Relational Mapping Patterns - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Relational Mapping Patterns


{ return 'SELECT ID, a.title, t.title as trackTitle FROM albums a, tracks t ... { updateStatement = DB.prepare('UPDATE albums SET title = ? WHERE id ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Relational Mapping Patterns

Relational Mapping Patterns
  • The patterns
  • Foreign Key Mapping
  • Identity Map
  • Dependent mapping
  • Association Table Mapping
  • Inheritance Mappers
  • Concrete Table Inheritance
  • Single Table Inheritance
  • Class Table Inheritance

Foreign Key Mapping
Foreign Key Mapping
Our propose
Map an association between objects to a foreign
key reference between tables
Foreign Key Mapping
The problem
  • Objects can refer to each other directly by
    object references.
  • Even the simplest object oriented system will
    contain a bevy of objects connected
  • to each other.
  • To save these objects to a database, it's vital
    to save these references.
  • However since the data in these references is
    specific to the specific instance of
  • the running program, you can't just save raw
    data values.
  • This is further complicated by the fact that
    objects can easily hold collections
  • of references to other objects.
  • Such a structure violates the first normal form
    of relational databases.

Mapping a simple reference to a foreign key
  • The obvious key to this problem is Identity
  • Each object contains the database key from the
    appropriate database table.
  • If two objects are linked together with an
    association, this association can be replaced by
    a foreign key in the database.
  • In the simple form of this, when you save an
    album to the database, you save the ID of the
    artist that the album is linked to in the album

Foreign Key Mapping
Mapping a multi-valued reference to a foreign key
  • A more complicated case turns up when you have a
    collection of objects.
  • You can't save a collection of objects in the
    database, so you have to reverse the direction of
    the reference.
  • So, if you have a collection of tracks in the
    album, you use put a the foreign key of the album
    in the track record.

Foreign Key Mapping
  • The complicated part of this occurs when you have
    an update.
  • Updating implies that tracks can be added and
    removed to the collection within an album.
  • Essentially We have three options
  • Delete and insert
  • The limitation is that you can only do this if
    tracks are Dependent Mappings.
  • Add a back pointer
  • changes the object model.
  • Diff the collection.
  • Anything on the database that isn't in the album
    was clearly removed.
  • anything in the album that isn't on the disk is
    clearly a new item to be added.

Foreign Key Mapping
When to Use it
  • A Foreign Key Mapping can be used for most
    associations between classes.
  • The most common case where it isn't possible to
    use Foreign Key Mapping is with many-to-many
  • Foreign keys are single values and first normal
    form means you can't store multiple foreign keys
    in a single field. So instead you need to use
    Association Table Mapping
  • If you have a collection field with no back
    pointer you should consider whether the many side
    should be a Dependent Mapping, if so that can
    simplify your handling of the collection.
  • Be Aware!
  • One thing to watch out for is cycles in your

Foreign Key Mapping
Identity Map
Our propose
Ensure each object only gets loaded once by
keeping every loaded object in a map. Lookup
objects using the map when referring to them.
Identity Map
  • Explicit Vs. Generic
  • An explicit Identity Map is accessed with
    distinct methods for each
  • kind of object you need such as
  • A generic map uses a single method for all kinds
    of objects, with a
  • parameter to indicate which kind of object you
    need, such as
  • find("Person", 1).
  • Your type of key affects the choice. You can
    only use a generic map if
  • all your objects have the same type of key.
    This is a good argument for
  • encapsulating different kinds of database key
    behind a single key object.

Identity Map
How many
  • Here the decision varies between one map per
    class and one map for the whole session.
  • A single map for the session only works if you
    have database-unique keys .Once you have one
    Identity Map, the benefit is that you only have
    one place to go to and no awkward decisions about

Dependent mapping
Dependent mapping
  • Some objects naturally appear in the context of
    other objects.
  • Tracks on an album may be loaded or saved
    whenever the underlying
  • album is loaded or saved.
  • If these tracks are not referenced to by any
    other table in the database,
  • you can simplify the mapping by having the
    album mapper perform
  • the mapping for tracks as well - treating the
    mapping of the tracks as a
  • Dependent Mapping.

