Bill G's Template, Rules and Tips - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Bill G's Template, Rules and Tips


... directly with target F0 curves (Pierrehumbert, 1981), for pitch contour stylization. ... faute'; 'He found the woman with the binoculars'; Avesani, 1997) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Bill G's Template, Rules and Tips

STEMMA a new system for multilingual
semio/syntactic parsing for applications to
synthetic speech prosodic stylization Per Aage
Brandt and Patrizia Bonaventura Department of
Modern Languages and Literatures Department
of Communication Sciences
The generation of phrasal structure is based on
an order of dominance presided by a finite verb,
under which the complements (considered as
actants and circonstants are organized. The
semantic nodes corresponding to the complements
under the finite verb (head) are generated
according to the following order
ABSTRACT The goal of the present study consists
in testing the applicability of the stemmatic
model of semio-syntactic analysis, realized by
Prof. Brandt (Brandt, 1973 2004), as a part of
the text processing component of a Text-To-Speech
system, to perform multilingual semio-syntactic
parsing, in order to automatically predict
accurate melodic contours for speech synthesis.
Existing parsers, usually based on dependency
grammar (CONNEXOR, Järvinen and Tapanainen,
1997), generative (Chomskyan) grammars (Marcus,
Santorini, and Marcinkiewic, 1993), and form and
function grammars (Visual Interactive Syntax
Learning), process sentences according to the
hierarchy corresponding to their syntactic
structure, therefore, needing to resort to a
separate semantic component to disambiguate
polysemic expressions. STEMMA, on the contrary,
provides a semio-syntactic integrated processing
of words and POS. Also, STEMMA differs form other
Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammars, because it
provides a semantically motivated linearized
analysis, by applying directly to superficial
structures. Due to this characteristic, STEMMA is
particularly suitable to be integrated as a
syntactic analyzer within the text processing
module in a speech synthesizer, to obtain in
output isolated phrasal components of the
sentence, that can be associated directly with
target F0 curves (Pierrehumbert, 1981), for pitch
contour stylization. Finally, most POS
taggers/parsers have been tested on only one or
two languages (AGFL, LTG for English French
Bick, 2004 Portuguese Bick, 1998), whereas
STEMMA performance has been preliminary verified
on a controlled corpus of sentences in 4
languages (French, English, Spanish and Danish),
showing 100 accuracy with respect to the tested
structural categories. The system shows
unresolved issues in classification of modal vs.
manner aspects of adverbs and of modal vs.
qualitative aspects of adjectives in
indo-european languages these ambiguities can be
resolved by ad hoc manual tagging, but they do
not affect the intonational styles of the
containing phrases.
  • 1. Subject complement (S1 s(S, finite verb))
  • 2. Predicative complement (S2 s(S, S1))
  • 3. Object complement (S3 s(S, S2))
  • 4. Telos complement (i.e. indirect object, as
    dativ S4 s(S, S3))
  • 5. Arche complement (i.e. agent, or origin of
    action S5 s(S, S4))
  • 6. Topos complement (i.e. time and place
    adverbial expressions S6 s(S, S5))
  • 7. Logos complement (i.e. adverbial categories of
    logical determination, or manner S7 s(S,
  • 8. Junctive complement (expresses coordination
    or juxtaposition S8 s(S, S7)))

Fig. 5 Organization of stemmatic complements in
Fig. 2 Spectrogram and F0 contour of the
sentence Lartiste peint la nuit (BLUE LINE
Indicates intonational (F0) contour)
GOAL OF THE STUDY The goal of the present work
consists in testing the applicability of the
stemmatic model of semio-syntactic analysis,
realized by Prof. Brandt, as part of the text
processing component of a Text-To-Speech
synthesizer, to perform multilingual
semio-syntactic parsing, in order to
automatically predict melodic contours for speech
Fig. 6 Stemmatic representations of the dual
interpretations the sentences in Figg. 2-4 a.
the night object 3 b. the night modal,
temporal complement 7
functionality of the STEMMA model as a generator
of semantic information for creation of rules to
implement intonational features in speech
synthesis, has been tested. In particular, in the
present study, the possibility to predict correct
intonation contours, based on stemmatic analysis,
to disambiguate the dual possible interpretation
of non marked syntactically ambiguous sentence
sets, was verified. Traditionally, such
ambiguities are structurally analyzed in terms of
syntactic components for example, sentences
containing ambiguities with respect to a
prepositional phrase (PP) attachment, are
categorized based on the phrase modified by the
PP the dual interpretation is assumed to derive
from the fact that the PP can modify either the
whole verb phrase (VP), or only the noun phrase
(NP) (e.g. Demain je tecrirais sans faute He
found the woman with the binoculars Avesani,
1997). Previous studies comparing processes of
disambiguation in different languages on
sentences with ambiguities on PP, adverbial or
relative attachments, or in scope of negation
(Hirschberg and Avesani, 1997), have shown that
intonational phrasing and nuclear stress
variation are used consistently only to
disambiguate some semantic phenomena (e.g.
different scope of not negation, or variation
in focus on operators as only) on the other
hand, ambiguous attachment of prepositional
phrases, adverbials, and relative clauses was
distinguished less consistently by phrasing and
stress patterns by speakers of different
languages. The present study has examined
whether more consistent prosodic patterns for
disambiguation of PP and adverbial attachment
sentences, could be identified across languages
and speakers, on the basis of their stemmatic, as
opposed to syntactic, structure. In particular,
it was tested whether some identifiable F0
patterns could be detected within the domain of
each stemmatic node differing in the two
sentences, and whether significant changes in the
intonation pattern would take place in
correspondence of the head position on the basis
of these localized robust patterns, it would be
possible to extract rules to model prosody across

