- Requirements
- and
- Implementation Plan
Arkansas Secretary of State Charlie Daniels
2- Help America Vote Act
- Requirements
- Mandatory Requirements
- Funding
- State Responsibility Status
3- Help America Vote Act
- Requirements
- Overview
- Voting Machines (Systems)
- Provisional Voting
- Voter Information Education
- Voter Registration List
- Mail-In Registration
- Overseas Absentee Ballots
4- Help America Vote Act
- Requirements
- Voting Machines (Systems)
5Voting systems requirements
- All Voting Systems MUST
- Allow voter to verify and change ballot
- Notify voter of overvote and the effect of
overvote - Allow for review of vote
6Voting systems requirements
For paper ballots (hand counted), punch cards and
central tabulation (including for absentee),
State or county must provide
- Voter education and
- 2. Instructions regarding the effect of
overvotes and how to correct mistake before the
ballot is cast and counted
7Voting systems requirements
- Audit requirements
- Permanent record with manual audit capacity
- 2nd Chance Voting
- Paper record official record for recounts
8Voting systems requirements
- Accessibility requirements
- Must be accessible in a manner that provides the
same opportunity for access and participation as
for other voters. - Must provide at least 1 DRE equipped for
disabilities at each polling place.
9Voting systems requirements
- Alternative language requirements
- Some Counties may be required to provide Spanish
language voting systems.
10- Interpretation
- Most experts agree that only direct-read
electronic machines (DREs) will meet the
requirements of HAVA. - Arkansas currently has only six counties with
DREs in place. - Preliminary costs for machine replacement could
be as high as 12 million.
- Arkansass Question
- Uniform Voting Equipment statewide?
11- Help America Vote Act
- Requirements
- Voting Machines (Systems)
12Provisional Voting
- Akin to AR Challenged Ballot
- Written Affirmation
- Free Access to Results
- After Polls Close
13- Interpretation
- Training Education for Election Officials
14- Help America Vote Act
- Requirements
- Voting Machines (Systems)
- Provisional Voting
- Voter Information Education
15Voter Information Education
- Posted at each polling place
- Sample ballot
- Date and hours
- Instructions on how to vote (including
provisional ballots) - Instructions for mail registrants and first-time
voters - Information on voters rights
- Information on voter fraud laws.
16Interpretation Both State and counties will be
responsible for providing voter education
material. Issue to Consider Uniformity allows
for easier production (standardization of
training materials)
17- Help America Vote Act
- Requirements
- Voting Machines (Systems)
- Provisional Voting
- Voter Information Education
18Statewide Voter Registration List
- Components
- Defined, maintained and administered at state
level - Unique identifier for each voter
- Single system for storing and managing official
voter list - Coordinated with other agency databases
19Statewide Voter Registration List
- Components, cont
- Immediate electronic access
- Expedited data entry
- SOS to provide support
20Statewide Voter Registration List
- List Maintenance
- Removal of names pursuant to current law (NVRA)
- State shall coordinate voter list with state
agency records on felonies and deaths - Duplicate names eliminated
21Statewide Voter Registration List
- List Maintenance
- Voter database and DMV database must be linked to
verify applicant information - DMV must link with Social Security for
22Statewide Voter Registration List
- Applicant information required
- Driver license number
- Last 4 digits of social security number
- If neither DL nor SS is used, the unique
identifier number is assigned - The State shall determine whether information
provided by applicant is sufficient
23- Interpretation
- Arkansass current voter registration database
does NOT meet the requirements of HAVA. - All new registrants must provide DL or last four
digits of SS - EVERYONE will have a number
- Each county will have access to entire list
- State must provide hardware software
24- Interpretation
- Issues to Consider
- Equipment Connectivity
25- Help America Vote Act
- Requirements
- Voting Machines (Systems)
- Provisional Voting
- Voter Information Education
- Voter Registration List
26Mail-In Registration
- Applications for voters registering
- by mail or first time voters must include
- Box for citizenship and age
- Statement that no registration if not a citizen
or appropriate age - Statement that first time registrants and voters
must provide id information to avoid additional
id requirements upon voting for the first time. - If any federally required information not
completed, clerk must immediately notify voter.
27- Interpretation
- Registration forms will have to be changed to
include information - First-time voters who registered by mail must
provide ID or vote provisional ballot
28- Help America Vote Act
- Requirements
- Voting Machines (Systems)
- Provisional Voting
- Voter Information Education
- Voter Registration List
- Mail-In Registration
Overseas Absentee Ballots
29Overseas Absentee Ballots
- Single State office responsible for information
regarding voting procedures for overseas voters - Congress recommends that the office be
responsible for processing overseas registration
apps and absentee ballots. - State must report the total number of overseas
absentee ballots sent and returned. - Extended period of applications effectiveness.
30- Interpretation
- Secretary of State must process applications,
ballots, report information for overseas
absentee ballots
31Secretary of State Administrative Action
- Must establish Administrative Complaints
Procedure - Implementation of new voter registration database
- Increased voter education and outreach
- HAVA education/training for election officials
poll workers
32Secretary of State Administrative Action
- Establish free access for provisional voting
results - Change in voter registration forms
- System for UOCAVA reporting
- Coordination of voter id and deceased voters
33Secretary of State Planning
34HAVA Committee
Secretary of State Charlie Daniels, Chair
- Governors Office
- Legislators
- County Clerks
- Election Commissioners
- Election Coordinators
- Disability Groups
- Minorities
- Political Parties
- Association of AR Counties
- Dept. of Motor Vehicles
- Military
- Information Technology
- Legislation
- Needs Analysis
36Needs Analysis
4 Election Coordinators assigned by Congressional
District Needs Analysis to Include
- Statistics on precincts voting systems
- Voter registration data, equipment connectivity
issues - Polling site access
- Voter education
- Coordinators to remain in place for future
- Research
- Machine Buyout
- State Plan/Certification
- Implementation
- Requirements
- And
- Implementation Plan
Arkansas Secretary of State Charlie Daniels