Title: Structural Funds Training and
1 Structural Funds Training and Technical
Assistance Programme For NGOs and Civil Society
A Project of
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2How Structural Funds work
A Project of
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3An Overview The Eus cohesion Policy, built into
the treaties since 1986, has been given the
objective of reducing the gap in the different
regions levels of development in order to
strengthen economic and social cohesion.
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4- The EU is facing up to the challenges resulting
from the - Acceleration of economic restructuring following
globalisation - The opening up of trade
- The effects of the technological revolution
- The development of a knowledge based economy
- An ageing population
- The growth of immigration
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5Structural Funds are there to tackle these
challenges Different regions in the
EU Objectives 1- Regions lagging behind in
development terms Objective 2- Economic and
social conversion zones Objective 3- Training
systems and employment policies (Malta objective
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6More growth and jobs for all regions and cities
of the European Union this message will be at
the heart of cohesion policy and its instruments
between 2007 and 2013. During that period, the
greatest investment ever made by the EU through
cohesion instruments will be worth 308 billion
to support regional growth agendas and to
stimulate job creation. 82 of the total amount
will be concentrated on the Convergence
objective, under which the poorest Member States
and regions are eligible.
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7In the remaining regions, about 16 of the
Structural Funds will be concentrated to support
innovation, sustainable development, better
accessibility and training projects under the
Regional Competitiveness and Employment
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8Another 2.5 finally are available for
cross-border, transnational and interregional
cooperation under the European Territorial
Cooperation objective. Certain spending targets
have been agreed upon to pursue the objectives of
the Growth and Jobs Agenda In the case of the
Convergence objective, the target is 60, and
in the case of the Regional Competitiveness and
Employment objective, the target is 75 of the
total available funding, which needs to be
earmarked for interventions supporting, e.g.
research and innovation, the information society
and sustainable development.
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9So the key focus is on jobs! Therefore projects
related to training for better jobs, getting
people into employment, enhancement of skills etc
are linked to this focus. Employment is not the
only solution to get people out of poverty and
social exclusion but can be a very important
tool. Work does not only provide money but helps
with inclusion through interaction, building of
networks etc.
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10Articles 158-162 of the Treaty establishing the
European Communities lay down that the Union
should promote an overall harmonious development
and strengthen economic and social cohesion by
reducing development disparities between the
regions. For the 2007-2013 period, the
instruments to pursue these objectives have their
legal basis in a package of five regulations
adopted by the Council and the European
Parliament in July 2006
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11A General Regulation defines common principles,
rules and standards for the implementation of the
three cohesion instrumentsthe European Regional
Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social
Fund (ESF) and the Cohesion Fund. Based on the
principle of shared management between the Union
and the Member States and regions, this
regulation sets out a renewed programming
process, based on Community Strategic Guidelines
for Cohesion and their follow-up, as well as
common standards for financial management,
control and evaluation.
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12The regulation on the European Regional
Development Fund (ERDF) defines its role and
fields of interventions such as the promotion of
public and private investments helping to reduce
regional disparities across the Union. The ERDF
will support programmes addressing regional
development, economic change, enhanced
competitiveness and territorial cooperation
throughout the EU. Funding priorities include
research, innovation, environmental protection
and risk prevention, while infrastructure
investment retains an important role, especially
in the least developed regions.
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13- The European Social Fund (ESF) will be
implemented in line with the European Employment
Strategy and it will focus on four key areas - The ESF supports actions in Member States in the
following areas - adapting workers and enterprises lifelong
learning schemes, designing and spreading
innovative working organisations - access to employment for job seekers, the
unemployed, women and migrants - social integration of disadvantaged people and
combating discrimination in the job market - strengthening human capital by reforming
education systems and setting up a network of
teaching establishments.
