The University of Akron Summit College Business Technology Dept. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The University of Akron Summit College Business Technology Dept.


PUT for creating and publishing documents on a server ... Last-Modified specifies the date/time the document was last modified ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The University of Akron Summit College Business Technology Dept.

The University of AkronSummit CollegeBusiness
Technology Dept.
  • 2440 141Web Site Administration
  • Web Application Resources
  • Instructor Enoch E. Damson

Client/Server Basics
  • The client/server model generally has clients and
    servers, and business/application logic (rules)
  • Client hardware or software used to communicate
    with a data provider (server)
  • Normally, one user uses a specific client at a
  • Server a computer capable of providing data to
    many clients at the same time
  • The term server can mean
  • the physical computer or piece of hardware
  • the actual server software or daemon running on
    that machine
  • Daemon a program that offers a service to other
    programs, usually over a network
  • Application/business logic rules written in a
    programming language to help the communication
    between clients and the server

Client/Server Basics
  • The client and the server are usually on separate
    machines connected by some kind of network but
    can also exist on the same machine
  • The client/server model is ideal for distributed

Network Connections and Ports
  • Computers connected to the Internet typically
    communicate using TCP/IP (Transmission Control
    Protocol and the Internet Protocol)
  • TCP/IP allows computers to communicate at a
    network-level using IP (Internet Protocol)
  • TCP (Transmission Control Protocol invented by
    Robert Kahn
  • IP (Internet Protocol) created by Dr. Vinton
    Cert together with Robert Kahn

Network Connections and Ports
  • IP Address a unique identifier assigned to each
    computer on the Internet
  • Port number a unique identifier that indicates
    each service running on a computer
  • Most services have standard port numbers
  • Some standard ports numbers are
  • ftp (20,21), telnet (23), smtp(35), http (80)

Web Servers
  • Service client requests for documents
  • The European Lab for Particle Physics (CERN)
    produced one of the first Web servers
  • The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) took over the
    development of the CERN HTTPD (W3C HTTPD) but no
    longer supports it
  • The W3C later supported a Java-based server
    called Jigsaw
  • Both CERN HTTPD and Jigsaw are reference
    implementations (not meant for large-scale use
  • The National Center for Supercomputing
    Applications (NCSA) also created an HTTP server
    which quickly became a popular between 1993 and
    1995 but development has since ceased
  • The Apache server (based on the NCSA
    implementation) has become very popular

Web Browsers
  • Used as a client to retrieve and display
    information from Web servers
  • Earlier Web browsers were text-based
  • E.g. gopher, WAIS, telnet, FTP
  • NCSA Mosaic was the first real HTML browser that
    was developed in 1993
  • NCSA Mosaic became popular because it was
  • Free like most current Web browsers
  • Available for all major platforms (UNIX,
    Macintosh, and Windows)
  • Easy to create content

Electronic Publishing
  • The two main types of files in Web publishing
  • ASCII Text Files uses numeric values (0 127)
    to represent letters, numbers, and other
  • Each byte of the file represents a specific
  • Binary Files contain images, sounds, and
    compressed ASCII text

  • There are several file formats available for
    storing graphics and images
  • Web browsers support just a few image format
  • The most common type of formats are
  • GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) mostly used
    for graphics (like clip arts logos, icons, etc)
    requiring fewer colors because it displays only
    256 colors
  • JPEG/JPG (Joint Photographic Expert Group)
    mostly used for photographs and images covering a
    wide spectrum of color because it uses the full
    16.7 million colors
  • PNG (Portable Network Graphic) offer millions
    of colors, lossless compression, and other
    features that make them a good alternative to GIF
    images in most cases

  • Embedded in Web applications to play
    automatically, or used as links to be played when
    a user clicks on a link to the sound file
  • Some of the common sound files include
  • WAV originated on Windows-based machines
  • AIFF originated on Macintosh
  • AU originated on Sun Microsystems workstations

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Types
  • Set of rules that allow multimedia documents to
    be exchanged among many different computer
  • Originally designed for sending email attachments
    and incorporated into http
  • Both the Web server and the Web browser must have
    a MIME types database
  • Mime type database used to identify the file
    extension and determine how the file must be sent

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
  • Provides a standard way of communication and
    information exchange between the Web browsers and
    Web servers
  • Expects the client to initiate a request and the
    server to respond
  • Each request and response has three parts
  • Request/Response line contains a request
    method, the document location, and the protocol
  • Header section series of lines with http
    headers that are used to pass other information
    about the request and the client to the server
  • Entity body contains other data to be passed to
    the server

HTTP Request/Response Example
  • Client Request
  • GET /hello.html HTTP/1.1
  • Host
  • User-Agent Morzilla/4.5
  • Server Response
  • HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  • Date Wed, 06 Sept 2006 135605 GMT
  • Last-Modified Wed, 06 Sept 2006 135023 GMT
  • Server Apache/2.0.52
  • Connection close
  • Content-Length 25
  • Content-Type text/html
  • lthtmlgt
  • Hello world!
  • lt/htmlgt

HTTP Request/Response Example
  • Client Request
  • The hello.html file was requested from the server using HTTP version 1.1
  • the Web browser used was Mozilla version 4.5
  • Server Response
  • The request was successful (status code 200) and
    returned 25 bytes of text
  • The server indicates the date and time it thinks
    the resource was requested and last modified and
    the software it is running (Apache version 2.0.52)

