Title: Poverty, Environment, Growth Linkages
1Poverty, Environment, GrowthLinkages
2- MDGs
- WSSD 2002
- Green Growth, Green Economy
- To succeed- link poverty, environment and
sustainable growth
3Poverty environment linkage
- Livelihoods poor most dependant on use, access
to natural resources - Health poor suffer most when water, land , air
are polluted - Vulnerability poor are most exposed to
environmental hazards and environment related
4Examples of PE links
5Growth and PE relationship
- Do all boats rise with the tide or do pockets
of poverty persist? Quality of growth. - Environmental degradation and resource
overexploitation often follow rapid growth
(resource exploitation gt growth gt pollution of
environment ) - In turn, environmental degradation and resource
depletion worsen living conditions and livelihood
sources, especially of the poor
6Key factors that need to be addressed in poverty
reduction strategies
7Improve env. soundness of growth
- Market failure imperfect or no markets leading
to overuse and undervalue - Policy failure negative impact on environment.
E.g. chemicals to increase agric.output - Institutional failure interministerial coord,
complementarity of macro and sectoral approaches
8 Poverty-Environment Interactions
Poverty Alleviation
Environmental Management
Policy Goal
Poverty-Environment Interaction
- Agricultural investment
- Widen scope of health services
- Soil conservation
- Pollution prevention
Challenge to Policy Makers How to expand scope of
win-win policies
9Europe a hierarchy of challenges
10Cross-cutting issuesBiodiversity across Europe
Europes Environment. The 4th Assessment (2007)
11Cross-cutting issuesWater as a strategic
12Trans-boundary cross-thematic cooperation
Eastern Europe
- Environment Security. Transforming Risks into
Cooperation. The Case of Moldova, Belarus and
Ukraine (2007)
13Trends in South Eastern EuropeMain climate
change impacts
- Floods drought
- Crop yields
- Water availability
- Increased exposure to vector water-borne
diseases - SEE Climate Change Framework Action Plan for
Adaptation (2009-2011)
14Environmental performance SEE EECCA
- Environmental Performance Index (2008)
15EECCA Strategy
16Copper mine menaces Armenias Teghut forest.
The damage in Teghut forest has already began.
April 2007.
17- Hard choices about natural resource use
- Economic growth
- Poverty reduction
- Sustaining resource base
- Managing portfolio of natural resources
- Revenues, exports, employment
- Capital intensive vs labour intensive
- Diversity and invest revenues
- Some resources must be sustained
18Conclusion the challenge is how to incorporate
poverty and environment issues as integral parts
of development policy making.