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14The fifth regulation introduces a European
Grouping of territorial co-operation (EGTC). T he
aim of this new legal instrument is to facilitate
cross-border, transnational and/or inter-regional
co-operation between regional and local
authorities. The latter would be invested with
legal personality for the implementation of
territorial cooperation programmes based on a
convention agreed between the participating
national, regional, local or other public
authorities. For Malta this includes the Cross
Border Cooperation One programme between Malta
and Italy. For further details contact Celia
Mallia celia.mallia_at_gov.mt at PPCD
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15Structural Funds in Malta The Government held a
consultation process with civil society to
identify the key priorities. The process included
the drafting of the National Strategic reference
framework (NSRF) and the drafting of the
operational programme (I and II). The NSRF is the
strategic document that sets out Maltas
Strategic Objectives for the cohesion Policy
2007-2013. The NSRF is complemented by two
operational Programmes, comprising a number of
priority measures aimed at achieving strategic
objectives for the period 2007-2013.
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16- The Operational Programmes reflect also
priorities emanating from the National Reform
Programme (NRP) exercises - (The NRP is also meant to have feeding in from
the NAPS - were NGOs and unions are generally
more involved) - The Operational Programmes
- Operational Programme I Cohesion Policy 2007-2013
- Investing in competitiveness for a better
quality of life - Operational Programme II Cohesion Policy
2007-2013 - Empowering people for more jobs and a
better quality of life - These documents are approved by the EU
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17NGOs, CSOs and Structural Funds Maltas draft
Operational Programme II Empowering people for
more jobs and a better quality of life, states
that NGOs are very active in the area of social
exclusion. Their role, often led and supported by
volunteers, is considered to be very important
within the economy as a whole. NGOs work at grass
root level and can act as the catalysts for
socially excluded persons to enter the labour
market. For this reason, this OP will support the
involvement of NGOs whose aim is to increase the
participation of disadvantaged groups in the
labour market and overall job creation. Possibly
networks could be created among NGOs to share
best practices and experiences. (Draft OP
2007-2013 - Pg 54)
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18Further more the draft OP recognises the
importance of contributions made by civil
society. In this regard specific attention will
be given to civil society in relation to capacity
building activities in order to strengthen the
effectiveness of social and civil dialogue in
Malta, thereby supporting also good governance,
(Draft OP 2007-2013 Strengthening of
Institutional and Administrative capacity Pg
55) This project addresses the key relevant aims
of Maltas OP II for 2007-2013 vis-à-vis the
capacity building of NGOs for more effective
involvement in structural funds.
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19NGOs work at grass root level and can act as the
catalysts for socially excluded persons to enter
the labour market NGOs, Civil society
organisations (unions etc) and local councils are
aware of the needs at grass root level and
perhaps they can be the best agents to create
tailor-made effective interventions to support
socially excluded persons
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20- Structural Funds are not cash handouts!
- NGOs, CSOs and LCs need to be aware and informed
on the priorities (OPs) - Need to be equipped to manage the funds (Capacity
building) - Be creative and innovative to create projects
that respond to the real needs on the ground - Work in partnership for more effective and
efficient projects - Identify co-financing solutions (15)
- The government will issue separate/specific calls
for proposals for NGOs (more fair competition) - 85 financing is provided through Structural Funds
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Planning and Priorities Co-ordination Division
Priorities Co-ordination Division (PPCD) Is
responsible for the implementation of the
programme towards the European Commission - Issue
calls for projects - Advertised on local media
and PPCD websites - Select through the Selection
Committee - Monitor the implementation of the
Ministry for the Family and Social Solidarity
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22Visit this site and get acquainted with
information and documents www.ppcd.gov.mt
23- The immediate steps
- Participate in related capacity building events
- Get informed on the operational Programme
- Work together to identify co-financing solutions
- Develop Partnerships
- Participate in monitoring the use of structural
Funds - Look out for the next calls for proposals
A Project of
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24 Structural Funds Training and Technical
Assistance Programme For NGOs and Civil Society
Organisations Thank you Godfrey Kenely
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