Title: LIBR 539A Government Documents
1LIBR 539A Government Documents
21 Statutes, Regulations and the Legislative
- Parliamentary Rules and Procedures
- How a Bill Becomes Law
- Legislative Documents and Proceedings
- QP Legaleze Statutes, Orders in Council and
Regulations - Using Print Statutes
31.1 Parliamentary Rules and Procedures
- Parliamentary practice in British Columbia by
MacMinn, E. George., British Columbia.
Legislative Assembly. Office of the Clerk.,
British Columbia -
- Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly of
British Columbia - http//www.leg.bc.ca/38th4th/4-7-38-4.htm
- describes the rules specific to Legislative
Assembly including speaking times, the stages of
a bill, length of question period etc.. - amended and approved by the Assembly.
- Parliaments, Sessions and Sittings. Prorogation,
Dissolution and Adjournment -
41.2 How A Bill Becomes Law
- Types of Bills
- Government Bills
- Members' Bills
- Private Bills
- Stages of a Bill
- First Reading Second Reading Committee Third
Reading - Royal Assent and Coming into Force (see Bill 16,
Bill 19, Bill 29) - Review Handout
- Relevance to Reference
- Stages are in indexes for the Journals, Hansard
and other legislative resources - Understand the stage of current bills before the
house. Progress of Bills. http//www.leg.bc.ca/38t
51.3 Legislative Documents and Proceedings
- Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)
- Hansard begins in 1970. Prior to 1970 there is no
transcript of debates. Hansard is "substantially
verbatim". - Available online. Variety of indexes to navigate
content (member, business, subject) and key word
searching. - http//www.leg.bc.ca/hansard/index.htm
- Votes and Proceedings (Journals)
- The minutes of the legislative assembly.
- Includes bills, recorded votes, motions,
petitions and other records of routine business. - Start in 1872.
- http//www.leg.bc.ca/38th4th/votes/index.htm
- Orders of the Day
61.3a Parliamentary Committees
- Recieve terms of reference from House and work on
specific issues in more detail. - Have the ability to gather written and
testimonial input from the public. - They frequently travel.
- http//www.leg.bc.ca/cmt/5-2.htm
71.4 Statutes
- Finding Statutes
- QP Legaleze legal research site with a powerful
search engine, enhanced research features, and
comprehensive legislative content.
http//www.qplegaleze.ca/default.htm - BC Laws Website free public access to the
unofficial version of the current laws
http//www.bclaws.ca/ - Print Statutes of British Columbia and Revised
Statutes of British Columbia (Official Versions) -
- Statutes in Detail (log in to QP Legaleze)
81.5 QPLegalEze
- British Columbia Statutes and Regulations
- Updated Statutes and Regulations
- Statutes repealed, replaced and renamed
- Private, Special and Local Statutes
- Orders in Council (OIC)
- Gazettes and more.
- Open QPLegaleze. Open the Adoption Act.
91.5 Table of Legislative Changes
- Tables of Legislative Change These tables
identifies Changes Not in Force and Changes in
Force. The first edition table provides details
on changes made from January 1, 1997 to December
31, 2004. The second edition table provides
details on changes from January 1, 2005 to the
101.5 How to view the Act before changes?
- Point-in-Time Table This table links users to an
on-going list showing how sections of an Act read
prior to an amendment. It includes data from
September 2000. - Look at Section 1 in Table of Legislative Changes
and compare to Point in Time for the Adoption
111.5 List of Updated Statutes and Regulations
- The list of updated Acts and Regulations since
the date of the latest consolidation. Note that
this relates to the latest loose-leaf print
consolidation. - Important for double checking recent changes that
may not be reflected in official print versions. - Example Notaries Act
121.5 How to find a statute that is no longer in
- Table of Statutes Repealed, Replaced and
Renamed This table assists with tracking
outdated legislation. It covers public statutes
since 1897 that have been repealed and not
replaced repealed and replaced by a statute with
a different title or statutes that have been
retitled either by amendment of the Legislature
or during revision. - Examples Residential Tenancy Act (not listed),
Labour Relations.
131.5 Using the Print Statutes
- QP Legaleze has only recent consolidations.
