Controlled Observations of the Genetic Algorithm in a Changing Environment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Controlled Observations of the Genetic Algorithm in a Changing Environment


Best Performance - Avg. across runs of the fitness of the best ind. ... Best Diversity Avg. Hamming distance between genomes of best individuals across runs ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Controlled Observations of the Genetic Algorithm in a Changing Environment

Controlled Observations of the Genetic Algorithm
in a Changing Environment
Case Studies Using the Shaky Ladder Hyperplane
Defined Functions
  • William Rand
  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • Center for the Study of Complex Systems

  • Introduction
  • Motivation, GA, Dynamic Environments, Framework,
  • Shaky Ladder Hyperplane-Defined Functions
  • Description and Analysis
  • Varying the Time between Changes
  • Performance, Satisficing and Diversity Results
  • The Effect of Crossover
  • Experiments with Self-Adaptation
  • Future Work and Conclusions

  • Despite years of great research examining the
    GA, more work still needs to be done, especially
    within the realm of dynamic environments
  • Approach
  • Applications GA works in many different
    environments, particular results
  • Theory Places many limitations on results
  • Middle Ground Examine a realistic GA on a set of
    constructed test functions, Systematic Controlled
  • Benefits
  • Make recommendations to application
  • Provide guidance for theoretical work

What is a GA?
Evaluative Mechanism
Population of Solutions
Inheritance with Variation
John Holland, Adaptation in Natural and
Artificial Systems, 1975
Dynamic Environments
  • GAs are a restricted model of evolution
  • Evolution is an inherently dynamic system, yet
    researchers traditionally apply GAs to static
  • If building blocks exist within a problem
    framework, the GA can recombine those solutions
    to solve problems that change in time
  • Application examples include Job scheduling,
    dynamic routing, and autonomous agent control
  • What if we want to understand how the GA works in
    these environments?
  • Applications are too complicated to comprehend
    all of the interactions, we need a test suite for
    systematic, controlled observation

Measures of Interest
  • Robustness
  • How indicative future performance is the current
  • Best Robustness Fitness of current best divided
    by fitness of previous generations best
  • Average Robustness Current population fitness
    avg. divided by the avg. for the previous
  • Diversity
  • Measure of the variation of the genomes in the
  • Best Diversity Avg. Hamming distance between
    genomes of best individuals across runs
  • Average Diversity Avg. across runs of avg.
    Hamming distance of whole population
  • Performance
  • How well the system solves an objective function
  • Best Performance - Avg. across runs of the
    fitness of the best ind.
  • Avg. Performance Avg. across runs of the
    fitness of the avg. ind.
  • Satisficability
  • Ability of the system to achieve a predetermined
  • Best Satisficability - Fraction of runs where the
    best solution exceeds a threshold
  • Average Satisficability Avg. across runs of
    fraction of population to exceed threshold

Hyperplane Defined Functions
  • HDFs were designed by John Holland, to model
    the way the individuals in a GA
  • In HDFs building blocks are described formally by
  • If search space is binary strings then schemata
    are trinary strings (0, 1, wildcard)
  • Building blocks are schemata with a positive
    fitness contribution
  • Combine building blocks to create higher level
    building blocks and reward the individual more
    for finding them
  • Potholes are schemata with a negative fitness

John Holland, Cohort Genetic Algorithms,
Building Blocks, and Hyperplane-Defined
Functions, 2000
Shaky Ladder HDFs
  • Shaky ladder HDFs place 3 restrictions on HDFs
  • Elementary schemata do not conflict with each
  • Potholes have limited costs
  • Final schema is union of elementary schemata
  • Gaurantees any string which matches the final
    schema is an optimally valued string
  • Shaking the ladder involves changing intermediate

Three Variants
  • Cliffs Variant - All three groups of the fixed
    schemata are used to create the intermediate
  • Smooth Variant - Only elementary schemata are
    used to create intermediate schemata
  • Weight Variant - The weights of the ladder are
    shaken instead of the form

Analysis of the Sl-hdfs
  • The Sl-hdfs were devised to resemble an
    environment where there are regularities and a
    fixed optima
  • There are two ways to show that they have these
  • Match the micro-level componentry
  • Carry out macro-analysis
  • Standard technique is the autocorrelation of a
    random walk

Mutation Landscape
Crossover Landscape
Time Between Shakes Experiment
  • Vary t? which is the time between shakes
  • See what effect this has on the performance of
    the best individual in the current generation