  • How it Works
  • The basic idea behind Dependent Mapping is that
    one class (dependent)
  • relies upon some other class (owner) for its
    database persistence.
  • Each dependent can have only one owner and must
    have one owner.
  • An important property of a dependent is that it
    does not have an
  • Identity Field and therefore doesn't get
    stored in a Identity Map.
  • It therefore cannot be loaded by a find method
    that looks up an id.
  • Indeed there is no finder for a dependent, all
    finds are done with the
  • owner.
  • A dependent may itself be the owner of another
    dependent. In this case
  • the owner of the first dependent is also
    responsible for the persistence of
  • the second dependent.
  • In a UML model, it's appropriate to use
    composition to show the

Dependent mapping
When to Use it
  • For Dependent Mapping to work there are a number
  • pre-conditions
  • A dependent must have exactly one owner.
  • There must be no references from any object other
  • the owner to the dependent.

Dependent mapping
  • Any change to a dependent needs to mark the
    owner as changed so that the
  • owner will write the changes out to the
  • Or making the dependent immutable, so that
    any change to a dependent needs
  • to be done by deleting the old one and
    creating a new one. Since the writing
  • and saving of dependents is left to the
    owner, this allows updates to the
  • dependents to be handled through deletion
    and insertion.
  • So if you wish to update the collection of
    dependents you can
  • safely delete all rows that link to the owner
    and then reinsert all
  • the dependents.

Example Albums and Tracks (Java)
class Track... private final String
title public Track(String title) this.title
title public String getTitle() return
title The tracks are held in the album
class. class Album... private List tracks
new ArrayList() public void addTrack(Track
arg) tracks.add(arg) public void
removeTrack(Track arg) tracks.remove(arg)
public void removeTrack(int i)
tracks.remove(i) public Track getTracks()
return (Track) tracks.toArray(new
Dependent mapping
class AlbumMapper... protected String
findStatement() return "SELECT ID, a.title,
t.title as trackTitle FROM albums a, tracks t
WHERE a.ID ? AND t.albumID a.ID
ORDER BY t.seq" protected DomainObject
doLoad(Long id, ResultSet rs) throws
SQLException String title rs.getString(2)
Album result new Album(id, title)
loadTracks(result, rs) return result
public void loadTracks(Album arg, ResultSet rs)
throws SQLException arg.addTrack(newTrack(rs))
while ( arg.addTrack(newTrack(rs))
private Track newTrack(ResultSet rs) throws
SQLException String title rs.getString(3)
Track newTrack new Track (title) return
Dependent mapping
public void update(DomainObject arg)
PreparedStatement updateStatement null try
updateStatement DB.prepare("UPDATE albums SET
title ? WHERE id ?") updateStatement.setLong(
2, arg.getID().longValue()) Album album
(Album) arg updateStatement.setString(1,
album.getTitle()) updateStatement.execute()
updateTracks(album) catch (SQLException e)
throw new ApplicationException(e) finally
DB.cleanUp(updateStatement) public void
updateTracks(Album arg) throws SQLException
PreparedStatement deleteTracksStatement null
try deleteTracksStatement
DB.prepare("DELETE from tracks WHERE albumID
?") deleteTracksStatement.setLong(1,
arg.getID().longValue()) deleteTracksStatement.ex
ecute() for (int i 0 i lt arg.getTracks().leng
th i) Track track arg.getTracks()i
insertTrack(track, i 1, arg) finally
Dependent mapping
public void insertTrack(Track track, int seq,
Album album) throws SQLException
PreparedStatement insertTracksStatement null
try insertTracksStatement
DB.prepare("INSERT INTO tracks (seq, albumID,
title) VALUES (?, ?, ?)") insertTracksStatement.
setInt(1, seq) insertTracksStatement.setLong(2,
album.getID().longValue()) insertTracksStatement
.setString(3, track.getTitle())
insertTracksStatement.execute() finally
Dependent mapping
Association Table Mapping
Save an association as a table with foreign keys
to the tables that are linked by the association.
Association Table Mapping
The answer is the classic resolution used by
relational data people for decades create an
extra table to record the relationship. We can
then use Association Table Mapping to map the
multi-valued field to this link table.
  • How it Works
  • The basic idea behind Association Table Mapping
  • to use a link table to store the association.
  • The link table has only the foreign key ids for
  • two tables that are linked together. It has
    one row
  • for each pair of objects that are associated.
  • The primary key of the link table is the
  • of the two primary keys of the tables that are
  • associated together.
  • The first stage queries the skillsEmployees
    table to
  • find all the rows that link to the employee
    you want.
  • Then for each row in the link table you find
    the skill
  • object for the related id.

