Title: Does Efficiency Pay
1Does Efficiency Pay?
- Mukund Sundararajan
- Joint work with
- Shaddin Dughmi, Tim Roughgarden
2Auction Setting
- Focus on multi-item auctions
- n players, k items, unit demand
- Buyers values vis
- Allocation rule bis!xis (xi is 0/1)
- Payment rule bis ! pis
- Focus on truthful auctions
- bis vis
3Auction Objectives
- Revenue ?i pi
- (Social) Efficiency ?i xivi
4Why Efficiency?
- Social Welfare Efficiency (?i xivi)
- Simple, prior-free auction
- Eff Allocate to top k bidders, charge k1th
highest bid - Cannot squeeze revenue in settings with competing
sellersMcAfee 93
5What Fraction of Optimal Revenue Does
Efficient Auction Make?
What is the Optimal Revenue?
6Optimal Auction with Prior
- Assume values drawn i.i.d from dist. F
- Expected revenue
- Opt
- lbidders with bid r
- Allocate to top min(k,l) bidders charge max(
k1th highest bid, r ) - Prior used to calculate reserve
- r 0.5 if F Unif 0,1
7Warm Up
- 1 bidder, 1 item, FUnif0,1, r1/2
- Eff 0, Opt r(1-F(r)) ¼
- (No approximation at all)
- What is the convergence by trivial argument?
- 2 bidders, 1 item, FUnif0,1, r1/2
- Eff 1/3, Opt 13/24
- (1/2 approximation!)
8Talk Outline
- Main Result Efficient auction yields good
approximation of optimal revenue under modest
competition - (technical point 1 virtual values)
- Applications to sponsored search
- (technical point 2 multi-unit auctions)
- Discuss novel market expansion problem
9Matroid Auctions
- Matroid specifies sets of buyers that can be
simultaneously serviced - Matroid M(universe U, collection of sets I)
- Closure S2 I implies S2 I for all Sµ S
- Exchange S2 I, S2 I, S lt S implies
exists i 2 S/S, Si 2 I - Multi-item auctions I is all subsets of size at
most k (uniform matroid)
10Main Result
- For any matroid auction, buyer values drawn
i.i.d from dist. F, efficient auction extracts
at least a 1-1/P fraction of the optimal revenue -
- -P disjoint bases of matroid
- -For multi-item auctions P n/k and we have
(1-k/n) approximation
11Why is result interesting?
- Result Eff is (1-k/n) approximate
- Non-asymptotic ½ approximation if n 2k
- Not the folk result
- Not distribution specific
- For fixed dist. Easy to see when r does not
apply - Unit demand matching, multi-item auctions,
segmented markets search auctions
12Why is Proof challenging?
- Recall auctions allocate to top min(k,l) bidders
charge max(k1 th highest bid,r) - For Unif0,1, Eff r 0, Opt r 1/2
- n10, k1, for all i, bi 1/2-
- Eff 1/2, Opt 0
- Cannot compare auctions point-wise
13Proof Structure
- Step 1 Revenue of any truthful, single parameter
auction is expected virtual value served (Myerson
81) - Step 2 Bi-criteria Result Eff auction with k
extra bidders outdoes Opt - Step 3 Revenue of Opt is sub-modular in bidder
14Step 1 Myerson's Lemma
- Expected revenue is expected virtual value
served Myerson 81 - Fix i, v-i,
- Truthfulness i sees take-it-or-leave it price t
- Virtual value ?(v) v (1-F(v))/f(v)
- Revenue t(1-F(t)) ?t?v (1-F(v))/f(v) f(v)
dv - Evi?(vi) xi
15Virtual Valuations can be -ve
- e.g. Uniform 0,1 ?(v) 2v 1, vlt 1/2
- Fact Expected virtual value is 0
E?(v) Ev E(1-F(v))/f(v) Ev
Ev 0
16 Virtual Value View
- Optimal auction picks top min(k,l) virtual values
- l non-negative vvs bids at least r
- Assume v.v. is monotone in value
- Satisfied by most distributions you can name not
satisfied by Zipfians - Efficient auction picks top k virtual
17Step 2 Bi-criteria result
- Revenue of VCG with nk bidders
- ³
- Revenue of Optimal auction with n bidders
Single item result by Bulow-Klemperer96
18Hybrid Auction with nk bids
- Partition bidders in 2 groups of sizes n, k.
- For fixed bids of first group
- 1.Allocate top min(k,l) bidders of group 1
- 2.Allocate to arbitrary k-l bidders of group 2
(Expected vv 0)
19Step 3 Diminishing returns
- Expected revenue of optimal auction is concave
- In contrast, this is not true for efficient
auctions - Proof idea point-wise using virtual values
20Completing the proof
- must show Eff(n) ³ (1-k/n) Opt(n)
- Bi-criteria bound Eff(n) ³ Opt(n-k)
- w.l.og. n ³ k
- Diminishing returns
- Opt(n-k) ³ (1- k/n) Opt(n)
21(No Transcript)
22Pay-Per-Click Auctions
- n bidders, k slots
- Bidders have value/click.
- Bids represent maximum willingness to pay per
click - Advertisement of bidder i in slot j has
click-through-rate is ?j - Naturally, ?j ³ ?j1
23Key Lemma
- Revenue of Eff is weighted sum of revenues of k
efficient auctions - Revenue of Opt is weighted sum of revenues of k
optimal auctions - ith multi-unit auction sells i items, weights
are the same
24One Auction Many Multi-unit
4 3 2 1
25GSP not truthful
- Canonical nash equilibrium has revenue equal to
that of efficient auction - Varian, Edelman-Ostrovsky-Schwarz, Agarwal Goel
Motwani - Similar result for optimal auctions
26Geometrically falling CTRs
- Typically, ?j1/?j c 0.7
- Clarify
- (1 ck ) (1-k/n) approximation for any k
- Roughly, (0.9)(1-6/n) approximation for c0.7
27Market Expansion
- So far choice of auction (Eff/Opt) not critical
under modest competition - Suppose we could add m buyers to the current
market. Which m buyers would increase revenue the
most? - Bidder values are i.i.d
28Greedy Market Expansion
- For matroid auctions, greedy market expansion is
1-1/e approximate if initial market is minimally
competitive - Greedy Repeatedly add buyer that maximizes
increase - Also have results for an additive cost model
29Example Segmented Market
- Advertising Segments Automobile, Health, Sports
with disjoint bidder sets - Minimally competitive each market initially has
at least slot bidders - Implementation Think duplication
- Efficient auction is simple Optimal auction uses
prior and assumes monopoly - Efficient auctions have good revenue under modest
competition - Market expansion can be studied formally