Cliffs Variant
Smooth Variant
Weight Variant
Results of Experiment
  • t? 1801, 900 Improves performance,?Premature
    Convergence prevents finding optimal strings
  • t? 1 Outperforms static environment,
    intermediate schemata provide little guidance, 19
    runs find an optimal string
  • t? 25, 100 Best performance, tracks and
    adapts to changes in environment, intermediate
    schemata provide guidance but not a dead end, 30
    runs find optimal strings
  • Smoother variants perform better early on, but
    then the lack of selection pressure prevents them
    from finding the global optimum

Comparison of Threshold Satisficability
Cliffs Variant Diversity Results
Smooth Variant Diversity Results
Weight Variant Diversity Results
Discussion of Diversity Results
  • Initially thought diversity would decrease as
    time went on and the system converged, and that
    shakes would increase diversity as the GA
    explored the new solution space
  • Neutral mutations allow founders to diverge
  • A ladder shake decreases diversity because it
    eliminates competitors to the new best
  • In the Smooth and Weight variants Diversity
    increases even more due to lack of selection
  • In the Weight variant you can see Diversity
    leveling off as the population stabilizes around
    fit, but not optimal individuals

Crossover Experiment
  • The Sl-hdf are supposed to explore the use of the
    GA in dynamic environments
  • The GAs most important operator is crossover
  • Therefore, if we turn crossover off the GA should
    not be able to work as well in the sl-hdf
  • That is exactly what happens
  • Moreover crossover has a greater effect on the GA
    operating in the Weight variant due to the short

Cliffs Variant Crossover Results
Smooth Variant Crossover Results
Weight Variant Crossover Results
  • By controlling mutation we can control the
    balance between exploration and exploitation
    which is especially useful in a dynamic
  • Many techniques have been suggested
    hypermutation, variable local search, and random
  • Bäck proposed the use of self-adaptation in
    evolutionary strategies and later in GAs (92)
  • Self-adaptation encodes a mutation rate within
    the genome
  • The mutation rate becomes an additional search
    problem for the GA to solve

The Experiments
Performance Results (1/2)Generation 1800 Best
Individual Over 30 Runs
Performance Results (2/2)Generation 1800 Best
Individual Over 30 Runs
Mutation Rates
Discussion of Self-Adaptation Results
  • Self-adaptation fails to improve the balance
    between exploration and exploitation
  • Tragedy of the Commons - it is to the benefit
    of each individual to have a low mutation rate,
    even though a higher average mutation rate is
    beneficial to the whole population
  • Seeding with known good material does not
    always increase performance
  • Some level of mutation is always good

Future Work
  • Further Exploration of sl-hdf parameter space
  • Schema Analysis
  • Analysis of local optima
  • What levels are attained when?
  • Analysis of the sl-hdf landscape
  • Population based landscape analysis
  • Other dynamic analysis
  • Examination of
  • Other mechanisms to augment the GA
  • Meta-GAs, hypermutation, multiploidy
  • Co-evolution of sl-hdf's with solutions
  • Combining GAs with ABMs to model ecosystems

  • Other Areas of Evolutionary Computation
  • Coevolution
  • Other Evolutionary Algorithms
  • Computational Economics
  • Market Behavior and Failures
  • Generalists vs. Specialists
  • Autonomous Agents
  • Software agents, Robotics
  • Evolutionary Biology
  • Phenotypic Plasticity, Baldwinian Learning

  • Systematic, Controlled Observation allows us to
    gather regularities about an artificial system
    that is useful to both practitioners and
  • The sl-hdf's provide and the three variants
    presented are a useful platform for exploring the
    GA in dynamic environments
  • Standard autocorrelation fails to completely
    describe some landscapes and some dynamism
  • Intermediate rates of change provide a better
    environment at times by preventing premature
  • Self-adaptation is not always successful,
    sometimes it is better to explicitly control GA

Jason Atkins Dmitri Dolgov Anna Osepayshvili
Jeff Cox Dave Orton Bil Lusa Dan Reeves Jane C
oggshall Brian Magerko Bryan Pardo Stefan Nikle
s Eric Schlegel TJ Harpster Kristin Chiboucas
Cibele Newman Julia Clay Bill Merrill Eric Lars
on Josh Estelle
  • John Holland
  • Rick Riolo
  • Scott Page, John Laird, and Martha Pollack
  • Jürgen Branke
  • CSCS
  • Carl Simon
  • Howard Oishi
  • Mita Gibson
  • Cosma Shalizi
  • Mike Charter the admins
  • Lori Coleman
  • Sluce Research Group
  • Dan Brown, Moira Zellner, Derek Robinson
  • My Parents and Family
  • RR-Group
  • Robert Lindsay
  • Ted Belding
  • Chien-Feng Huang
  • Lee Ann Fu
  • Boris Mitavskiy
  • Tom Bersano
  • Lee Newman
  • Floortje Alkemade
  • Lazlo Guylas
  • Andreas Pape
  • Kirsten Copren
  • Nic Geard
  • Igor Nikolic
  • Ed Venit
  • Santiago Jaramillo
  • Toby Elmhirst
  • Amy Perfors