Association Table Mapping
When to Use it The canonical case for
Association Table Mapping is a many-to-many
association, since there's not really any
alternatives for that situation.
Association Table Mapping
class AbstractMapper... abstract protected
String findStatement() abstract protected
DomainObject doLoad(Long id, ResultSet rs) throws
SQLException protected Map loadedMap new
HashMap() protected DomainObject
abstractFind(Long id) DomainObject result
(DomainObject) loadedMap.get(id) if (result !
null) return result PreparedStatement stmt
null ResultSet rs null try stmt
DB.prepare(findStatement()) stmt.setLong(1,
id.longValue()) rs stmt.executeQuery() result load(rs) return result
catch (SQLException e) throw new
ApplicationException(e) finally
cleanUp(stmt, rs) protected DomainObject
load(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException Long id
new Long(rs.getLong("id")) if
(loadedMap.containsKey(id)) return (DomainObject)
loadedMap.get(id) DomainObject result
doLoad(id, rs) loadedMap.put(id, result)
return result
Association Table Mapping
class AlbumMapper... public Album find(Long id)
return (Album) abstractFind(id) protected
String findStatement() return "select ID,
title, artistID from albums where ID ?"
protected DomainObject doLoad(Long id,
ResultSet rs) throws SQLException String title
rs.getString(2) long artistID
rs.getLong(3) Artist artist
FinderRegistry.artist().find(artistID) Album
result new Album(id, title, artist)
um(id)) return result
Association Table Mapping
class TrackMapper... public static final String
findForAlbumStatement "SELECT ID, seq, albumID,
title " "FROM tracks " "WHERE albumID ?
ORDER BY seq" public List findForAlbum(Long
albumID) PreparedStatement stmt null
ResultSet rs null try stmt
stmt.setLong(1, albumID.longValue()) rs
stmt.executeQuery() List result new
ArrayList() while (
result.add(load(rs)) return result catch
(SQLException e) throw new ApplicationException(
e) finally cleanUp(stmt, rs) Loading
the track data occurs in the load method.
protected DomainObject doLoad(Long id,
ResultSet rs) throws SQLException String title
rs.getString("title") Track result new
Track(id, title) result.setPerformers(findPerfor
mers(id)) return result There's a separate
method for loading the performers. This invokes
the query on the link table.
Association Table Mapping
TrackMapper... private static final String
findPerformersStatement "SELECT "
artist_plays_tracks apt, artists art " " WHERE
apt.trackID ? AND apt.artistId " "
ORDER BY apt.artistID" public List
findPerformers(Long trackID) PreparedStatement
stmt null ResultSet rs null try stmt
stmt.setLong(1, trackID.longValue()) rs
stmt.executeQuery() List result new
ArrayList() while ( ArtistMapper
artistMapper (ArtistMapper) FinderRegistry.artis
t() result.add(artistMapper.load(rs)) return
result catch (SQLException e) throw new
ApplicationException(e) finally
cleanUp(stmt, rs)
Association Table Mapping
  • Concrete Table Inheritance
  • Single Table Inheritance
  • Class Table Inheritance
  • Inheritance Mappers

Concrete Table Inheritance
Represent an inheritance hierarchy of classes
with one table per concrete class in the
Concrete Table Inheritance
  • How it Works
  • Concrete Table Inheritance uses one database
    table for each concrete
  • class in the hierarchy.
  • Each table contains columns for the concrete
    class and all its
  • ancestors.
  • Pay attention to the keys with this scheme
  • Ensure that keys are not just unique to a
    table, but also unique to
  • all the tables in a hierarchy.
  • If you are hooking up to databases that are
    used by other systems.
  • you can't guarantee key uniqueness across
  • In this situation you either have to avoid
    using superclass fields or
  • do a compound key that involves a table
  • Compound keys your id field use both the
    primary key of the table and
  • the table name to determine uniqueness.

Concrete Table Inheritance
Problems with using referential integrity
Concrete Table Inheritance
  • The problem is
  • There's no table for the player.
  • The solutions are
  • Ignore the referential integrity
  • Use multiple link tables
  • On top of this there's also problems if you can't
    guarantee key uniqueness.

