Title: Collaborating to Enhance Academics in LivingLearning Communities
1Collaborating to Enhance Academics in
Living-Learning Communities
- What questions, challenges, ideas do you have
about - Learning Communities and academic enhancement?
- June 14, 2007
- Russ Gill, Jeff Stein
- 1) Background/Identity
- 2) Partnerships
- 3) Academic Results
- 4) Questions
An Academic Affairs Residence Life Collaboration
- Who we are
- Elon University
- Mid-sized, comprehensive university,
- enrollment 5000, arts/sciences core
- Engaged, experiential education
- 4 credit-hour, ELR
- Seamless learning from Academics/Student Life
4Learning Communities_at_ElonWhere Living
Learning Meet
- 20 Learning Communities, over 35 advisors
- Established 1994
- Service Learning Community
- Math, Science Engineering Floor
5Elons RLC Mission Statement
- Learning Communities provide a rich variety of
intentional communities designed to connect
students, faculty staff to support students
academic, personal social development
success through - Integration of in-class out-of-class learning
- Academic social programs that foster close-knit
residential communities, - Social and academic support networks.
6Partnership Challenges
- Primarily Residence Life Project Planning
- Faculty isolation, burn out
- Theme communities, limited academic
- or departmental connection
- Student Affairs language, focus
- Limited budget, common spaces
- Unclear expectations
7Partnership Solutions 1
- Inclusive Philosophy Programs
- LC Syllabus Learning Objectives
- New faculty handbook
- LCs as cohorts learning together, recruitment
tools, extension of classroom - Emphasize student-faculty engagement
- Working towards PT, reassign time
- Provost-University strategic plan, budgeting
8Partnership Solutions 2
- Inclusive, or Seamless, Staffing
- Russ Gill, Faculty Fellow
- Nancy Harris, Associate Dean Arts Sciences
- Arts Sciences Learning Community
- Jeff Stein, English Dept.
- LC Contracts with departments, chairs, academic
deans, Residence Life - More systematic faculty development, models, etc.
9Partnership Solutions 3
- Academics
- Each Learning Community must contain an
- academic component and link to a discipline.
- Does Academic necessitate a class?
- Creative approaches
- reading group blog,
- community garden,
- CNN visit,
- mini-courses,
- community sculpture, etc.
- Linked courses core 1st year courses
- New LC applications focused on learning goals
- New LC halls with common space,
faculty-in-residence - Attention from Academic Affairs, University
budget priorities, faculty meetings - Each LC must meet a unique departmental goal or
student need. - Start with learning outcomes syllabi
- naturally leads to knowledge/skill
- What does the academic component of your RLC
program look like? - How have you defined academic besides
traditional classes? - What do Learning Communities contribute to your
campus? - What causes students to buy into/support your
12Russ Gill Professor of English, RLC Faculty
Fellow, Distinguished University Professor (336)
278-5629 gillruss_at_elon.edu
Jeff Stein Asst. Dean of Students for Residence
Life Service Learning, Asst. Professor (336)
278-7300 jstein_at_elon.edu