Friends Brooke Haueisen Kat Riddle Tami Ursem
Kevin Fan Jay Blome Chad Brick Ben
Larson Mike Curtis Beckie Curtis Mike Geiger
Brenda Geiger William Murphy Katy Luchini Dirk
  • CWI
  • Han La Poutré
  • Tomas Klos
  • EECS
  • William Birmingham
  • Greg Wakefield
  • CSEG

And Many, Many More
Any Questions?
My Contributions
  • Shaky Ladder Hyperplane Defined Functions
  • Three Variants
  • Description of Parameter Space to be explored
  • Work on describing Systematic, Controlled
    Observation Framework
  • Initial experiments on sl-hdf
  • Crossover Results on variants of the hdf
  • Autocorrelation analysis of the hdf and sl-hdf
  • Exploration of Self-Adaptation in GAs when it
  • Suite of Metrics to better understand GAs in
    Dynamic Environments
  • Proposals of how to extend the results to

  • Despite decades of great research, there is more
    work that needs to be done in understanding the
  • Performance metrics are not enough to explain the
    behavior of the GA, but that is what is reported
    in most experiments
  • What other measures could be used to describe the
    run of a GA in order to gain a fuller
    understanding of how the GA behaves?
  • The goal is not to understand the landscape or to
    classify the performance of particular variations
    of the GA
  • Rather the goal is to develop a suite of measures
    that help to understand the GA via systematic,
    controlled observations

Exploration vs. Exploitation
  • A classic problem in optimization is how to
    maintain the balance
    between exploration
    and exploitation
  • k-armed bandit problem
  • If we are allowed a limited number of trials at a
    k-armed bandit what is the best way to allocate
    those trials in order to maximize our overall
  • Given finite computing resources what is the best
    way to allocate our computational power to
    maximize our results?
  • Classical solution Allocate exponential trials
    to the best observed distribution based on
    historic outcomes

Dubins, L.E. and Savage, L.J. (1965). How to
gamble if you must. McGraw Hill, New York.
Re-published as Inequalities for stochastic
processes. Dover, New York (1976).
The Genetic Algorithm
  • Generate a population of solutions to the search
    problem at random
  • Evaluate this population
  • Sort the population based on performance
  • Select a part of the population to make a new
  • Perform mutation and recombination to fill out
    the new population
  • Go to step 2 until time runs out or performance
    criteria is met

The Environments
  • Static Environment Hyperplane-defined function
  • Dynamic Environment New hdf's are selected from
    an equivalence set at regular intervals
  • Coevolving Environment A separate problem-GA
    controls which hdf's the solution-GA faces every

Dynamics and the Bandit(Like Smoky and the
Bandit only without Jackie Gleason)
  • Now what if the distributions underlying the
    various arms changes in time?
  • The balance between exploration and exploitation
    would also have to change in time
  • This presentation will attempt to examine one way
    to do that and why the mechanism presented fails

Qualities of Test Suites
  • Whitley (96)
  • Generated from elementary Building Blocks
  • Resistant to hillclimbing
  • Scalable in difficulty
  • Canonical in form
  • Holland (00)
  • Generated at random, but not reverse-engineerable
  • Landscape-like features
  • Include all finite functions in the limit

Building Blocks and GAs
  • GAs combine building blocks to find the solution
    to a problem
  • Different individuals in a GA have different
    building blocks, through crossover they merge
  • This can be used to define any possible function

HDF Example
Building Block Set b1 111 1 b2 00
1 b3 1 1 b4 0 1 b12 11
001 1 b23 001 1 b123 110011 1
b1234 1100101 1
Sample Evaluations f(100111) b3 1 f(1111111)
b1b3-p13 1.5 f(1000100) b2 b3 b23 3
f(1100111) b1 b2 b3 b12 b23 b123 -
p12 p13 p2312 4.5
Potholes p121101 -0.5 p13 1111 -0.5

p2312 1 0011 -0.5
Hyperplane-defined Functions
  • Defined over the set of all binary strings
  • Create an elementary level building block set
    defined over the set of strings of the alphabet
    0, 1,
  • Create higher level building blocks by combining
    elementary building blocks
  • Assign positive weights to all building blocks
  • Create a set of potholes that incorporate parts
    of multiple elementary building blocks
  • Assign the potholes negative weights
  • A solution string matches a building block or a
    pothole if it matches the character of the
    alphabet or if the building block has a '' at
    that location

