and typical of the
dataset? - Idea  A random sample includes many
representative points, but few outliers. - But How big should the random sample be?
- Lemma  Given k equal-size sets and c gt1, with
high probability ck log k random points
intersect each set.
16Subset furthest-first c 2
17Comparing initialization methods
218 means 218 worse than the best clustering
known. Lower is better.
18How to find lower-cost local minima
- Random restarts, even initialized well, are
inadequate. - The central limit catastrophe almost all local
minima are only averagely good. - K. D. Boese, A. B. Kahng, S. Muddu, A new
adaptive multi-start technique for combinatorial
global optimizations. Operations Research Letters
16 (1994) 101-113. - The art of designing a local search algorithm
defining a neighborhood rich in improving
candidate moves.
19Our local search method
- k-means alternates two guaranteed-improvement
steps allocate and locate. - Sadly, we know no other guaranteed-improvement
steps. - So, we do non-guaranteed jump operations
delete an existing center and create a new center
at a data point. - After each jump, run k-means to convergence
starting with an allocate step.
20Add a center below
Remove a center at left
21Theory versus practice
- Theorem Let C be a set of centers such that no
jump operation improves the value of C. Then C
is at most 25 times worse than the global
optimum. - T. Kanungo et al. A local search approximation
algorithm for clustering, ACM Symposium on
Computational Geometry, 2002. - Our aim Find heuristics to identify jump steps
that are likely to be good. - Experiments indicate we can solve problems with
up to 2000 points and 20 centers optimally.
22An upper bound ...
- Lemma 1Â The maximum loss from removing center
c. - Proof
- Suppose b is the center closest to c let B and C
be the subsets owned by b and c, with m B and
n C. - If B and C merge, the new center is b
(mbnc)/(mn). - Because c is the mean of C, for any z ?x in
C d(z,x)2 ?x in C d(c,x)2 nd(z,c)2. - So the loss from the merge is nd(b,c)2
md(b,b)2. - This computation is cheap, so we do it for every
23 and a lower bound
- Suppose we add a new center at point z.
- Lemma 2 The gain from adding a center at z is at
least - ? x d(x,c(x)) gt d(x,z) d(x,c(x))2 -
d(x,z)2. - This computation is more expensive, so we do it
for only 2k log k random candidates z.
24Sometimes a jump should only be a jiggle
- How to use Lemmas 1 and 2
- delete the center with smallest maximum loss,
- make new center at point with greatest minimum
gain. - This procedure identifies good global
improvements. - Small-scale improvements come from jiggling the
center of an existing cluster moving the center
to a point inside the same cluster.
25jj-means the smarter k-means algorithm
- Run k-means with SFF initialization.
- Repeat
- While improvement do
- Try the best jump according to Lemmas 1 and 2
- Until improvement do
- Try a random jiggle
- Try means run k-means to convergence after.
- Insert random jumps to satisfy theorem.
26Results with 1000 points, 8 dimensions, 10 centers
Conclusion Running 10x longer is faster and
better than restarting 10x.
27Goal Make k-means faster, but with same answer
- Allow any black-box d(),
- any initialization method.
- In later iterations, little movement of
centers. - Distance calculations use the most time.
- Geometrically, these are mostly redundant.
Source D. Pelleg.
28- Let x be a point, c(x) its owner, and c a
different center. - If we already know d(x,c) ? d(x,c(x))Â
- then computing d(x,c)Â precisely is not
necessary. - Strategy Use the triangle inequality d(x,z)Â ?
d(x,y) Â d(y,z)to get sufficient conditions for
d(x,c) ? d(x,b). - kd-trees are useful up to ? 10 dimensions.
- Distance-based data structures can be better.
- Our approach is adaptive.
29- Lemma 1Â Let x be a point, and let b and c be
centers. - If d(b,c) ? 2d(x,b) then d(x,c) ? d(x,b).
- Proof We know d(b,c) ? d(b,x)  d(x,c). SoÂ
d(b,c)Â - d(x,b)Â ? d(x,c). Now d(b,c)Â -
d(x,b) ? 2d(x,b) - d(x,b) d(x,b).So d(x,b)Â
? d(x,c).
30- Lemma 2Â Let x be a point, let b and c be
centers. - Then d(x,c) ? max 0, d(x,b) - d(b,c) .
- Proof We know d(x,b) ? d(x,c)  d(b,c),
- So d(x,c) ? d(x,b) - d(b,c).
- Also d(x,c)Â ? 0.
31How to use Lemma 1
- Let c(x) be the owner of point x, c' another
center - compute d(x,c') only if
- d(x,c(x)) gt ½ d(c(x),c').
- If we know an upper bound u(x) ? d(x,c(x))
- compute d(x,c') and d(x,c(x)) only if
- u(x) gt ½ d(c(x),c').
- If u(x) ? ½ min c' ? c(x) d(c(x), c')Â
- eliminate all distance calculations for x.
32How to use Lemma 2
- Let x be any point, let c be any center,
- let c be c at previous iteration.
- Assume previous lower bound d(x,c) ? l'.Â
- Then we get a new lower bound for the current
iteration - d(x,c)Â ? max 0, d(x,c) - d(c, c)
- ? max 0, l' - d(c,c)
- If l' is a good approximation, and the center
only moves slightly, then we get a good updated
33- Pick initial centers c.
- For all x and c, compute d(x,c)
- Initialize lower bounds l(x,c)Â ? d(x,c)
- Initialize upper bounds u(x)Â ? minc d(x,c)
- Initialize ownership c(x)Â ? argminc d(x,c)
- Repeat until convergence
- Find all x s.t. u(x) ? ½ minc' ? c(x)
d(c(x), c')Â - For each remaining x and c ? c(x) s.t.
- u(x) gt l(x,c)
- u(x) gt ½ d(c(x), c)
- Compute d(x,c) and d(x,c(x))
- If d(x,c)Â lt d(x,c(x)) then change owner c(x)Â ? c
- Update l(x,c)Â ? d(x,c)Â and u(x)Â ? d(x,c(x))
- For each c, m(c) ? mean of points owned by c
- For each x and c, update l(x,c)Â ? max 0,
l(x,c) - d(m(c),c) - For each x, update u(x) ? u(x)Â Â d(c(x), m(c(x))
) - Update each center c ? m(c)
34Notes on the new algorithm
- Empirical issue which checks to do in which
order. - Implement for each remaining x and c by looping
over c, with vectorized code processing all x
together. - Or, sequentially scan x and l(x,c) from disk.
- Obvious initialization computes O(nk) distances.
Faster methods give inaccurate l(x,c) and
u(x), hence may do more distance
calculations later.
35(No Transcript)
36Experimental observations
- Natural clusters are found while computing the
distance between each point and each center less
than once! - We find k 100 clusters in n 100,000 covtype
points with 7,353,400 lt nk 15,000,000 distance
calculations. - Number of distance calculations is o(kc), because
later iterations compute very few distances.
37Current limitations
- Computing distances is no longer the dominant
cost. - Reason After each iteration, we
- update nk lower bounds l(x,c)
- use O(kd) time to recompute k means
- use O(k2d) time to recompute all inter-center
distances - Moreover, we can approximate distances in
o(d)Â time, by considering the largest dimensions
38Deeper questions
- What is the minimum of distance calculations
needed? - Adversary argument? If some calculations are
omitted, an opponent can choose their values to
make any clustering algorithms output incorrect. - Can we extend to clustering with general Bregman
divergences? - Can we extend to soft-assignment clustering? Via
lower and upper bounds on weights?