Fig. 3 Spectrogram and F0 contour of the
sentence Lartista dipinge la notte (BLUE LINE
Indicates intonational (F0) contour)
Fig. 1 Configuration of a standard Text-To-Speech
system F(rom Sagisaka, Y. (1995) Spoken output
technologies. In Cole, R., Mariani, S.,
Uszkoreit, H., Zaenen, A. Zue, V. Survey of the
state of the art in human languages technology.
Center for the Spoken Language Understanding,
Oregon Graduate Institute, Beaverton, Oregon. pp.
189-226 )
Fig. 4 Spectrogram and F0 contour of the
sentence El artista pinta la noche (BLUE LINE
Indicates intonational (F0) contour)
METHOD The sentences have been pronounced by 2
English speakers, 2 Spanish, 2 Italian and 2
French speakers, in two separate repetitions. The
speakers were instructed to pronounce the
sentences as if they were addressing an
interlocutor. The F0 contours have been extracted
by Praat and labeled by the ToBI prosody
classification system (Silverman et al. 1992).
Similarities and differences of the contours for
same phrases, corresponding to same nodes in
stemmatic structure and to head positions, have
been compared and analyzed, across speakers in
the same language and across speakers in multiple
In this system, synthesis is attained not only by
simulation of human speech by generation of
spectra and concatenation of speech segmental
units (either phonemes or diphones, to account
for contextual effects), but also by simulation
of higher levels of linguistic processing
(morphological, syntactic and semantic parsing).
This complex information, relative to the process
of speech generation, is encoded in rules,
derived from phonetic theories and acoustic
analyses, and from theories of morphological,
syntactic and semantic structure generation. This
technology is in fact, referred to as speech
synthesis by rule.
instance, the disambiguation is essential in
order to select the appropriate intonation
contour for each of the two realizations of the
sentences above. Although this is a pretty
straightforward task for humans, the selection of
an appropriate intonation contour is an almost
impossible task if performed within a speech
synthesizer, which does not include the
sophisticated rules of semantic and syntactic
parsing used by human speakers. Therefore, a
better structural analysis of phrases in text
sentences, especially if long and with little
punctuation, is needed, to approximate better the
prosodic phrasing, from the structural
grammatical phrasing. In order to achieve this
goal, semantic information needs to be introduced
at the parsing level. However, parsers that
provide semantic/syntactic analysis exist only in
rare experimental forms, and are not used in
commercial speech synthesis applications.
Fig. 8 Spectrogram and F0 contour of the
sentence I want you to be at the meeting, and
of the sentence I am happy that you will be at
the meeting, in different languages (BLUE LINE
Indicates intonational (F0) contour)
RESULTS Evidence for use of the same strategy
by speakers of the same language has been
obtained different strategies seem to be used
across languages, e.g. lowered F0 and insertion
of pauses in French indicate presence of a modal
node rather than an object one, whereas Spanish
and Italian, in our data, make use of higher F0
on the temporal node with respect to the object
one. However, the use of these disambiguation
criteria and parameters, is concentrated on the
position of the head corresponding to the
ambiguous node, making it particularly promising
to search for systematic prosodic features
occurring in concurrence with specific stemmatic
speech synthesis, it is essential to control
prosody, in order to assure generation of natural
sounding melodic patterns. Segmental duration
control is needed to model temporal
characteristics (as tempo and rhythm) just as
fundamental frequency control is needed for
control of tonal characteristics (accent,
intonation and stress). Duration control is
generally implemented by statistical models that
can account for exceptions. In order to generate
an appropriate fundamental frequency (F0)
contour, based only on an input text, however, an
intermediate prosodic structure has to be
specified, and text processing is needed, to
produce this intermediate prosodic structure, and
to formulate the association rules between
phrasal components and relative intonation
contours. In order to obtain an accurate
division in prosodic phrases, the text processing
component has to include at least a syntactic
parser, which derives syntactic groupings. Such
groupings are usually associated with prosodic
phrases, but the two structures do not coincide
exactly. Also, there exist some structures which