Problems with the HDFs
  • Problems with HDFs for systematic study in
    dynamic environments
  • No way to determine optimum value of a random
  • No way to create new HDFs based on old ones
  • Because of this there is no way to specify a
    non-random dynamic HDF

Creating an sl-hdf
  • Generate a set of e non-conflicting elementary
    schemata of order o (8), and of string length l
    (500), set fitness contribution u(s) (2)
  • Combine all elementary schemata to create
    highest-level schemata, and set fitness
    contribution (3)
  • Create a pothole for each elementary schemata,
    by copying all defining bits, plus some from
    another elementary schemata probabilistically (p
    0.5), and set fitness contribution (-1)
  • Generate intermediate schemata by combining
    random pairs of elementary schemata to create e /
    2 second level schemata
  • Repeat (4) for each level until the number of
    schemata to be generated for the next level is 1
  • To generate a new sl-hdf from the same
    equivalence set delete the previous intermediate
    schemata and repeat steps (4) and (5)

Mutation Blowup
Crossover Blowup
Measures of Interest
  • Average Fitness average performance of the
    system over time
  • Robustness ability of the system to maintain
    steady state performance
  • Satisficability ability of the system to
    maintain performance above a certain level
  • Diversity difference between solutions that the
    system is currently examining

Cliffs Variant Performance Results
Smooth Variant Performance Results
Weight Variant Performance Results
Cliffs Variant Robustness Results
Smooth Variant Robustness Results
Weight Variant Robustness Results
Cliffs Variant Satisficability Results
Smooth Variant Satisficability Results
Weight Variant Satisficability Results
Crossover Results Cliffs Variant
Crossover Results Smooth Variant
Crossover Results Weight Variant
Why Bäcks Mechanism?
  • Does not require external knowledge
  • Allows the GA to choose any mutation rate
  • Allows control between exploration and
    exploitation does not force one or the other
  • First order approximation of self-adaptive
    mutation mechanisms in haploid organisms
  • Bäck showed self-adaptation to be successful

SA Results Smooth Variant (1/2)Generation 1800
Best Individual Over 30 Runs
SA Results Smooth Variant (2/2)Generation 1800
Best Individual Over 30 Runs
Mutation Rates - Smooth Variant
SA Results Weight Variant (1/2)Generation 1800
Best Individual Over 30 Runs
SA Results Weight Variant (2/2)Generation 1800
Best Individual Over 30 Runs
Mutation Rates - Weight Variant
Discussion of Results
  • Local optima drive mutation rates down
  • Hard to recover from low mutation rates
  • Why was self-adaptation successful in Bäcks
  • Most of his experiments were unimodal
  • Strong selection pressure
  • Bäcks problems are amenable to hill-climbing

Additional ExperimentsMechanisms for increasing
GA performance in dynamic environments
  • Adapted Evolution an external function based on
    fitness or diversity controls evolutionary
  • Meta-GAs one GA controls the evolutionary
    parameters for another GA
  • Multiploidy the use of dominant and recessive
    genes to maintain a memory of previous solutions
  • Niching increasing diversity by decreasing the
    fitness of simliar solutions

Evolutionary Biology
  • Coevolution and multiple species evolution
  • Exploration versus Exploitation
  • Generalists versus Specialists
  • Phenotypic Plasticity
  • Baldwinian Learning
  • Evolution of Evolvability

Autonomous Agent Control
  • How do you create an autonomous agent which can
    adapt to changes in its environment?
  • What if other agents are coevolving and
    interfacing with your agent?
  • Is it possible to automatically determine when to
    switch strategies?
  • Examples robot control, trading agents,
    personal assistant agents

Computational Economics
  • Many of the same questions as Evolutionary
  • Exploration vs. Exploitation
  • Generalists vs. Specialists
  • Many of the same questions as Autonomous Agent
  • Coevolution of agents
  • When to switch strategies
  • Market behavior and failures

Future and Other Work in Dynamic Environments
  • Test suite development and the behavior of a
    simple GA in a dynamic environment
  • Diversity of solutions in dynamic environments
  • Explore other ways to balance exploration and
  • Hypermutation, Multiploidy, and Meta-GAs
  • Schematic Analysis
  • Analysis of the sl-hdf landscape
  • Co-evolution of sl-hdf's with solutions
  • Combining GAs with a ABMs to model ecosystems