- Print Statutes must be used for tracing older
legislation. - SBC v RSBC
- Tracing the history of an act using the indexes.
(Adoption Act Example) - RSBC Years. 1996,1979,1960,1948,1936, 1924, 1911,
141.6 How to keep track of recent Regulations?
- Regulation Bulletins The Bulletins provide a
weekly summary of the Regulations. The Cumulative
Bulletin lists all regulations deposited to date,
in alphabetical order by statute name. As well
there are hyperlinks to the full text
Order-in-Council or Ministerial Order and BC
Gazette Part II from the Bulletin listing. It
includes data from 1999. Also Available from BC
151.6 Regulations Notes
- Regulations Act (S.B.C. 1958 c. 49) provides
for a central repository for regulations and
there publication in the B.C. Gazette Part II
(produced every second week. - Regulations are the results of empowering
legislation. Legislation must say that regulation
be made or something prescribed. Examples - directs the way somebody must act
- sets fees
- limites rights and freedoms.
- About one quarter of Orders in Council are also
regulations. - Example Adoption Act Regulations and Regulations
Bulletin in QP Legaleze. Also the Index to
161.5 How to find the full-text of an OIC?
- Order-in-Council and Ministerial Resumes These
are reports of the decisions of the Lieutenant
Governor in Council and Ministers and include the
Order-in-Council or Ministerial Order number the
originating Ministry the name of the Act which
provides the authority for the Order and a brief
description of the subject matter. It includes
data from January 1999 to present. - Orders are available as image pdfs, but the text
is not searchable. - Orders cover appointments , approval of Letters
Patent, transfer of powers ministers and
ministries, approval of regulations and more.
171.5 Other OIC Finding Tips
- Order in Council Resumes Available Online (BC
Laws Website ), - Print Microfilm.
- Order in Council Office ph (250) 387-0724
181.5 QPLegalEze
- Other QPLegaleze
- Consolidated Provisions in Force
- Rules of Court and Related Enactment
- Bills
- BC Gazette Part I
- Corporate Registry Notices
- BC Gazette Part II
- Act/Ministry Responsibilities
192 BC Government Documents
- Finding BC Government Documents
- Important Government Documents
- The Budget Estimates and Public Accounts
- Annual Reports and Service Plans
- Sessional Papers
- Reference Answers Galore
202.1 Finding Government Documents
- Searching for Government Publications Using
Library Resources - Legislative Library Online Catalogue w/ Fulltext
- Canadian Research Index/Microlog
- Card Catalogue and Print Resources
- Government publications Checklist
- Searching for Government Publications Using Other
Resources - Government Website
- Other Libraries
- Finding Government Publications Quiz
212.2 Legislative Library Catalogue
- Main starting point for all BC government
publications searches. - Includes downloaded full-text of a large number
of BC Government publications from 2001. - Includes original URLs, even if they are no
longer working. - The Library will have every document in the
catalogue, often many copies. - Access the catalogue from our website
- The Library does not collect pamphlets and other
ephemera or technical publications. - Government Documents vs. Government Records
222.3 Legislative Library Catalogue
- Note the following
- Multiple URLs, including original source and
archival link. - Availability of the publication in print.
- Related titles shows the relationship of the
publication to other years. Important in a
regular publication like annual reports.
232.4 Canadian Research Index
- 250,000 records, includes abstracts so that you
can decide if they are useful before coming to
see the fiche. - Microlog is the microfiche service providing the
full text of the publications described in the
Canadian Research Index. - Includes federal, provincial, and municipal
publications. About half the items are
non-depository publications issued by hundreds of
Canadian government agencies and departments,
scientific and technical report literature issued
by research institutes and government
laboratories policy, social, economic, and
political reports - Coverage is from 1982 or sometimes earlier
depending on type of document.
242.5 Government Docs Electronic Archive
- Library currently archives about 75 of
electronic government publications. Started in
2001 around change in government. Older
electronic publications are added as discovered. - They are hosted on a library server with a
permanent link so that it can accessed even if
the government takes the document down or changes
its location. - The downloaded files are all in a text format. We
are currently not archiving any other media
format. - Many of the electronic publications will also be
available in print if that is more convenient.
