Title: AAU%20trading%20standards:%20the%20Latvian%20Approach
1AAU trading standards the Latvian Approach
- Ilze Pruse
- Head of the Pilot Projects Implementation
Division of the Climate and Renewable Energy
Department - Ministry of the Environment, Republic of Latvia
- Latvia intends to sell 8 10 million of its
Assigned Amount Units (AAUs) through pilot
transaction in 2008. - The Ministry of the Environment has started
negotiations with a limited number of reputable
buyers with the intention to sign the pilot
forward AAUs sale by June 2008 to gain experience
and establish transaction standards for future
3Main points of presentation
- Latvias participation in IET under Article 17 of
the Kyoto - Market position of Latvia
- Legal framework and earmarking of revenues from
AAU sale - GIS fund structure and institutional arrangements
- Environmental integrity monitoring, auditing
and reporting of greening results - Indicative greening programmes
- Conslusions
4Implementation of the Kyoto Protocol by Latvia
- Current state of affairs
- Eligibility
- Cabinet of Minister decision on April 12, 2006 of
participation in IET under Article 17 of the
Kyoto protocol - Earmarking 40 million of AAUs to be potentially
available during the first commitment period - Mandate to Ministry of the Environment to work
out legal, institutional system of IET by May
5Decision about strategic allocation of AAU assets
Buyer country
Host country
Actual emissions
Domestic actions
Kyoto target
Traded Green Investment Scheme
Purchase of ERUs
Surplus AAUs (potentially tradable)
Purchase of AAUs
Mln ton CO2E
Kyoto target
Reserve for JI projects
Actual emissions
Compliance (Including commitment period reserve)
Mandatory set-asides (non tradable
1990 1995 2000 2005 2008
2010 2012 2015
6Market position of Latvia (1)
- Latvia can be a fast track provider of credibly
greened AAUs with low risk and low transaction
costs - Comparative strengths of Latvia
- Robust surplus estimates
- Advanced in compliance with Kyoto eligibility
criteria - Low reputational risk
- Solid legal background
- Strong political commitment to efficient,
transparent and accountable GIS - Efficient institutions of public and private
sector - Terms tailored to buyer expectations
7Market position of Latvia (2)
- Comparative weaknesses of Latvia
- Relatively small size of tradeable headroom
- Limited opportunities for greening with direct
reductions of GHG
8Key elements of the Law (1)
- Ownership of AAUs
- Authorisation to the Cabinet of Ministers to make
decisions on each sale of AAUs, including the
price and specific conditions - Authorisation to the Ministry of Environment and
Ministry of Finance to prepare the sale of AAUs,
including - Participation in negotiations
- Drafting of an AAU Purchase Agreement
- Authorisation to the Minister of Environment to
sign the AAU Purchase Agreement after the
approval of the Cabinet of Ministers is received
9Key elements of the Law (2)
- Principles for using the revenues from the sale
of AAUs, including a clear provision stating that
all income from the sale of AAUs shall be
earmarked for greening projects - Special budgetary arrangement
- Money from the sale of AAUs is transferred to
income budgetary account in State Treasury - Disbursements are organised under the budget
programme Climate change financial instrument - In annual budget the financing for the Climate
Change financial instrument is ensured in amount
of received and unused proceeds from AAU sales in
previous years (carry-over provision)
10Key elements of the Law (3)
- Institutional set up for managing GIS fund
- Principles for environmental and financial
monitoring, and reporting - Provisions for supervisory function performed by
the Ministry of the Environment on behalf of the
Government - Provisions for transparancy and accountability to
public ensured by Advisory Council
(representation by relevant stakeholders,
including state institutions, non-governmental
organisations and buyers) - Delegation to the Cabinet of Ministers to pass
secondary legislation on the implementation of
IET (establishing a green investment scheme)
11Implementation model
- Latvia will propose a programmatic model for the
GIS. - Most GIS programs will consist of a large number
of small projects. - Therefore Latvia would propose to buyers
wholesale greening programs backed by a
transparent, accountable and efficient national
mechanism to retail AAUs revenues to multiple
project owners. - Latvia can offer robust GIS implemented by
competent national institutions that require only
minor and targeted institutional strengthening.
12Contract and Payment Structure
State treasury (budget income account)
Buyer (AAU PA conditions)
Commercial Banks
Instruction on Release of Payment
Budgetary programme Climate change financial
Loan Agreement
Service payment
GIS Fund Manager
Project Beneficiary
Ministry of the Environment
Financing agreement
Management contract
Legal agreement
Performance-based grants paid to projects upon
delivery of verified milestones and results
Payment flow
13Environmental integrity monitoring, auditing
and reporting
- Monitoring will be undertaken in accordance with
relevant standards under the International rules
and GIS rules and regulations pursuant to the
Monitoring principles - Monitoring principles (applied annually)
- (1) financial audit
- (2) procedural conformity of GIS
- (3) assessment of greening results
- Report to the Government by April 1 every year,
to buyers by June 1.
14Use of revenues (greening)
- The Latvian government will ensure that every AAU
sold - will be used for greening purposes which
means - increase of renewable energy use
- improvement of energy efficiency
- application of innovative low carbon technologies
- capacity building for climate change policy
design an implementation
15Sectoral breakdown of greenhouse gas emission
sources in Latvia in 2004
EU ETS opertaors represent 27 of total emissions
16Climate and energy indicators, Latvia
Avots LIAA
17Energy intensity (2005)
Source IEA
18Source IEA
19Indicative greening pipelines (1)
- Energy supply-side management
- Promotion of biomass use including CHP plants
- Biogas recovery and use
- Solar heat, geothermal, small hydropower plants
- Energy demand-side management
- Improved energy efficiency in buildings
- Efficient public lighting
- Heat distribution in DH systems
- Industrial power intensity
- Integrated projects Heat production
distribution final use
20Indicative greening pipelines (2)
- Other
- Lower carbon transportation systems
- Other low and zero- carbon emission technologies
- Capacity building for climate policy development
and implementation - Capacity building for GIS management
21Conclusions and the way forward
- Climate change is environmental and economic
prerogative and a huge task of political
engineering - GIS as an instrument for structural change to
deliver deployment and scaling up of climate
change mitigation technologies - In countries with limited possibilities of direct
GHG reductions it is a leverage for low carbon
economy - GIS brings co-benefits of mitigation and opens
new business opportunities - GIS can be a testing ground for new generation of
post-Kyoto flexible mechanisms - more programmatic
- lower transaction costs
- relying more on certified host country systems
22Further information
- Ministry of the Environment
- Republic of Latvia
- Phone 371-7026 417
- valdis.bisters_at_vidm.gov.lv
- www.vidm.gov.lv