Title: Agenda
1- Agenda
- CICC 2004 Overview
- CICC 2004 Registration Overview
- CICC 2004 Paper Submission
- CICC Financials
- 2004 Actual and CICC 2005 Budget
- CICC Futures
2CICC 05 September 18-21, San Jose, CA
- 2004 Conference Summary
- Positives
- Attendance equal to 2002 east coast location
despite severe hurricanes - Continued tradition of strong Technical
Conference - Paper submission flat to record 2003 level
- 43 return rate on Conference Survey. 2004
program well received. - Sponsorship up (6x)
- 10K Surplus (Budget Estimate was 7k)
- Hotel waived room block penalties due to
Hurricane impact - Negatives
- Hurricanes in FL caused softening of final week
of registration compared to 2003 - Exhibits down due to east coast location and
conflict with FSA expo
3Registration Statistics
4Registration Statistics
5Paper Statistics
6CICC 05 September 18-21, San Jose,
CAFinancial Summary
- 04 Budget 04 Actual 05 Budget
- Orlando Orlando San Jose
- Technical Registration 400 353 460
- Educational Sessions 150 125 160
- Income 342565 332231 383617
- Expenses 334839 321582 369855
- Surplus 7725 10649 13761
- Surplus Percent 2.2 3.2 3.6
7Moving Forward
- Call for Papers Out
- Poster Session added to 2005 program
- Co-location with BMAS
- (The 2005 IEEE International Behavioral Modeling
and Simulation Conference) - San Jose Location for next 3 years
- Opening discussion with additional conference for
2006 co-location -
- Requesting AdCom approval for 60,000.00 Advance
for CICC 2005 (Same as CICC 2004)
9Behavioral Modeling and Simulation Conference
The 2005 IEEE International Behavioral Modeling
and Simulation Conference is a "workshop-like"
conference that focuses on behavioral modeling
and simulation for analog electronic circuits and
systems. As such, it addresses the development
and application of behavioral languages and
simulators, as well modeling practices and
the automatic extraction of models. The
Verilog-AMS and VHDL-AMS languages are
of particular interest. The conference will held
in conjunction with the Custom Integrated
Circuits Conference at the Doubletree Hotel in
San Jose in 2005. Please join us at the world's
premier mixed-signal behavioral modeling
conference. To receive important notices about
the conference, subscribe to our mailing
list. Sincerely, Colin
McAndrew General Chair, BMAS
2005 general-chair_at_bmas-conf.org
10CICC 05 September 18-21, San Jose, CA
Financial Summary 2004 Budget vs. Actuals
11Accepted Papers
Submitted Papers
12Number of Countries with Papers