252.6 BC Government Publications Checklist
- List of recent BC Government publications
produced monthly by the Legislative Library. - The list is sorted alphabetically by Ministry or
Agency. - Available online from 2001. Great tool for
current awareness. Will soon be available through
an RSS feed. - Available in print in the Library from 1970.
262.7 Card Catalogue and Print Resources
- Card Catalogue of BC Government Publications
- Contains records of publications prior to
electronic catalogue. Organized by Title and
Subject. About 30 of the Card catalogue has been
added to the online catalogue. - Royal Commissions and Commissions of Inquiry
Checklists, 1872-present - Sorted by year with a subject index at the back
of each volume. Entries included bibliographic
information, dates and information on the
appointment of the committee and a brief
description. - Copies of most of the Commissions are available
in the Library. - Publications of the Government of British
Columbia, 1871-1947 - Print listing with indexing of early BC
Government publications. - British Columbia Bibliography 1849-1899
Includes government publications
272.8 Searching the Government Website
- Government Website Search Engine
(http//datafind.gov.bc.ca/advanced.htm) - Includes limits to ministries, file formats and
last updated. Very good for recent announcements,
current government information and non-published
government information (speeches, videos and
other materials.) - Queens Printer Government Publications
(http//www.publications.gov.bc.ca/) - Database of BC Government Publications available
for free or purchase. Not exhaustive. - The Statutes and Regulations may also be useful.
(http//www.bclaws.ca/) - Google Domain Searching (http//www.google.ca/adva
nced_search?hlen ) - Use the domain limit on Googles advanced search
screen to search any site using Google indexing.
This will give you advanced search features on
any specific website or domain you like.
282.9 Searching Other Libraries
- Vancouver Public Library UBC
- Along with the Library, they have the largest
collection of government publications. Their
catalogues are good sources to look for
government publications. - Library and Archives Canada (http//www.collection
scanada.gc.ca/index-e.html ) - Includes textual records and publications for
federal, provincial, territorial and foreign
governments. (more) - Links to Other Libraries (http//www.llbc.leg.bc.c
a/weblinks/library.htmleglib) - Links to other libraries maintained by the
Legislative Library. Useful for searching for
Government publications from other jurisdictions.
Let us know if a link is broken and we will
update it.
292.10 Finding Government Publications Quiz
- Published in 1950
- Legislative Library Web Catalogue
- Vancouver Public Library and UBC
- Legislative Library Card Catalogue
- If prior to 1947, you may also check
- Publications of the Government of British
Columbia, 1871-1947. - If related to a Royal Commission or Inquiry
- Royal Commissions and Commissions of Inquiry
Checklists, 1872-present.
- Published in 1999
- Legislative Library Web Catalogue
- Vancouver Public Library and UBC
- Canadian Research Index
- Google Search (Domain Limits)
- Queens Printer
- Government Publications Checklist
- If after 2001 you may also have success
- Searching the government website
302.11 Ordering BC Government Documents
- No official depository program
- Ordering is a nice review of where to find BC Gov
Docs. - Downloading and printing.
- Queens Printer
- Crown Publications http//www.crownpub.bc.ca/
- Monthly Checklist
- Legislative Library Catalogue
312.12 Important Government Documents
- Estimates http//www.bcbudget.gov.bc.ca/
- Public Accounts http//www.fin.gov.bc.ca/ocg/pa/06
_07/pa06_07.htm - Annual Reports (Mines Example) How many people
were killed in mining accidents in 1926? - Sessional Papers (until 1952) Bound unofficially
at UBC until 1976. Sessional Papers common at
medium to large libraries. - Elections British Columbia Website
(http//www.elections.bc.ca/) - Labour Relations Board of BC http//www.lrb.bc.ca/
Collective Agreements and Decisions - Minstry of Forests - Treebook http//www.for.gov.b
322.12 Important Government Documentscont.
- BC Stats (http//www.bcstats.gov.bc.ca/) Stats
Tip Who has interest in what I am looking for?
ICBC and Traffic Statistics - BC Government Directory - Independent Officers.
