Title: Fitness for work advice and certification
1Fitness for work advice and certification
- Dr Philip Sawney
- AOHNP(UK) Symposium
- 13 May 2004
2Fitness for work advice certification
- DWPs role
- Overview of current system
- Reform - Issues and challenges
3DWP and People of working age
- Minister for Work
- Jobcentre Plus
- Strategy - To promote work as the best form of
welfare whilst protecting the position of those
in greatest need - Policy lead on statutory certification
incapacity benefits vocational rehabilitation - Working Age
- Sickness absence costs 10 bn /year (CBI
estimate) - Expenditure on IB 12 bn /year
- 24 of GP consultations are work related
4Fitness for work - Statutory framework
- Medical evidence regulations - DWP guidance
- Forms Med 3 Med 5
- Social security regulations
- NHS (GMS Contracts) regulations including new
GP contract - DDA and H S law
5Fitness for work medical advice underlying
- Integral part of clinical management of patients
of working age - Start from premise that return to work is optimal
health outcome - Recognise the link between clinical care and the
patients work - Appropriate diagnosis and management
- Consider alternatives to unfit for work
- Avoid unnecessary medicalisation of absence
from work - Support positive expectations re working lives
6Health benefits of working
- Work
- generates self esteem
- reduces dependency
- enhances social identity
- Work environments
- develop social networks
- acquire, retain and develop skills
7Impact of being out of work evidence
- Patients
- Have reduced confidence and self esteem
- Have increased morbidity and mortality -
particularly mental health - Have disability greater than underlying
impairment - the effects begin at 6 - 12 weeks
8Med 3 Warning this form may seriously damage
your health
9Fitness for work advice and certification
- Absence from work attributed to a health
condition, injury or disability - GP - patient axis
- Issue with quality of advice
- Knowledge of workplace
- Shortfall in professional training
- Lack of employer focus
10GP views
- Poor understanding and training many GPs are
ambivalent about this work - Hitchcock
Ritchie 2001 - Some dislike perceived gatekeeper role and
admit to poor practice - Hussey et al BMJ 2004 - Area of work which creates confrontation with
patients - GPs estimate that 30 of patients off sick could
return to work - Dr Foster April 04
11Employers views
- GPs tend to see work as harmful
- GPs are overprotective of patients and
distrustful of the motives of others - Need to end the so-called sicknote culture
- Only 10 of employers think GPs provide
effective support IRS employment review -
March 04
12Employee (patient) views
- Non-medical factors strongly influence fitness
and capacity for work - Need for timely access to professional advice
from trusted source - 63 expect to turn to their GP for advice on
fitness for work and rehabilitation - ONS
Omnibus Survey 2004
13The GP as advocate
- Setting long term health beliefs and attitudes
- Need to consider the longer term effects of
worklessness for the patient - Distinguish between own occupation which GP
certifies and work in general - Advocacy can be used as a barrier to
communication - Need to more positive expectations about
patients working lives
14Raising awareness
- Doctors
- Statutory guidance
- Desk aids
- Website / Online learning
- Professional meetings
- Direct case related feedback
- Employers
- HSE guidance on absence management
- New website for employers
15Guidance, advice training for doctors
- Guidance/advice IB204 Desk aids
- IB204
- A Guide for Registered
- Medical Practitioners
- Contains the rules background
- information about sickness
- certification report writing for
- certifying medical practitioners
16Web site
17Online learning
18Reform of fitness for work advice and
- Need to balance
- Patient Access
- Quality of advice
- Cost/affordability
- Context
- New NHS GP contract quality targets
- Pathways to Work strategy find an approach
which better supports work retention /
rehabilitation - Legislation and structure of UK benefits system
(including Statutory Sick Pay)
19A new model ?
- Based on employer-employee axis
- Employee and management have the primary
responsibility to initiate a timely return to
work - Role of healthcare professional confined to
providing patient with factual information on
restrictions or limitations arising from the
diagnosed condition and other supporting advice
as appropriate - Management control of sick leave is through
workplace culture and timely return to work
20Reform difficult !
- Would require a different approach by all
stakeholders - Major training requirement
- Fostering a greater awareness of rights and
responsibilities including legal (eg DDA and
Health Safety Law)
21Take GPs out of the loop ?
- Primary care remains point of clinical
care/advice to people of working age - Risk of setting up a dual system supported by
public funding - Resource limitations not confined to GPs
22Helping patients return to work after illness or
- Vision
- General Practitioners, Hospital Specialists,
Occupational Health specialists and Employers
working together to facilitate optimal workplace
rehabilitation for all ill or injured persons. - The key elements of a return to work plan
- Communication
- Recognition of obstacles to a return to work
- Knowledge of support services
- Active management (rather than a passive wait
and see approach) - A positive outlook
- A patient centred approach
23Advice on fitness for work by other healthcare
professionals ?
- Joint research
- DWP lead
- Dept of Health
- Cabinet Office
- Steering group of key stakeholders
- Fieldwork in progress
- Report 2004
- Issues roles training workload
24Sickness Certification - the future ?
- Need for excellence in medical care and
support/encouragement for rehabilitation - A more rounded view of advocacy re advice and
communication with employers and OHPs - Likely to be a mixed economy of specialist
advice provision - Driver for change should be improved health and
work outcomes for patients
25More information
- www.dwp.gov.uk/medical
- Guides - IB 204, deskaids, Disability Handbook
- updates and hot topics
- on-line training material
- information about medical aspects of UK benefits
- research / literature reviews