Title: RAL Template
1Beam Loss Mechanisms and Related Design Choices
in Hadron Rings
Chris Warsop Nuria Catalan Lasheras
2Purpose and Scope of Talk
- Loss is expected to be a main factor limiting
performance - Activation, Risk of Damage
- Detector Background Levels, Quenching of SC
- Main Content
- 1. Summarise Loss Mechanisms
- 2. Implementation of Low Loss Design
- 3. Key Design Factors and Choices
- 4. Summary
- Scope
- Focus on Low-Medium Energy HI Proton Rings ISIS,
ESS, SNS, JPARC, - Less on LHC, RHIC, SIS100 the subject of
later talks
31.1 Space Charge Transverse (i)
1. Loss Mechanisms
- Space charge shifts beam into resonant condition
driven by Magnet Errors - Incoherent Space Charge Limit
- Overestimate! Must Consider Coherent modes
- For the Non Coupled Case
- EG m2, 2D round beam, non split
- Cm1/2, 3/4
- Breathing Mode, Quad Mode
- Higher orders, coupling more modes
- Avoid resonant conditions, correct errors!
A Fedotov, I Hofmann
41.1 Space Charge Transverse (ii)
1. Loss Mechanisms
- Space charge also drives loss
- Space Charge Resonances (4th order, coupling)
- Image Effects
- Time varying distributions drive transverse halo
creation - see later
- Key Measures
- ? Higher Energy, Large Transverse
Emittance/Acceptance, Bunching Factor - Working Point (Qx,Qy) Selection, Magnet Error
Correction - ? Optimised Injection Painting
51.1 Space Charge Longitudinal
1. Loss Mechanisms
- Space Charge perturbs longitudinal motion
- Need fine control of Longitudinal Motion
- To prevent halo creation and bunch broadening
- To optimise the momentum distribution bunching
factor - Transverse tune shifts and stability
- Key Measures
- ? Optimised longitudinal injection painting
including space charge, - Inductive Inserts, Dual Harmonic RF Systems,
61.2 Instabilities Longitudinal (i)
1. Loss Mechanisms
- Longitudinal Microwave "coasting beam"
- Keil-Schnell-Boussard
- Key Measures
- ? Minimise Z// RF Shields, Smooth Transitions,
Resistivity - ? Momentum Spread Distribution, Peak intensity
- For High Space Charge KSB pessimistic exceed by
factor 5 - 10 - Stability Under Capacitative Z//
- Inductive Insert in PSR
- Compensate Reactive
- Increase Resistive
K Ng et al
71.2 Instabilities Longitudinal (ii)
1. Loss Mechanisms
- Longitudinal Single Bunch
- Robinson Stability Beam Loading
- Feed-forward compensation, compensation by
de-tuning etc. - Multiple control loops
- In addition to previous precautions
- ? Powerful, Optimised (complicated) RF Systems
- Longitudinal Coupled Bunch (nb3)
- Narrow Band Impedances of cavities damp High
Order Modes
81.2 Instabilities Transverse (i)
1. Loss Mechanisms
- Transverse Microwave "coasting beam"
- Stability Criterion
- Key Measures
- ? Minimise Z- RF Shields, Smooth Transitions,
Resistivity, Extraction Kickers - ? Momentum Spread Distribution, Peak intensity
- ? Chromaticity sign (above or below transition),
change Q - ? Landau Damping Octupoles
- ? Damping Systems
91.2 Instabilities Transverse (ii)
1. Loss Mechanisms
- Transverse Single Bunch Head Tail
- Effects of transverse impedance, betatron and
synchrotron motion - Key Measures similar to above
- ? Chromaticity sign above or below transition
(for "normal" impedance) - ? Select Q above integer, minimise resistivity
(for resistive wall) - ? Landau Damping with Octupoles, Active Damping
- Observation of Head Tail Resistive Wall
- ISIS Synchrotron single 200 ns bunch, 1013
protons, 200 MeV (?lt ?t) - At Natural Chromaticity (? -1.3), m1
- Cured by Ramping Qy
Monitor difference signal
101.2 Instabilities Electron Cloud and Related
Losses (i)
1. Loss Mechanisms
- Current RD Topic understanding incomplete
- Key observations
- PSR strong vertical instability at thresh hold,
fast loss - ISIS no e-p effects seen (yet!)
- CERN PS, SPS large No. of electrons under LHC
conditions - RHIC pressure rise with halved normal bunch
spacing - Problems
- E-P instability threshold limits intensity, or
causes emittance growth. - Vacuum pressure rise
- Heating effects (SC Magnets)
- Effects of Neutralisation tune shifts, resonance
crossing, loss?, diagnostics?
