Title: Monica Luechtefeld
1Buyers/Sellers Views on B2G
GSA/CommerceNet G2B Workshop
- Monica Luechtefeld
- EVP, E-Commerce
2GSA/CommerceNet G2B Workshop
Supplier Concerns
- Capital Budgets are Reduced - Will Be Less in
2002 - Use Technology to Drive Process Re-Engineering
and - Reduce Costs
- Need Clear Direction from Buyers on Technology
- Requests
- Need to See ROI - Year 1 Preferred!
3Suppliers Internet Strategy
GSA/CommerceNet G2B Workshop
Suppliers Internet
Direct Connect Government Buyers
eProcurement Solutions Inter-Operable
Marketplaces- Various Engines
Government Buyers
Government Buyers
4 A Typical Suppliers Internet Revenue
GSA/CommerceNet G2B Workshop
- Suppliers Website - 150,000 Companies
Connected - 93 of the sales revenue - eProcurement Solutions - 200 Companies
Connected- 5 of todays revenue - (20 in 2002)
- Marketplaces - 120 (12 Significant) Connected -
2 of todays revenue - Affiliates - 8,000
5GSA/CommerceNet G2B Workshop
- Suppliers Will Continue To Invest In Internet
- Suppliers Must View eProcurement/3rd Party
- Solutions As A Complement To Their Sales
- Suppliers Need Standards To Be Adopted, Embraced
- And Promoted By Buyers
- Suppliers Want To See Some Actual Cost
Reduction Before They Will Reduce Prices.
6GSA/CommerceNet G2B Workshop
Supplier-Buyer Partnerships
- Adopt and Enforce Standard For Supplier/Buyer
- Interfaces - Integration
- Develop 1-3 Approved Interfaces
- Set A Direction For G2B eCommerce
- Engage Leading Suppliers As Partners
- Speed to Market Test 2-3 Strategies
- Create, Document, and Share Profitable Model
with Suppliers - Promote Profitable Adoptions