Title: Arkansas
1Arkansass data-driven strategies to effect
- Dr Joe Thompson, MD MPH
- Surgeon General, State of Arkansas
- Director, Arkansas Center for Health Improvement
February 2007 www.achi.net
2Arkansas Center for Health Improvement
- Mission
- Be a catalyst for improving the health of
Arkansans through evidence-based research, public
issue advocacy and collaborative program
development. - Vision
- To be a trusted health policy leader committed to
innovations that improve the health of Arkansans - Core Values
- Trust, Innovation, Initiative, Commitment
3The national obesity epidemic
4Obesity Trends Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 1990,
1995, 2005
(BMI ?30, or about 30 lbs overweight for 54
No Data lt10 1014
1519 2024 2529
5National childhood obesity trends
NHANES data sources Ogden et al. Prevalence and
Trends in Overweight Among US Children and
Adolescents, 1999-2000. JAMA 2002288(14)1728-173
2. Ogden et al. Prevalence of Overweight and
Obesity in the United States, 1999-2004. JAMA
6Strategy to combat childhood obesity in Arkansas
784th General Assembly Act 1220 of 2003
An act to create a Child Health Advisory
Committee to coordinate statewide efforts to
combat childhood obesity and related illnesses
to improve the health of the next generation of
Arkansans and for other purposes.
- Goals
- Change the environment within which children go
to school and learn health habits everyday - Engage the community to support parents and build
a system that encourages health - Enhance awareness of child and adolescent obesity
to mobilize resources and establish support
8Act 1220 requirements
- Elimination of all vending machines in public
elementary schools statewide - Requirement of professional education for all
cafeteria workers - Public disclosure of pouring contracts
- Establishment of parent advisory committees for
all schools - Establishment of a Child Health Advisory
Committee - Child health report (CHR) delivered annually to
parents reporting individual BMI assessments
9Arkansas Board of Education regulationAccess to
foods and beverages
- Per Act 1220, no vending machines in elementary
schools - During school day, vending machines access
restricted until 30 minutes after last lunch
period (middle, junior, high schools) - Addresses both content and habit
- New/renewed vending contracts for beverages
limited to no more than 12oz - Exceptions foods provided by parents to
individual students, school nurses, special needs
students, school events
10Arkansas Board of Education regulationStandards
for foods and beverages
- Nutrition standards applied to all
foods/beverages sold or made available (except
USDA governed meals) - Maximum portion sizes
- Choices of fruits and juices available in
conjunction with competitive foods - 50 of vended beverages to be healthy choice
(water, 100 fruit juice, low-fat/fat-free milk)
11Arkansas Board of Education regulationPhysical
education/activity standards
- Schools to establish strategy to achieve 30
minutes of physical activity per day (K-12) - If PE, studentteacher ratio established
- Certification requirements for instructors
- In 20072008
- K6th grade to receive 150 minutes/week of
physical activity (includes 60 minutes of PE) - 78th grade to receive 150 min/week of PA
- 912th grade to take one semester of PE and
receive 150 min/week of physical activity
12Arkansas health care environment response
- Local school, community and faith-based
initiatives - Development of first continuing medical education
program for clinicians - Regionalization of secondary and tertiary care
(e.g., Fitness Clinic at AR Childrens Hospital) - Elimination of fiscal barriers to reimbursement
(Medicaid / SCHIP) - Increased awareness of physical activity needs
(Mini-marathon) - Changes to built environment
13Three years of statewide BMI assessments 2004 to
14Child Health Report (2004)
Source Arkansas Center for Health Improvement,
Little Rock, AR, 2004.
15Spanish Child Health Report (2005)
Source Arkansas Center for Health Improvement,
Little Rock, AR, 2005.
16Participation in Arkansas BMI assessments
Results include all data available for years 1
and 2 and data received by June 14, 2006 for year
3 analysis. Some public schools and districts
merged after year 1 and after year 2. Data
source ACHI. The Arkansas Assessment of
Childhood and Adolescent ObesityTracking
Progress (Year 3 Fall 2005Spring 2006). Little
Rock, AR ACHI September 2006.
