Proposed ISDR Five Year Strategic Communication Plan: Building a People-based Culture of Prevention Presentation to IATF/DR 12th Session 22-24 November 2005 Geneva, Palais des Nations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Proposed ISDR Five Year Strategic Communication Plan: Building a People-based Culture of Prevention Presentation to IATF/DR 12th Session 22-24 November 2005 Geneva, Palais des Nations


Annual Campaign Themes. The ISDR secretariat is seeking input to further develop the campaign themes for ... 4. Assist with dissemination of campaign material ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Proposed ISDR Five Year Strategic Communication Plan: Building a People-based Culture of Prevention Presentation to IATF/DR 12th Session 22-24 November 2005 Geneva, Palais des Nations

Proposed ISDR Five Year Strategic Communication
PlanBuilding a People-based Culture of
PreventionPresentation to IATF/DR12th
Session22-24 November 2005Geneva, Palais des

ContentsI. ContextII. RationaleII. A
 people-based  approachIV. Five Year
Communication Plan Overview a) Vision, Goal,
Objectives b) Annual Campaign Themes c)
Audiences d) Proposed Framework e)
Important ConsiderationsV. ChallengesVI.
BudgetVII. Proposed Task Force Involvement
I. Context Hyogo Framework for Action-ISDR
secretariat and ISDR partners have a major role
in communicating the goals and priorities for
action Multi-Stakeholder Workshop on
Strengthening the ISDR-called for the ISDR
secretariat to raise the profile of disaster risk
reduction through public awareness campaigns
II. RationaleThe momentum for disaster
riskreduction is building-recent disasters,
and broad mediacoverage, have raised
publicawareness of vulnerability -governments
are strengtheningtheir commitment to implement
theHyogo Framework-opinion leaders are
becominginvolved (e.g.President Clinton.Prime
Minister Blair, at G8 )
III. Making disaster risk reduction real through
a  people-based  approach-disaster risk
reduction must become part of our daily lives and
behaviourHow?-giving a face  to the Hyogo
framework-raising awareness about practical
actions that individuals and communities can take
to reduce disaster losses will be a major focus
of the five-year communication strategy
IV. Five Year Communication Plan
Overviewa) Vision, Goal, ObjectivesVision
Change behaviour, so that there is a movement
from a culture of reaction to a culture of
prevention.GoalInform communities and
individuals about disaster risk reduction, and
empower them to take practical action to reduce
disaster losses. Informing them that DR is
possible, cost effective and in their best
Objectives of Communication Plan1. Increase
political commitment to disaster risk reduction,
particularly at the local level.2. Strengthen
the medias understanding and role in providing
information to the public.3. Stimulate the
dissemination of information at national and
local levels.4. Highlight partnerships and
activities supporting community initiatives
b) Annual Campaign ThemesFive annual campaigns
will be developed, reflecting priority areas for
action from the Hyogo Framework, and practical
disaster risk reduction actions that have
immediate relevance to individuals and
communities.YEAR 1  Prevention Starts at
School (2006) (a) Promoting disaster risk
reduction in school curricula, formal, informal,
and non-formal education (b) Building schools
that can withstand natural hazards (c) Schools
as community resource centres for disaster risk
Annual Campaign ThemesThe ISDR secretariat is
seeking input to further develop the campaign
themes for 2007-2010.YEAR 2 Theme related to
the health sector (2007) (a) Protecting
health facilities- avoiding a second
disaster (b) Health workers promoting disaster
risk reduction (c)   YEAR 3  Safer Cities
(2008) (a)    Integrating disaster risk
reduction in city policies, planning, and
infrastructure (b)      (c)      
Annual Campaign Themes YEAR 4  Preparing your
home and community for
disasters (2009) (a)    Protecting
housing, livelihoods, and animals (b)   
(c)     YEAR 5 Protecting the
environment to reduce
disaster risks (2010) (a)     Contributions of
science and technology (b)     Energy and risk
reduction (c)      
 c) Audiences for Communications Activities
d) Proposed FrameworkThe following framework is
proposed for developing the annual campaigns.
The framework is structured into three phases,
which would be repeated each year.I.
Preparation and pre-positioning
(October-December of year prior to
launch)II. Launch and Implementation
(January launch, implementation of
communication activities on-going) III.
Assessment (final quarter of year)
Proposed Framework
Proposed Framework
Approach to Implementation-Focus efforts at
the national and community levels, in
disaster-prone regions- Identify champions of
disaster reduction, representing different
cultures and experiences. -Work in partnership
across sectors and with a wide variety of
stakeholders-Leverage the communications
potential of existing coalitions and
organizations to effectively and efficiently
convey messages and distribute products
e) Important Considerations-Multi-hazard
approach-Gender perspective and cultural
diversity-Multi-sector partnerships-Least
developed, disaster-prone countries -Links to
Millennium Development Goals
V. Challenges-target audiences are numerous and
diverse-information is abundant, but not widely
available or useful for all audiences-media
attention is largely focused on the consequences
of disaster, rather than disaster risk reduction
initiatives-limited resources
VI. Estimated BudgetResources -two full-time
Geneva-based staff members -full engagement
from regional ISDR offices -budget to be
VII. Proposed Task Force Involvement1. Consider
acting as a key partner for relevant theme areas,
for example
Proposed Task Force Involvement2. Include
articles in organization newsletters and
publications3. Inform ISDR secretariat about
relevant events and opportunities for conveying
campaign messages4. Assist with dissemination
of campaign material5. Provide experts and
spokespeople for key events, media interviews,
press conferences6. Provide guidance on
campaign themes
VII. Questions for Task Force1. Does the Task
Force agree with the goal, objectives, and
approach of the strategy?2. Does the Task Force
have any views on the secretariats proposed
themes and/or activities?3. Does the Task Force
have any views regarding timing, leverage,
audiences, partners and outreach?
Next Steps-finalize strategy based on Task
Force input-finalize 2006 Action Plan (meet
with key partners, develop products and messages,
etc.)-finalize budget and financing
For further information, please
contactBrigitte Leoni Media Relations Officer
Campaign CoordinatorISDR secretariatleonib_at_un.
orgCopies of Proposed Five Year
Strategic Communication Plan are available on
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