Standard Explorations
  • Vary td which is the time between shakes
  • See what effect this has on the performance of
    the best individuals
  • In the past we explored a simple GA
  • Fixed mutation of one bit out of a thousand
  • One-point crossover creates 70 of the new
  • Cloning creates the other 30
  • Population size of 1000
  • Selection using a tournament of size 3

The Environments
  • Static Environment Hyperplane-defined function
  • Dynamic Environment New hdf's are selected from
    an equivalence set at regular intervals
  • Coevolving Environment A separate problem-GA
    controls which hdf's the solution-GA faces every

Exploration and Exploitation in Dynamic
  • Ideal system might not have the same behavior as
    a static system
  • Increase exploration during times of change
  • Increase exploitation during times of quiescence
  • The mutation rate is one control of this
  • Thus a dynamic mutation rate might allow the
    system to better adapt to changes
  • Many techniques hypermutation, variable local
    search, and random immigrants

Additional ExperimentsMechanisms for increasing
GA performance in dynamic environments
  • Individual Self-Adaptation individuals can
    adjust their own mutation rates
  • Adapted Evolution an external function based on
    fitness or diversity controls evolutionary
  • Meta-GAs one GA controls the evolutionary
    parameters for another GA
  • Multiploidy the use of dominant and recessive
    genes to maintain a memory of previous solutions
  • Niching increasing diversity by decreasing the
    fitness of simliar solutions

Evolutionary Biology
  • Coevolution and multiple species evolution
  • Exploration versus Exploitation
  • Generalists versus Specialists
  • Phenotypic Plasticity
  • Baldwinian Learning
  • Evolution of Evolvability

Autonomous Agent Control
  • How do you create an autonomous agent which can
    adapt to changes in its environment?
  • What if other agents are coevolving and
    interfacing with your agent?
  • Is it possible to automatically determine when to
    switch strategies?
  • Examples robot control, trading agents,
    personal assistant agents

Computational Economics
  • Many of the same questions as Evolutionary
  • Exploration vs. Exploitation
  • Generalists vs. Specialists
  • Many of the same questions as Autonomous Agent
  • Coevolution of agents
  • When to switch strategies
  • Market behavior and failures

Different Ways To Examine Behavior
  • Extreme vs. Wholistic behavior the best /
    worst a system can do vs. the behavior of the
    whole population
  • Within vs. Across Runs Are we more interested
    in how well the system will do within a
    particular run or across many runs?
  • Fitness vs. Composition related Fitness is an
    indication of how well an individual is doing in
    the population, but one could also measure
    characteristics of the population that are not
    related to fitness

Discussion of Performance Results
  • A GA operating on a regular changing landscape
    will initially underperform but will eventually
    outperform a GA operating on a static landscape
  • Working Hypothesis The static landscape results
    in premature convergence, whereas shaking the
    landscape forces the GA to explore multiple
    solution sub-spaces
  • The average performance falls farther after a
    shake than the best performance, this is because
    the best performance loss is mitigated by
    individuals that perform well in the new

Rand, W. and R. Riolo, Shaky Ladders,
Hyperplane-Defined Functions and Genetic
Algorithms Systematic Controlled Observation in
Dynamic Environments, EvoStoc-2005
Discussion of Satisficability Results
  • Both the static environment and the regularly
    changing environment appear to operate in a
    similar fashion despite the better overall
    performance of the changing environment
  • Working Hypothesis Most basic building blocks
    are found at roughly the same rate, the dynamic
    environment is better at finding intermediate
    building blocks
  • Average Satisficability closely mirrors Best,
    despite the fact that Average is within instead
    of across runs

Discussion of Robustness Results
  • Static environment constantly maintains
    robusteness, except for a few deleterious
  • The robustness measure presented here indicates
    that fitness changes are a good indication of
  • Greatest change in scores in the middle
    generations, because the GA is concentrating on
    exploring intermediate schemata

  • These measures help to provide a better
    understanding of how the GA works in dynamic
  • By using these measurements in combination with
    each other a great understanding can be gained
    than by exploring any one of them individually
  • This paper is one step toward understanding the
    behavior of GAs through systematic, controlled

Future Work
  • Further explorations of the parameter space of
    the sl-hdfs ( of elementary schemata, string
  • Investigations into the difficulty level of the
  • Examining diversity of schemata present in the
    populations in each run
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