111.2 Instabilities Electron Cloud and Related
Losses (ii)
1. Loss Mechanisms
- Electron Production
- Stripping Foil, Residual Gas Ionisation, Loss
Induced, Multipacting, (SR) - Much work into Measurement Simulation of
electron production - PSR Solutions Combined measures raised stable
beam threshold - PSR RFA Signal Trailing Edge Multipacting
- Use of Skew Quads, Sextupoles, Octupoles (Landau
Damping) - RF Buncher, Inductive Inserts (beam in gap)
- Solutions
- ? TiN Coating, Surface Scrubbing
- ? Longitudinal Magnetic field
- ? Clearing Electrodes
- ? Damping
R Macek
121. Loss Mechanisms
1.3 Other Loss Mechanisms
- Magnet Errors, Transverse Resonances, General
Optimisation - closed orbit errors, alignment correction
dipoles - gradient error correction, Q setting trim
quadrupoles - chromaticity control, correction sextupole
families - Landau damping octupole families
- Interactions with Residual Gas
- Interactions with the Stripping Foil
- Inelastic/Elastic Scattering, Ionisation Energy
Loss, H0 Excited States - Intrabeam Scattering
132.1 Stability and Control of Injected Beam
2. Low Loss Designs
- For consistent low loss in ring need stable well
defined injection beam - Examples
- LHC "Injector Chain"
- Injection Line Collimation for ESS, SNS, JPARC,
- Remove Linac beam variations in the Injection
Line - Transverse Collimation
- Momentum Control
142.1 ESS Injection Achromat
2. Low Loss Designs
- Collimation in three planes
- Exploits Foil Stripping of H-
- Achromaticarc r42.5 m
- Normalised dispersion 5.5 m1/2
- Low field pre stripping
EC Energy Enhancement Cavity MR Momentum Ramping
Cavity BR Bunch Rotation Cavity HS Horizontal
Foil Scrapers MS Momentum Foil Scrapers VS Vertica
l Foil Scrapers
42.5 m
152.2 (i) Multi-Turn Charge-Exchange Injection
2. Low Loss Designs
- Main Considerations
- Paint optimal distributions for stability
- Transverse Closed Orbit and Injection Point
Manipulation - Longitudinal Chopping, Injected Momentum Ring
RF Manipulation - Minimise Foil Traversals Loss, Foil Lifetime
- Small Cross Section, Optimised Optics - mis-match
- Thickness heating stress, efficiency
- Remove Stripping Products (H0, H-, e-)
- Practical Factors
- Foil support and exchange, material
- Apertures, realistic layout of injection region
- Optimised magnet fields to avoid pre stripping
162.2 (ii) SNS Injection
2. Low Loss Designs
- Zero Dispersion at Injection Point
- In Chicane Magnet
- Independent H, V and P
- Correlated or anti-correlated HV
- Energy Spreader for P
- Includes
- Removal of H, e-
- Flexible!
172.2 (iii) Optimised Transverse Painting - SNS
2. Low Loss Designs
- What is Best Transversely Correlated or Anti
J Beebe-Wang et al
Non "ideal" but paints over beam
halo Rectangular x-y cross section Preserved?
Ideally gives a uniform density Elliptical x-y
cross section Halo generated during injection
182.2 (iv) Simulation Results
2. Low Loss Designs
J Beebe-Wang et al
- Correlated Seems Better
- Smaller Halo
- Fewer Foil Hits
- Better Distribution for Target
- Improved Schemes with Oscillating Painting
- Power supplies, Aperture demands?
- How much might these ideas help on existing
Simpsons code
192.3 Storage, Acceleration, Extraction,
2. Low Loss Designs
- Accumulator Ring Stability until Extraction
(ESS, SNS) - Loss Control Collimation, BIG
- Longitudinal/Transverse Halo Control Extraction
Loss - RCS Stability through Acceleration (ISIS,
JPARC) - As Accumulator but more difficult!
- Power supply tracking, programmable trim magnets
... - Other Machines
- Bunch Compression for Proton Drivers
- Collision
203.1 Major Systems and Lattice Considerations
3. Key Factors
- Basic Choices
- Accumulator or RCS, Beam Energy, Circumference,
- Optical and Spatial Requirements for Lattice
- Injection dispersion, matching,
- Extraction straights for fast kickers and
septum, (redundancy, fail safe) - Collimation two stage betatron, momentum, beam
in gap kicker, - RF space in straights
- Working point space charge, stability,
- Optics acceptance
- Special Requirements
213.2 ESS Accumulator Lattice
3. Key Factors
- Key features
- Triplet Structure
- Long Dispersionless Straights
- Two Rings
Parameters Energy 1.334 GeV Rep Rate 50 Hz
Circumference 219.9 m Intensity 2.34x1014
ppp Power 2.5 MW per ring Q(4.19,4.31), No
Sp3 frf1.24 MHz, h1 (h2)
223.3 Other Important Features
3. Key Factors
- Aperture
- Acceptance of Machine, Collimators and Extraction
Line. Painted Emittance. - Diagnostics
- Ability to Control and Manipulate beam and halo
(large dynamic range) - Protection
- Combination of hardware, diagnostics (fast),
interlocks, procedures
234. Summary and Thoughts (i)
4. Summary
- Have given an outline of major considerations for
low loss design - New machines depend on a very large body of
knowledge - Important RD areas Instabilities (e-p effects),
Space Charge - Optimised Design of Low Loss Machines
- Now a well developed art
- How reliably can we predict loss levels and
distributions? - Critical to final performance
- Must continue to test Theories and Codes with
Experiment - More Experiments!
244. Summary and Thoughts (ii)
4. Summary
- Many Machines being built and commissioned now
- What are the key issues?
- Differences between simulation and reality
- Diagnostics and Control limitations
- Optimisation Methods e.g. loss, collimation,
injection - Protection Strategies Faults, Accidents
- Material from many SNS, JPARC, CERN, ESS related
publications, including - J Wei, Synchrotrons Accumulators for HI Proton
Beams, RMP, Vol. 75, October 2003 - I Hofmann et al, Space Charge Resonances and
Instabilities in Rings, AIP CP 642, etc. - R Baartman, Betatron Resonances with Space
Charge, AIP CP 448 - K Schindl, Instabilities, CAS Zeuthen 2003,
- A Chao, Physics of Collective Beam Instabilities
, Wiley - K Ng, Physics of Intensity Dependant Beam
Instabilities, Fermilab-FN-0713 - A Hofmann, B Zotter, F Sacherer, Instabilities,
CERN 77-13 - R Macek, E-P WG Summary AIP CP642, PAC 2001, etc
- G Rees, C Prior, ESS Technical Reports etc.