Strengths Vs. Weaknesses
  • Strengths
  • Each table is self contained and doesn't have
    any irrelevant fields.
  • Good sense when used by other applications that
    aren't using the
  • objects. There's no joins to do.
  • Each table is only accessed when that class is
  • Weaknesses
  • Primary keys can be a pain to handle.
  • Can't enforce database relationships to
    abstract classes
  • If the fields on the domain classes are pushed
    up or down the
  • hierarchy, you have to alter the table
    definitions. You don't have to do
  • as much alteration as with Class Table
    Inheritance but you can't ignore
  • this as you can with Single Table Inheritance.
  • If a superclass field changes, you need to
    change each table that has
  • this field
  • A find on the superclass forces you to check
    all the tables, which leads
  • to multiple database accesses (or a weird

Concrete Table Inheritance
Single Table Inheritance
Represent an inheritance hierarchy of classes as
a single table which has fields for all the
fields of the various classes

Single Table Inheritance
  • How it Works
  • One table that contains all the data for all
    the classes in the
  • inheritance hierarchy.
  • Each class stores the data that's relevant for
    that class into
  • one row of the table.
  • Any columns in the database that aren't
    relevant for the
  • appropriate class are left empty.
  • Field in the table that indicates which class
    should be used.
  • This can be the name of the class or a code
    field. A code
  • field needs to be interpreted by some code to
    map it to the
  • relevant class.
  • If you embed the class name into the table you
    can just use
  • it directly to instantiate an instance.
  • The class name, however, will take up more
    space and
  • maybe less easy to process by those using the
  • table structure directly, as well as more
    closely coupling
  • the class structure to the database schema.

Single Table Inheritance
Strengths Vs. Weaknesses
  • Strengths
  • A single table to worry about on the database
  • No joins in retrieving data
  • Any refactoring that pushes fields up or down
    the hierarchy doesn't
  • require you to change the database.
  • Weaknesses
  • Fields are sometimes relevant and sometimes
  • Wasted space in the database.
  • The single table may end up being too large
    with many indexes and
  • frequent locking!
  • Useing the same name for different fields.

Single Table Inheritance

Class Table Inheritance
Represent an inheritance hierarchy of classes
with one table for each class

Class Table Inheritance
  • How it Works
  • One table per class in the domain model.
  • The fields in the domain class map directly to
    fields in the
  • corresponding tables.
  • How to link together the corresponding rows of
    the database tables?
  • The primary keys are going to be unique across
    the tables if you use
  • this scheme.
  • An alternative is to let each table have its
    own primary and use
  • foreign keys into the superclass table to tie
    the rows together.

Class Table Inheritance
  • The Problem
  • How to bring the data back from multiple tables ?
  • Solutions
  • Making a call for each table - isn't nice since
    you have
  • multiple calls to the database.
  • Doing a join across the various component
    tables - joins for
  • more than three or four tables tend to be
  • Storing a type code in the root table!

Class Table Inheritance
Strengths Vs. Weaknesses
  • Strengths
  • All columns are relevant for every row so
    tables are easier to
  • understand and don't waste space.
  • The relationship between the domain model and
    the database is very
  • straightforward.
  • Weaknesses
  • To load an object you need to touch multiple
    tables, which means a
  • join or multiple queries and sewing in
  • Any movement of fields up or down the hierarchy
    causes database
  • changes.
  • The supertype tables may become a bottleneck as
    they have to be
  • accessed frequently.
  • The high normalization may make it hard to
    understand for ad hoc
  • queries.

Class Table Inheritance
Inheritance Mappers

  • How it Works
  • The abstract player mapper is the one whose
    responsibility is to load
  • and save the specific player data to the
  • The player mapper class is provides a find
    method and overrides the
  • insert and update methods.
  • The finder methods are declared on the
    concrete subclasses because
  • they will return a concrete class not an
    abstract class.
  • The load method is implemented by each mapper
    in the hierarchy and
  • the mapper loads the behavior for its
    corresponding domain object.
  • The insert and update methods operate in a
    similar way using the save
  • hook methods - each class storing its
    specific data and calling the
  • superclass save method.

Inheritance Mappers
class Mapper...
public virtual void Update
(DomainObject arg) Save (arg) class
FootballerMapper... protected override void
Save(DomainObject obj) base.Save(obj) DataRow
row FindRow (obj.Id, tableFor(TABLENAME)) Footb
aller footballer (Footballer) obj row"club" class AbstractPlayerMapper..
. protected override void Save(DomainObject obj)
DataRow row FindRow (obj.Id,
tableFor(TABLENAME)) Player player (Player)
obj row"name" row"type"
TypeCode class PlayerMapper... public
override void Update (DomainObject obj)
MapperFor(obj).Update(obj) private Mapper
MapperFor(DomainObject obj) if (obj is
Footballer) return fmapper if (obj is Bowler)
return bmapper if (obj is Cricketer) return
cmapper throw new Exception("No mapper
Updating an object Class Table Inheritance

Inheritance Mappers
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