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of Heights of Adult Women. Properties of Normal Distribution. Also known as the bell curve or the Gaussian distribution, named for the German ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • BCT2053

  • 3.1 Binomial Distribution
  • 3.2 Poisson Distribution
  • 3.3 Normal Distribution
  • 3.4 Central Limit Theorem
  • 3.5 Normal Approximation to the Binomial
  • 3.6 Normal Approximation to the Poisson
  • 3.7 Normal Probability Plots

  • At the end of this chapter, you should be able to
  • Explain what a Binomial Distribution, identify
    binomial experiments and compute binomial
  • Explain what a Poisson Distribution, identify
    Poisson experiments and compute Poisson
  • Find the expected value (mean), variance, and
    standard deviation of a binomial experiment and a
    Poisson experiment .
  • Identify the properties of the normal
  • Find the area under the standard normal
    distribution, given various z values.

  • At the end of this chapter, you should be able to
  • Find probabilities for a normally distributed
    variable by transforming it into a standard
    normal variable.
  • Find specific data values for given percentages,
    using the standard normal distribution
  • Use the central limit theorem to solve problems
    involving sample means for large samples
  • Use the normal approximation to compute
    probabilities for a Binomial variable.
  • Use the normal approximation to compute
    probabilities for a Poisson variable.
  • Plot and interpret a Normal Probability Plot

3.1 Binomial Distribution
  • A Binomial distribution results from a procedure
    that meets all the following requirements
  • The procedure has a fixed number of trials ( the
    same trial is repeated)
  • The trials must be independent
  • Each trial must have outcomes classified into 2
    relevant categories only (success failure)
  • The probability of success remains the same in
    all trials

Binomial Experiment or not ?
  • An advertisement for Vantin claims a 77 end of
    treatment clinical success rate for flu
    sufferers. Vantin is given to 15 flu patients who
    are later checked to see if the treatment was a
  • A study showed that 83 of the patients receiving
    liver transplants survived at least 3 years. The
    files of 6 liver recipients were selected at
    random to see if each patients was still alive
  • In a study of frequent fliers (those who made at
    least 3 domestic trips or one foreign trip per
    year), it was found that 67 had an annual income
    over RM35000. 12 frequent fliers are selected at
    random and their income level is determined.

X Bin (n , p)
  • A fair coin is tossed 10 times. Let X be the
    number of heads that appear. What is the
    distribution of X?
  • A lot contains several thousand components. 10
    of the components are defective. 7 components are
    sampled from the lot. Let X represents the number
    of defective components in the sample. What is
    the distribution of X ?

  • Find the probability distribution of the random
    variable X if X Bin (10, 0.4). Find also P(X
    5) and P(X lt 2). Then find the mean and variance
    for X.
  • A fair die is rolled 8 times. Find the
    probability that no more than 2 sixes comes up.
    Then find the mean and variance for X.

  • A large industrial firm allows a discount on any
    invoice that is paid within 30 days. Of all
    invoices, 10 receive the discount. In a company
    audit, 12 invoices are sampled at random.
  • What is probability that fewer than 4 of 12
    sampled invoices receive the discount?
  • Then, what is probability that more than 1 of the
    12 sampled invoices received a discount.

4.4 Poisson Distribution
  • The Poisson distribution is a discrete
    probability distribution that applies to
    occurrences of some event over a specified
  • The random variable x is the number of
    occurrences of an event over some interval
  • The occurrences must be random
  • The occurrences must be independent of each other
  • The occurrences must be uniformly distributed
    over the interval being used

  • Example of Poisson distribution
  • The number of emergency call received by an
    ambulance control in an hour.
  • The number of vehicle approaching a bus stop in a
    5 minutes interval.
  • 3. The number of flaws in a meter length of

Example 1
  • A student finds that the average number of
    amoebas in 10 ml of ponds water from a particular
    pond is 4. Assuming that the number of amoebas
    follows a Poisson distribution, find the
    probability that in a 10 ml sample,
  • there are exactly 5 amoebas
  • there are no amoebas
  • there are fewer than three amoebas

Example 2
  • On average, the school photocopier breaks down 8
    times during the school week (Monday - Friday).
    Assume that the number of breakdowns can be
    modeled by a Poisson distribution. Find the
    probability that it breakdowns,
  • 5 times in a given week
  • Once on Monday
  • 8 times in a fortnight

Example 3
Using Poisson distribution as an approximation to
the Binomial distribution
  • Example
  • Eggs are packed into boxes of 500. On average
    0.7 of the eggs are found to be broken when the
    eggs are unpacked. Find the probability that in a
    box of 500 eggs,
  • Exactly three are broken
  • At least two are broken

3.3 Normal Distribution
  • A discrete variable cannot assume all values
    between any two given values of the variables.
  • A continuous variable can assume all values
    between any two given values of the variables.
  • Examples of continuous variables are the heights
    of adult men, body temperatures of rats, and
    cholesterol levels of adults.
  • Many continuous variables, such as the examples
    just mentioned, have distributions that are
    bell-shaped, and these are called approximately
    normally distributed variables.

Example Histograms for the Distribution
of Heights of Adult Women
Properties of Normal Distribution
  • Also known as the bell curve or the Gaussian
    distribution, named for the German mathematician
    Carl Friedrich Gauss (17771855), who derived its
  • X is continuous where
  • and

The Normal Probability Curve
  • The Curve is bell-shaped
  • The mean, median, and mode
  • are equal and located at the
  • center of the distribution.
  • The curve is unimodal (i.e., it has only one
  • The curve is symmetric about the mean, (its shape
    is the same on both sides of a vertical line
    passing through the center.
  • The curve is continuous, (there are no gaps or
  • For each value of X, there is a corresponding
    value of Y.