17Reasons for unable to assess
Source Arkansas Center for Health Improvement,
Little Rock, AR, 2006.
18Percentage of students classified as overweight
or at risk for overweight by Arkansas public
school district (20052006)
Source ACHI. The Arkansas Assessment of
Childhood and Adolescent ObesityTracking
Progress (Year 3 Fall 2005Spring 2006). Little
Rock, AR ACHI September 2006.
19National and Arkansas childhood obesity trends
Ave N152,052
Ave N209,536
03-04 N981
03-04 N2,159
NHANES data sources Ogden et al. Prevalence and
Trends in Overweight Among US Children and
Adolescents, 1999-2000. JAMA 2002288(14)1728-173
2. Ogden et al. Prevalence of Overweight and
Obesity in the United States, 1999-2004. JAMA
Arkansas data source Arkansas Center for Health
Improvement, Little Rock, AR, August 2006.
20Percentage of Arkansas students by weight
Category Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 (0304) (0405
) (0506)
Results include all data available for years 1
and 2 and data received by June 14, 2006 for year
3 analysis. Data source ACHI. The Arkansas
Assessment of Childhood and Adolescent
ObesityTracking Progress (Year 3 Fall
2005Spring 2006). Little Rock, AR ACHI
September 2006.
21Percent by gender and ethnic group (20052006)
Source ACHI. The Arkansas Assessment of
Childhood and Adolescent ObesityTracking
Progress (Year 3 Fall 2005Spring 2006). Little
Rock, AR ACHI September 2006.
22Percent by grade (20052006)
Source ACHI. The Arkansas Assessment of
Childhood and Adolescent ObesityTracking
Progress (Year 3 Fall 2005Spring 2006). Little
Rock, AR ACHI September 2006.
23Percent by gender and grade (20052006)
Source ACHI. The Arkansas Assessment of
Childhood and Adolescent ObesityTracking
Progress (Year 3 Fall 2005Spring 2006). Little
Rock, AR ACHI September 2006.
24UAMS College of Public Health Evaluation of Act
1220 (2006)
- Surveys school personnel, parents, teens
- Change is beginning to occur
- Parents awareness of obesity-related health
problems continued to increase - The majority of parents continue to report that
they are comfortable receiving Child Health
Reports from the school. - Students comfort with the Child Health Report
from school has increased
Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health.
Evaluation of Act 1220 of 2003 Highlights of
Third Year Evaluation Findings. Presented to
Public Health, Welfare, and Labor Committee
Arkansas House of Representatives January 23,
25UAMS College of Public Health Evaluation of Act
1220 (2006)
- Majority of parents continue to believe vending
machines should not be located in middle and high
schools - The average number of student purchases from
vending machines declined and there has not been
a substantial decline in vending revenues for
most schools - Parents did not report significant changes in
individual or their families nutrition or
physical activity patterns - Neither parents nor students reported any of the
feared negative consequences of BMI measurements,
such as teasing, misuse of diet pills, or
excessive concern about weight
Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health.
Evaluation of Act 1220 of 2003 Highlights of
Third Year Evaluation Findings. Presented to
Public Health, Welfare, and Labor Committee
Arkansas House of Representatives January 23,
26ACHIs future activities
27Planned research activities
- Longitudinal analyses of BMI data using
individually matched students - Overall change in BMI classification for matched
3-year cohort - Individual transitions across BMI categories
- Group change scores by BMI classification, age,
gender, ethnic group, geographic location, school
environment, etc. - Child Obesity Risk Classification System
- Longitudinal analyses
- Disease prevalence
- Identification strategies for high risk children
- Risk Communication Strategies
- Parents
- Clinicians
- Impact of obesity on Medicaid / SCHIP
- Disease burden
- Utilization impact
- Associated costs
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