- Touring the Ministries publications section is an
excellent to get familiar with the range of
materials. - Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation
- Housing and Social Development/BC Housing
333 Local Government
- Northern Health Authority http//www.northernhealt
h.ca/ - City of Prince George http//www.city.pg.bc.ca/
note bylaws and responsibilities. - Regional District of Fraser Fort George
http//www.rdffg.bc.ca/ - University of Northern British Columbia
http//www.unbc.ca/ - School District 57 http//www.sd57.bc.ca/index.php
?id501 -
- Relationship to Provincial Government (Financial
Statements) - Enabling Legislation and Regulations (S.B.C. 2002
c2 Health Authorities Act) - Finding Documents (Local Collections, Websites
etc.) - Union of BC Municipalities http//www.civicnet.bc.
344 Government Resources for Company Research
- Strategis Databases
- Canadian Company Capabilities
- Database of Federally Incorporated Companies
- Canadian Importers Database
- Corporate Registry (QP Legaleze, BC Online)
- Miscellaneous
354.1 Strategis Databases
- Canadian Company Capabilities
- Federally Incorporated Businesses
- Canadian Importers Database
364.2 Canadian Company Capabilities
- Voluntary and updated by companies
- Entries vary in length and quality
- 60,000 Canadian businesses
- http//www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/ccc-rec.nsf/eng/home
374.3 Federally Incorporated Businesses
- Database of federally incorporated companies
- Updated by Corporations Canada based on info
supplied by company, so may be outdated - Record may include
- Old company names
- Date of incorporation/dissolution
- Contact address and director name
- Subsidiaries and amalgamations
- http//corporations.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/cd-dgc.nsf/
384.4 Canadian Importers Database
- Lists of companies importing into Canada
- Company data supplied by Canada Customs in 2005
- Search by product, by city and origin
- Only shows major importers, so minor players and
individuals not covered - http//www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/cid-dic.nsf/eng/home
394.5 Strategis Cont.
- Trade Data Online http//www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/tdo
-dcd.nsf/eng/home - Trademark Database http//www.ic.gc.ca/app/opic-ci
po/trdmrks/srch/tmSrch.do?langeng - Insolvency Name Search
- Find a person or organizations bankruptcy
records - 8 fee per 10 records
- Canadian Patent Database
- Patent applications since 1978 and open
applications not yet granted - http//patents.ic.gc.ca/cipo/cpd/en/introduction.h
tml -
404.6 Corporate Registry
- All businesses operating in B.C. must file
documents with the registry - Registry documents may include
- Company annual reports
- Applications for incorporation, continuation,
amalgamation - Notification of dissolution, change of address,
change of directors
414.7 Search Corporate Registry
- Through B.C. Online
- Covers 2003 - Present
- Need an account
- Pay fees per document
- Through QP Legaleze Corporate Registry Notices
- Covers activities 2003- Present
- Includes notices of incorporation, amalgamations,
continuations into the province - No documents, only notice of applications,
changes - http//www.qplegaleze.ca/default.htm
424.8 SEDAR
- Public companies file legally required documents
through SEDAR - Dates back to 1997
- Useful for corporate history
- Look here for
- News releases
- Financial statements
- Specific documentation (highly technical)
- www.sedar.com
434.9 SEDI
- SEDI database for company insiders to file
required documentation about their trading
activities - Insiders a companys senior officials
- Look here for
- Info about insiders direct or indirect
ownership/control of that companys securities - www.sedi.ca
444.10a Miscellaneous
- Not-for-profit created by the Federation of Law
Societies of Canada - Fast way to search court and tribunal rulings
across Canada - Updated frequently from freely available online
sources - Not complete source of all rulings
- Coverage depends on province and court
- http//www.canlii.org
454.10b B.C. Manufacturers Directory
- Maintained by BC Stats
- Information provided voluntarily
- Updated yearly
- 4,800 entries
- http//www.made-in-bc.ca/
464.10c Following BC Politics
- Major Columnists (Vaughn Palmer, Michael Smyth,
Les Leyne) - Public Eye Online http//www.publiceyeonline.com/
- Voice of BC http//vancouver.shawtv.com/voiceofbc_
mainpage.htm - Constituency Reports http//vancouver.shawtv.com/c
onreport_mainpage.htm - Question Period Podcast http//www.leg.bc.ca/podca
sts.htm - Political Party Websites