Title: Seismic Hazard Examples
1Seismic Hazard Examples
- Two Sites
- Site in Pacific Northwest
- Site in San Francisco Bay Area
- Topics
- Source characterization
- Ground Motion models
- Hazard calculation
- Scenario Design spectra
- Time Histories
2Source Characterization
- Earthquake Rates
- Historical seismicity
- Earthquake catalogs
- Slip-rates
- Long term slip rates from geology
- Recurrence intervals of large earthquakes
- From paleoseismic data
3Historical Seismicity
- Catalog completeness
- Minimum magnitude detection threshold has been
reduced over time - Mgt6 complete for 100s of years
- Mgt3 complete for 10s of years depending on the
seismic instrument coverage - Aftershocks
- Standard practice is to remove aftershocks from
catalog because they are dependent - Aftershocks happen, shouldnt they be included?
4Magnitude Recurrence Models
- Gutenberg-Richter (truncated exponential)
- Applicable to regions
- Pure characteristic (maximum magnitude)
- Applicable to individual faults that generate
only large earthquakes (above the background) - Composite exp-char (characteristic)
- Applicable to individual faults
5Smoothing of Seismicity
- Two Approaches Commonly used
- Source zones with uniform seismicity
- Smoothes the earthquakes over the zone
- Spatial smoothing without fixed zones
- Key Issue for site region
- How much smoothing should be done?
- (methods for testing the amount of smoothing are
being developed)
6Ground Motion Regions
- Three main tectonic categories
- Shallow crustal earthquakes in active tectonic
regions - Shallow crustal earthquakes in stable continental
regions - Subduction earthquakes
- Interface
- Intraslab
7PNW example
8Source Parameter Summary
9Ground Motion Models
- Both subduction and crustal sources
- Subduction
- Crustal
10Subduction Models
- Youngs et al (0.5)
- Atkinson Boore (0.5)
- Gregor et al 2002 (0.0)
- This model is more work
11NGA Models for Shallow Crustal Earthquakes in
Active Regions
- Five new models
- Abrahamson Silva
- Boore Atkinson
- Campbell Bozorgnia
- Chiou Youngs
- Idriss
- Parameters
- Average horizontal spectral acceleration
- Periods from 0 to 10 sec
- Applicable to all fault types (SS,RV, NML)
12Site Classification in NGA Models
- VS30
- Abrahamson Silva
- Boore Atkinson
- Campbell Bozorgnia
- Chiou Youngs
- Rock class
- Idriss
13Parameters in NGA Models
14Hazard Curves
T2 sec
15PGA Hazard by GM Model
Subduction models
Crustal Models
16T2 sec Hazard by GM Model
Subduction models
Crustal Models
17Hazard Uncertainty
T2 sec
18UHS MCE (Cascadia)
MCE M9.0 R55 km
19UHS MCE (intra-slab)
MCE M7.5 R40 km
20Deaggregation (2000 yrs)
T2 sec Mode M8.5-9.0 R50-60 km
PGA Mode M6.5-7.0 R50-80 km
21DeaggregartionMean M, R,Epsilon
2000 Years
22Method for Computing Scenario Expected Spectra
- (1) Compute epsilon value needed to scale the
median Sa(To) to the UHS(To)
23Method for Computing Scenario Expected Spectra
- (2) Compute expected epsilon value at other
24Scenario Eqk Expected Spectra
(3) Compute Spectrum
25Scenario Design Spectra
Broaden to reduce number of scenarios to consider
26Time Histories Using Spectral Matching
- Extend Spectrum to 10 seconds
- Select reference time histories
- Match using time domain method
- Plots to check the matching
- Response spectrum
- Acc, Vel, Disp time history of reference and
matched - Husid plot for reference and matched
- Fourier amplitude spectra of reference and
27Extend to 10 seconds
28Select Reference Time Histories
- Scenario 1 (T0.2)
- M7,2 R50 km, Depth50km, intra-slab
29Initial Scaling to PGA
30Spectral MatchingNisqually
31Husid Plot
32Compare Acc Time Histories
33Compare Vel Time Histories
34Compare Dis Time Histories
35Fourier Amplitude Spectra
36SF Bay Area Example
37Fault Segmentation
- Geologists often break a long fault into
sub-segments - Based on segmentation points that may stop a
rupture - Segmentation
- Reduces the magnitudes of characteristic
earthquakes - Increases the rate of characteristic earthquakes
- Not always conservative to assume no segmentation
- Issue
- How often does the rupture break through a
segment boundary? - Multi-segment ruptures
38Hayward/RC Example(includes fault memory)
39Hazard Curves
T1 sec
40Hazard by GM Model
T1 sec
41Hazard Uncertainty
T1 sec
42UHS MCE (Hayward/RC)
MCE M7.25 R3.5 km SS
43Deaggregation (2000 yrs)
T2 sec Mode M6.5-7.5 R0-5 km
PGA Mode M6.5-7.0 R0-5 km
44DeaggregartionMean M, R,Epsilon
2000 Years
45Scenario Eqk Expected Spectra
46Scenario Design Spectra
47Time Histories Using Scaling
- Select reference time histories
- Scale by a constant
- Plots to check the matching
- Response spectrum
- Acc, Vel, Disp time histories of scaled ground
motion - Husid plots
- Fourier amplitude spectra
48Selection and Scaling
- PEER/Lifelines and COSMOS have been working on
this over last three years for buildings - Project will be started this summer for earth
dams - Key Issue
- What is the objective of the time history
analysis - Average response
- Variability of response
- Key Results
- Including the gross non-linear behavior of the
system, we can be much smarter in the selection
of the recording - Better to scale a good record by a large
factor, than to use a bad record with a scale
factor near 1. - Dont fear large scale factors
49Select Reference Time Histories
- Scenario 1 (T0.2)
- M6.75 R4 km, crustal, SS, rock
- Factors considered
- Shallow crustal
- Mag 6.5 - 7.0
- Dist 0-15 km
- Site VS30 gt 350 m/s
- Site class is not critical for spectral matching
- Lowest useable freq lt 0.25 Hz
- Other factors less important
- Style-of-faulting
50Select Using Spectral Shape
51Select Reference Time Histories
- Scenario 1 (T0.2)
- M6.75 R4 km, crustal, SS
- How should the scaling be done?
- Scale to a single period
- Scale to a range of periods
- In this example, use a period range of 0.4-2 sec
53Scaled Ground Motions (1)
54Scaled Acc
Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
55Scaled Vel
Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
56Husid Plots
57Fourier Spectra of Scaled GM
58How to Use PSHA for Dams?
- Acceptable return period currently not set by
regulators - Group of utility owners is starting a project to
develop a return period for active regions to
propose to regulators - Starting with comprehensive PHSA studies for each
utility - Will conduct risk analyses to evaluate the chance
of failure (rapid uncontrolled release of water) - Relate design ground motion return period to
failure probability -