Title: Pittsburgh Water
1- Pittsburgh Water
- and Sewer Authority
- Pilot-Scale
- Drinking Water Treatment Plant
2Unit Process Overview
3Unit Process Summary
- Design Flow Rate 4 gal/min (15 L/min)
- Three-stage Flocculation
- G Values 25, 17 and 9.2 s-1
- Primary Sedimentation
- Loading Rate 0.24 gpm/ft2
- Dual Media Filtration
- Filtration Rate 1 gal/ft2/min
- Ozonation (Pre and Intermediate Ozonation)
- Chlorine Dioxine (Batch Feed)
4Pilot-Scale Process Schematic
5Available Water Sources
- Raw Water (P)
- Primary Clarifier Effluent (P)
- Secondary Sedimentation Effluent (G)
- Filter Influent
- Filter Effluent (G)
- Filter Backwashing
P Pumped G Gravity Feed
6SCADA System
- System Control And Data Acquisition System
- Turbidimeters
- Hach 1720D Low Range Process Turbidimeter
- pH meters
- GF Signet pH/Orp Electrode Model No. 2714/2716
- Particle Counters
- Two Chemtrac 2400D digital on-line particle
counters. Chemtrac Systems Inc. each instrument
dedicated to two filters.
8Conventional Train For SCADA
9Experimental Train Screen For SCADA
10Combined Train Screen For SCADA
11Flow Splitting Box
- 15-gallon acrylic basin
- Design Flow 8 gpm.
- Each train will only use 4 gpm.
- Detention Time 1.9 minutes.
12Flow Splitting Box
13Flow Splitting Box
14Pretreatment Basin
- A 22 gallon acrylic, baffled basin.
- Provides the necessary chemical contact time
- e.g., potassium permanganate or chlorine dioxide
- 5.6 minutes of detention time at 4 gpm.
15Pretreatment Basin
16Pretreatment Basin
17Rapid Mix Basins
- Design Flow 4 gpm
- Detention Time per cell 23 seconds.
- Each Cell Volume 1.5 gallons.
- Flow is baffled in an over/under configuration.
- Chemicals are delivered to each rapid mix cell
immediately below the mixer impeller through a
stainless steel tube. - Each mixer has a range of 0 to 1,000 sec-1 .
18Rapid Mix Basins
19Rapid Mix Basins
20Flocculation Basins
- Three Acrlyic Flocculation Basins
- Total Volume 28 gallons
- Detention Time 21 minutes at design flow of 4
gpm - Detention Time 7 minutes per zone
- Flocculator Paddle Boards
- Zone 1 4 sets of 4 paddle boards (1.3 ft2 total
area) - Zone 2 3 sets of 4 paddle boards (1.0 ft2 total
area) - Zone 3 2 sets of 4 paddle boards (0.7 ft2 total
area) - Each paddle board is 0.5 inch wide by 2 feet
long. - Flocculation Mixing Range 10 to 70 sec-1.
21Zone 1 Flocculator
22Flocculation Basins
23Flocculation Basins
24Primary Clarifier
- Counter-Current Flow Lamella Plate Settler
- Settled water exits the top of the unit.
- Flocculated solids drop to the bottom.
- Sedimentation Basin is an Acrylic Tank with Seven
Stainless Steel Plates - Each plate is 1.5 feet wide by 3 feet deep.
- The plates are spaced 3 inches apart and inclined
at a 60? angle. - Area available for settling is 16 square feet.
- The design flowrate is 4 gpm.
- The projected loading rate is between 0.22 to
0.44 gpm/ft2.
25Primary Clarifier
26Primary Clarifier (Plate Settling)
27Secondary Sedimentation Basin
- Flow Rate Reduced from 4 gpm to 1 gpm. Simulates
the Full-Scale Facility. - The Design Detention Time at 1 gpm is
Approximately 20 hours.
28Secondary Sedimentation Basin
29Secondary Sedimentation Basin
- 6-inch Acrylic Columns Approximately 16 Feet in
Total Height. - Each Pilot-Scale Filter Contains
- 18-inches of anthracite on top of 12-inches of
filter sand. - All media was taken from existing filters in the
full-scale treatment plant. Media was aged for 6
years. - A ¾ inch thick Leopold Integral Media Support
(IMS) cap is used in the pilot scale filter to
support these granular layers. - Maximum Allowable Filter Media Depth is 6 feet.
- Water Depth Above the Filter Media Can Range from
6.5 to 9.5 feet.
- 2 filters are supplied water from the
conventional train. - 2 filters are fed water from the experimental
train. - The flow rate can be varied from 0.2 gpm to 1
gpm. - The filter loading rate range is between 1
gpm/ft2 to 5 gpm/ft2.
33Filter Appurtenances
35Ozone Generator
- The generator is an OSMONICS OREC Ozone Generator
SP 19-O-1059, with a capacity of 1 pound/day of
ozone. - Ozone dosing can be accomplished by using of an
in-line injector (eductor) or a fine bubble
36Ozone Generator
37Ozone Feed Gas Offgas Monitors
38Ozone Eductor System
39Ozone Diffuser
40Ozone Offgas Destruction Unit
41Ozone Offgas Destruction
42Ozone Contactors
- Each contactor is made of glass, 6 inches in
diameter, and 18 feet tall with 2 feet of
freeboard. - The water height in the contactors in operation
is 16 feet in preozonation mode and 14 feet in
intermediate ozonation mode. - The design contact time at a flow of 4 gpm is
5.9 minutes per contactor for preozonation and
5.1 minutes per contactor for intermediate
43Ozone Contactors
44Ozone Contactor
45Ozone and Chlorine Dioxide Generators in a Fume
46Chlorine Dioxide Generation
- A CDG Technologies Model MB-1000R pilot-scale
generator. - Can produce a stock solution of 1,000 to 3,000
mg/L. - Chlorine dioxide is generated by combining
chlorine gas with sodium chlorite.
47Chlorine Dioxide Generator
48Chemical Feed System
49SCADA Filter Screen
50SCADA Data Screen
51SCADA pH Trend Screen
52SCADA Flow Trend Screen
53SCADA Turbidity Trend Screen
54SCADA Ozone Trend Screen
55SCADA Particle Trend Screen