Title: Deconvolution, Visualization and
1- Deconvolution, Visualization and
- Analysis Software for
- Widefield and Confocal Microscopy
2- Media Cybernetics is committed to delivering the
most advanced algorithms available on the market
today by the cutting edge research to develop the
most advanced algorithms for tomorrow.
Media Cybernetics provides uncompromised results
with faster performance than ever before.
The best just keeps getting better and faster
3Image Formation
4What are the problems?
- 2D Case Point sources of light in the sample
form Airy discs in the image. - 3D Case Point sources of light in the sample
form Point Spread Functions (PSFs) in the image. - Cameras introduce electronic and thermal noise.
- Low light levels introduce shot noise or counting
5The Point Spread of a Microscope
- Every microscope has a different point spread
function. - Every element in the optical path affects the
point spread function - Scope
- Objective
- Coverslip
- Sample
6PSF and Modality
- Confocal and Widefield PSFs
7Where does the blur come from?
A blurry image is the convolution of an object
with the point spread function of the microscope.
8How do you get rid of it?
Deconvolution is used to separate the original
object and the point spread from the collected
data (2D or 3D image).
9Why Media Cybernetics
- Established technological focus in deconvolution
over 17 years of dedicated research - Breadth of algorithms that are well known and
accepted world-wide optimized for maximum
robustness - Media Cybernetics stands behind all of its
products and provides world class education and
support. - Committed focus to deconvolution, visualization
and analysis RD ensures customer access to the
latest technologies for today and tomorrow.
10Media CyberneticsOffering complete
post-processing solutions
- Image improvement, restoration, visualization and
analysis that facilitates more accurate and
compelling results. - Media Cybernetics creates the tools to help you
do the science. - AQI Product Line
- AutoDeblur (2D, Silver, Gold)
- AutoVisualize (with improved 3D-Viewer)
- AutoAnalyze (FRET, Ratio, Object
Counting/Tracking, Colocalization) - Tools (automatic, manual and channel-channel
alignment) - Image-Pro Product Line
- Image-Pro Plus and Image-Pro Plug-In module
bundles - Express
- Analyzer