Title: Yoga Work onsite wellness program
1 Yoga _at_ Workon-site wellness program
- Powered by
- Atmayaan Wellness
- Founders
- Credentials Atmayaan
- Mission Atmayaan
- The Scenario
- What can Yoga do ?
- Our program
3The Founders
- Pradeep G Gowda
- B.E, M.Sc ( Applied yogic sciences)
- Christopher Schafer
- BBA, M.A ( Yoga philosophy)
- Nirupma Raina
- MBA, M.Sc ( Yoga psychology)
- Qualified Instructors Master graduates of Bihar
Yoga Bharathi, - BYB and VYASA, Bangalore.
- Varied clientele Corporate, Health clubs, Yoga
studios, - Police officers, Students, kids and Athletes
- International Experience US, India, Malaysia,
Thailand Sri Lanka -
- Adept in different schools of yoga Bihar school,
Mysore Astanga, - Hatha Kriya yoga.
- BYB Worlds first accredited Yoga University
5Mission Atmayaan
- EMPOWER people with YOGA
- So that one can experience health, inner peace,
joy and self-mastery. - The WHOLE of yoga for the WHOLE of you
6The scenario
The Corporate scenario Scenario faced by the
corporate employees across all levels of an
7Highly competitive work atmosphere
Nadi shodhan, Kapaala bathi, Tratak, Yoga nidra,
Antar mouna, Balancing postures
Peer and Subconscious pressure to perform
Greater self understanding acceptance
Mental fatigue, Anxiety, Burn out ( low
efficiency, creativity)
The corporate scenario
8Long work hours, Long travel time
Clarity of priorities, Time Management, Balancing
mental activities
Antar mouna, Yoga nidra, Nadi shodhan,
Suryanamaskara, TTK
Declining Social interaction, Loneliness, lack of
physical activity, recreation rest
Physical fatigue, stress, Declining Emotional and
psychological confidence
The corporate scenario
9Non conventional work hours / Frequent traveling
Suryanamaskara, Yoga nidra, Shatkarmas, Sheetali,
Sarvangasana, Uddiyan bandha
Altered Biological rhythm / Sleep patterns
Regulates endocrine functioning, sound sleep
Non optimal physiological functioning, low
The corporate scenario
10Working against Deadlines
Shashankasana, Antar mouna, Karma yoga, Nadi
shodhan, Ujjaai
Declining Creativity Patience Tolerance levels
Increased Tolerance and Patience
Irritability, anger, frustration, emotional
The corporate scenario
PM1,2,3, Back bends, Twists, Eye practices,
Suryanamaskara, Neti
Increased (damaging) Stress on joints, spine,
eyes, ears
Strengthening joints, spine, eyes and ears
Physical ailments, Reduced efficiency
The corporate scenario
12What can Yoga do ?
Achieve fit body mind, healthy spine and
joints, tones the internal organs.
Cleanse and calm the mind, improves breathing,
boosts immunity, Stimulates the brain.
Controlling, calming the mind, unleashes
creativity, sharpens memory concentration.
Regulates sleep patterns, Provides relaxation,
De-stressing, Accelerates learning
(language/process) 30 min YN 4 hrs of sleep
13Our Programs
- a dynamic set of sequenced practices resulting in
the experience of an aerobic workout using yogic
postures. - 45-60 minute
- a gentle flow of yogic postures both curative
and preventative towards modern conditions
respiratory, cardiac, diabetes, etc. - 45-60 minutes
- this is a 30-minute technique known as yoga
nidra which induces the state of deep relaxation
while lying still on the back and guided through
a powerful meditation practice. - 15-30 minutes
14Management Training
- HR learning
- Seminars/ workshops on corporate health
- Leadership retreat
15Namaste Thank you for your time
16The Scenario