The Normal Probability Curve
  • The curve never touches the x axis.
    Theoretically, no matter how far in either
    direction the curve extends, it never meets the x
    axisbut it gets increasingly closer.
  • The total area under the normal distribution
    curve is equal to 1.00, or 100.
  • The area under the part of the normal curve that
  • within 1 standard deviation of the mean is
    approximately 0.68, or 68
  • within 2 standard deviations, about 0.95, or 95
  • within 3 standard deviations, about 0.997, or

Shapes of Normal Distributions
The Standard Normal Distribution
  • The standard normal distribution is a normal
    distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard
    deviation of 1

Other Characteristics
  • Finding the probability
  • Area under curve

Example Given
Find the value of a and b if
Different between 2 curves
Applications of the Normal Distribution
  • 1. The mean number of hours an American worker
    spends on the computer is 3.1 hours per workday.
    Assume the standard deviation is 0.5 hour. Find
    the percentage of workers who spend less than 3.5
    hours on the computer. Assume the variable is
    normally distributed.
  • 2. Length of metal strips produced by a machine
    are normally distributed with mean length of 150
    cm and a standard deviation of 10cm. Find the
    probability that the length of a randomly
    selected is
  • a) Shorter than 165 cm
  • b) within 5cm of the mean

Applications of the Normal Distribution
  • 3. Time taken by the Milkman to deliver to the
    Jalan Indah is normally distributed with mean of
    12 minutes and standard deviation of 2 minutes.
    He delivers milk everyday. Estimate the numbers
    of days during the year when he takes
  • a) longer than 17 minutes
  • b) less than ten minutes
  • c) between 9 and 13 minutes
  • 4. To qualify for a police academy, candidates
    must score in the top 10 on a general abilities
    test. The test has a mean of 200 and a standard
    deviation of 20. Find the lowest possible score
    to qualify. Assume the test scores are normally

Applications of the Normal Distribution
  • 5. The heights of female student at a particular
    college are normally distributed with a mean of
    169cm and a standard deviation of 9cm.
  • a) Given that 80 of these female students have
  • height less than h cm. Find the value of
  • b) Given that 60 of these female students have
  • height greater than y cm. Find the value
    of y.
  • 6. For a medical study, a researcher wishes to
    select people in the middle 60 of the population
    based on blood pressure. If the mean systolic
    blood pressure is 120 and the standard deviation
    is 8, find the upper and lower readings that
    would qualify people to participate in the study.

3.4 The Central Limit Theorem
  • 1. A. C. Neilsen reported that children between
    the ages of 2 and 5 watch an average of 25 hours
    of television per week. Assume the variable is
    normally distributed and the standard deviation
    is 3 hours. If 20 children between the ages of 2
    and 5 are randomly selected, find the probability
    that the mean of the number of hours they watch
    television will be greater than 26.3 hours.
  • 2. The average age of a vehicle registered in
    the United States is 8 years, or 96 months.
    Assume the standard deviation is 16 months. If a
    random sample of 36 vehicles is selected, find
    the probability that the mean of their age is
    between 90 and 100 months.

  • 3. The average number of pounds of meat that a
    person consumes a year is 218.4 pounds. Assume
    that the standard deviation is 25 pounds and the
    distribution is approximately normal.
  • a. Find the probability that a person selected
    at random consumes less than 224 pounds per year.
  • b. If a sample of 40 individuals is selected,
    find the probability that the mean of the sample
    will be less than 224 pounds per year.

3.5 Normal approximation to the Binomial
  • 1. In a sack of mixed grass seeds, the
    probability that a seed is ryegrass is 0.35. Find
    the probability that in a random sample of 400
    seeds from the sack,
  • less than 120 are ryegrass seeds
  • between 120 and 15 (inclusive) are ryegrass
  • more than 160 are ryegrass seeds
  • 2. Find the probability obtaining 4, 5, 6 or 7
    heads when a fair coin is tossed 12 time using a
    normal approximation to the binomial distribution

3.6 Normal approximation to the Poisson
  • 2. A radioactive disintegration gives counts that
    follow a Poisson distribution with mean count of
    25 per second. Find the probability that in
    one-second interval the count is between 23 and
    27 inclusive.
  • 3. The number of hits on a website follows a
    Poisson distribution with mean 27 hits per hour.
    Find the probability that there will be 90 or
    more hits in three hours.

3.7 Normal Probability Plots
  • To determine whether the sample might have come
    from a normal population or not
  • The most plausible normal distribution is the one
    whose mean and standard deviation are the same as
    the sample mean and standard deviation

How to plot?
  • Arrange the data sample in ascending (increasing)
  • Assign the value (i -0.5) / n to xi
  • to reflect the position of xi in the ordered
    sample. There are i -1 values less than xi , and
    i values less than or equal to xi . The quantity
    (i -0.5) / n is a compromise between the
    proportions (i - 1) / n and i / n
  • Plot xi versus (i -0.5) / n
  • If the sample points lie approximately on a
    straight line, so it is plausible that they came
    from a normal population.

  • A sample of size 5 is drawn. The sample, arranged
    in increasing order, is
  • 3.01 3.35 4.79 5.96 7.89
  • Do these data appear to come from an
    approximately normal distribution?

  • Statistical Inference involves drawing a sample
    from a population and analyzing the sample data
    to learn about the population. In many
    situations, one has an approximate knowledge of
    the probability mass function or probability
    density function of the population.
  • In these cases, the probability mass
  • or density function can often be well
    approximated by one of several
  • standard families of curves or function
    discussed in this chapter

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