Request Methods
  • The HTTP command of the Web browsers request
  • The Web server uses the request method to
    determine what to do with the browsers request
  • There are several methods defined by the HTTP 1.1
    standard but only a few are widely supported by
    the HTTP servers
  • The most widely used methods are
  • GET for retrieving information from a Web
  • Can also be used to pass information to the Web
    server as part of a URL
  • HEAD for verifying the existence of information
    on a Web server
  • POST for sending (updating) information to a
    Web server
  • Other methods include
  • PUT for creating and publishing documents on a
  • DELETE for deleting information from a Web

Server Responses
  • Process client requests
  • If the resource requested is cannot be located or
    there is a problem with the request, the server
    generates an error
  • The response (status) line of the server response
    has three parts
  • Protocol version should always be HTTP with
  • Status code a three-digit indicator result code
    defined by the HTTP specification
  • The first digit represents the category of the
  • There are currently five categories
  • Informational the request was received and is
    being processed
  • Success the client request was successful
  • Client error the clients request was
    incomplete or incorrect
  • Server error the request was not fulfilled due
    to a server problem
  • Description phrase

Common Response Codes
  • Informational 1xx
  • 100 Continue the initial part of the request
    has been received and the client should continue
  • 200 OK the clients request was successful and
    the servers response contains the resource
  • 204 No Content The request was successful but
    the response is empty
  • Redirection 3xx
  • 301 Moved Permanently the URL requested is no
    longer valid
  • 302 Found (Moved Temporarily) the URL requested
    currently resides in a different location
  • 304 Not Modified the client performed a
    conditional GET and the document has not been

Common Response Codes
  • Client Error 4xx
  • 400 Bad Request the server could not understand
    the request
  • 403 Forbidden the client requested data that it
    did not have permission to access
  • 404 Not Found the resource requested was not
    found on the server
  • Server Error 5xx
  • 500 Internal Server Error something unexpected
    happened on the server side

HTTP Headers
  • Used to transfer Information between the client
    and server
  • Has a name and value associated with it
  • There is one header per line and each line
  • the header name
  • a colon
  • a space
  • the value of the header name

Common Request Headers
  • Accept specifies the clients preferred media
  • Cookie contains cookie information (name/value
    pair) for the requested URL
  • If-Modified-Since used for a conditional GET
    request (when a document has been modified)
  • Referrer allows the client to specify the URL
    of the page from which the currently requested
    URL was obtained
  • User-Agent identifies the Web browser software

Common Response Headers
  • Server identifies the server software
  • Set-Cookie Allows the server to set a cookie on
    the client browser (when permitted) for the given
    URL or domain

Common Entity Headers
  • Content-Length specifies the size (in bytes) of
    the data transferred in the entity body
  • Content Type specifies the MIME Type of the
    data returned in the entity body
  • Expires specifies the date/time after which the
    response is considered outdated
  • Last-Modified specifies the date/time the
    document was last modified

Other Web-Related Servers
  • Some of the most common servers that run along
    HTTP servers are
  • Proxy servers
  • Streaming Audio/Video
  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
  • Databases
  • Secure Socket Layer (SSL)

Proxy Servers
  • An intermediary server between a client and
    destination server
  • Allows extra processing of returned data
  • Have three main uses
  • Security act as a firewall by rejecting other
  • Content filtering restricts access to content
    based on file type
  • Caching stores frequently accessed pages

Streaming Audio and Video
  • Allows a media player (or plug-in) to start
    playing multimedia content while data is still
    being received
  • Can broadcast live audio/video feeds or serve
    prerecorded clips
  • Web browsers employ a plug-in to view any type of
    streaming content
  • Unlike HTTP, many streaming media formats may use
    User Data Protocol (UDP) instead of TCP/IP as a
    network protocol
  • UDP is good for transmitting very small pieces of
    data quickly
  • UDP will not retransmit data if there is an error
  • UDP is faster than TCP/IP although TCP/IP is more

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
  • Used to transfer files between computers on a
  • Relies on client and server software, unlike HTTP
  • FTP daemon (FTPD) runs on the server to allow
    clients to connect
  • It provides a means of authentication for only
    authorized users to transfer files
  • UNIX servers generally install an FTPD by default

  • A large corporate database should typically be
    installed on its own dedicated server and not on
    a Web server machine
  • Many database packages now come with tools to
    make Web-database authoring much easier
  • Products like Oracle have HTML generation tools,
    integrated with Java, and may even provide a Web
    server built into the database software

Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
  • A protocol that allows secure, encrypted
    communication over TCP/IP
  • Often used with HTTP to allow information
    exchange between a Web browser and a Web server
  • Most commercial Web server software includes an
    SSL server that can run alongside the HTTP daemon
  • An Internet socket is defined as a combination of
    an IP address, a port, and a protocol

Server-Side Programming
  • Server-side programs provide dynamic content and
    allows interaction with users using
  • Dynamic documents
  • Common Gateway Interface (CGI) and forms
  • Server-Side Includes (SSI)
  • Active Server Pages (ASP)
  • Servlets and Java Server Pages (JSP)
  • PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP)
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