are not correctly parsed by a purely syntactic
analyzer, because they are inherently
semantically ambiguous sentences such sentences
allow two acceptable interpretations, but have a
unique superficial form like Lartiste peint la
nuit (The artist paints the night/ or in the
night). The dual interpretation is disambiguated
by intonation and prosodic parameters, that
differ across languages. Examples in Figg. 2-4
illustrate treatment of localized prosody on the
sequence paints the night, treated either as a
direct object or a temporal construction, in
French, Spanish and Italian.
  • The results of the second study seem to support
    the conclusion that variations in F0 contours
    might be used to signal differences in stemmatic
    structure between two sentences, but such
    variations cannot appear when only sentence
    modality distinguishes two utterances.
  • These preliminary results seem to indicate that
    consideration of semio-syntactic structure of a
    sentence can contribute to extraction of natural
    rules for prosodic stylization to improve
    naturalness and intelligibility of synthesized
  • According to stemmatic syntax, a sentence is a
    grammatical construction, or it is a construction
    of constructions, - where by construction we mean
    a string of words that makes sense as a whole
    (more precisely a stable combination of Form and
    Meaning, or of a composite Expression and a
    global Content, or of a Phonetic composition and
    a Semantic whole).
  • The fundamental problem for linguistics is that
    the Form of a construction must be linear,
    whereas the Meaning of the same construction must
    be conceptual and therefore instantaneous and
    structured as a mental icon.
  • The grammar of languages is the cognitive organ
    that articulates linearity and mental iconicity.
    It structures the basic linguistic entities of
    sentences, the linguistic signs essentially
    words and morphemes in such a way that the same
    signs participate in form and in meaning, since
    their signifiers are phonetic elements, and their
    signifieds are semantic elements. The stemmatic
    syntactic model describes grammar in this sense.
    It represents basic semantic operations of a
    construction phrase or sentence as a cascade
    of operations of complementation preceded by an
    initial element, a head that serves as an
    anchoring reference for the operators (marks)
    that determine the linear form of phrases
    (constructions) and sentences (constructions of
  • The fundamental role of (stemmatic) syntax is
    thus to let language combine linear (sequential)
    order and conceptual (iconic) order into
    constructions with both phonetic and semantic
    properties. Prosodic intonation of constructions
    can be considered as a phonetic indicator of
    specific syntactic structure differences in
    syntactic organization will correspond to
    different prosody. Prosody connects phonetics to
    semantics, or semantics to phonetics, through
    grammar. In order to study the grammatical bridge
    between phonetic form and semantic content, we
    need to model the elementary grammatical
    organization of sentences and their parts the
    stemmatic model has been developed in a
    comparative perspective to reflect the general
    structural properties of grammar across
    languages. Proximity of linguistic signs that
    participate in a meaningful whole, or part of
    whole, does not imply direct contact (cf.
    discontinuous complements), but it does imply
    sequential preferences. It turns out that
    stemmatic syntax can account for both afferent
    (form gt meaning) and efferent (meaning gt form)
  • Stemmatic syntax describes sentences as cascades
    of complement nodes, or grammatical connectors
    that integrate relations between verbs, subjects,
    predicates, objects, indirect objects, adverbials
    of different kinds, and syntactic embeddings. It
    represents the logic of syntax as a simplified
    school grammar, with a simplified semantics of
    cases and prepositional phrases to be specified
    for each language.

experiment was conducted, testing whether a
change in prosody is accompanied to variation in
modes of sentences (categorized as volitive,
interrogative, assertive and affective in the
STEMMA framework), in absence of stemmatic
structure change.
Fig. 7 Stemmatic representations of the
sentences I want / I wonder / I know / I I am
happy / that you will be at the meeting in
different languages, corresponding respectively
to volitive, interrogative, assertive and
affective sentence modes
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